
    The xDnsServerZoneAging DSC resource manages aging settings for a Domain Name System (DNS) server zone.
    A resource record can remain on a DNS server after the resource is no longer part of the network. Aging settings determine when a record can be removed, or scavenged, as a stale record.
    Key - String
    Name of the DNS forward or reverse lookup zone.
    Required - Boolean
    Option to enable scavenge stale resource records on the zone.
.PARAMETER RefreshInterval
    Write - UInt32
    Refresh interval for record scavenging in hours. Default value is 168, 7 days.
.PARAMETER NoRefreshInterval
    Write - UInt32
    No-refresh interval for record scavenging in hours. Default value is 168, 7 days.
This configuration will manage aging of a DNS forward zone
Configuration xDnsServerZoneAging_forward_config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'xDnsServer'
    Node localhost
        xDnsServerZoneAging 'DnsServerZoneAging'
            Name = 'contoso.com'
            Enabled = $true
            RefreshInterval = 120 # 5 days
            NoRefreshInterval = 240 # 10 days
This configuration will manage aging of a DNS reverse zone
Configuration xDnsServerZoneAging_reverse_config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'xDnsServer'
    Node localhost
        xDnsServerZoneAging 'DnsServerReverseZoneAging'
            Name = '168.192.in-addr-arpa'
            Enabled = $true
            RefreshInterval = 168 # 7 days
            NoRefreshInterval = 168 # 7 days