$global:DSCModuleName = 'xDnsServer' $global:DSCResourceName = 'MSFT_xDnsServerRootHint' #region HEADER $moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)) if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or ` (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) ) { & git @('clone', 'https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git', (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\')) } else { & git @('-C', (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\'), 'pull') } Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1') -Force $TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment ` -DSCModuleName $Global:DSCModuleName ` -DSCResourceName $Global:DSCResourceName ` -TestType Unit #endregion # Begin Testing try { #region Pester Tests InModuleScope $Global:DSCResourceName { #region Pester Test Initialization $rootHints = @( [PSCustomObject] @{ NameServer = @{ RecordData = @{ NameServer = 'B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.' } } IPAddress = @{ RecordData = @{ IPv4Address = @{ IPAddressToString = [IPAddress] '' } } } } [PSCustomObject] @{ NameServer = @{ RecordData = @{ NameServer = 'M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.' } } IPAddress = @{ RecordData = @{ IPv4Address = @{ IPAddressToString = [IPAddress] '' } } } } ) $rootHintsHashtable = Convert-RootHintsToHashtable -RootHints $rootHints $rootHintsCim = ConvertTo-CimInstance -Hashtable $rootHintsHashtable #endregion #region Function Get-TargetResource Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Get-TargetResource" { It 'Returns a "System.Collections.Hashtable" object type' { Mock -CommandName Get-DnsServerRootHint -MockWith { return $rootHints } $targetResource = Get-TargetResource -IsSingleInstance Yes -NameServer $rootHintsCim $targetResource -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should Be $true } It "Returns NameServer = <PrefedinedValue> when root hints exist" { Mock -CommandName Get-DnsServerRootHint -MockWith { return $rootHints } $targetResource = Get-TargetResource -IsSingleInstance Yes -NameServer $rootHintsCim Test-DscParameterState -CurrentValues $targetResource.NameServer -DesiredValues $rootHintsHashtable | Should -Be $true } It "Returns an empty NameServer when root hints don't exist" { Mock -CommandName Get-DnsServerRootHint -MockWith { return @() } $targetResource = Get-TargetResource -IsSingleInstance Yes -NameServer $rootHintsCim $targetResource.NameServer.Count | Should Be 0 } } #endregion #region Function Test-TargetResource Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Test-TargetResource" { It 'Returns a "System.Boolean" object type' { Mock -CommandName Get-DnsServerRootHint -MockWith { return $rootHints } $targetResource = Test-TargetResource -IsSingleInstance Yes -NameServer $rootHintsCim $targetResource -is [System.Boolean] | Should Be $true } It 'Passes when forwarders match' { Mock -CommandName Get-DnsServerRootHint -MockWith { return $rootHints } Test-TargetResource -IsSingleInstance Yes -NameServer $rootHintsCim | Should Be $true } It "Fails when root hints don't match" { Mock -CommandName Get-DnsServerRootHint -MockWith { return @{ NameServer = @() } } Test-TargetResource -IsSingleInstance Yes -NameServer $rootHintsCim | Should Be $false } } #endregion #region Function Set-TargetResource Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Set-TargetResource" { It "Calls Add-DnsServerRootHint 2 times" { Mock -CommandName Remove-DnsServerRootHint -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Add-DnsServerRootHint -MockWith { } Mock -CommandName Get-DnsServerRootHint -MockWith { } Set-TargetResource -IsSingleInstance Yes -NameServer $rootHintsCim Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Add-DnsServerRootHint -Times 2 -Exactly -Scope It } } } #end InModuleScope } finally { #region FOOTER Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment #endregion } |