.SYNOPSIS Get the state of a conditional forwarder. .DESCRIPTION xDnsServerConditionalForwarder can be used to manage the state of a single conditional forwarder. .PARAMETER Ensure Ensure whether the zone is absent or present. .PARAMETER Name The name of the zone to manage. .PARAMETER MasterServers The IP addresses the forwarder should use. Mandatory if Ensure is present. .PARAMETER ReplicationScope Whether the conditional forwarder should be replicated in AD, and the scope of that replication. Valid values are: * None: (file based / not replicated) * Custom: A user defined directory partition. DirectoryPartitionName is mandatory if Custom is set. * Domain: DomainDnsZones * Forest: ForestDnsZones * Legacy: The domain partition (defaultNamingContext). .PARAMETER DirectoryPartitionName The name of the directory partition to use when the ReplicationScope is Custom. This value is ignored for all other replication scopes. #> function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name ) $targetResource = @{ Ensure = 'Absent' Name = $Name MasterServers = $null ReplicationScope = $null DirectoryPartitionName = $null ZoneType = $null } $zone = Get-DnsServerZone -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($zone) { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.FoundZone -f @( $zone.ZoneType $Name )) $targetResource.ZoneType = $zone.ZoneType } if ($zone -and $zone.ZoneType -eq 'Forwarder') { $targetResource.Ensure = 'Present' $targetResource.MasterServers = $zone.MasterServers if ($zone.IsDsIntegrated) { $targetResource.ReplicationScope = $zone.ReplicationScope $targetResource.DirectoryPartitionName = $zone.DirectoryPartitionName } else { $targetResource.ReplicationScope = 'None' } } else { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.CouldNotFindZone -f $Name) } $targetResource } <# .SYNOPSIS Set the state of a conditional forwarder. .DESCRIPTION xDnsServerConditionalForwarder can be used to manage the state of a single conditional forwarder. .PARAMETER Ensure Ensure whether the zone is absent or present. .PARAMETER Name The name of the zone to manage. .PARAMETER MasterServers The IP addresses the forwarder should use. Mandatory if Ensure is present. .PARAMETER ReplicationScope Whether the conditional forwarder should be replicated in AD, and the scope of that replication. Valid values are: * None: (file based / not replicated) * Custom: A user defined directory partition. DirectoryPartitionName is mandatory if Custom is set. * Domain: DomainDnsZones * Forest: ForestDnsZones * Legacy: The domain partition (defaultNamingContext). .PARAMETER DirectoryPartitionName The name of the directory partition to use when the ReplicationScope is Custom. This value is ignored for all other replication scopes. #> function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Absent', 'Present')] [String] $Ensure = 'Present', [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [String[]] $MasterServers, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('None', 'Custom', 'Domain', 'Forest', 'Legacy')] [String] $ReplicationScope = 'None', [Parameter()] [String] $DirectoryPartitionName ) Test-DscDnsServerConditionalForwarderParameter $zone = Get-DnsServerZone -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Ensure -eq 'Present') { $params = @{ Name = $Name MasterServers = $MasterServers } if ($zone) { # File <--> DsIntegrated requires create and destroy if ($zone.ZoneType -ne 'Forwarder' -or ($zone.IsDsIntegrated -and $ReplicationScope -eq 'None') -or (-not $zone.IsDsIntegrated -and $ReplicationScope -ne 'None')) { Remove-DnsServerZone -Name $Name Write-Verbose ($localizedData.RecreateZone -f @( $zone.ZoneType $Name )) $zone = $null } else { if ("$($zone.MasterServers)" -ne "$MasterServers") { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.UpdatingMasterServers -f @( $Name ($MasterServers -join ', ') )) $null = Set-DnsServerConditionalForwarderZone @params } } } $params = @{ Name = $Name } if ($ReplicationScope -ne 'None') { $params.ReplicationScope = $ReplicationScope } if ($ReplicationScope -eq 'Custom' -and $DirectoryPartitionName -and $zone.DirectoryPartitionName -ne $DirectoryPartitionName) { $params.ReplicationScope = 'Custom' $params.DirectoryPartitionName = $DirectoryPartitionName } if ($zone) { if (($params.ReplicationScope -and $params.ReplicationScope -ne $zone.ReplicationScope) -or $params.DirectoryPartitionName) { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.MoveADZone -f @( $Name $ReplicationScope )) $null = Set-DnsServerConditionalForwarderZone @params } } else { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.NewZone -f $Name) $params.MasterServers = $MasterServers $null = Add-DnsServerConditionalForwarderZone @params } } elseif ($Ensure -eq 'Absent') { if ($zone -and $zone.ZoneType -eq 'Forwarder') { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.RemoveZone -f $Name) Remove-DnsServerZone -Name $Name } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Test the state of a conditional forwarder. .DESCRIPTION xDnsServerConditionalForwarder can be used to manage the state of a single conditional forwarder. .PARAMETER Ensure Ensure whether the zone is absent or present. .PARAMETER Name The name of the zone to manage. .PARAMETER MasterServers The IP addresses the forwarder should use. Mandatory if Ensure is present. .PARAMETER ReplicationScope Whether the conditional forwarder should be replicated in AD, and the scope of that replication. Valid values are: * None: (file based / not replicated) * Custom: A user defined directory partition. DirectoryPartitionName is mandatory if Custom is set. * Domain: DomainDnsZones * Forest: ForestDnsZones * Legacy: The domain partition (defaultNamingContext). .PARAMETER DirectoryPartitionName The name of the directory partition to use when the ReplicationScope is Custom. This value is ignored for all other replication scopes. #> function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Boolean])] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Absent', 'Present')] [String] $Ensure = 'Present', [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String] $Name, [Parameter()] [String[]] $MasterServers, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('None', 'Custom', 'Domain', 'Forest', 'Legacy')] [String] $ReplicationScope = 'None', [Parameter()] [String] $DirectoryPartitionName ) Test-DscDnsServerConditionalForwarderParameter $zone = Get-DnsServerZone -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Ensure -eq 'Present') { if (-not $zone) { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.ZoneDoesNotExist -f $Name) return $false } if ($zone.ZoneType -ne 'Forwarder') { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.IncorrectZoneType -f @( $Name $zone.ZoneType )) return $false } if ($zone.IsDsIntegrated -and $ReplicationScope -eq 'None') { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.ZoneIsDsIntegrated -f $Name) return $false } if (-not $zone.IsDsIntegrated -and $ReplicationScope -ne 'None') { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.ZoneIsFileBased -f $Name) return $false } if ($ReplicationScope -ne 'None' -and $zone.ReplicationScope -ne $ReplicationScope) { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.ReplicationScopeDoesNotMatch -f @( $Name $zone.ReplicationScope $ReplicationScope )) return $false } if ($ReplicationScope -eq 'Custom' -and $zone.DirectoryPartitionName -ne $DirectoryPartitionName) { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.DirectoryPartitionDoesNotMatch -f @( $Name $DirectoryPartitionName )) return $false } <# Compares two joined arrays. Arrays are joined using the output field separator. If the elements are not in the same order the configuration is considered to be different. Equivalent to Compare-Object -SyncWindow 0 without the need for null checking of reference or difference. Element order is considered important as it affects name resolution. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2834250/net-dns-forwarders-and-conditional-forwarders-resolution-timeouts #> if ("$($zone.MasterServers)" -ne "$MasterServers") { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.MasterServersDoNotMatch -f @( $Name ($MasterServers -join ', ') ($zone.MasterServers -join ', ') )) return $false } } elseif ($Ensure -eq 'Absent') { if ($zone -and $zone.ZoneType -eq 'Forwarder') { Write-Verbose ($localizedData.ZoneExists -f $Name) return $false } } return $true } function Test-DscDnsServerConditionalForwarderParameter { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests the parameter combinations required by this resource. .DESCRIPTION Tests the parameter combinations required by this resource. #> [CmdletBinding()] param () $invocationInfo = Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1 -ValueOnly if (-not $invocationInfo.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('Ensure') -or $invocationInfo.BoundParameters['Ensure'] -eq 'Present') { if ($null -eq $invocationInfo.BoundParameters['MasterServers'] -or $invocationInfo.BoundParameters['MasterServers'].Count -eq 0) { $pscmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(( New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord( (New-Object System.ArgumentException($localizedData.MasterServersIsMandatory)), 'MasterServersIsMandatory', 'InvalidArgument', $null ) )) } if ($invocationInfo.BoundParameters['ReplicationScope'] -eq 'Custom' -and -not $invocationInfo.BoundParameters['DirectoryPartitionName']) { $pscmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError(( New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord( (New-Object System.ArgumentException($localizedData.DirectoryPartitionNameIsMandatory)), 'DirectoryPartitionNameIsMandatory', 'InvalidArgument', $null ) )) } } } Import-LocalizedData -FileName MSFT_xDnsServerConditionalForwarder -BindingVariable localizedData -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |