# Localized resources for en-US. ConvertFrom-StringData @' GetServerReservationMessage = Get the current state of the server reservation with scope id '{0}'. SetServerReservationMessage = Changing the server reservation with scope id '{0}' to the desired state. TestServerReservationMessage = Evaluating the server reservation with scope id '{0}' if it is in the desired state. InvalidScopeIDMessage = DHCP server scopeID {0} is not valid. Supply a valid scopeID and try again CheckingReservationMessage = Checking DHCP server reservation in scope id {0} for IP address {1} ... TestReservationMessage = DHCP server reservation in the given scope id for the IP address is {0} and it should be {1} RemovingReservationMessage = Removing DHCP server reservation from scope id {0} for MAC address {1} ... DeleteReservationMessage = DHCP server reservation for the given MAC address is now absent AddingReservationMessage = Adding DHCP server reservation with the given IP address ... SetReservationMessage = DHCP server reservation in the given scope id for the IP address {0} is now present CheckPropertyMessage = Checking DHCP server reservation {0} for the given ipaddress ... NotDesiredPropertyMessage = DHCP server reservation for the given ipaddress doesn't have correct {0}. Expected {1}, actual {2} DesiredPropertyMessage = DHCP server reservation {0} for the given ipaddress is correct. SetPropertyMessage = DHCP server reservation {0} for the given ipaddress is set. DhcpServerReservationFailure = Failed to add the reservation for the scope id '{0}'. '@ |