
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("VaultWrite")]
class xDSCVault_Write : OMI_BaseResource
    [Required, Description("Address of the Vault server")] String VaultAddress;
    [Key, Description("Vault path to create the secret")] String VaultPath;
    [Write, Description("Value for the secret")] String VaultValue;
    [Write, Description("Version of the API to use")] String ApiPrefix;
    [Read, Description("Complete API path")] String ApiPath;
    [Required, Description("Generate a strong random secret")] Boolean RandomSecret;
    [Required, Description("Force the secret to be updated")] Boolean ForceUpdate;
    [Write, Description("The auth backend")] String AuthBackend;
    [Read, Description("Status of the current value")] String ReadResultStatus;
    [Read, Description("Status of the client token")] String ClientToken;
    [Read, Description("Current Vault value")] String CurrentVaultValue;