
$Global:DSCModuleName   = 'xDFS'
$Global:DSCResourceName = 'MSFT_xDFSReplicationGroupConnection'

#region HEADER
# Unit Test Template Version: 1.1.0
[String] $moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path))
if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or `
     (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) )
    & git @('clone','https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git',(Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\'))

Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1') -Force
$TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment `
    -DSCModuleName $Global:DSCModuleName `
    -DSCResourceName $Global:DSCResourceName `
    -TestType Unit 
#endregion HEADER

# Begin Testing
    # Ensure that the tests can be performed on this computer
    $ProductType = (Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem).ProductType
    Describe 'Environment' {
        Context 'Operating System' {
            It 'Should be a Server OS' {
                $ProductType | Should Be 3
    if ($ProductType -ne 3)

    $Installed = (Get-WindowsFeature -Name FS-DFS-Replication).Installed
    Describe 'Environment' {
        Context 'Windows Features' {
            It 'Should have the DFS Replication Feature Installed' {
                $Installed | Should Be $true
    if ($Installed -eq $false)

    $Installed = (Get-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con).Installed
    Describe 'Environment' {
        Context 'Windows Features' {
            It 'Should have the DFS Management Tools Feature Installed' {
                $Installed | Should Be $true
    if ($Installed -eq $false)

    #region Pester Tests
    InModuleScope $Global:DSCResourceName {
        # Create the Mock Objects that will be used for running tests
        $ReplicationGroup = [PSObject]@{
            GroupName = 'Test Group'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Description = 'Test Description'
            Members = @('FileServer1','FileServer2')
            Folders = @('Folder1','Folder2')
            Topology = 'Manual'
            DomainName = 'CONTOSO.COM'
        $ReplicationGroupConnections = @(
                GroupName = 'Test Group'
                SourceComputerName = $ReplicationGroup.Members[0]
                DestinationComputerName = $ReplicationGroup.Members[1]
                Ensure = 'Present'
                Description = 'Connection Description'
                EnsureEnabled = 'Enabled'
                EnsureRDCEnabled = 'Enabled'
                DomainName = 'CONTOSO.COM'
                GroupName = 'Test Group'
                SourceComputerName = $ReplicationGroup.Members[1]
                DestinationComputerName = $ReplicationGroup.Members[0]
                Ensure = 'Present'
                Description = 'Connection Description'
                EnsureEnabled = 'Enabled'
                EnsureRDCEnabled = 'Enabled'
                DomainName = 'CONTOSO.COM'
        $ReplicationGroupConnectionDisabled = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
        $ReplicationGroupConnectionDisabled.EnsureEnabled = 'Disabled'
        $MockReplicationGroup = [PSObject]@{
            GroupName = $ReplicationGroup.GroupName
            DomainName = $ReplicationGroup.DomainName
            Description = $ReplicationGroup.Description
        $MockReplicationGroupMember = @(
                GroupName = $ReplicationGroup.GroupName
                DomainName = $ReplicationGroup.DomainName
                ComputerName = $ReplicationGroup.Members[0]
                DnsName = "$($ReplicationGroup.Members[0]).$($ReplicationGroup.DomainName)"
                GroupName = $ReplicationGroup.GroupName
                DomainName = $ReplicationGroup.DomainName
                ComputerName = $ReplicationGroup.Members[1]
                DnsName = "$($ReplicationGroup.Members[1]).$($ReplicationGroup.DomainName)"
        $MockReplicationGroupFolder = @(
                GroupName = $ReplicationGroup.GroupName
                DomainName = $ReplicationGroup.DomainName
                FolderName = $ReplicationGroup.Folders[0]
                Description = 'Description 1'
                FileNameToExclude = @('~*','*.bak','*.tmp')
                DirectoryNameToExclude = @()
                GroupName = $ReplicationGroup.GroupName
                DomainName = $ReplicationGroup.DomainName
                FolderName = $ReplicationGroup.Folders[1]
                Description = 'Description 2'
                FileNameToExclude = @('~*','*.bak','*.tmp')
                DirectoryNameToExclude = @()
        $MockReplicationGroupMembership = [PSObject]@{
            GroupName = $ReplicationGroup.GroupName
            DomainName = $ReplicationGroup.DomainName
            FolderName = $ReplicationGroup.Folders[0]
            ComputerName = $ReplicationGroup.ComputerName
            ContentPath = 'd:\public\software\'
            StagingPath = 'd:\public\software\DfsrPrivate\Staging\'
            ConflictAndDeletedPath = 'd:\public\software\DfsrPrivate\ConflictAndDeleted\'
            ReadOnly = $False
        $MockReplicationGroupConnection = [PSObject]@{
            GroupName = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].GroupName
            SourceComputerName = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].SourceComputerName
            DestinationComputerName = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].DestinationComputerName
            Description = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Description
            Enabled = ($ReplicationGroupConnections[0].EnsureEnabled -eq 'Enabled')
            RDCEnabled = ($ReplicationGroupConnections[0].EnsureRDCEnabled -eq 'Enabled')
            DomainName = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].DomainName
        Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Get-TargetResource" {
            Context 'No replication group connections exist' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection
                It 'should return absent replication group connection' {
                    $Result = Get-TargetResource `
                        -GroupName $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].GroupName `
                        -SourceComputerName $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].SourceComputerName `
                        -DestinationComputerName $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].DestinationComputerName `
                        -Ensure Present
                    $Result.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent'
                It 'should call the expected mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
            Context 'Requested replication group connection does exist' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { return @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                It 'should return correct replication group' {
                    $Result = Get-TargetResource `
                        -GroupName $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].GroupName `
                        -SourceComputerName $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].SourceComputerName `
                        -DestinationComputerName $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].DestinationComputerName `
                        -Ensure Present
                    $Result.Ensure | Should Be 'Present'
                    $Result.GroupName | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].GroupName
                    $Result.SourceComputerName | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].SourceComputerName
                    $Result.DestinationComputerName | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].DestinationComputerName
                    $Result.Description | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Description
                    $Result.EnsureEnabled | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].EnsureEnabled
                    $Result.EnsureRDCEnabled | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].EnsureRDCEnabled
                    $Result.DomainName | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].DomainName
                It 'should call the expected mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1

            Context 'Requested replication group connection does exist but ComputerNames passed as FQDN' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { return @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                It 'should return correct replication group' {
                    $Result = Get-TargetResource `
                        -GroupName $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].GroupName `
                        -SourceComputerName "$($ReplicationGroupConnections[0].SourceComputerName).$($ReplicationGroupConnections[0].DomainName)" `
                        -DestinationComputerName "$($ReplicationGroupConnections[0].DestinationComputerName).$($ReplicationGroupConnections[0].DomainName)" `
                        -Ensure Present
                    $Result.Ensure | Should Be 'Present'
                    $Result.GroupName | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].GroupName
                    $Result.SourceComputerName | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].SourceComputerName
                    $Result.DestinationComputerName | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].DestinationComputerName
                    $Result.Description | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Description
                    $Result.EnsureEnabled | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].EnsureEnabled
                    $Result.EnsureRDCEnabled | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].EnsureRDCEnabled
                    $Result.DomainName | Should Be $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].DomainName
                It 'should call the expected mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
        Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Set-TargetResource" {
            Context 'Replication Group connection does not exist but should' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection
                Mock Set-DfsrConnection
                Mock Add-DfsrConnection
                Mock Remove-DfsrConnection
                It 'should not throw error' {
                        $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                        Set-TargetResource @Splat
                    } | Should Not Throw
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Add-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Remove-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
            Context 'Replication Group connection exists and there are no differences' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { return @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                Mock Set-DfsrConnection
                Mock Add-DfsrConnection
                Mock Remove-DfsrConnection
                It 'should not throw error' {
                        $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                        Set-TargetResource @Splat
                    } | Should Not Throw
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Add-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Remove-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0

            Context 'Replication Group connection exists and there are no differences but ComputerNames passed as FQDN' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { return @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                Mock Set-DfsrConnection
                Mock Add-DfsrConnection
                Mock Remove-DfsrConnection
                It 'should not throw error' {
                        $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                        $Splat.SourceComputerName = "$($Splat.SourceComputerName).$($Splat.DomainName)"
                        $Splat.DestinationComputerName = "$($Splat.DestinationComputerName).$($Splat.DomainName)" 
                        Set-TargetResource @Splat
                    } | Should Not Throw
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Add-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Remove-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0

            Context 'Replication Group connection exists but has different Description' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { return @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                Mock Set-DfsrConnection
                Mock Add-DfsrConnection
                Mock Remove-DfsrConnection
                It 'should not throw error' {
                        $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                        $Splat.Description = 'Changed'
                        Set-TargetResource @Splat
                    } | Should Not Throw
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Add-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Remove-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
            Context 'Replication Group connection exists but has different EnsureEnabled' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { return @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                Mock Set-DfsrConnection
                Mock Add-DfsrConnection
                Mock Remove-DfsrConnection
                It 'should not throw error' {
                        $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                        $Splat.EnsureEnabled = 'Disabled'
                        Set-TargetResource @Splat
                    } | Should Not Throw
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Add-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Remove-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
            Context 'Replication Group connection exists but has different EnsureRDCEnabled' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { return @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                Mock Set-DfsrConnection
                Mock Add-DfsrConnection
                Mock Remove-DfsrConnection
                It 'should not throw error' {
                        $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                        $Splat.EnsureRDCEnabled = 'Disabled'
                        $Splat.Description = 'Changed'
                        Set-TargetResource @Splat
                    } | Should Not Throw
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Add-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Remove-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
            Context 'Replication Group connection exists but should not' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { return @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                Mock Set-DfsrConnection
                Mock Add-DfsrConnection
                Mock Remove-DfsrConnection
                It 'should not throw error' {
                        $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                        $Splat.Ensure = 'Absent'
                        Set-TargetResource @Splat
                    } | Should Not Throw
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Add-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Remove-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
            Context 'Replication Group connection exists and is correct' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { return @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                Mock Set-DfsrConnection
                Mock Add-DfsrConnection
                Mock Remove-DfsrConnection
                It 'should not throw error' {
                        $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                        Set-TargetResource @Splat
                    } | Should Not Throw
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Set-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Add-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Remove-DfsrConnection -Exactly 0
        Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Test-TargetResource" {
            Context 'Replication Group Connection does not exist but should' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection
                It 'should return false' {
                    $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                    Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $False 
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
            Context 'Replication Group Connection exists and there are no differences' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                It 'should return false' {
                    $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                    Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $True
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1

            Context 'Replication Group Connection exists and there are no differences but ComputerNames passed as FQDN' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                It 'should return false' {
                    $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                    $Splat.SourceComputerName = "$($Splat.SourceComputerName).$($Splat.DomainName)"
                    $Splat.DestinationComputerName = "$($Splat.DestinationComputerName).$($Splat.DomainName)" 
                    Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $True
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1

            Context 'Replication Group Connection exists but has different Description' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                It 'should return false' {
                    $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                    $Splat.Description = 'Changed'
                    Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $False
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
            Context 'Replication Group Connection exists but has different EnsureEnabled' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                It 'should return false' {
                    $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                    $Splat.EnsureEnabled = 'Disabled'
                    Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $False
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
            Context 'Replication Group Connection exists but has different EnsureRDCEnabled' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                It 'should return false' {
                    $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                    $Splat.EnsureRDCEnabled = 'Disabled'
                    Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $False
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
            Context 'Replication Group Connection exists but should not' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                It 'should return false' {
                    $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                    $Splat.Ensure = 'Absent'
                    Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $False
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
            Context 'Replication Group Connection exists and is correct' {
                Mock Get-DfsrConnection -MockWith { @($MockReplicationGroupConnection) }
                It 'should return true' {
                    $Splat = $ReplicationGroupConnections[0].Clone()
                    Test-TargetResource @Splat | Should Be $True
                It 'should call expected Mocks' {
                    Assert-MockCalled -commandName Get-DfsrConnection -Exactly 1
    #region FOOTER
    Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment