# This will fail if the machine does not have a CA Configured. $CertUtilResult = & "$ENV:SystemRoot\system32\certutil.exe" @('-dump') $CAServerFQDN = ([regex]::matches($CertUtilResult,'Server:[ \t]+`([A-Za-z0-9._-]+)''','IgnoreCase')).Groups[1].Value $CARootName = ([regex]::matches($CertUtilResult,'Name:[ \t]+`([\sA-Za-z0-9._-]+)''','IgnoreCase')).Groups[1].Value # If automated testing with a real CA can be performed then the credentials should be # obtained non-interactively way - do not do this in a production environment. $Credential = Get-Credential $TestCertReq = [PSObject]@{ Subject = 'CertReq Test' CAServerFQDN = $CAServerFQDN CARootName = $CARootName Credential = $Credential } Configuration MSFT_xCertReq_Config { Import-DscResource -ModuleName xCertificate node localhost { xCertReq Integration_Test { Subject = $TestCertReq.Subject CAServerFQDN = $TestCertReq.CAServerFQDN CARootName = $TestCertReq.CARootName Credential = $TestCertReq.Credential } } } |