[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '')] param() $script:dscModuleName = 'xActiveDirectory' $script:dscResourceName = 'MSFT_xADDomain' #region HEADER # Unit Test Template Version: 1.2.4 $script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot) if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or ` (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) ) { & git @('clone', 'https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git', (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DscResource.Tests')) } Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'DSCResource.Tests' -ChildPath 'TestHelper.psm1')) -Force $TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment ` -DSCModuleName $script:dscModuleName ` -DSCResourceName $script:dscResourceName ` -ResourceType 'Mof' ` -TestType Unit #endregion HEADER function Invoke-TestSetup { # If one type does not exist, it's assumed the other ones does not exist either. if (-not ('Microsoft.DirectoryServices.Deployment.Types.ForestMode' -as [Type])) { Add-Type -Path (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -ChildPath 'Unit\Stubs\Microsoft.DirectoryServices.Deployment.Types.cs') } # If one type does not exist, it's assumed the other ones does not exist either. if (-not ('Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADForestMode' -as [Type])) { Add-Type -Path (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -ChildPath 'Unit\Stubs\Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.cs') } } function Invoke-TestCleanup { Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment } # Begin Testing try { Invoke-TestSetup InModuleScope $script:dscResourceName { $correctDomainName = 'present.com' $incorrectDomainName = 'incorrect.com' $missingDomainName = 'missing.com' $forestMode = [Microsoft.DirectoryServices.Deployment.Types.ForestMode]::Win2012R2 $mgmtForestMode = [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADForestMode]::Windows2012R2Forest $domainMode = [Microsoft.DirectoryServices.Deployment.Types.DomainMode]::Win2012R2 $mgmtDomainMode = [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADDomainMode]::Windows2012R2Domain $testAdminCredential = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential' -ArgumentList @( 'DummyUser', (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'DummyPassword' -AsPlainText -Force) ) $invalidCredential = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential' -ArgumentList @( 'Invalid', (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'InvalidPassword' -AsPlainText -Force) ) $testDefaultParams = @{ DomainAdministratorCredential = $testAdminCredential SafemodeAdministratorPassword = $testAdminCredential } #region Function Get-TargetResource Describe 'xADDomain\Get-TargetResource' { Mock -CommandName Assert-Module -ParameterFilter { $ModuleName -eq 'ADDSDeployment' } It 'Calls "Assert-Module" to check "ADDSDeployment" module is installed' { Mock -CommandName Get-ADDomain -MockWith { [psobject]@{ Forest = $correctDomainName DomainMode = $mgmtDomainMode } } Mock -CommandName Get-ADForest -MockWith { [psobject]@{ForestMode = $mgmtForestMode} } $result = Get-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $correctDomainName Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Assert-Module -ParameterFilter { $ModuleName -eq 'ADDSDeployment' } -Scope It } It 'Returns "System.Collections.Hashtable" object type' { Mock -CommandName Get-ADDomain { [psobject]@{ Forest = $correctDomainName DomainMode = $mgmtDomainMode } } Mock -CommandName Get-ADForest -MockWith { [psobject]@{ForestMode = $mgmtForestMode} } $result = Get-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $correctDomainName $result -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should -Be $true } It 'Calls "Get-ADDomain" without credentials if domain member' { Mock -CommandName Test-DomainMember -MockWith { $true; } Mock -CommandName Get-ADDomain -ParameterFilter { $Credential -eq $null } -MockWith { [psobject]@{ Forest = $correctDomainName DomainMode = $mgmtDomainMode } } $result = Get-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $correctDomainName Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-ADDomain -ParameterFilter { $Credential -eq $null } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Get-ADForest" without credentials if domain member' { Mock -CommandName Test-DomainMember -MockWith { $true; } Mock -CommandName Get-ADDomain -ParameterFilter { $Credential -eq $null } -MockWith { [psobject]@{ Forest = $correctDomainName DomainMode = $mgmtDomainMode } } Mock -CommandName Get-ADForest -ParameterFilter { $Credential -eq $null } -MockWith { [psobject]@{ForestMode = $mgmtForestMode} } $result = Get-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $correctDomainName Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-ADForest -ParameterFilter { $Credential -eq $null } -Scope It } It 'Throws "Invalid credentials" when domain is available but authentication fails' { Mock -CommandName Get-ADDomain -ParameterFilter { $Identity.ToString() -eq $incorrectDomainName } -MockWith { Write-Error -Exception (New-Object System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException) } # Match operator is case-sensitive! { Get-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $incorrectDomainName } | Should -Throw 'invalid credentials' } It 'Throws "Computer is already a domain member" when is already a domain member' { Mock -CommandName Get-ADDomain -ParameterFilter { $Identity.ToString() -eq $incorrectDomainName } -MockWith { Write-Error -Exception (New-Object Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException) } { Get-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $incorrectDomainName } | Should -Throw 'Computer is already a domain member' } It 'Does not throw when domain cannot be located' { Mock -CommandName Get-ADDomain -ParameterFilter { $Identity.ToString() -eq $missingDomainName } -MockWith { Write-Error -Exception (New-Object Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADServerDownException) } { Get-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $missingDomainName } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Returns the correct domain mode' { Mock -CommandName Get-ADDomain -MockWith { [psobject]@{ Forest = $correctDomainName DomainMode = $mgmtDomainMode } } Mock -CommandName Get-ADForest -MockWith { [psobject]@{ForestMode = $mgmtForestMode} } (Get-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $correctDomainName).DomainMode | Should -Be $domainMode } It 'Returns the correct forest mode' { Mock -CommandName Get-ADDomain -MockWith { [psobject]@{ Forest = $correctDomainName DomainMode = $mgmtDomainMode } } Mock -CommandName Get-ADForest -MockWith { [psobject]@{ForestMode = $mgmtForestMode} } (Get-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $correctDomainName).ForestMode | Should -Be $forestMode } } #endregion #region Function Test-TargetResource Describe 'xADDomain\Test-TargetResource' { $correctDomainName = 'present.com' $correctChildDomainName = 'present' $correctDomainNetBIOSName = 'PRESENT' $incorrectDomainName = 'incorrect.com' $parentDomainName = 'parent.com' $testAdminCredential = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential' -ArgumentList @( 'DummyUser', (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'DummyPassword' -AsPlainText -Force) ) $testDefaultParams = @{ DomainAdministratorCredential = $testAdminCredential SafemodeAdministratorPassword = $testAdminCredential } $stubDomain = @{ DomainName = $correctDomainName DomainNetBIOSName = $correctDomainNetBIOSName } # Get-TargetResource returns the domain FQDN for .DomainName $stubChildDomain = @{ DomainName = "$correctChildDomainName.$parentDomainName" ParentDomainName = $parentDomainName DomainNetBIOSName = $correctDomainNetBIOSName } It 'Returns "True" when "DomainName" matches' { Mock -CommandName Get-TargetResource -MockWith { return $stubDomain; } $result = Test-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $correctDomainName $result | Should -Be $true } It 'Returns "False" when "DomainName" does not match' { Mock -CommandName Get-TargetResource -MockWith { return $stubDomain; } $result = Test-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $incorrectDomainName $result | Should -Be $false } It 'Returns "True" when "DomainNetBIOSName" matches' { Mock -CommandName Get-TargetResource -MockWith { return $stubDomain; } $result = Test-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $correctDomainName -DomainNetBIOSName $correctDomainNetBIOSName $result | Should -Be $true } It 'Returns "False" when "DomainNetBIOSName" does not match' { Mock -CommandName Get-TargetResource -MockWith { return $stubDomain; } $result = Test-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $correctDomainName -DomainNetBIOSName 'INCORRECT' $result | Should -Be $false } It 'Returns "True" when "ParentDomainName" matches' { Mock -CommandName Get-TargetResource -MockWith { return $stubChildDomain; } $result = Test-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $correctChildDomainName -ParentDomainName $parentDomainName $result | Should -Be $true } It 'Returns "False" when "ParentDomainName" does not match' { Mock -CommandName Get-TargetResource -MockWith { return $stubChildDomain; } $result = Test-TargetResource @testDefaultParams -DomainName $correctChildDomainName -ParentDomainName 'incorrect.com' $result | Should -Be $false } } #endregion #region Function Set-TargetResource Describe 'xADDomain\Set-TargetResource' { function Install-ADDSForest { param ( $DomainName, $SafeModeAdministratorPassword, $CreateDnsDelegation, $DatabasePath, $DnsDelegationCredential, $InstallDns, $LogPath, $NoRebootOnCompletion, $SysvolPath, $DomainNetbiosName, $ForestMode, $DomainMode ) } function Install-ADDSDomain { param ( $NewDomainName, $ParentDomainName, $SafeModeAdministratorPassword, $CreateDnsDelegation, $Credential, $DatabasePath, $DnsDelegationCredential, $DomainType, $InstallDns, $LogPath, $NewDomainNetbiosName, $NoRebootOnCompletion, $SysvolPath, $DomainMode ) } $testDomainName = 'present.com' $testParentDomainName = 'parent.com' $testDomainNetBIOSNameName = 'PRESENT' $testDomainForestMode = 'WinThreshold' $testAdminCredential = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential' -ArgumentList @( 'Admin', (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'DummyPassword' -AsPlainText -Force) ) $testSafemodePassword = (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'DummyPassword' -AsPlainText -Force) $testSafemodeCredential = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential' -ArgumentList @( 'Safemode', $testSafemodePassword ) $testDelegationCredential = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential' -ArgumentList @( 'Delegation', (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'DummyPassword' -AsPlainText -Force) ) $newForestParams = @{ DomainName = $testDomainName DomainAdministratorCredential = $testAdminCredential SafemodeAdministratorPassword = $testSafemodeCredential } $newDomainParams = @{ DomainName = $testDomainName ParentDomainName = $testParentDomainName DomainAdministratorCredential = $testAdminCredential SafemodeAdministratorPassword = $testSafemodeCredential } $stubTargetResource = @{ DomainName = $testDomainName ParentDomainName = $testParentDomainName DomainNetBIOSName = $testDomainNetBIOSNameName ForestName = $testParentDomainName ForestMode = $testDomainForestMode DomainMode = $testDomainForestMode } Mock -CommandName Get-TargetResource -MockWith { return $stubTargetResource; } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSForest" with "DomainName" when creating forest' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $DomainName -eq $testDomainName } Set-TargetResource @newForestParams Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $DomainName -eq $testDomainName } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSForest" with "SafemodeAdministratorPassword" when creating forest' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $SafemodeAdministratorPassword -eq $testSafemodePassword } Set-TargetResource @newForestParams Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $SafemodeAdministratorPassword -eq $testSafemodePassword } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSForest" with "DnsDelegationCredential" when creating forest, if specified' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $DnsDelegationCredential -eq $testDelegationCredential } Set-TargetResource @newForestParams -DnsDelegationCredential $testDelegationCredential Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $DnsDelegationCredential -eq $testDelegationCredential } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSForest" with "CreateDnsDelegation" when creating forest, if specified' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $CreateDnsDelegation -eq $true } Set-TargetResource @newForestParams -DnsDelegationCredential $testDelegationCredential Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $CreateDnsDelegation -eq $true } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSForest" with "DatabasePath" when creating forest, if specified' { $testPath = 'TestPath' Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $DatabasePath -eq $testPath } Set-TargetResource @newForestParams -DatabasePath $testPath Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $DatabasePath -eq $testPath } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSForest" with "LogPath" when creating forest, if specified' { $testPath = 'TestPath' Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $LogPath -eq $testPath } Set-TargetResource @newForestParams -LogPath $testPath Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $LogPath -eq $testPath } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSForest" with "SysvolPath" when creating forest, if specified' { $testPath = 'TestPath' Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $SysvolPath -eq $testPath } Set-TargetResource @newForestParams -SysvolPath $testPath Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $SysvolPath -eq $testPath } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSForest" with "DomainNetbiosName" when creating forest, if specified' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $DomainNetbiosName -eq $testDomainNetBIOSNameName } Set-TargetResource @newForestParams -DomainNetBIOSName $testDomainNetBIOSNameName Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $DomainNetbiosName -eq $testDomainNetBIOSNameName } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSForest" with "ForestMode" when creating forest, if specified' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $ForestMode -eq $testDomainForestMode } Set-TargetResource @newForestParams -ForestMode $testDomainForestMode Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $ForestMode -eq $testDomainForestMode } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSForest" with "DomainMode" when creating forest, if specified' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $DomainMode -eq $testDomainForestMode } Set-TargetResource @newForestParams -DomainMode $testDomainForestMode Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSForest -ParameterFilter { $DomainMode -eq $testDomainForestMode } -Scope It } # ADDSDomain It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "NewDomainName" when creating child domain' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $NewDomainName -eq $testDomainName } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $NewDomainName -eq $testDomainName } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "ParentDomainName" when creating child domain' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $ParentDomainName -eq $testParentDomainName } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $ParentDomainName -eq $testParentDomainName } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "DomainType" when creating child domain' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $DomainType -eq 'ChildDomain' } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $DomainType -eq 'ChildDomain' } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "SafemodeAdministratorPassword" when creating child domain' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $SafemodeAdministratorPassword -eq $testSafemodePassword } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $SafemodeAdministratorPassword -eq $testSafemodePassword } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "Credential" when creating child domain' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $Credential -eq $testParentDomainName } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $ParentDomainName -eq $testParentDomainName } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "ParentDomainName" when creating child domain' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $ParentDomainName -eq $testParentDomainName } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $ParentDomainName -eq $testParentDomainName } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "DnsDelegationCredential" when creating child domain, if specified' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $DnsDelegationCredential -eq $testDelegationCredential } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams -DnsDelegationCredential $testDelegationCredential Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $DnsDelegationCredential -eq $testDelegationCredential } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "CreateDnsDelegation" when creating child domain, if specified' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $CreateDnsDelegation -eq $true } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams -DnsDelegationCredential $testDelegationCredential Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $CreateDnsDelegation -eq $true } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "DatabasePath" when creating child domain, if specified' { $testPath = 'TestPath' Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $DatabasePath -eq $testPath } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams -DatabasePath $testPath Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $DatabasePath -eq $testPath } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "LogPath" when creating child domain, if specified' { $testPath = 'TestPath' Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $LogPath -eq $testPath } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams -LogPath $testPath Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $LogPath -eq $testPath } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "SysvolPath" when creating child domain, if specified' { $testPath = 'TestPath' Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $SysvolPath -eq $testPath } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams -SysvolPath $testPath Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $SysvolPath -eq $testPath } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "NewDomainNetbiosName" when creating child domain, if specified' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $NewDomainNetbiosName -eq $testDomainNetBIOSNameName } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams -DomainNetBIOSName $testDomainNetBIOSNameName Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $NewDomainNetbiosName -eq $testDomainNetBIOSNameName } -Scope It } It 'Calls "Install-ADDSDomain" with "DomainMode" when creating child domain, if specified' { Mock -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $DomainMode -eq $testDomainForestMode } Set-TargetResource @newDomainParams -DomainMode $testDomainForestMode Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Install-ADDSDomain -ParameterFilter { $DomainMode -eq $testDomainForestMode } -Scope It } } #endregion } #endregion } finally { Invoke-TestCleanup } |