$script:resourceModulePath = Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent $script:modulesFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $script:resourceModulePath -ChildPath 'Modules' $script:localizationModulePath = Join-Path -Path $script:modulesFolderPath -ChildPath 'xActiveDirectory.Common' Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:localizationModulePath -ChildPath 'xActiveDirectory.Common.psm1') $script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -ResourceName 'MSFT_xADKDSKey' <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the specified KDS root key .PARAMETER EffectiveTime Specifies the Effective time when a KDS root key can be used. There is a 10 hour minimum from creation date to allow active directory to properly replicate across all domain controllers. For this reason, the date must be set in the future for creation.While this parameter accepts a string, it will be converted into a DateTime object. This will also try to take into account cultural settings. Example: '05/01/1999 13:00' using default or 'en-US' culture would be May 1st, but using 'de-DE' culture would be 5th of January. The culture is automatically pulled from the operating system and this can be checked using 'Get-Culture' #> function Get-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.Hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $EffectiveTime ) Assert-Module -ModuleName 'ActiveDirectory' $targetResource = @{ EffectiveTime = $EffectiveTime CreationTime = $null KeyId = $null Ensure = $null DistinguishedName = $null } Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.RetrievingKDSRootKey -f $EffectiveTime) try { $effectiveTimeObject = [DateTime]::Parse($EffectiveTime) } catch { $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.EffectiveTimeInvalid -f $EffectiveTime New-InvalidOperationException -Message $errorMessage -ErrorRecord $_ } $currentUser = Get-CurrentUser if (-not (Assert-HasDomainAdminRights -User $currentUser)) { $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.IncorrectPermissions -f $currentUser.Name New-InvalidResultException -Message $errorMessage } try { $kdsRootKeys = Get-KdsRootKey } catch { $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.RetrievingKDSRootKeyError -f $EffectiveTime New-InvalidOperationException -Message $errorMessage -ErrorRecord $_ } $kdsRootKey = $null if ($kdsRootKeys) { $kdsRootKey = $kdsRootKeys.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object -FilterScript { [DateTime]::Parse($_.EffectiveTime) -eq $effectiveTimeObject } } if (-not $kdsRootKey) { $targetResource['Ensure'] = 'Absent' } else { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.FoundKDSRootKey -f $EffectiveTime) if ($kdsRootKeys.Count -gt 1) { Write-Warning -Message ($script:localizedData.FoundKDSRootKeyMultiple) } if ($kdsRootKey.Count -gt 1) { $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.FoundKDSRootKeySameEffectiveTime -f $EffectiveTime New-InvalidOperationException -Message $errorMessage } elseif ($kdsRootKey) { $targetResource['Ensure'] = 'Present' $targetResource['EffectiveTime'] = ([DateTime]::Parse($kdsRootKey.EffectiveTime)).ToString() $targetResource['CreationTime'] = $kdsRootKey.CreationTime $targetResource['KeyId'] = $kdsRootKey.KeyId $targetResource['DistinguishedName'] = 'CN={0},CN=Master Root Keys,CN=Group Key Distribution Service,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,{1}' -f $kdsRootKey.KeyId, (Get-ADRootDomainDN) } } return $targetResource } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates or deletes the KDS root Key .PARAMETER EffectiveTime Specifies the Effective time when a KDS root key can be used. There is a 10 hour minimum from creation date to allow active directory to properly replicate across all domain controllers. For this reason, the date must be set in the future for creation.While this parameter accepts a string, it will be converted into a DateTime object. This will also try to take into account cultural settings. Example: '05/01/1999 13:00' using default or 'en-US' culture would be May 1st, but using 'de-DE' culture would be 5th of January. The culture is automatically pulled from the operating system and this can be checked using 'Get-Culture' .PARAMETER AllowUnsafeEffectiveTime This option will allow you to create a KDS root key if EffectiveTime is set in the past. This may cause issues if you are creating a Group Managed Service Account right after you create the KDS Root Key. In order to get around this, you must create the KDS Root Key using a date in the past. This should be used at your own risk and should only be used in lab environments. .PARAMETER Ensure Specifies if this KDS Root Key should be present or absent .PARAMETER ForceRemove This option will allow you to remove a KDS root key if there is only one key left. It should not break your Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs), but if the gMSA password expires and it needs to request a new password, it will not be able to generate a new password until a new KDS Root Key is installed and ready for use. Because of this, the last KDS Root Key will not be removed unless this option is specified #> function Test-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $EffectiveTime, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Boolean] $AllowUnsafeEffectiveTime, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Present', 'Absent')] [System.String] $Ensure = 'Present', [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Boolean] $ForceRemove ) $getTargetResourceParameters = @{ EffectiveTime = $EffectiveTime Ensure = $Ensure } $compareTargetResourceNonCompliant = Compare-TargetResourceState @getTargetResourceParameters | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Pass -eq $false } $ensureState = $compareTargetResourceNonCompliant | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Parameter -eq 'Ensure' } if ($ensureState) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.NotDesiredPropertyState -f 'Ensure', $EffectiveTime, $ensureState.Expected, $ensureState.Actual) Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.KDSRootKeyNotInDesiredState -f $EffectiveTime) return $false } else { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.KDSRootKeyInDesiredState -f $EffectiveTime) return $true } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates or deletes the KDS root Key .PARAMETER EffectiveTime Specifies the Effective time when a KDS root key can be used. There is a 10 hour minimum from creation date to allow active directory to properly replicate across all domain controllers. For this reason, the date must be set in the future for creation.While this parameter accepts a string, it will be converted into a DateTime object. This will also try to take into account cultural settings. Example: '05/01/1999 13:00' using default or 'en-US' culture would be May 1st, but using 'de-DE' culture would be 5th of January. The culture is automatically pulled from the operating system and this can be checked using 'Get-Culture' .PARAMETER AllowUnsafeEffectiveTime This option will allow you to create a KDS root key if EffectiveTime is set in the past. This may cause issues if you are creating a Group Managed Service Account right after you create the KDS Root Key. In order to get around this, you must create the KDS Root Key using a date in the past. This should be used at your own risk and should only be used in lab environments. .PARAMETER Ensure Specifies if this KDS Root Key should be present or absent .PARAMETER ForceRemove This option will allow you to remove a KDS root key if there is only one key left. It should not break your Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs), but if the gMSA password expires and it needs to request a new password, it will not be able to generate a new password until a new KDS Root Key is installed and ready for use. Because of this, the last KDS Root Key will not be removed unless this option is specified #> function Set-TargetResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $EffectiveTime, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Boolean] $AllowUnsafeEffectiveTime, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Present', 'Absent')] [System.String] $Ensure = 'Present', [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Boolean] $ForceRemove ) $getTargetResourceParameters = @{ EffectiveTime = $EffectiveTime Ensure = $Ensure } $compareTargetResource = Compare-TargetResourceState @getTargetResourceParameters $ensureState = $compareTargetResource | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Parameter -eq 'Ensure' } # Ensure is not in proper state if ($ensureState.Pass -eq $false) { if ($Ensure -eq 'Present') { try { $effectiveTimeObject = [DateTime]::Parse($EffectiveTime) } catch { $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.EffectiveTimeInvalid -f $EffectiveTime New-InvalidOperationException -Message $errorMessage -ErrorRecord $_ } $currentDateTimeObject = Get-Date # We want the key to be present, but it currently does not exist if ($effectiveTimeObject -le $currentDateTimeObject -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AllowUnsafeEffectiveTime') -and $AllowUnsafeEffectiveTime) { Write-Warning -Message ($script:localizedData.AddingKDSRootKeyDateInPast -f $EffectiveTime) } elseif ($effectiveTimeObject -le $currentDateTimeObject) { <# Effective time is in the past and we don't have AllowUnsafeEffectiveTime set to enabled, so we exit with an error #> $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.AddingKDSRootKeyError -f $EffectiveTime New-InvalidOperationException -Message $errorMessage } else { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.AddingKDSRootKey -f $EffectiveTime) } <# EffectiveTime appears to expect a UTC datetime, so we are converting it to UTC before adding. Get-KDSRootKey will return the wrong time if we don't convert first #> try { Add-KDSRootKey -EffectiveTime $effectiveTimeObject.ToUniversalTime() } catch { $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.KDSRootKeyAddError -f $EffectiveTime New-InvalidOperationException -Message $errorMessage -ErrorRecord $_ } } elseif ($Ensure -eq 'Absent') { # We want the account to be Absent, but it is Present if ((Get-KdsRootKey).Count -gt 1) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.RemovingKDSRootKey -f $EffectiveTime) } else { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ForceRemove') -and $ForceRemove) { Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.RemovingKDSRootKey -f $EffectiveTime) Write-Warning -Message ($script:localizedData.NotEnoughKDSRootKeysPresent -f $EffectiveTime) } else { $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.NotEnoughKDSRootKeysPresentNoForce -f $EffectiveTime New-InvalidOperationException -Message $errorMessage } } $distinguishedName = $compareTargetResource | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Parameter -eq 'DistinguishedName' } try { Remove-ADObject -Identity $distinguishedName.Actual -Confirm:$false } catch { $errorMessage = $script:localizedData.KDSRootKeyRemoveError -f $EffectiveTime New-InvalidOperationException -Message $errorMessage -ErrorRecord $_ } } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Compares the state of the KDS root key .PARAMETER EffectiveTime Specifies the Effective time when a KDS root key can be used. There is a 10 hour minimum from creation date to allow active directory to properly replicate across all domain controllers. For this reason, the date must be set in the future for creation. While this parameter accepts a string, it will be converted into a DateTime object. This will also try to take into account cultural settings. Example: '05/01/1999 13:00' using default or 'en-US' culture would be May 1st, but using 'de-DE' culture would be 5th of January. The culture is automatically pulled from the operating system and this can be checked using 'Get-Culture' .PARAMETER Ensure Specifies if this KDS Root Key should be present or absent #> function Compare-TargetResourceState { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.String] $EffectiveTime, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Present', 'Absent')] [System.String] $Ensure ) $getTargetResourceParameters = @{ EffectiveTime = $EffectiveTime } $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @getTargetResourceParameters $compareTargetResource = @() # Add DistinguishedName as it won't be passed as an argument, but we want to get the DN in Set $PSBoundParameters['DistinguishedName'] = $getTargetResourceResult['DistinguishedName'] # Convert EffectiveTime to DateTime object for comparison $PSBoundParameters['EffectiveTime'] = [DateTime]::Parse($EffectiveTime) $getTargetResourceResult['EffectiveTime'] = [DateTime]::Parse($getTargetResourceResult.EffectiveTime) foreach ($parameter in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) { if ($PSBoundParameters.$parameter -eq $getTargetResourceResult.$parameter) { # Check if parameter is in compliance $compareTargetResource += [pscustomobject] @{ Parameter = $parameter Expected = $PSBoundParameters.$parameter Actual = $getTargetResourceResult.$parameter Pass = $true } } # Need to check if parameter is part of schema, otherwise ignore all other parameters like verbose elseif ($getTargetResourceResult.ContainsKey($parameter)) { <# We are out of compliance if we get here $PSBoundParameters.$parameter -ne $getTargetResourceResult.$parameter #> $compareTargetResource += [pscustomobject] @{ Parameter = $parameter Expected = $PSBoundParameters.$parameter Actual = $getTargetResourceResult.$parameter Pass = $false } } } #end foreach PSBoundParameter return $compareTargetResource } <# .SYNOPSIS Checks permissions to see if the user or computer has domain admin permissions. .DESCRIPTION DSC Resources run under the SYSTEM user context and there is no Credential parameter to pass to the KDSRootKey powershell commands. For this reason, we need to check permissions manually, otherwise we get back empty results with no error. One must use PsDscRunAsCredential or run this resource on the domain controller .PARAMETER User The user to check permissions against .NOTES Get-KdsRootKey will return $null instead of a permission error if it can't retrieve the keys so we need manually check #> function Assert-HasDomainAdminRights { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity] $User ) $windowsPrincipal = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal' -ArgumentList @($User) $osInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.CheckingDomainAdminUserRights -f $User.Name) Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.CheckingDomainAdminComputerRights -f $osInfo.CSName, $osInfo.ProductType) return $windowsPrincipal.IsInRole("Domain Admins") -or $windowsPrincipal.IsInRole("Enterprise Admins") -or $osInfo.ProductType -eq 2 } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns a string with the Distinguished Name of the root domain. .DESCRIPTION If you have a domain with sub-domains, this will return the root domain name. For example, if you had a domain contoso.com and a sub domain of fake.contoso.com, it would return contoso.com. This is used to get the Forest level root domain name. The KDS Root Key is created at the forest level and this is used to determine it's distinguished name #> function Get-ADRootDomainDN { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param () $rootDomainDN = (New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry('LDAP://RootDSE')).Get('rootDomainNamingContext') Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.RetrievedRootDomainDN -f $rootDomainDN) return $rootDomainDN } <# .SYNOPSIS This is used to get the current user context when the resource script runs. We are putting this in a function so we can mock it with pester #> function Get-CurrentUser { return [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() } Export-ModuleMember *-TargetResource |