
$script:resourceModulePath = Split-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) -Parent
$script:modulesFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $script:resourceModulePath -ChildPath 'Modules'

$script:localizationModulePath = Join-Path -Path $script:modulesFolderPath -ChildPath 'xActiveDirectory.Common'
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:localizationModulePath -ChildPath 'xActiveDirectory.Common.psm1')

$script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -ResourceName 'MSFT_xADReplicationSiteLink'

        Gets the current configuration on an AD Replication Site Link.
        Specifies the name of the AD Replication Site Link.
    .PARAMETER SitesExcluded
        Specifies the list of sites to remove from a site link.

function Get-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $siteLink = Get-ADReplicationSiteLink -Identity $Name -Properties 'Description' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'

    if ($null -ne $siteLink)
        if ($siteLink.SitesIncluded)
            $siteCommonNames = @()
            foreach ($siteDN in $siteLink.SitesIncluded)
                $siteCommonNames += Resolve-SiteLinkName -SiteName $siteDn

        $sitesExcludedEvaluated = $SitesExcluded | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_ -notin $siteCommonNames}

        $returnValue = @{
            Name                          = $Name
            Cost                          = $siteLink.Cost
            Description                   = $siteLink.Description
            ReplicationFrequencyInMinutes = $siteLink.ReplicationFrequencyInMinutes
            SitesIncluded                 = $siteCommonNames
            SitesExcluded                 = $sitesExcludedEvaluated
            Ensure                        = 'Present'

        Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.SiteLinkNotFound -f $Name)

        $returnValue = @{
            Name                          = $Name
            Cost                          = $null
            Description                   = $null
            ReplicationFrequencyInMinutes = $null
            SitesIncluded                 = $null
            SitesExcluded                 = $SitesExcluded
            Ensure                        = 'Absent'

    return $returnValue

        Sets the desired configuration on an AD Replication Site Link.
        Specifies the name of the AD Replication Site Link.
        Specifies the cost to be placed on the site link.
    .PARAMETER Description
        Specifies a description of the object.
    .PARAMETER ReplicationFrequencyInMinutes
        Specifies the frequency (in minutes) for which replication will occur where this site link is in use between sites.
    .PARAMETER SitesIncluded
        Specifies the list of sites included in the site link.
    .PARAMETER SitesExcluded
        Specifies the list of sites to remove from a site link.
    .PARAMETER Ensure
        Specifies if the site link is created or deleted.

function Set-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]






        [ValidateSet('Present', 'Absent')]
        $Ensure = 'Present'

    if ($Ensure -eq 'Present')
        # modify parameters for splatting to New-ADReplicationSiteLink
        $desiredParameters = $PSBoundParameters

        $currentADSiteLink = Get-TargetResource -Name $Name
        # since Set and New have different parameters we have to test if the site link exists to determine what cmdlet we need to use
        if ( $currentADSiteLink.Ensure -eq 'Absent' )
            Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.NewSiteLink -f $Name)
            New-ADReplicationSiteLink @desiredParameters
            # now we have to determine if we need to add or remove sites from SitesIncluded
            $setParameters = @{
                Identity = $Name

            # build the SitesIncluded hashtable
            $sitesIncludedParameters = @{}
            if ($SitesExcluded)
                Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.RemovingSites -f $($SiteExcluded -join ', '), $Name)
                # wrapped in $() as we were getting some weird results without it,
                # results were not being added into Hashtable as strings
                $sitesIncludedParameters.Add('Remove', $($SitesExcluded))

            if ($SitesIncluded)
                Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.AddingSites -f $($SitesIncluded -join ', '), $Name)
                # wrapped in $() as we were getting some weird results without it,
                # results were not being added into Hashtable as strings
                $sitesIncludedParameters.Add('Add', $($SitesIncluded))

            if ($null -ne $($sitesIncludedParameters.Keys))
                $setParameters.Add('SitesIncluded', $sitesIncludedParameters)

            # add the rest of the parameteres
            foreach ($parameter in $PSBoundParameters.Keys)
                if ($parameter -notmatch 'SitesIncluded|SitesExcluded|Name|Ensure')
                    $setParameters.Add($parameter, $PSBoundParameters[$parameter])

            Set-ADReplicationSiteLink @setParameters
        Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.RemoveSiteLink -f $Name)
        Remove-ADReplicationSiteLink -Identity $Name

        Tests if the AD Replication Site Link is in a desired state.
        Specifies the name of the AD Replication Site Link.
        Specifies the cost to be placed on the site link.
    .PARAMETER Description
        Specifies a description of the object.
    .PARAMETER ReplicationFrequencyInMinutes
        Specifies the frequency (in minutes) for which replication will occur where this site link is in use between sites.
    .PARAMETER SitesIncluded
        Specifies the list of sites included in the site link.
    .PARAMETER SitesExcluded
        Specifies the list of sites to remove from a site link.
    .PARAMETER Ensure
        Specifies if the site link is created or deleted.

function Test-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]






        [ValidateSet('Present', 'Absent')]
        $Ensure = 'Present'

    $isCompliant = $true
    $currentSiteLink = Get-TargetResource -Name $Name
    # test for Ensure
    if ($Ensure -ne $currentSiteLink.Ensure)
        return $false

    # test for SitesIncluded
    foreach ($desiredIncludedSite in $SitesIncluded)
        if ($desiredIncludedSite -notin $currentSiteLink.SitesIncluded)
            Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.SiteNotFound -f $desiredIncludedSite, $($currentSiteLink.SitesIncluded -join ', '))
            $isCompliant = $false

    # test for SitesExcluded
    foreach ($desiredExcludedSite in $SitesExcluded)
        if ($desiredExcludedSite -in $currentSiteLink.SitesIncluded)
            Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.SiteFoundInExcluded -f $desiredExcludedSite, $($currentSiteLink.SitesIncluded -join ', '))
            $isCompliant = $false

    # test for Description|ReplicationFrequencyInMinutes|Cost
    foreach ($parameter in $PSBoundParameters.Keys)
        if ($parameter -match 'Description|ReplicationFrequencyInMinutes|Cost')
            if ($PSBoundParameters[$parameter] -ne $currentSiteLink[$parameter])
                Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.PropertyNotInDesiredState -f $parameter, $($currentSiteLink[$parameter]), $($PSBoundParameters[$parameter]))
                $isCompliant = $false

    return $isCompliant

        Resolves the AD replication site link distinguished names to short names
    .PARAMETER SiteName
        Specifies the distinguished name of a AD replication site link
        PS C:\> Resolve-SiteLinkName -SiteName 'CN=Site1,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=com'

function Resolve-SiteLinkName
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseCmdletCorrectly", "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $adSite = Get-ADReplicationSite -Identity $SiteName

    return $adSite.Name

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource