[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xADForestProperties")]
class MSFT_xADForestProperties : OMI_BaseResource { [Write, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Specifies the user account credentials to use to perform this task.")] String Credential; [Key, Description("Specifies the target Active Directory forest for the change.")] String ForestName; [Write, Description("Specifies the Service Principal Name (SPN) Suffix(es) to be explicitly defined in the forest and replace existing SPNs. Cannot be used with ServicePrincipalNameSuffixToAdd or ServicePrincipalNameSuffixToRemove.")] String ServicePrincipalNameSuffix[]; [Write, Description("Specifies the Service Principal Name (SPN) Suffix(es) to be added to the forest. Cannot be used with ServicePrincipalNameSuffix.")] String ServicePrincipalNameSuffixToAdd[]; [Write, Description("Specifies the Service Principal Name (SPN) Suffix(es) to be removed from the forest. Cannot be used with ServicePrincipalNameSuffix.")] String ServicePrincipalNameSuffixToRemove[]; [Write, Description("Specifies the User Principal Name (UPN) Suffix(es) to be explicitly defined in the forest and replace existing UPNs. Cannot be used with UserPrincipalNameSuffixToAdd or UserPrincipalNameSuffixToRemove.")] String UserPrincipalNameSuffix[]; [Write, Description("Specifies the User Principal Name (UPN) Suffix(es) to be added to the forest. Cannot be used with UserPrincipalNameSuffix.")] String UserPrincipalNameSuffixToAdd[]; [Write, Description("Specifies the User Principal Name (UPN) Suffix(es) to be removed from the forest. Cannot be used with UserPrincipalNameSuffix.")] String UserPrincipalNameSuffixToRemove[]; }; |