function getWinVersion { $win10 = (Get-ComputerInfo | Select-Object OsName) -match "windows 10" $psversion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major if ($win10) { if ($psversion -eq 5) { import-Module -Name International } else { import-Module -Name International -UseWindowsPowerShell } } } function getWingetLocals { getWinVersion $culture = ((Get-WinUserLanguageList).LanguageTag -split "-")[0] $languages = @('de-DE', 'es-ES', 'fr-FR', 'it-IT', 'ja-JP', 'ko-KR', 'pt-BR', 'ru-RU', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW') $language = $languages | Where-Object {$_.StartsWith($culture)} Write-Host "⏳ Downloading resources for $language" $hash = @{} try { # Download resources file from github $data = ([xml](((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$language/winget.resw" -ErrorAction Stop ).Content -replace "\uFEFF", ""))) } catch { # Fall back on the en-US resources $data = ([xml](((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -ErrorAction Stop ).Content -replace "\uFEFF", ""))) } $data | ForEach-Object { $hash[$] = $_.value } $hash } $version = [string]$(Get-InstalledModule -Name wingetposh -ErrorAction Ignore).version if (-not (Test-Path -Path "~/.config/.wingetposh/params.$version")) { Write-Host "🚧 Parsing resources and writing config files." if (-not (Test-Path -Path ~/.config/.wingetposh)) { New-Item -Path ~/.config/.wingetposh -ItemType Directory | Out-Null Remove-Item -Path ~/.config/.wingetposh/locals.json -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null New-Item -Path ~/.config/.wingetposh/locals.json | Out-Null } $l = getWingetLocals $l | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath ~/.config/.wingetposh/locals.json -Force | Out-Null $init = @{} ( ('UseNerdFont', $false), ('SilentInstall', $false), ('AcceptPackageAgreements', $true), ('AcceptSourceAgreements', $true), ('Force', $false), ('IncludeScoop',$false) ) | ForEach-Object { $init[$_[0]] = $_[1] } $config = @{} if (Test-Path -Path ~/.config/.wingetposh/config.json) { (Get-Content $env:USERPROFILE/.config/.wingetposh/config.json | ConvertFrom-Json).psobject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $config[$_.Name] = $_.Value } } " " $init.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { if (-not $config.ContainsKey($_.key)) { $config.Add($_.key, $_.Value) } } $config | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath ~/.config/.wingetposh/config.json -Force | Out-Null "ok" | Out-File -FilePath "~/.config/.wingetposh/params.$version" | Out-Null Write-Host "Wingetposh version $version installed successfully 👌" Write-Host "".PadRight($Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width, '—') Write-Host "🗒️ Go to for help and infos." Write-Host "📨 Please report bugs and requests at" } $include = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($myInvocation.MyCommand.Definition) $process = $(Get-Process WingetPoshGui -ErrorAction Ignore) if (-not $process) { Invoke-Expression "$include\..\WingetPoshGui.exe" } |