class upgradeSoftware { [boolean]$Selected [string]$Name [string]$Id [string]$Version [string]$AvailableVersion [string]$Source } class installSoftware { [string]$Name [string]$id [string]$Version [String]$Source } class wingetSource { [string]$Name [string]$Argument } class Frame { [char]$UL [char]$UR [char]$TOP [char]$LEFT [char]$RIGHT [char]$BL [char]$BR [char]$BOTTOM [char]$LEFTSPLIT [char]$RIGHTSPLIT Frame ( [bool]$Double ) { if ($Double) { $this.UL = "╔" $this.UR = "╗" $this.TOP = "═" $this.LEFT = "║" $this.RIGHT = "║" $this.BL = "╚" $this.BR = "╝" $this.BOTTOM = "═" $this.LEFTSPLIT = "⊫" } else { #$this.UL = "┌" $this.UL = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x256d) #$this.UR = "┐" $this.UR = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x256e) $this.TOP = "─" $this.LEFT = "│" $this.RIGHT = "│" $this.BL = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x2570) #$this.BL = "└" $this.BR = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x256f) #$this.BR = "┘" $this.BOTTOM = "─" $this.LEFTSPLIT = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x2524) $this.RIGHTSPLIT = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x251c) } } } class Keys { static [string] $enter static [string] $space static [string] $escape static Keys() { [Keys]::enter = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0xf0311) [Keys]::space = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0xf1050) [Keys]::escape = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0xf12b7) } } $Single = [Frame]::new($false) $Double = [Frame]::new($true) $baseFields = @{ 'SearchName' = 'Name' 'SearchID' = 'Id' 'SearchVersion' = 'Version' 'AvailableHeader' = 'Available' 'SearchSource' = 'Source' 'ShowVersion' = 'Version' 'AvailableUpgrades' = 'upgrades available.' "SearchMatch" = "Moniker" "SourceListName" = "Name" "SourceListArg" = "Argument" } class column { [string]$Name [Int16]$Position [Int16]$Len } class window { [int]$X [int]$Y [int]$W [int]$H [Frame]$frameStyle [System.ConsoleColor]$frameColor [string]$title = "" [System.ConsoleColor]$titleColor [string]$footer = "" [int]$page = 1 [int]$nbPages = 1 window( [int]$X, [int]$y, [int]$w, [int]$h, [bool]$Double, [System.ConsoleColor]$color = "White" ) { $this.X = $X $this.Y = $y $this.W = $W $this.H = $H $this.frameStyle = [Frame]::new($Double) $this.frameColor = $color } window( [int]$X, [int]$y, [int]$w, [int]$h, [bool]$Double, [System.ConsoleColor]$color = "White", [string]$title = "", [System.ConsoleColor]$titlecolor = "Blue" ) { $this.X = $X $this.Y = $y $this.W = $W $this.H = $H $this.frameStyle = [Frame]::new($Double) $this.frameColor = $color $this.title = $title $this.titleColor = $titlecolor } [void] setPosition( [int]$X, [int]$Y ) { [System.Console]::SetCursorPosition($X, $Y) } [void] drawWindow() { $esc = $([char]0x1b) [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $false $this.setPosition($this.X, $this.Y) $bloc1 = $this.frameStyle.UL, "".PadLeft($this.W - 2, $this.frameStyle.TOP), $this.frameStyle.UR -join "" $blank = $this.frameStyle.LEFT, "".PadLeft($this.W - 2, " "), $this.frameStyle.RIGHT -join "" Write-Host $bloc1 -ForegroundColor $this.frameColor -NoNewline for ($i = 1; $i -lt $this.H; $i++) { $Y2 = $this.Y + $i $X3 = $this.X $this.setPosition($X3, $Y2) Write-Host $blank -ForegroundColor $this.frameColor } $Y2 = $this.Y + $this.H $this.setPosition( $this.X, $Y2) $bloc1 = $this.frameStyle.BL, "".PadLeft($this.W - 2, $this.frameStyle.BOTTOM), $this.frameStyle.BR -join "" Write-Host $bloc1 -ForegroundColor $this.frameColor -NoNewline $this.drawTitle() $this.drawFooter() } [void] drawVersion() { $version = $this.frameStyle.LEFTSPLIT, [string]$(Get-InstalledModule -Name wingetposh -ErrorAction Ignore).version, $this.frameStyle.RIGHTSPLIT -join "" [System.Console]::setcursorposition($this.W - ($version.Length + 6), $this.Y ) [console]::write($version) } [void] drawTitle() { if ($this.title -ne "") { $local:X = $this.x + 2 $this.setPosition($local:X, $this.Y) Write-Host ($this.frameStyle.LEFTSPLIT, " " -join "") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $this.frameColor $local:X = $local:X + 2 $this.setPosition($local:X, $this.Y) Write-Host $this.title -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $this.titleColor $local:X = $local:X + $this.title.Length $this.setPosition($local:X, $this.Y) Write-Host (" ",$this.frameStyle.RIGHTSPLIT -join "") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $this.frameColor } } [void] drawFooter() { $Y2 = $this.Y + $this.H $this.setPosition( $this.X, $Y2) $bloc1 = $this.frameStyle.BL, "".PadLeft($this.W - 2, $this.frameStyle.BOTTOM), $this.frameStyle.BR -join "" Write-Host $bloc1 -ForegroundColor $this.frameColor -NoNewline if ($this.footer -ne "") { $local:x = $this.x + 2 $local:Y = $this.Y + $this.h $this.setPosition($local:X, $local:Y) $foot = $this.frameStyle.LEFTSPLIT, " ", $this.footer, " ", $this.frameStyle.RIGHTSPLIT -join "" [console]::write($foot) } } [void] drawPagination() { $sPages = ('Page {0}/{1}' -f ($, $this.nbPages)) [System.Console]::setcursorposition($this.W - ($sPages.Length + 6), $this.Y + $this.H) [console]::write($sPages) } [void] clearWindow() { $local:blank = "".PadLeft($this.W, " ") for ($i = 1; $i -lt $this.H; $i++) { $this.setPosition(($this.X), ($this.Y + $i)) Write-Host $blank } } } $columns = [ordered]@{} function getSearchTerms { $WinWidth = [System.Console]::WindowWidth $X = 0 $Y = [System.Console]::WindowHeight - 6 $WinHeigt = 4 $win = [window]::new($X, $Y, $WinWidth, $WinHeigt, $false, "White"); $win.title = "Search" $Win.titleColor = "Green" $win.footer = "$(color "[Enter]" "red") : Accept $(color "[Esc]" "red") : Abort" $win.drawWindow(); $win.setPosition($X + 2, $Y + 2); [System.Console]::Write('Package : ') [system.console]::CursorVisible = $true try { [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLineOptions]$option = Get-PSReadLineOption $save = $option.PredictionSource Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -key Escape -Function CancelLine Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource None $pack = PSConsoleHostReadLine } finally { Remove-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Escape Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource $save [console]::CursorVisible = $false } return $pack } function getFilterSource { $WinWidth = [System.Console]::WindowWidth $X = 0 $Y = [System.Console]::WindowHeight - 6 $WinHeigt = 4 $win = [window]::new($X, $Y, $WinWidth, $WinHeigt, $false, "White"); $win.title = "Source Filter" $Win.titleColor = "Green" $win.footer = "$(color "[Enter]" "red") : Accept $(color "[Esc]" "red") : Abort" $win.drawWindow(); $win.setPosition($X + 2, $Y + 2); [System.Console]::Write('Source : ') [system.console]::CursorVisible = $true try { [Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLineOptions]$option = Get-PSReadLineOption $save = $option.PredictionSource Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -key Escape -Function CancelLine Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource None $pack = PSConsoleHostReadLine } finally { Remove-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Escape Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource $save [console]::CursorVisible = $false } return $pack } function getColumnsHeaders { param( [parameter ( Mandatory )] [string]$columsLine, [int]$width ) $script:fields = Get-Content $env:USERPROFILE\.config\.wingetposh\locals.json | ConvertFrom-Json $tempCols = $columsLine.Split(" ") $cols = @() $result = @() foreach ($column in $tempCols) { if ($column.Trim() -ne "") { $cols += $column } } $i = 0 while ($i -lt $Cols.Length) { $pos = $columsLine.IndexOf($Cols[$i]) if ($i -eq $Cols.Length - 1) { #Last Column $len = $width - $pos } else { #Not Last Column $pos2 = $columsLine.IndexOf($Cols[$i + 1]) $len = $pos2 - $pos } $acolumn = [column]::new() # get EN Name $base = $script:fields.psobject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Value -eq $cols[$i] } if ($base.count -eq 1) { $BaseName = $base.Name } else { $BaseName = ($base | Where-Object { $_.Name.StartsWith("Search") }).Name } $acolumn.Name = $baseFields[$BaseName] $acolumn.Position = $pos $acolumn.Len = $len $result += $acolumn $i++ } $result } function color { param ( $Text, $ForegroundColor = 'default', $BackgroundColor = 'default' ) # Terminal Colors $Colors = @{ "default" = @(40, 50) "black" = @(30, 0) "lightgrey" = @(33, 43) "grey" = @(37, 47) "darkgrey" = @(90, 100) "red" = @(91, 101) "darkred" = @(31, 41) "green" = @(92, 102) "darkgreen" = @(32, 42) "yellow" = @(93, 103) "white" = @(97, 107) "brightblue" = @(94, 104) "darkblue" = @(34, 44) "indigo" = @(35, 45) "cyan" = @(96, 106) "darkcyan" = @(36, 46) } if ( $ForegroundColor -notin $Colors.Keys -or $BackgroundColor -notin $Colors.Keys) { Write-Error "Invalid color choice!" -ErrorAction Stop } "$([char]27)[$($colors[$ForegroundColor][0])m$([char]27)[$($colors[$BackgroundColor][1])m$($Text)$([char]27)[0m" } function Invoke-Expression2 { param( [string]$exp, [string]$title ) $statedata = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized([System.Collections.Hashtable]::new()) $statedata.X = 0 $statedata.Y = $Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition.Y $statedata.title = $title $runspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace() $runspace.Open() $Runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("StateData", $StateData) $sb = { $x = $statedata.X $y = $statedata.Y $spinner = '{"aesthetic": { "interval": 80, "frames": [ "▰▱▱▱▱▱▱", "▰▰▱▱▱▱▱", "▰▰▰▱▱▱▱", "▰▰▰▰▱▱▱", "▰▰▰▰▰▱▱", "▰▰▰▰▰▰▱", "▰▰▰▰▰▰▰", "▰▱▱▱▱▱▱" ] }}' $spinners = $spinner | ConvertFrom-Json $frameCount = $spinners.aesthetic.frames.count $frameInterval = $spinners.aesthetic.interval $i = 1 $string = "".PadRight(30, ".") $nav = "oOo" while ($true) { $e = "$([char]27)" [System.Console]::setcursorposition($X, $Y) $frame = $spinners.aesthetic.frames[$i % $frameCount] $string = "$($e)[s", "$e[u$frame", " $($statedata.title)" -join "" [System.Console]::write($string) Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $frameInterval $i++ } } $session = [powershell]::create() $null = $session.AddScript($sb) $session.Runspace = $runspace $handle = $session.BeginInvoke() $result = Invoke-Expression -Command $exp $session.Stop() $runspace.Dispose() [System.Console]::setcursorposition($statedata.X, $statedata.Y) [System.Console]::write("".PadRight($Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width, " ")) } function Get-WGSources { $cmd = "winget source list" $result = Invoke-Expression -Command $cmd $data = $false $sources = [ordered]@{} foreach ($line in $result) { if ($data) { $name, $argument = $line -split "\s+" $sources.Add($name, $argument) } else { $data = ($line.Contains('-----')) } } $sources } function Invoke-Winget { param ( [string]$cmd ) [console]::clear() [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8 $TerminalWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - 2 $statedata = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized([System.Collections.Hashtable]::new()) $statedata.X = [math]::round(($Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - 32) / 2) #$statedata.Y = $Host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition.Y $statedata.Y = [math]::round(($Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Height - 3) / 2) $runspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace() $runspace.Open() $Runspace.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable("StateData", $StateData) [window]$win = [window]::new($statedata.X, $statedata.Y, 32, 2, $false, "White") $win.titleColor = "Red" $win.title = '⏳ Getting the data ' $win.drawWindow() $win.drawTitle() $statedata.X ++ $statedata.Y ++ $sb = { $x = $statedata.X $y = $statedata.Y $i = 1 $string = "".PadRight(30, ".") $nav = "oOo" while ($true) { if ($i -lt $nav.Length) { $mobile = $nav.Substring($nav.Length - $i) $string = $mobile.PadRight(30, '.') } else { if ($i -gt 27) { $nb = 30 - $i $mobile = $nav.Substring(1, $nb) $string = $mobile.PadLeft(30, '.') } else { $left = "".PadLeft($i, '.') $right = "".PadRight(27 - $i, '.') $string = $left, $nav, $right -join "" } } [System.Console]::setcursorposition($X, $Y) [System.Console]::write($string) $i++ if ($i -gt 30) { $i = 1 } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } } $session = [powershell]::create() $null = $session.AddScript($sb) $session.Runspace = $runspace [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $false $handle = $session.BeginInvoke() $PackageList = @() $SearchResult = Invoke-Expression $cmd | Out-String -Width $TerminalWidth -Stream $SearchResult | ForEach-Object -Begin { $i = 0; $data = $false } -Process { if ($_.StartsWith('---')) { $lWidth = $_.Length $cols = getColumnsHeaders -columsLine $SearchResult[$i - 1] -width $lWidth $columns.Clear() $i = 1 foreach ($col in [column[]]$cols) { if ($i -lt $cols.length) { $colPercent = [Math]::Round(($col.Len / $lWidth * 100) - 0.99, 2) $colWidth = [System.Math]::Truncate($TerminalWidth / 100 * $colPercent); } else { $colWidth = $col.len } $i++ $Columns.Add($col.Name, @($col.Position, $colWidth, $col.len)) } $data = $true } else { if ($data) { $s = [string]$_ $regex = $script:Fields.AvailableUpgrades.Replace("{0}", "") if (-not $s.Contains($regex)) { $package = [ordered]@{} $i2 = 0 foreach ($col in $cols) { [System.Text.StringBuilder]$sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder $col.Len $charcount = 0 while ($charcount -lt $col.Len) { [char]$char = $s[$i2] if (-not ([bool]$char)) { $char = " " } [void]$sb.Append($char) $nbBytes = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetByteCount($char) if ($nbBytes -gt 1) { $charcount += ($nbBytes - 1) } else { $charcount += $nbBytes } $i2++ } $field = $sb.ToString() if ($field.Contains("…")) { $i2++ } $field = adjustCol -len $columns.$($col.Name)[1] -col $field $sb = $null $package.Add($col.Name, $field) } $PackageList += $package } } } $i++ } $session.Stop() $runspace.Dispose() [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $true return $PackageList } function makeBlanks { param( $nblines, $win ) if ($iscoreclr) { $esc = "`e" } else { $esc = $([char]0x1b) } $blanks = 1..$nblines | ForEach-Object { "$esc[38;5;15m$($Single.LEFT)", "".PadRight($Win.W - 2, " "), "$esc[38;5;15m$($Single.RIGHT)" -join "" } $blanks | Out-String } function adjustCol { param( [int]$len, [string]$col ) $charcount = 0 $i = 0 $field = "" while ($charcount -lt $len) { [char]$char = $col[$i] $field = $field + $char $nbBytes = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetByteCount($char) if ($nbBytes -gt 1) { $charcount += ($nbBytes - 1) } else { $charcount += $nbBytes } $i++ } if ($field.Contains("…")) { $field = $field, " " -join "" } return $field } function makelines { param ( $list, $checked, $row, $selected, $W ) if ($iscoreclr) { $esc = "`e" } else { $esc = $([char]0x1b) } [string]$line = "" if ($script:config.UseNerdFont -eq $true) { $check = [char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0xf05d) } else { $check = "✓" } foreach ($key in $columns.keys) { [string]$col = $list.$key $line = $line, $col -join " " } if ($checked) { $line = "$esc[38;5;46m$check", $line -join "" } else { $line = " ", $line -join "" } if ($row -eq $selected) { $line = "$esc[48;5;33m$esc[38;5;15m$($line)" } if ($row % 2 -eq 0) { $line = "$esc[38;5;252m$($line)" } else { $line = "$esc[38;5;244m$($line)" } "$esc[38;5;15m$($Single.LEFT)$($line)$esc[0m" } function displayGrid { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $list, [string]$title, [ref]$data, $allowSearch = $false ) $sources = $(Get-WGSources).keys $sourceIdx = -1 $global:Host.UI.RawUI.FlushInputBuffer() Get-WingetposhConfig $WinWidth = [System.Console]::WindowWidth $X = 0 $Y = 0 $WinHeigt = [System.Console]::WindowHeight - 1 $win = [window]::new($X, $Y, $WinWidth, $WinHeigt, $false, "White"); $win.title = $title $Win.titleColor = "Green" $win.footer = "$(color "[?]" "red") : Help $(color "[Space]" "red") : Select/Unselect $(color "[Enter]" "red") : Accept $(color "[Esc]" "red") : Quit" $win.drawWindow(); $win.drawVersion(); $nbLines = $Win.h - 1 $blanks = makeBlanks $nblines $win $statedata = [System.Collections.Hashtable]::Synchronized([System.Collections.Hashtable]::new()) $statedata.X = ($win.X + 3) $statedata.Y = ($win.Y + 1) $displayList = $list $skip = 0 $nbPages = [math]::Ceiling($displayList.count / $nbLines) $win.nbpages = $nbPages $page = 1 $selected = 0 [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $false $redraw = $true while (-not $stop) { $ = $page [System.Console]::setcursorposition($win.X, $win.Y + 1) $row = 0 if ($displayList.length -eq 1) { $checked = $displayList.Selected $partdisplayList = makelines $displayList $checked $row $selected $win.W-2 } else { $partdisplayList = $displayList | Select-Object -First $nblines -Skip $skip | ForEach-Object { $index = (($page - 1) * $nbLines) + $row $checked = $displayList[$index].Selected makelines $displayList[$index] $checked $row $selected $win.W-2 $row++ } } $nbDisplay = $partdisplayList.Length $sText = $partdisplayList | Out-String if ($redraw) { [System.Console]::setcursorposition($win.X, $win.Y + 1) [system.console]::write($blanks) $redraw = $false } [System.Console]::setcursorposition($win.X, $win.Y + 1) [system.console]::write($sText.Substring(0, $sText.Length - 2)) $win.drawPagination() while (-not $stop) { if ($global:Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) { [System.Management.Automation.Host.KeyInfo]$key = $($global:host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown')) if ($key.Character -eq '?') { # Help displayHelp $allowSearch $redraw = $true } if ($key.character -eq 'q' -or $key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 27) { # Quit $stop = $true } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 38) { # key up if ($selected -gt 0) { $selected -- } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 40) { # key Down if ($selected -lt $nbDisplay - 1) { $selected ++ } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 37) { # key Left if ($page -gt 1) { $skip -= $nbLines $page -= 1 $selected = 0 $redraw = $true } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 39) { # key Right if ($page -lt $nbPages) { $skip += $nbLines $page += 1 $selected = 0 $redraw = $true } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 32) { # key Space if ($displayList.length -eq 1) { #$index = (($page - 1) * $nbLines) + $selected $checked = $displayList.Selected $displayList.Selected = -not $checked } else { $index = (($page - 1) * $nbLines) + $selected $checked = $displayList[$index].Selected $displayList[$index].Selected = -not $checked } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 13) { # key Enter Clear-Host $data.value = $data.value = $displayList | Where-Object { $_.Selected } $stop = $true } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 114) { # key F3 if ($allowSearch) { $term = getSearchTerms [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $false $term = '"', $term, '"' -join '' $sb = { Invoke-Winget "winget search --name $term" | Where-Object { $_.source -eq "winget" } } $displayList = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $sb $skip = 0 $nbPages = [math]::Ceiling($displayList.count / $nbLines) $win.nbpages = $nbPages $page = 1 $selected = 0 $redraw = $true } } if ($key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 113) { # key F2 $sourceIdx ++ if ($sourceIdx -gt $sources.count -1) { $displayList = $list $sourceIdx = -1 } else { $displayList = $list | Where-Object {$_.source.trim() -eq $sources[$sourceIdx]} if ($displayList.count -eq 0) { $displayList = $list } } $skip = 0 $nbPages = [math]::Ceiling($displayList.count / $nbLines) $win.nbpages = $nbPages $page = 1 $selected = 0 $redraw = $true } if ($key.character -eq "+") { # key + $checked = $true $displayList | ForEach-Object { $_.Selected = $checked } } if ($key.character -eq "-") { # key - $checked = $false $displayList | ForEach-Object { $_.Selected = $checked } } break } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 20 } } [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $true Clear-Host } function displayHelp { param( [boolean]$allowSearch ) $global:Host.UI.RawUI.FlushInputBuffer() $WinWidth = [System.Console]::WindowWidth - 4 $X = 2 $Y = 10 $WinHeigt = 6 $win = [window]::new($X, $Y, $WinWidth, $WinHeigt, $false, "red"); $win.title = "Help" $Win.titleColor = "Blue" $win.footer = "$(color "[Esc]" "red") : Close" $win.drawWindow(); $buffer = "$(color "↑↓" "cyan") : Navigate `t`t`t`t $(color "← →" "cyan") Change page" $y = 11 [System.Console]::setcursorposition($win.X + 2, $Y) [system.console]::write($buffer) $buffer = "$(color "Space" "cyan") : Select / Unselect package `t`t $(color "+/-" "cyan") Select All/None " $Y ++ [System.Console]::setcursorposition($win.X + 2, $Y) [system.console]::write($buffer) $Y ++ $buffer = "$(color "F2" "cyan") Cycle Sources" [System.Console]::setcursorposition($win.X + 2, $Y) [system.console]::write($buffer) if ($allowSearch) { $y++ $buffer = "$(color "F3" "cyan") : Enter Package Name" [System.Console]::setcursorposition($win.X + 2, $Y) [system.console]::write($buffer) } $stop = $false; while (-not $stop) { if ($global:Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable) { [System.Management.Automation.Host.KeyInfo]$key = $($global:host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey('NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown')) if ($key.character -eq 'q' -or $key.VirtualKeyCode -eq 27) { $stop = $true } } } } function Get-WGPackage { param( [string]$source, [switch]$interactive, [switch]$uninstall, [switch]$update, [switch]$apply, [switch]$silent ) if ($source) { $sources = Get-WGSources if (-not $sources.Contains($source)) { Clear-Host Write-Host "⚠️ Source Unknown." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow Write-Host "".PadRight($Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width, "-") -ForegroundColor DarkYellow Write-Host "Valid sources are : " -ForegroundColor Blue $sources.keys | ForEach-Object { Write-Host " 🔹 $($_)" } Write-Host "" Write-Host "🛑 Operation Aborted" return $null } } $title = "" if ($update) { $command = "winget update" } else { $command = "winget list" } if ($apply) { if (-not $interactive) { Write-Warning "🚫 -apply can only be used with -interactive" return $null } if ((-not $update) -and (-not $uninstall)) { Write-Warning "🚫 -apply can only be used with -update or -uninstall" return $null } } if ($update -or $uninstall) { if (-not $interactive) { Write-Warning "🚫 -update and -uninstall can only be used with -interactive" return $null } } if ($update) { $title = "⫷ Update ⫸" } else { if ($uninstall) { $title = "⫷ Uninstall ⫸" } } $list = Invoke-Winget $command if ($source) { $list = $list | Where-Object { $_.source -eq $source } } if ($interactive) { $data = @() displayGrid -list $list -title "Packages List $($title)" -data ([ref]$data) -allowSearch $false if ($apply) { $title = "" if ($data.length -gt 0) { $data | Out-Object | ForEach-Object { $id = ($_.Id).Trim() if ($uninstall) { $expression = "winget uninstall " if ($silent) { $expression = $expression, "--silent --disable-interactivity" -join "" } $expression = $expression, " --id $($id)" -join "" $title = "🗑️ Uninstall $($id)" } else { $expression = "winget upgrade --id $($id)" $title = "⚡ Upgrade $($id)" } [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $false Invoke-Expression2 -exp $expression -title $title #Write-Host "Exit code : $($LASTEXITCODE)" Write-Host "Name $($_.Name)" [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $true } } # display summary. } else { $data } } else { $list } } function Search-WGPackage { param( [string]$package, [string]$source, [switch]$interactive, [switch]$allowSearch, [switch]$install, [switch]$silent ) begin { if ($source) { $sources = Get-WGSources if (-not $sources.Contains($source)) { Clear-Host Write-Host "⚠️ Source Unknown." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow Write-Host "".PadRight($Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width, "-") -ForegroundColor DarkYellow Write-Host "Valid sources are : " -ForegroundColor Blue $sources.keys | ForEach-Object { Write-Host " 🔹 $($_)" } $terms = "" return $null } } $terms = $package if ($package.Trim() -eq "") { $terms = getSearchTerms } } process { if ($terms -ne "") { $command = "winget search '$terms'" $list = Invoke-Winget $command if ($source) { $list = $list | Where-Object { $_.source -eq $source } } if ($interactive) { $data = @() displayGrid -list $list -title "Package Search" -data ([ref]$data) -allowSearch $allowSearch if ($install) { if ($data.length -gt 0) { $data | Out-Object | ForEach-Object { $expression = "winget install " if ($silent) { $expression = $expression, "--silent --disable-interactivity" -join "" } $id = ($_.Id).Trim() $expression = $expression, " --id $($id)" -join "" [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $false Invoke-Expression2 -exp $expression -title "⚡ Installation of $($id)" #Write-Host "Exit code : $($LASTEXITCODE)" [System.Console]::CursorVisible = $true } } } $data } else { $list } } else { Clear-Host Write-Host "" Write-Host "🛑 Operation Aborted" } } } function Get-WGList { param( [string]$source ) Get-WGPackage -source $source } function Show-WGList { param( [string]$source ) Get-WGPackage -interactive -source $source } function Install-WGPackage { param( [string]$package, [string]$source, [switch]$silent, [switch]$acceptpackageagreements, [switch]$acceptsourceagreements ) $params = @{ interactive = $true package = $package source = $source install = $true } Get-WingetposhConfig if ($silent) { $params.add("silent", $true) } else { $params.Add("silent", $script:config.SilentInstall) } Search-WGPackage @params } function Update-WGPackage { param( [string]$source, [switch]$apply ) $params = @{ Source = $source Interactive = $true Update = $true Apply = $apply } Get-WGPackage @params } function Uninstall-WGPackage { param( [string]$source, [switch]$apply, [switch]$silent ) $params = @{ Interactive = $true Source = $source Uninstall = $true Apply = $apply } Get-WingetposhConfig if ($silent) { $params.add("silent", $true) } else { $params.Add("silent", $script:config.SilentInstall) } Get-WGPackage @params } function Out-Object { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [hashtable] $Data ) begin { [PSCustomObject[]]$result = @() } process { foreach ($d in $data) { $result += [pscustomobject]$d } } end { return $result } } function Get-WingetposhConfig { param( [switch]$display ) $script:config = Get-Content $env:USERPROFILE/.config/.wingetposh/config.json | ConvertFrom-Json if ($display) { $script:config } } function Set-WingetposhConfig { param( [ValidateSet("UseNerdFont", "SilentInstall", "AcceptPackageAgreements", "AcceptSourceAgreements", "Force")] [String]$param, $value ) Get-WingetposhConfig $script:config.$param = $value $script:config | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath ~/.config/.wingetposh/config.json -Force | Out-Null } function Reset-WingetposhConfig { '{ "UseNerdFont" : false, "SilentInstall": false, "AcceptPackageAgreements" : true, "AcceptSourceAgreements" : true,"Force": false }' | Out-File -FilePath ~/.config/.wingetposh/config.json -Force | Out-Null } |