
$script:localizedData = Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory "$PSScriptRoot\en-US" -FileName WiFiProfileManagement.strings.psd1

        Attempts to connect to a specific network.
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        The name of the profile to be connected. Profile names are case-sensitive.
    .PARAMETER ConnectionMode
        Specifies the mode of the connection. Valid values are Profile,TemporaryProfile,DiscoveryProfile,DiscoveryUnsecure, and Auto.
    .PARAMETER Dot11BssType
        A value that indicates the BSS type of the network. If a profile is provided, this BSS type must be the same as the one in the profile.
    .PARAMETER WiFiAdapterName
        Specifies the name of the wireless network adapter on the machine. This is used to obtain the Guid of the interface.
        The default value is 'Wi-Fi'
        PS C:\>Connect-WiFiProfile -ProfileName FreeWiFi
        This example connects to the FreeWiFi profile which is already saved on the local machine.
        PS C:\> $password = Read-Host -AsSecureString
        PS C:\> New-WiFiProfile -ProfileName MyNetwork -ConnectionMode auto -Authentication WPA2PSK -Encryption AES -Password $password
        The operation was successful.
        PS C:\> Connect-WiFiProfile -ProfileName MyNetwork
        This example demonstrates how to create a WiFi profile and then connect to it.

function Connect-WiFiProfile
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet('Profile', 'TemporaryProfile', 'DiscoverySecure', 'DiscoveryUnsecure', 'Auto')]
        $ConnectionMode = 'Profile',

        [ValidateSet('Any', 'Independent', 'Infrastructure')]
        $Dot11BssType = 'Any',

        $WiFiAdapterName = 'Wi-Fi'

        $interfaceGuid = Get-WiFiInterfaceGuid -WiFiAdapterName $WiFiAdapterName -ErrorAction Stop
            $clientHandle = New-WiFiHandle

            $connectionParameterList = New-WiFiConnectionParameter -ProfileName $ProfileName -ConnectionMode $ConnectionMode -Dot11BssType $Dot11BssType

            Invoke-WlanConnect -ClientHandle $clientHandle -InterfaceGuid $interfaceGuid -ConnectionParameterList $connectionParameterList
            Write-Error $_
            if ($clientHandle)
                Remove-WiFiHandle -ClientHandle $clientHandle

        Retrieves the list of available networks on a wireless LAN interface.
    .PARAMETER WiFiAdapterName
        Specifies the name of the wireless network adapter on the machine. This is used to obtain the Guid of the interface.
        The default value is 'Wi-Fi'
        PS C:\>Get-WiFiAvailableNetwork

        SSID SignalStength SecurityEnabled dot11DefaultAuthAlgorithm dot11DefaultCipherAlgorithm
        ---- ------------- --------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
                                63 True DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_RSNA_PSK DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_CCMP
        gogoinflight 63 False DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_80211_OPEN DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_NONE

function Get-WiFiAvailableNetwork
        $WiFiAdapterName = 'Wi-Fi'

    $interfaceGUID = Get-WiFiInterfaceGuid -WiFiAdapterName $WiFiAdapterName -ErrorAction Stop
    $clientHandle = New-WiFiHandle
    $networkPointer = 0
    $flag = 0

        $result = [WiFi.ProfileManagement]::WlanGetAvailableNetworkList(

        if ( $result -ne 0 )
            $errorMessage = Format-Win32Exception -ReturnCode $result
            throw $($script:localizedData.ErrorGetAvailableNetworkList -f $errorMessage)

        $availableNetworks = [WiFi.ProfileManagement+WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK_LIST]::new($networkPointer)

        foreach ($network in $availableNetworks.wlanAvailableNetwork)
        Write-Error $_
        Invoke-WlanFreeMemory -Pointer $networkPointer

        if ($clientHandle)
            Remove-WiFiHandle -ClientHandle $clientHandle

        Lists the wireless profiles and their configuration settings.
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        The name of the WiFi profile.
    .PARAMETER WiFiAdapterName
        Specifies the name of the wireless network adapter on the machine. This is used to obtain the Guid of the interface.
        The default value is 'Wi-Fi'
    .PARAMETER ClearKey
        Specifies if the password of the profile is to be returned.
        PS C:\>Get-WiFiProfile -ProfileName TestWiFi

        SSIDName : TestWiFi
        ConnectionMode : auto
        Authentication : WPA2PSK
        Encryption : AES
        Password :

        Get the WiFi profile information on wireless profile TestWiFi

        PS C:\>Get-WiFiProfile -ProfileName TestWiFi -CLearKey

        SSIDName : TestWiFi
        ConnectionMode : auto
        Authentication : WPA2PSK
        Encryption : AES
        Password : password1

        This examples shows the use of the ClearKey switch to return the WiFi profile password.

        PS C:\>Get-WiFiProfile | where {$_.ConnectionMode -eq 'auto' -and $_.Authentication -eq 'open'}

        This example shows how to find WiFi profiles with insecure connection settings.

function Get-WiFiProfile
        [Parameter(Position = 0)]

        $WiFiAdapterName = 'Wi-Fi',


        [String]$pstrProfileXml = $null
        $profileListPointer = 0
        $interfaceGuid = Get-WiFiInterfaceGuid -WiFiAdapterName $WiFiAdapterName -ErrorAction Stop

        $clientHandle = New-WiFiHandle

        if ($ClearKey)
            $wlanProfileFlags = 13
            $wlanProfileFlags = 0

        if (!$ProfileName)
            [void][WiFi.ProfileManagement]::WlanGetProfileList($clientHandle, $interfaceGUID, [IntPtr]::zero, [ref]$profileListPointer)
            $wiFiProfileList = [WiFi.ProfileManagement+WLAN_PROFILE_INFO_LIST]::new($profileListPointer)
            $ProfileName = ($wiFiProfileList.ProfileInfo).strProfileName

        foreach ($wiFiProfile in $ProfileName)
            Get-WiFiProfileInfo -ProfileName $wiFiProfile -InterfaceGuid $interfaceGUID -ClientHandle $clientHandle -WlanProfileFlags $wlanProfileFlags
        Write-Error $_
        if ($clientHandle)
            Remove-WiFiHandle -ClientHandle $clientHandle

        Creates the content of a specified wireless profile.
        Creates the content of a wireless profile by calling the WlanSetProfile native function but with the override parameter set to false.
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        The name of the wireless profile to be created. Profile names are case sensitive.
    .PARAMETER ConnectionMode
        Indicates whether connection to the wireless LAN should be automatic ("auto") or initiated ("manual") by user.
    .PARAMETER Authentication
        Specifies the authentication method to be used to connect to the wireless LAN.
    .PARAMETER Encryption
        Sets the data encryption to use to connect to the wireless LAN.
    .PARAMETER Password
        The network key or passphrase of the wireless profile in the form of a secure string.
    .PARAMETER ConnectHiddenSSID
        Specifies whether the profile can connect to networks which does not broadcast SSID. The default is false.
        (Only 802.1X) Specifies the type of 802.1X EAP. You can select "PEAP"(aka MSCHAPv2) or "TLS".
    .PARAMETER ServerNames
        (Only 802.1X) Specifies the server that will be connect to validate certification.
    .PARAMETER TrustedRootCA
        (Only 802.1X) Specifies the certificate thumbprint of the Trusted Root CA.
    .PARAMETER XmlProfile
        The XML representation of the profile.
        PS C:\>$password = Read-Host -AsSecureString

        PS C:\>New-WiFiProfile -ProfileName MyNetwork -ConnectionMode auto -Authentication WPA2PSK -Encryption AES -Password $password

        This examples shows how to create a wireless profile by using the individual parameters.
        PS C:\>New-WiFiProfile -ProfileName OneXNetwork -Authentication WPA2 -Encryption AES -EAPType PEAP -TrustedRootCA '041101cca5b336a9c6e50d173489f5929e1b4b00'

        This examples shows how to create a 802.1X wireless profile by using the individual parameters.
        PS C:\>$templateProfileXML = @"
        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <WLANProfile xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/networking/WLAN/profile/v1">

        PS C:\>New-WiFiProfile -XmlProfile $templateProfileXML

        This example demonstrates how to update a wireless profile with the XmlProfile parameter.

function New-WiFiProfile
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'UsingArguments')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        [Alias('SSID', 'Name')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArguments')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        [ValidateSet('manual', 'auto')]
        $ConnectionMode = 'auto',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArguments')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        [ValidateSet('open', 'shared', 'WPA', 'WPAPSK', 'WPA2', 'WPA2PSK')]
        $Authentication = 'WPA2PSK',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArguments')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        [ValidateSet('none', 'WEP', 'TKIP', 'AES')]
        $Encryption = 'AES',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArguments')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArguments')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        $ConnectHiddenSSID = $false,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        [ValidateSet('PEAP', 'TLS')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        $ServerNames = '',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]

        $WiFiAdapterName = 'Wi-Fi',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'UsingXml')]

        [Parameter(DontShow = $true)]
        $Overwrite = $false

        $interfaceGuid = Get-WiFiInterfaceGuid -WiFiAdapterName $WiFiAdapterName -ErrorAction Stop
        $clientHandle = New-WiFiHandle
        $flags = 0
        $reasonCode = [IntPtr]::Zero

        if ($XmlProfile)
            $profileXML = $XmlProfile
            $newProfileParameters = @{
                ProfileName       = $ProfileName
                ConnectionMode    = $ConnectionMode
                Authentication    = $Authentication
                Password          = $Password
                ConnectHiddenSSID = $ConnectHiddenSSID
                EAPType           = $EAPType
                ServerNames       = $ServerNames
                TrustedRootCA     = $TrustedRootCA

            $profileXML = New-WiFiProfileXml @newProfileParameters

        $profilePointer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::StringToHGlobalUni($profileXML)

        $returnCode = [WiFi.ProfileManagement]::WlanSetProfile(

        $returnCodeMessage = Format-Win32Exception -ReturnCode $returnCode
        $reasonCodeMessage = Format-WiFiReasonCode -ReasonCode $reasonCode

        if ($returnCode -eq 0)
            Write-Verbose -Message $returnCodeMessage
            throw $returnCodeMessage

        Write-Verbose -Message $reasonCodeMessage
        Write-Error $_
        if ($clientHandle)
            Remove-WiFiHandle -ClientHandle $clientHandle

        Deletes a WiFi profile.
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        The name of the profile to be deleted. Profile names are case-sensitive.
    .PARAMETER WiFiAdapterName
        Specifies the name of the wireless network adapter on the machine. This is used to obtain the Guid of the interface.
        The default value is 'Wi-Fi'
    PS C:\>Remove-WiFiProfile -ProfileName FreeWiFi

    This examples deletes the FreeWiFi profile.

function Remove-WiFiProfile
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')]
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        [Parameter(Position = 1)]
        $WiFiAdapterName = 'Wi-Fi'

        $interfaceGUID = Get-WiFiInterfaceGuid -ErrorAction Stop
            $clientHandle = New-WiFiHandle

            foreach ($wiFiProfile in $ProfileName)
                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($script:localizedData.ShouldProcessDelete -f $WiFiProfile)"))
                    $deleteProfileResult = [WiFi.ProfileManagement]::WlanDeleteProfile(

                    $deleteProfileResultMessage = Format-Win32Exception -ReturnCode $deleteProfileResult

                    if ($deleteProfileResult -ne 0)
                        Write-Error -Message ($script:localizedData.ErrorDeletingProfile -f $deleteProfileResultMessage)
                        Write-Verbose -Message $deleteProfileResultMessage

            Write-Error $_
            if ($clientHandle)
                Remove-WiFiHandle -ClientHandle $clientHandle

        Sets the content of a specified wireless profile.
        Calls the WlanSetProfile native function with override parameter set to true.
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        The name of the wireless profile to be updated. Profile names are case sensitive.
    .PARAMETER ConnectionMode
        Indicates whether connection to the wireless LAN should be automatic ("auto") or initiated ("manual") by user.
    .PARAMETER Authentication
        Specifies the authentication method to be used to connect to the wireless LAN.
    .PARAMETER Encryption
        Sets the data encryption to use to connect to the wireless LAN.
    .PARAMETER Password
        The network key or passphrase of the wireless profile in the form of a secure string.
    .PARAMETER ConnectHiddenSSID
        Specifies whether the profile can connect to networks which does not broadcast SSID. The default is false.
        (Only 802.1X) Specifies the type of 802.1X EAP. You can select "PEAP"(aka MSCHAPv2) or "TLS".
    .PARAMETER ServerNames
        (Only 802.1X) Specifies the server that will be connect to validate certification.
    .PARAMETER TrustedRootCA
        (Only 802.1X) Specifies the certificate thumbprint of the Trusted Root CA.
    .PARAMETER XmlProfile
        The XML representation of the profile.
        PS C:\>$password = Read-Host -AsSecureString

        PS C:\>Set-WiFiProfile -ProfileName MyNetwork -ConnectionMode auto -Authentication WPA2PSK -Encryption AES -Password $password

        This examples shows how to update or create a wireless profile by using the individual parameters.
        PS C:\>$templateProfileXML = @"
        <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <WLANProfile xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/networking/WLAN/profile/v1">

        PS C:\>Set-WiFiProfile -XmlProfile $templateProfileXML

        This example demonstrates how to update a wireless profile with the XmlProfile parameter.

function Set-WiFiProfile
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'UsingArguments')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        [Alias('SSID', 'Name')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArguments')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        [ValidateSet('manual', 'auto')]
        $ConnectionMode = 'auto',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArguments')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        [ValidateSet('open', 'shared', 'WPA', 'WPAPSK', 'WPA2', 'WPA2PSK')]
        $Authentication = 'WPA2PSK',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArguments')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        [ValidateSet('none', 'WEP', 'TKIP', 'AES')]
        $Encryption = 'AES',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArguments')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArguments')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        $ConnectHiddenSSID = $false,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        [ValidateSet('PEAP', 'TLS')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]
        $ServerNames = '',

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingArgumentsWithEAP')]

        $WiFiAdapterName = 'Wi-Fi',

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'UsingXml')]

    New-WiFiProfile @PSBoundParameters -Overwrite $true

        An internal function to format the reason code returned by WlanSetProfile
    .PARAMETER ReasonCode
        A value that indicates why the profile failed.

function Format-WiFiReasonCode

    $stringBuilder = New-Object -TypeName Text.StringBuilder
    $stringBuilder.Capacity = 1024

    $result = [WiFi.ProfileManagement]::WlanReasonCodeToString(

    if ($result -ne 0)
        $errorMessage = Format-Win32Exception -ReturnCode $result
        Write-Error -Message ($script:localizedData.ErrorReasonCode -f $errorMessage)

    return $stringBuilder.ToString()

        Returns the exception message from a Win32 API call
    .PARAMETER ReturnCode
        Specifies the return code that will be resolved to an error message.

function Format-Win32Exception
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return [System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception]::new($ReturnCode).Message

        Retrieves the guid of the network interface.
    .PARAMETER WiFiAdapterName
        The name of the wireless network adapter.

function Get-WiFiInterfaceGuid
        $WiFiAdapterName = 'Wi-Fi'
    $osVersion = [Environment]::OSVersion.Version

    if ($osVersion -ge ([Version] 6.2))
        $interfaceGuid = (Get-NetAdapter -Name $WiFiAdapterName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).interfaceguid
        $wifiAdapterInfo = Get-WmiObject -Query "select Name, NetConnectionID from Win32_NetworkAdapter where NetConnectionID = '$WiFiAdapterName'"
        $interfaceGuid = (Get-WmiObject -Query "select SettingID from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where Description = '$($wifiAdapterInfo.Name)'").SettingID

    if (-not ($interfaceGuid -as [System.Guid]))
        Write-Error $($script:localizedData.ErrorWiFiInterfaceNotFound)

    return [System.Guid]$interfaceGuid

        Retrieves the information of a WiFi profile.
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        The name of the WiFi profile. Profile names are case-sensitive.
    .PARAMETER InterfaceGuid
        Specifies the Guid of the wireless network card. This is required by the native WiFi functions.
    .PARAMETER ClientHandle
        Specifies the handle used by the native WiFi functions.
    .PARAMETER WlanProfileFlags
        A pointer to the address location used to provide additional information about the request.

function Get-WiFiProfileInfo



        [String]$pstrProfileXml = $null
        $wlanAccess = 0
        $WlanProfileFlagsInput = $WlanProfileFlags
        $result = [WiFi.ProfileManagement]::WlanGetProfile(

        if ($result -ne 0)
            $errorMessage = Format-Win32Exception -ReturnCode $result
            throw $($script:localizedData.ErrorGettingProfile -f $errorMessage)

        $wlanProfile = [xml]$pstrProfileXml

        #Parse password
        if ($WlanProfileFlagsInput -eq 13)
            $password = $wlanProfile.WLANProfile.MSM.security.sharedKey.keyMaterial
            $password = $null

        # Parse nonBroadcast flag
        if ([bool]::TryParse($wlanProfile.WLANProfile.SSIDConfig.nonBroadcast, [ref]$null))
            $connectHiddenSSID = [bool]::Parse($wlanProfile.WLANProfile.SSIDConfig.nonBroadcast)
            $connectHiddenSSID = $false

        # Parse EAP type
        if ($wlanProfile.WLANProfile.MSM.security.authEncryption.useOneX -eq 'true')
            switch ($wlanProfile.WLANProfile.MSM.security.OneX.EAPConfig.EapHostConfig.EapMethod.Type.InnerText)
                '25'    #EAP-PEAP (MSCHAPv2)
                    $eapType = 'PEAP'

                '13'    #EAP-TLS
                    $eapType = 'TLS'

                    $eapType = 'Unknown'
            $eapType = $null

        # Parse Validation Server Name
        if ($null -ne $eapType)
            switch ($eapType)
                    $serverNames = $wlanProfile.WLANProfile.MSM.security.OneX.EAPConfig.EapHostConfig.Config.Eap.EapType.ServerValidation.ServerNames

                    $node = $wlanProfile.WLANProfile.MSM.security.OneX.EAPConfig.EapHostConfig.Config.SelectNodes("//*[local-name()='ServerNames']")
                    $serverNames = $node[0].InnerText

        # Parse Validation TrustedRootCA
        if ($null -ne $eapType)
            switch ($eapType)
                    $trustedRootCa = ([string]($wlanProfile.WLANProfile.MSM.security.OneX.EAPConfig.EapHostConfig.Config.Eap.EapType.ServerValidation.TrustedRootCA -replace ' ', [string]::Empty)).ToLower()

                    $node = $wlanProfile.WLANProfile.MSM.security.OneX.EAPConfig.EapHostConfig.Config.SelectNodes("//*[local-name()='TrustedRootCA']")
                    $trustedRootCa = ([string]($node[0].InnerText -replace ' ', [string]::Empty)).ToLower()

            ProfileName       = $wlanProfile.WLANProfile.SSIDConfig.SSID.name
            ConnectionMode    = $wlanProfile.WLANProfile.connectionMode
            Authentication    = $wlanProfile.WLANProfile.MSM.security.authEncryption.authentication
            Encryption        = $wlanProfile.WLANProfile.MSM.security.authEncryption.encryption
            Password          = $password
            ConnectHiddenSSID = $connectHiddenSSID
            EAPType           = $eapType
            ServerNames       = $serverNames
            TrustedRootCA     = $trustedRootCa
            Xml               = $pstrProfileXml
        $xmlPtr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::StringToHGlobalAuto($pstrProfileXml)
        Invoke-WlanFreeMemory -Pointer $xmlPtr

        Call the WlanConnect function to attempt to connect to a specific network
    .PARAMETER InterfaceGuid
        Specifies the Guid of the wireless network card. This is required by the native WiFi functions.
    .PARAMETER ClientHandle
        Specifies the handle used by the native WiFi functions.
    .PARAMETER ConnectionParameterList
        A WLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS structure that specifies the parameters used when using the WlanConnect function.

function Invoke-WlanConnect
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $result = [WiFi.ProfileManagement]::WlanConnect(

    if ($result -ne 0)
        $errorMessage = Format-Win32Exception -ReturnCode $result
        throw $($script:localizedData.ErrorWlanConnect -f $ConnectionParameterList.strProfile, $errorMessage)
        $errorMessage = Format-Win32Exception -ReturnCode $result
        Write-Verbose -Message $($script:localizedData.SuccessWlanConnect -f $ConnectionParameterList.strProfile, $errorMessage)

        Frees memory used by Native WiFi functions
    .PARAMETER Pointer
        Pointer to the memory to be freed.

function Invoke-WlanFreeMemory
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        throw $($script:localizedData.ErrorFreeMemory -f $errorMessage)

        Creates a WLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS structure that contains the required parameters when using the WlanConnect function
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        The name of the profile to connect to. Profile names are case-sensitive.
    .PARAMETER ConnectionMode
        Specifies the mode of connection. Valid values are 'Profile', 'TemporaryProfile', 'DiscoverySecure', 'DiscoveryUnsecure', 'Auto'
    .PARAMETER Dot11BssType
        A value that indicates the BSS type of the network. If a profile is provided, this BSS type must be the same as the one in the profile.

function New-WiFiConnectionParameter
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet('Profile', 'TemporaryProfile', 'DiscoverySecure', 'DiscoveryUnsecure', 'Auto')]
        $ConnectionMode = 'Profile',

        [ValidateSet('Any', 'Independent', 'Infrastructure')]
        $Dot11BssType = 'Any',

        $Flag = 'Default'

        #region resolvers
        $connectionModeResolver = @{
            Profile           = 'wlan_connection_mode_profile'
            TemporaryProfile  = 'wlan_connection_mode_temporary_profile'
            DiscoverySecure   = 'wlan_connection_mode_discovery_secure'
            DiscoveryUnsecure = 'wlan_connection_mode_discovery_unsecure'
            Auto              = 'wlan_connection_mode_auto'

        $connectionParameters = [WiFi.ProfileManagement+WLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS]::new()
        $connectionParameters.strProfile = $ProfileName
        $connectionParameters.wlanConnectionMode = [WiFi.ProfileManagement+WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE]::$($connectionModeResolver[$ConnectionMode])
        $connectionParameters.dot11BssType = [WiFi.ProfileManagement+DOT11_BSS_TYPE]::$Dot11BssType
        $connectionParameters.dwFlags = [WiFi.ProfileManagement+WlanConnectionFlag]::$Flag
        throw $_

    return $connectionParameters

        Opens a WiFi handle

function New-WiFiHandle

    $maxClient = 2
    [Ref]$negotiatedVersion = 0
    $clientHandle = [IntPtr]::zero

    $result = [WiFi.ProfileManagement]::WlanOpenHandle(
    if ($result -eq 0)
        return $clientHandle
        $errorMessage = Format-Win32Exception -ReturnCode $result
        throw $($script:localizedData.ErrorOpeningHandle -f $errorMessage)

$script:WiFiProfileXmlPersonal = @"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<WLANProfile xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/networking/WLAN/profile/v1">

$script:WiFiProfileXmlEapPeap = @"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<WLANProfile xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/networking/WLAN/profile/v1">
      <OneX xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/networking/OneX/v1">
          <EapHostConfig xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapHostConfig">
              <Type xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapCommon">25</Type>
              <VendorId xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapCommon">0</VendorId>
              <VendorType xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapCommon">0</VendorType>
              <AuthorId xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapCommon">0</AuthorId>
            <Config xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapHostConfig">
              <Eap xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/BaseEapConnectionPropertiesV1">
                <EapType xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/MsPeapConnectionPropertiesV1">
                  <Eap xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/BaseEapConnectionPropertiesV1">
                    <EapType xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/MsChapV2ConnectionPropertiesV1">
                    <PerformServerValidation xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/MsPeapConnectionPropertiesV2">true</PerformServerValidation>
                    <AcceptServerName xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/MsPeapConnectionPropertiesV2">true</AcceptServerName>
                    <PeapExtensionsV2 xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/MsPeapConnectionPropertiesV2">
                      <AllowPromptingWhenServerCANotFound xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/MsPeapConnectionPropertiesV3">true</AllowPromptingWhenServerCANotFound>

$script:WiFiProfileXmlEapTls = @"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<WLANProfile xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/networking/WLAN/profile/v1">
      <OneX xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/networking/OneX/v1">
          <EapHostConfig xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapHostConfig">
              <Type xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapCommon">13</Type>
              <VendorId xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapCommon">0</VendorId>
              <VendorType xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapCommon">0</VendorType>
              <AuthorId xmlns="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapCommon">0</AuthorId>
            <Config xmlns:baseEap="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/BaseEapConnectionPropertiesV1" xmlns:eapTls="http://www.microsoft.com/provisioning/EapTlsConnectionPropertiesV1">
                    <eapTls:CertificateStore />

        Create a string of XML that represents the wireless profile.
    .PARAMETER ProfileName
        The name of the wireless profile to be updated. Profile names are case sensitive.
    .PARAMETER ConnectionMode
        Indicates whether connection to the wireless LAN should be automatic ("auto") or initiated ("manual") by user.
    .PARAMETER Authentication
        Specifies the authentication method to be used to connect to the wireless LAN.
    .PARAMETER Encryption
        Sets the data encryption to use to connect to the wireless LAN.

function New-WiFiProfileXml
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [ValidateSet('manual', 'auto')]
        $ConnectionMode = 'auto',

        $Authentication = 'WPA2PSK',

        $Encryption = 'AES',


        $ConnectHiddenSSID = $false,


        $ServerNames = '',


        if ($Password)
            $secureStringToBstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Password)
            $plainPassword = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($secureStringToBstr) 

        if ($EAPType -eq 'PEAP')
            $profileXml = [xml]($script:WiFiProfileXmlEapPeap -f $ProfileName, ([string]$ConnectHiddenSSID).ToLower(), $ConnectionMode, $Authentication, $Encryption)

            if ($ServerNames)
                $profileXml.WLANProfile.MSM.security.OneX.EAPConfig.EapHostConfig.Config.Eap.EapType.ServerValidation.ServerNames = $ServerNames

            if ($TrustedRootCA)
                [string]$formattedCaHash = $TrustedRootCA -replace '..', '$& '
                $profileXml.WLANProfile.MSM.security.OneX.EAPConfig.EapHostConfig.Config.Eap.EapType.ServerValidation.TrustedRootCA = $formattedCaHash
        elseif ($EAPType -eq 'TLS')
            $profileXml = [xml]($script:WiFiProfileXmlEapTls -f $ProfileName, ([string]$ConnectHiddenSSID).ToLower(), $ConnectionMode, $Authentication, $Encryption)

            if ($ServerNames)
                $node = $profileXml.WLANProfile.MSM.security.OneX.EAPConfig.EapHostConfig.Config.SelectNodes("//*[local-name()='ServerNames']")
                $node[0].InnerText = $ServerNames

            if ($TrustedRootCA)
                [string]$formattedCaHash = $TrustedRootCA -replace '..', '$& '
                $node = $profileXml.WLANProfile.MSM.security.OneX.EAPConfig.EapHostConfig.Config.SelectNodes("//*[local-name()='TrustedRootCA']")
                $node[0].InnerText = $formattedCaHash
            $profileXml = [xml]($script:WiFiProfileXmlPersonal -f $ProfileName, ([string]$ConnectHiddenSSID).ToLower(), $ConnectionMode, $Authentication, $Encryption, $plainPassword)
            if (-not $plainPassword)
                $null = $profileXml.WLANProfile.MSM.security.RemoveChild($profileXml.WLANProfile.MSM.security.sharedKey)

        throw $_

        Closes an open WiFi handle
    .Parameter ClientHandle
        Specifies the object that represents the open WiFi handle.

function Remove-WiFiHandle

    $result = [WiFi.ProfileManagement]::WlanCloseHandle($ClientHandle, [IntPtr]::zero)

    if ($result -eq 0)
        Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.HandleClosed)
        $errorMessage = Format-Win32Exception -ReturnCode $result
        throw $($script:localizedData.ErrorClosingHandle -f $errorMessage)

$WlanGetProfileListSig = @'
    public static extern uint WlanOpenHandle(
        [In] UInt32 clientVersion,
        [In, Out] IntPtr pReserved,
        [Out] out UInt32 negotiatedVersion,
        [Out] out IntPtr clientHandle
    public static extern uint WlanCloseHandle(
        [In] IntPtr ClientHandle,
        IntPtr pReserved
    [DllImport("wlanapi.dll", SetLastError = true, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Winapi)]
    public static extern uint WlanGetProfileList(
        [In] IntPtr clientHandle,
        [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid interfaceGuid,
        [In] IntPtr pReserved,
        [Out] out IntPtr profileList
    public static extern uint WlanGetProfile(
        [In]IntPtr clientHandle,
        [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid interfaceGuid,
        [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string profileName,
        [In, Out] IntPtr pReserved,
        [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] out string pstrProfileXml,
        [In, Out, Optional] ref uint flags,
        [Out, Optional] out uint grantedAccess
    public static extern uint WlanDeleteProfile(
        [In]IntPtr clientHanle,
        [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid interfaceGuid,
        [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string profileName,
        [In, Out] IntPtr pReserved
    [DllImport("wlanapi.dll", EntryPoint = "WlanFreeMemory")]
    public static extern void WlanFreeMemory(
        [In] IntPtr pMemory
    [DllImport("Wlanapi.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public static extern uint WlanSetProfile(
        [In] IntPtr clientHanle,
        [In] ref Guid interfaceGuid,
        [In] uint flags,
        [In] IntPtr ProfileXml,
        [In, Optional] IntPtr AllUserProfileSecurity,
        [In] bool Overwrite,
        [In, Out] IntPtr pReserved,
        [In, Out]ref IntPtr pdwReasonCode
    [DllImport("wlanapi.dll",SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public static extern uint WlanReasonCodeToString(
        [In] uint reasonCode,
        [In] uint bufferSize,
        [In, Out] StringBuilder builder,
        [In, Out] IntPtr Reserved
    [DllImport("Wlanapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    public static extern uint WlanGetAvailableNetworkList(
        [In] IntPtr hClientHandle,
        [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid interfaceGuid,
        [In] uint dwFlags,
        [In] IntPtr pReserved,
        [Out] out IntPtr ppAvailableNetworkList
    [DllImport("Wlanapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    public static extern uint WlanConnect(
        [In] IntPtr hClientHandle,
        [In] ref Guid interfaceGuid,
        [In] ref WLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS pConnectionParameters,
        [In, Out] IntPtr pReserved
        public WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE wlanConnectionMode;
        public string strProfile;
        public DOT11_SSID[] pDot11Ssid;  
        public DOT11_BSSID_LIST[] pDesiredBssidList;   
        public DOT11_BSS_TYPE dot11BssType;  
        public uint dwFlags; 
    public struct DOT11_BSSID_LIST
        public NDIS_OBJECT_HEADER Header;
        public ulong uNumOfEntries;
        public ulong uTotalNumOfEntries;
        public IntPtr BSSIDs;
    public struct NDIS_OBJECT_HEADER
        public byte Type;
        public byte Revision;
        public ushort Size;
    public struct WLAN_PROFILE_INFO_LIST
        public uint dwNumberOfItems;
        public uint dwIndex;
        public WLAN_PROFILE_INFO[] ProfileInfo;
        public WLAN_PROFILE_INFO_LIST(IntPtr ppProfileList)
            dwNumberOfItems = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(ppProfileList);
            dwIndex = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt32(ppProfileList, 4);
            ProfileInfo = new WLAN_PROFILE_INFO[dwNumberOfItems];
            IntPtr ppProfileListTemp = new IntPtr(ppProfileList.ToInt64() + 8);
            for (int i = 0; i < dwNumberOfItems; i++)
                ppProfileList = new IntPtr(ppProfileListTemp.ToInt64() + i * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WLAN_PROFILE_INFO)));
                ProfileInfo[i] = (WLAN_PROFILE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ppProfileList, typeof(WLAN_PROFILE_INFO));
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
    public struct WLAN_PROFILE_INFO
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 256)]
        public string strProfileName;
        public WlanProfileFlags ProfileFLags;
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public uint dwNumberOfItems;
        public uint dwIndex;
        public WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK[] wlanAvailableNetwork;
        public WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK_LIST(IntPtr ppAvailableNetworkList)
            dwNumberOfItems = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt64 (ppAvailableNetworkList);
            dwIndex = (uint)Marshal.ReadInt64 (ppAvailableNetworkList, 4);
            wlanAvailableNetwork = new WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK[dwNumberOfItems];
            for (int i = 0; i < dwNumberOfItems; i++)
                IntPtr pWlanAvailableNetwork = new IntPtr (ppAvailableNetworkList.ToInt64() + i * Marshal.SizeOf (typeof(WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK)) + 8);
                wlanAvailableNetwork[i] = (WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK)Marshal.PtrToStructure (pWlanAvailableNetwork, typeof(WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK));
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]     
    public struct WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 256)]
        public string ProfileName;
        public DOT11_SSID Dot11Ssid;
        public DOT11_BSS_TYPE dot11BssType;
        public uint uNumberOfBssids;
        public bool bNetworkConnectable;
        public uint wlanNotConnectableReason;
        public uint uNumberOfPhyTypes;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 8)]
        public DOT11_PHY_TYPE[] dot11PhyTypes;
        public bool bMorePhyTypes;
        public uint SignalQuality;
        public bool SecurityEnabled;
        public DOT11_AUTH_ALGORITHM dot11DefaultAuthAlgorithm;
        public DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM dot11DefaultCipherAlgorithm;
        public uint dwFlags;
        public uint dwReserved;
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
    public struct DOT11_SSID
        public uint uSSIDLength;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
        public string ucSSID;
    public enum DOT11_BSS_TYPE
        Infrastructure = 1,
        Independent = 2,
        Any = 3,
    public enum DOT11_PHY_TYPE
        dot11_phy_type_unknown = 0,
        dot11_phy_type_any = 0,
        dot11_phy_type_fhss = 1,
        dot11_phy_type_dsss = 2,
        dot11_phy_type_irbaseband = 3,
        dot11_phy_type_ofdm = 4,
        dot11_phy_type_hrdsss = 5,
        dot11_phy_type_erp = 6,
        dot11_phy_type_ht = 7,
        dot11_phy_type_vht = 8,
        dot11_phy_type_IHV_start = -2147483648,
        dot11_phy_type_IHV_end = -1,
    public enum DOT11_AUTH_ALGORITHM
        DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_80211_OPEN = 1,
        DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_80211_SHARED_KEY = 2,
        DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_WPA = 3,
        DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_WPA_PSK = 4,
        DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_WPA_NONE = 5,
        DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_RSNA = 6,
        DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_RSNA_PSK = 7,
        DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_IHV_START = -2147483648,
        DOT11_AUTH_ALGO_IHV_END = -1,
    public enum DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM
        /// DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_NONE -> 0x00
        DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_NONE = 0,
        /// DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WEP40 -> 0x01
        DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WEP40 = 1,
        /// DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_TKIP -> 0x02
        DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_TKIP = 2,
        /// DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_CCMP -> 0x04
        DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_CCMP = 4,
        /// DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WEP104 -> 0x05
        DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WEP104 = 5,
        /// DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WPA_USE_GROUP -> 0x100
        /// DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_RSN_USE_GROUP -> 0x100
        /// DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WEP -> 0x101
        DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_WEP = 257,
        /// DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_IHV_START -> 0x80000000
        DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_IHV_START = -2147483648,
        /// DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_IHV_END -> 0xffffffff
        DOT11_CIPHER_ALGO_IHV_END = -1,
    public enum WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE
    public enum WlanConnectionFlag
        Default = 0,
        HiddenNetwork = 1,
        AdhocJoinOnly = 2,
        IgnorePrivayBit = 4,
        EapolPassThrough = 8,
        PersistDiscoveryProfile = 10,
        PersistDiscoveryProfileConnectionModeAuto = 20,
        PersistDiscoveryProfileOverwriteExisting = 40
    public enum WlanProfileFlags
        AllUser = 0,
        GroupPolicy = 1,
        User = 2
    public class ProfileInfo
        public string ProfileName;
        public string ConnectionMode;
        public string Authentication;
        public string Encryption;
        public string Password;
        public bool ConnectHiddenSSID;
        public string EAPType;
        public string ServerNames;
        public string TrustedRootCA;
        public string Xml;

Add-Type -MemberDefinition $WlanGetProfileListSig -Name ProfileManagement -Namespace WiFi -Using System.Text -PassThru