function Invoke-VSCodeDownload { <# .SYNOPSIS Downloads the latest Visual Studio Code setup for Windows. .DESCRIPTION Invoke-VSCoreDownload downloads the latest Visual Studio Code installer for Windows as 32-bit or 64-bit version. It is also possible to choose between the stable version and the insider version and between the user and system installer type. .PARAMETER InstallerType Specifies if an User oder System Visual Studio Code setup will be downloaded. The InstallerType User does not require administrator privileges as the install location will be under your user local AppData LOCALAPPDATA) folder. User setup also provides a smoother background update experience. .PARAMETER Architecture Specifies if the 32-bit oder 64-bit of Visual Studio Code setup will be downloaded. Standard is the 64-bit version. .PARAMETER Build Specifies if the insider (preview) version or the stable version of the Visual Studio Code setup file will be downloaded. Standard is the stable version. .PARAMETER DestinationPath Specifies the destination path where the Visual Studio Code setup file will be downloaded. Standard destination path is 'C:\Windows\Temp' .EXAMPLE Invoke-VSCodeDownload This command downloads the latest Visual Studio Code setup for Windows as 64-bit user stable version to standard destination path 'C:\Windows\Temp'. .EXAMPLE Invoke-VSCodeDownload -Architecture 'x86' This command downloads the latest Visual Studio Code setup for Windows as 32-bit user stable version to standard destination path 'C:\Windows\Temp'. .EXAMPLE Invoke-VSCodeDownload -Destination 'C:\Downloads' This command downloads the latest Visual Studio Code setup for Windows as 64-bit user stable version to destination path 'C:\Downloads'. .EXAMPLE Invoke-VSCodeDownload -InstallerType 'System' This command downloads the latest Visual Studio Code setup for Windows as 64-bit system stable version to standard destination path 'C:\Windows\Temp'. .EXAMPLE Invoke-VSCodeDownload -InstallerType 'System' -Build 'Insider' This command downloads the latest Visual Studio Code setup for Windows as 64-bit system insider version to standard destination path 'C:\Windows\Temp'. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding( HelpURI='' )] [OutputType([System.IO.FileInfo])] param ( [ValidateSet('User', 'System')] [System.String] $InstallerType = 'User', [ValidateSet('x64', 'x86')] [System.String] $Architecture = 'x64', [ValidateSet('Stable', 'Insider')] [System.String] $Build = 'Stable', [System.IO.FileInfo] $DestinationPath = "$env:WINDIR\Temp" ) ## User installer stable/insider x64/x86 if ($InstallerType -eq 'User') { switch ($Architecture) { 'x64' { $uri = "{0}-user-{1}" -f $Architecture, $Build } 'x86' { $uri = "{0}" -f $Build } } } ## System installer stable/insider x64/x86 else { if ($Build -eq 'stable') { switch ($Architecture) { 'x64' { $uri = '' } 'x86' { $uri = '' } } } else { switch ($Architecture) { 'x64' { $uri = '' } 'x86' { $uri = '' } } } } $destination = "{0}\VSCodeSetup-{1}.exe" -f $DestinationPath, $Architecture $file = 'VSCode{0}{1}Setup-{2}.exe' -f $InstallerType, $Build, $Architecture $uriParent = ($uri -split '\/')[2] Write-Verbose ($localized.TryToDownloadFile -f $file, $uriParent) $path = Invoke-Download -Uri $uri -DestinationPath $destination Get-Item -Path $path } |