function Get-InstalledVSCodeExtension { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets installed Visual Studio Code extensions. .DESCRIPTION Get-InstalledVSCodeExtension returns all Visual Studio Code extensions that are installed on the local system. .EXAMPLE Get-InstalledVSCodeExtension Returns all installed Visual Studio Code extensions. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding( HelpURI='' )] [OutputType([System.String])] param () $vscodeCmd = @( "$env:SYSTEMDRIVE\Program Files*\Microsoft VS Code*\bin\code*.cmd", "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\Microsoft VS Code*\bin\code*.cmd" ) $filePath = Resolve-Path $vscodeCmd -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path -First 1 if ($filePath) { try { $argList = "--list-extensions --show-versions --force" $result = Start-DiagnosticsProcess -FilePath $filePath -Arguments $argList -ErrorAction Stop ForEach ($line in $($result.Split("`r`n"))) { if ($line -ne '') { $extensionObj = [PSCustomObject] @{ PSTypeName = 'VSCode.Extension' Publisher = ($line -split '\.')[0] Name = (($line -split '@')[0] -split '\.')[1] Version = ($line -split '@')[1] } Write-Output $extensionObj } } } catch { throw $localized.GettingInstalledExtensionError } } else { throw ($localized.MandatorySoftwareIsNotInstalled -f $localized.VSCode) } } |