# culture="en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @' WebResourceDownloadFailedError = Web resource '{0}' download failed. TryToDownloadFile = Trying to download file '{0}' from '{1}'. TryToDownloadVSCodeExtension = Trying to download Visual Studio Code extension '{0}'. ExtensionVersionValidationError = Could not find valid version for extension '{0} - {1}'. ExtensionVersionFormatValidationError = Extension version '{0}' is not in a valid format. Format must be 'x.x.x'. ExtensionNameFormatValidationError = Extension '{0}' is not correct formatted. Extension format must be '<publisher name>.<extension name>' UsingProxy = Proxy server '{0}' will be used for download connection. SetGitFirstRunSuccess = Successfully set Git '{0}' to '{1}'. SetGitFirstRunError = Not successfully set Git '{0}' to '{1}'. Result is '{2}'. SoftwareIsAlreadyInstalled = '{0}' is already installed on this system. Skipping installation of '{0}'. SoftwareInstallationError = Error: Could not successfully install '{0}'. SoftwareUninstallationError = Error: Could not successfully uninstall '{0}'. SoftwareInstallationResult = '{0}' installation finished with exit code '{1}'. SoftwareUninstallationResult = '{0}' uninstallation finished with exit code '{1}'. SoftwareIsNotInstalled = '{0}' is not installed on this system. Skipping uninstallation of '{0}'. StartInstallation = Starting '{0}' installation. SkipGitInstallation = Skip Git installation selected. Git will not be installed. ReadingJsonError = Error in reading source file settings.json. JsonMissing = Settings.json is missing. Try to create settings.json. CreateJsonSuccess = Successfully created new item settings.json. CreateJsonError = Error: Could not create settings.json. WritingJson = Writing settings to '{0}'. WritingJsonSuccess = Successfully apllied settings to '{0}'. WritingJsonError = Error in writing settings.json file. JsonFileNotFound = Could not find settings.json source file. StartDiagnosticsProcessError = Error: Not successfully executed process '{0}'. WriteProgressDownload = Step {0} of {1} | Downloading '{2}' WriteProgressInstallation = Step {0} of {1} | Installing '{2}' WriteProgressConfigureShellLauncher = Step {0} of {1} | Configuring ShellLauncher extensions. Activity = VSCode Installer - Setting up environment - please wait... Git = Git VSCode = Visual Studio Code PSCore = PowerShell Core VSCodeExtensions = Visual Studio Code extensions DownloadActivity = Downloading '{0}' DownloadStatus = {0} % completed ({1:N1} MB / {2:N1} MB) GitHub = https://github.com/ VSCodeSetup = VSCode{0}{1}Setup-{2}.exe RequiresRunAsAdmin = Installation of '{0}' requires -RunAsAdministrator! ConvertJsonInputObjectError = Error: Could not convert input object to JSON. VSCodeNotFound = Could not find Visual Studio Code path under APPDATA. VSCodeExtensionAlreadyInstalled = VSCode extension '{0}' is already installed. Skipping installation of extension '{0}'. StartUninstallation = Starting uninstallation of '{0}'. StillExistingFileFolder = Trying to remove still existing file/folder '{0}'. RemoveFileFolderSuccess = Successfully removed file/folder '{0}'. RemoveFileFolderError = Could not remove file/folder '{0}'. InvokeVSCodeInstallerError = Could not install and setup environment: '{0}'. MandatorySoftwareIsNotInstalled = Mandatory software '{0}' is not installed for this operation. GettingInstalledExtensionError = Error getting already installed VSCode extensions. AddJsonValuesSuccess = Successfully added values to '{0}'. AddJsonValuesError = Error: Could not add values to '{0}'. TemplateNotFound = "Template '{0}' not found. Please provide a valid template name." ImportTemplateError = 'Could not import template data file.' '@ |