[CmdletBinding()] param ( $VMX_Path) ################## Some Globals if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt [version]"6.0.0") { Write-Verbose "this will check if we are on 6" } write-Host "trying to get os type ... " if ($env:windir) { $OS_Version = Get-Command "$env:windir\system32\ntdll.dll" $OS_Version = "Product Name: Windows $($OS_Version.Version)" $Global:vmxtoolkit_type = "win_x86_64" write-verbose "getting VMware Path from Registry" if (!(Test-Path "HKCR:\")) { $NewPSDrive = New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT } if (!($VMware_Path = Get-ItemProperty HKCR:\Applications\vmware.exe\shell\open\command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Error "VMware Binaries not found from registry" Break } $preferences_file = "$env:AppData\VMware\preferences.ini" $VMX_BasePath = '\Documents\Virtual Machines\' $VMware_Path = Split-Path $VMware_Path.'(default)' -Parent $VMware_Path = $VMware_Path -replace '"', '' $Global:vmwarepath = $VMware_Path $Global:vmware = "$VMware_Path\vmware.exe" $Global:vmrun = "$VMware_Path\vmrun.exe" $Global:vmware_vdiskmanager = Join-Path $VMware_Path 'vmware-vdiskmanager.exe' $Global:VMware_OVFTool = Join-Path $Global:vmwarepath 'OVFTool\ovftool.exe' $GLobal:VMware_packer = Join-Path $Global:vmwarepath '7za.exe' $VMwarefileinfo = Get-ChildItem $Global:vmware $Global:vmxinventory = "$env:appdata\vmware\inventory.vmls" $Global:vmwareversion = New-Object System.Version($VMwarefileinfo.VersionInfo.ProductMajorPart, $VMwarefileinfo.VersionInfo.ProductMinorPart, $VMwarefileinfo.VersionInfo.ProductBuildPart, $VMwarefileinfo.VersionInfo.ProductVersion.Split("-")[1]) $webrequestor = ".Net" $Global:mkisofs = "$Global:vmwarepath/mkisofs.exe" } elseif ($OS = uname) { Write-Host "found OS $OS" Switch ($OS) { "Darwin" { $Global:vmxtoolkit_type = "OSX" $OS_Version = (sw_vers) $OS_Version = $OS_Version -join " " $VMX_BasePath = 'Documents/Virtual Machines.localized' # $VMware_Path = "/Applications/VMware Fusion.app" $VMware_Path = mdfind -onlyin /Applications "VMware Fusion" $Global:vmwarepath = $VMware_Path [version]$Fusion_Version = defaults read $VMware_Path/Contents/Info.plist CFBundleShortVersionString $VMware_BIN_Path = Join-Path $VMware_Path '/Contents/Library' $preferences_file = "$HOME/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion/preferences" try { $webrequestor = (get-command curl).Path } catch { Write-Warning "curl not found" exit } try { $GLobal:VMware_packer = (get-command 7za -ErrorAction Stop).Path } catch { Write-Warning "7za not found, pleas install p7zip full" Break } $Global:VMware_vdiskmanager = Join-Path $VMware_BIN_Path 'vmware-vdiskmanager' $Global:vmrun = Join-Path $VMware_BIN_Path "vmrun" switch ($Fusion_Version.Major) { "10" { $Global:VMware_OVFTool = "/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/VMware OVF Tool/ovftool" [version]$Global:vmwareversion = "" } default { $Global:VMware_OVFTool = Join-Path $VMware_Path 'ovftool' [version]$Global:vmwareversion = "" } } } 'Linux' { $Global:vmxtoolkit_type = "LINUX" $OS_Version = (uname -o) #$OS_Version = $OS_Version -join " " $preferences_file = "$HOME/.vmware/preferences" $VMX_BasePath = '/var/lib/vmware/Shared VMs' try { $webrequestor = (get-command curl).Path } catch { Write-Warning "curl not found" exit } try { $VMware_Path = Split-Path -Parent (get-command vmware).Path } catch { Write-Warning "VMware Path not found" exit } $Global:vmwarepath = $VMware_Path $VMware_BIN_Path = $VMware_Path try { $Global:VMware_vdiskmanager = (get-command vmware-vdiskmanager).Path } catch { Write-Warning "vmware-vdiskmanager not found" break } try { $GLobal:VMware_packer = (get-command 7za).Path } catch { Write-Warning "7za not found, pleas install p7zip full" } try { $Global:vmrun = (Get-Command vmrun).Path } catch { Write-Warning "vmrun not found" break } try { $Global:VMware_OVFTool = (Get-Command ovftool).Path } catch { Write-Warning "ovftool not found" break } try { $Global:mkisofs = (Get-Command mkisofs).Path } catch { Write-Warning "mkisofs not found" break } $Vmware_Base_Version = (vmware -v) $Vmware_Base_Version = $Vmware_Base_Version -replace "VMware Workstation " [version]$Global:vmwareversion = ($Vmware_Base_Version.Split(' '))[0] } default { Write-host "Sorry, rome was not build in one day" exit } 'default' { write-host "unknown linux OS" break } } } else { write-host "error detecting OS" } if (Test-Path $preferences_file) { Write-Verbose "Found VMware Preferences file" Write-Verbose "trying to get vmx path from preferences" $defaultVMPath = get-content $preferences_file | Select-String prefvmx.defaultVMPath if ($defaultVMPath) { $defaultVMPath = $defaultVMPath -replace "`"" $defaultVMPath = ($defaultVMPath -split "=")[-1] $defaultVMPath = $defaultVMPath.TrimStart(" ") Write-Verbose "default vmpath from preferences is $defaultVMPath" $VMX_default_Path = $defaultVMPath $defaultselection = "preferences" } else { Write-Verbose "no defaultVMPath in prefernces" } } if (!$VMX_Path) { if (!$VMX_default_Path) { Write-Verbose "trying to use default vmxdir in homedirectory" try { $defaultselection = "homedir" $Global:vmxdir = Join-Path $HOME $VMX_BasePath } catch { Write-Warning "could not evaluate default Virtula machines home, using $PSScriptRoot" $Global:vmxdir = $PSScriptRoot $defaultselection = "ScriptRoot" Write-Verbose "using psscriptroot as vmxdir" } } else { if (Test-Path $VMX_default_Path) { $Global:vmxdir = $VMX_default_Path } else { $Global:vmxdir = $PSScriptRoot } } } else { $Global:vmxdir = $VMX_Path } #### some vmx api error handlers :-) false positives from experience $Global:VMrunErrorCondition = @( "Waiting for Command execution Available", "Error", "Unable to connect to host.", "Error: Unable to connect to host.", "Error: The operation is not supported for the specified parameters", "Unable to connect to host. Error: The operation is not supported for the specified parameters", "Error: The operation is not supported for the specified parameters", "Error: vmrun was unable to start. Please make sure that vmrun is installed correctly and that you have enough resources available on your system.", "Error: The specified guest user must be logged in interactively to perform this operation", "Error: A file was not found", "Error: VMware Tools are not running in the guest", "Error: The VMware Tools are not running in the virtual machine" ) if (!$GLobal:VMware_packer) { Write-Warning "Please install 7za/p7zip, otherwise labbtools can not expand OS Masters" } if ($OS_Version) { write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray " ==>$OS_Version" } else { write-host "error Detecting OS" Break } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray " ==>running vmxtoolkit for $Global:vmxtoolkit_type" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray " ==>vmrun is $Global:vmrun" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray " ==>vmwarepath is $Global:vmwarepath" if ($VMX_Path) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray " ==>using virtual machine directory from module load $Global:vmxdir" } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray " ==>using virtual machine directory from $defaultselection`: $Global:vmxdir" } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray " ==>running VMware Version Mode $Global:vmwareversion" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray " ==>OVFtool is $Global:VMware_OVFTool" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray " ==>Packertool is $GLobal:VMware_packer" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray " ==>vdisk manager is $Global:vmware_vdiskmanager" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray " ==>webrequest tool is $webrequestor" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray " ==>isotool is $Global:mkisofs" |