$NewInstanceName='gPsVim' if (!(Test-Path alias:gvim)) { $gvimPath = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Vim\Gvim -Name Path).Path Set-Alias gvim $gvimPath } function LaunchVim { param ( [string] $errorFile, [string] $ErrorFormat, [Switch] $NewInstance ) $vimArgs = @() if($NewInstance) { if($ErrorFormat){ $vimArgs = '-c', ":set errorformat=$ErrorFormat" } $vimArgs += '-c', ":cf $errorFile" } else { $vimArgs = '--servername', $NewInstanceName, '--remote-silent' if($ErrorFormat){ $vimArgs += "+<C-\><C-N>:set errorformat=$ErrorFormat<CR>:cf $errorFile<CR>", $errorFile } else { $vimArgs += "+<C-\><C-N>:cf $errorFile<CR>", $errorFile } } Write-Verbose "gvim $vimArgs" gvim $vimArgs } function Invoke-Gvim { <# .Synopsis Starts the Gvim editor. .Description This command creates an errorfile from the pipeline input and invokes gvim with that file as an argument. This enables easy navigations in search results from multiple files .Example PS> Get-ChildItem *.txt | Invoke-GVim Opens all text files in the current directory .Example PS> Select-String 'Foo' *.txt | Invoke-GVim Opens all text files containing 'Foo' and enables navigation between the instances with :cn and :cp .Example Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.txt | Select-String 'aaa(bbb)ccc' | Invoke-GVim The example above open gvim with all textfiles containg 'aaabbbccc' with the selection on the first regex group. some text aaabbbccc ^ cursor .Link .INPUTS System.IO.FileInfo Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo System.String Object with PSPath property .Notes NAME: Invoke-GVim #Requires -Version 2.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [PSObject[]] $data, # Open results in new Gvim window [switch] $NewInstance ) begin{ $lines = [System.Collections.Generic.list[string]]::new(100) } process { foreach($d in $data) { if($d -is [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MatchInfo]) { $groups =$d.Matches[0].Groups if($groups.Count -gt 1) { # use the first match if we have capture groups $column = $groups[1].Index + 1 } else{ $column = $groups[0].Index + 1 } $msg = $d $line = '{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}' -f $d.path, $d.LineNumber, $column, $msg $lines.Add($line) continue } if ($d -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) { $line = '{0}:{1}' -f $d.FullName, $d.Name $lines.Add($line) continue } if ($d -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) { continue } if ($d.PSPath) { $pathLines = @((Resolve-Path $d.PSPath).ProviderPath | ForEach-Object {'{0}:{1}' -f $_, (Split-Path -Leaf $_)}) $lines.AddRange($pathLines) continue } if ($d -is [string]){ $lines.Add("${d}:1:1:$d") continue } Write-Error -targetobject $d -message "Invalid input type: '$($d.GetType())'" } } end { if($lines) { $outfile = [io.path]::GetTempFileName() + '.psvimerror' $output = [string]::join("`n", $lines) $tmp=[io.path]::GetTempPath() Remove-Item -Path $tmp\*.psvimerror -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Set-Content -encoding Ascii -Path $outfile -Value $output LaunchVim (Get-Item $outfile).fullname -NewInstance:$NewInstance -ErrorFormat '%f:%l:%c:%m,%f:%m' } } } function Set-VimNewInstanceName{ param ( [string] $name = 'PsVim' ) $script:NewInstanceName = $name } Set-Alias igv Invoke-GVim |