# Copyright 2018 Nick Cox # Copyright 2020 Niko Pasanen # # About this file # =============== # This file has been forked from ps-autovent v.0.5.0 by Nick Cox # # # Added since: # * Modify for venvlink purposes (check for ./venv/ v file) # * Check all the parent folders for virtual environments # * Change logic: no action on every change in pwd, but only when there # is pwd change to project folder from outside project folder, or # vice versa. # * Also check the initial folder. # * For authorization, check also hash of the file Set-StrictMode -Version latest # Keeps track of current ("old") directory. $script:currentDir = $pwd # If pwd inside project directory (or subfolder), # this is non-null and points to the project folder root. # Both objects below are always System.IO.DirectoryInfo or null. $script:currentProjectDir = $null $script:lastfoundProjectDir = $null $global:venvlink_autoenv = New-Object PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{ AUTH_FILE = '~/venvlink-autoenv-auth' ENV_FILENAME = 'venvlink-autoenv.ps1' ENV_LEAVE_FILENAME = 'venvlink-autoenv.leave.ps1' ENABLE_LEAVE = $true ASSUME_YES = $false }) function AuthorizeFile($filePath) { if (-not (Test-Path $venvlink_autoenv.AUTH_FILE)) { New-Item $venvlink_autoenv.AUTH_FILE } $content = Get-Content $filePath -Raw $hash = (Get-FileHash $filePath -Algorithm MD5).Hash $authline = "$filePath $hash" if ((Get-Content $venvlink_autoenv.AUTH_FILE) -contains $authline) { return $true } Write-Warning 'venvlink-autoenv wants to authorize the following script:' Write-Host ('=' * 60) -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $content -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host ('=' * 60) -ForegroundColor Red if ($venvlink_autoenv.ASSUME_YES -eq $true) { Write-Host "$([char]0x2713) Auto authorized `n" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow $authline >> $venvlink_autoenv.AUTH_FILE return $true } switch (Read-Host "Authorize file ($filePath) ( y / n )") { "y" { $authline >> $venvlink_autoenv.AUTH_FILE return $true } Default { return $false } } } function RunScript { [CmdletBinding()] param ($scriptFile) $scriptFile = Get-Item $scriptFile $scriptDir = $scriptFile.Directory if (AuthorizeFile $scriptFile.FullName) { Write-Verbose "Running script: $scriptFile" #Set $PSScriptRoot for convenience $block = "param (`$PSScriptRoot)`n" #Give ./venv/venvlink-autoenv.ps1 access to # $workdir. This is needed so that # 1) virtual environment can be activated by cd'ing # into any subdirectory if project root # 2) Hardcoding directories in venvlink-autoenv # files is not needed -> Projects can be relocated. $block += "`$workdir = '$scriptDir'`n" $block += (Get-Content $scriptFile.FullName -Raw) $output = Invoke-Command ` -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create(($block))) ` -ArgumentList $scriptFile.DirectoryName } } function LeaveProjectDir { [CmdletBinding()] param ($project_dir) Write-Verbose "Leaving project directory '$project_dir'" if (-not $script:currentProjectDir) { return } if ( $venvlink_autoenv.ENABLE_LEAVE -and ( $leaveFile = GetVenvlinkFile $project_dir $venvlink_autoenv.ENV_LEAVE_FILENAME)) { RunScript $leaveFile $script:currentProjectDir = $null } } function EnterProjectDir { [CmdletBinding()] param ($project_dir) Write-Verbose "Entered project directory '$project_dir'" if ($enterFile = GetVenvlinkFile $project_dir $venvlink_autoenv.ENV_FILENAME) { RunScript $enterFile $script:currentProjectDir = $project_dir } } function GetVenvlinkFile($Dir, [string]$filename) { try { $venv = Join-Path -Path (Get-Item $Dir -Force) -ChildPath 'venv' $file = Join-Path -Path $venv -ChildPath $filename if (-not (Test-Path $file)) { $file = $false } } catch { $file = $false } return $file } function IsProjectDir { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if a directory is a project directory .DESCRIPTION Check if a directory is a venvlink project directory. A venvlink project directory has file ./venv/ENV_FILENAME This function returns true or false. This function modifies $script:lastfoundProjectDir #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The directory to be checked. $Dir ) Write-Verbose "Checking if $Dir is a project directory" $venvlink_env = GetVenvlinkFile $Dir $venvlink_autoenv.ENV_FILENAME if ($venvlink_env -eq $false) { $ret = $false } else { $ret = $true $script:lastfoundProjectDir = (Get-Item (Get-Item $venvlink_env).Directory.parent.FullName) } return $ret } function InProject { <# .SYNOPSIS Check if a directory is within a project directory .DESCRIPTION Check if a directory or one of it's subdirectories is a venvlink project directory. A venvlink project directory has file ./venv/venvlink-autoenv.ps1 This function returns true or false. This function modifies $script:lastfoundProjectDir #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The directory to be checked. $Dir, # Just for verbose output [bool]$suppressverbose ) if (!($suppressverbose)) { Write-Verbose "Checking if $Dir is a project directory or one of it's subfolders" } $project_found = IsProjectDir $Dir if (-not $project_found) { # -Force is needed since some special directories such as # "C:\Users\All Users" do not have a parent. if ((Get-Item $Dir -Force).parent) { $project_found = InProject (Get-Item $Dir -Force).parent.FullName $true } } return $project_found } function AutoEnv { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The directory that user is entering $newDir ) Write-Verbose "Running AutoEnv, currentDir: $currentDir, newDir: $newDir, currentProjectDir:$script:currentProjectDir, lastfoundProjectDir:$script:lastfoundProjectDir" try { if ($newDir.Path -eq $currentDir.Path) { return } $current_in = InProject $currentDir $new_in = InProject $newDir Write-Verbose "Current folder ($currentDir) in a project: $current_in" Write-Verbose "New folder ($newDir) in a project: $new_in" Write-Verbose "currentProjectDir:$script:currentProjectDir, lastfoundProjectDir:$script:lastfoundProjectDir" if ($current_in -eq $new_in) { # If current and new directory are both # inside or outside the project folder, there # is no need to run anything. # But there is one exception which must be checked: # User changes directly from one project to another if ($script:lastfoundProjectDir -and $script:currentProjectDir) { $samefolder = ($script:lastfoundProjectDir.FullName -eq $script:currentProjectDir.FullName) } else { # dirs can be null (e.g. after deactivation). $samefolder = $false } if (($current_in -and $new_in) -and (-not $samefolder)) { # User changed directly from one project to another. LeaveProjectDir $script:currentProjectDir EnterProjectDir $script:lastfoundProjectDir } } elseif ($new_in) { # newDir is inside project # currentDir is outside project # -> Just entered project folder EnterProjectDir $script:lastfoundProjectDir } elseif ($current_in) { # newDir is outside project # currentDir is inside project # -> Just left project folder LeaveProjectDir $script:currentProjectDir } $script:currentDir = $newDir return } catch { Write-Warning "Could not execute venvlink_autoenv script. `n$_.Exception.Message" } } # Add validator to PWD which is called every time directory is changed. # The validator checks if shell has left or entered a project folder. # DEBUG TIP: Use "AutoEnv $_ -Verbose" instead of "AutoEnv $_" $validateAttr = (new-object ValidateScript { AutoEnv $_; return $true }) (Get-Variable PWD).Attributes.Add($validateAttr) $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.OnRemove = { $null = (Get-Variable pwd).attributes.Remove($validateAttr) $global:venvlink_autoenv = $null } # This is only ran when this module is imported # Needed for the case, when powershell is launched in a folder that has environment to # be activated. if (InProject $pwd) { EnterProjectDir $script:lastfoundProjectDir } Export-ModuleMember -Variable $venvlink_autoenv |