$MyForm = dialog create "My Form" 0 0 326 333 $DataGridView1 = dialog add $MyForm DataGridView 9 22 360 150 $TextBox1 = dialog add $MyForm TextBox 189 28 100 20 "" $TextBox2 = dialog add $MyForm TextBox 189 136 100 20 "" $Button1 = dialog add $MyForm Button 214 28 75 23 "Add" $Button2 = dialog add $MyForm Button 254 115 75 23 "Search" $SearchBox = dialog add $MyForm TextBox 254 28 75 23 info "$(chr 34)Dbq=$(curdir)\vds.accdb$(chr 34)" $dbq = ('Dbq='+($(curdir))+'\vds.accdb') Add-OdbcDsn -Name "VDS" -DriverName "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)" -DsnType "User" -Platform "64-bit" -SetPropertyValue "$dbq" database open vds function updatetable { $q = $(database execute "select * from TestStruct where name like '%'") $DataGridView1.ColumnCount = 2 $DataGridView1.Columns[0].Name = "Name" $DataGridView1.Columns[1].Name = "Phone" for ($i=0; $i -lt $q.name.count; $i++) { if ($q.name.count -gt 1) { $DataGridView1.Rows.Add($q.name[$i],$q.phone[$i]) | Out-Null #Because $q is an array! } else { $DataGridView1.Rows.Add($q.name,$q.phone) | Out-Null #Because $q is a single item! $q.name[$i] would produce the first letter of the name } } $DataGridView1.ReadOnly = $true } $Button1.add_Click({ database execute ("insert into TestStruct values ("+$(chr 39)+$TextBox1.text+$(chr 39)+","+$(chr 39)+$TextBox2.text+$(chr 39)+")") console ("insert into TestStruct values ("+$(chr 39)+$TextBox1.text+$(chr 39)+","+$(chr 39)+$TextBox2.text+$(chr 39)+")") $DataGridView1.Rows.Clear() updatetable }) updatetable $Button2.add_Click({ $DataGridView1.Rows.Clear() $q = $(database execute ("select * from TestStruct where name like '%"+$SearchBox.text+"%'")) $DataGridView1.ColumnCount = 2 $DataGridView1.Columns[0].Name = "Name" $DataGridView1.Columns[1].Name = "Phone" for ($i=0; $i -lt $q.name.count; $i++) { if ($q.name.count -gt 1) { $DataGridView1.Rows.Add($q.name[$i],$q.phone[$i]) | Out-Null #Because $q is an array! } else { $DataGridView1.Rows.Add($q.name,$q.phone) | Out-Null #Because $q is a single item! $q.name[$i] would produce the first letter of the name } } $DataGridView1.ReadOnly = $true }) dialog show $MyForm |