#add-type -assemblyname System.Drawing $script:lastfind = "" $script:curdoc = "" $RichEditForm = dialog create "RichEdit" 0 0 600 480 $RichEditForm.MinimumSize = new-object System.Drawing.Size(480,360) rem $label = dialog add $RichEditForm Label 25 50 1000 20 "Feel free to make more toobar stuffs!" $boldbutton = dialog add $RichEditForm checkbox 52 190 20 20 $italicbutton = dialog add $RichEditForm checkbox 52 210 20 20 $underlinebutton = dialog add $RichEditForm checkbox 52 230 20 20 $leftbutton = dialog add $RichEditForm checkbox 52 260 20 20 $centerbutton = dialog add $RichEditForm checkbox 52 280 20 20 $rightbutton = dialog add $RichEditForm checkbox 52 300 20 20 $StatusStrip1 = dialog add $RichEditForm StatusStrip $toolstrip1 = dialog add $RichEditForm toolstrip ('&New|'+$(curdir)+'\..\res\page_add.png,&Open|'+$(curdir)+'\..\res\folder_page_white.png,&Save|'+$(curdir)+'\..\res\disk.png') $file = dialog add $RichEditForm menustrip "&File" ('&New|Ctrl+N|'+$(curdir)+'\..\res\page_add.png,&Open|Ctrl+O|'+$(curdir)+'\..\res\folder_page_white.png,&Save|Ctrl+S|'+$(curdir)+'\..\res\disk.png,Save &As,-,Page Set&up...,&Print|Ctrl+P,-,E&xit') $edit = dialog add $RichEditForm menustrip "&Edit" "&Undo|Ctrl+Z,-,Cu&t|Ctrl+X,&Copy|Ctrl+C,&Paste|Ctrl+V,-,&Find|Ctrl+F,Find &Next|F3,&Replace|Ctrl+H,&Go To...|Ctrl+G,Select &All|Ctrl+A,Time/&Date|F5" $format = dialog add $RichEditForm menustrip "F&ormat" "&Word Wrap,&Font..." $view = dialog add $RichEditForm menustrip "&View" "&Status Bar" $debug = dialog add $RichEditForm menustrip "&Debug" "RichEditProps,FontDlgProps" $FontBox = dialog add $RichEditForm ComboBox 52 1 121 21 "" $SizeBox = dialog add $RichEditForm ComboBox 52 123 60 21 "" $RichEdit = dialog add $RichEditForm RichTextBox 75 0 480 360 dialog image $boldbutton ($(curdir)+'\..\res\text_bold.png') dialog image $italicbutton ($(curdir)+'\..\res\text_italic.png') dialog image $underlinebutton ($(curdir)+'\..\res\text_underline.png') dialog image $leftbutton ($(curdir)+'\..\res\text_align_left.png') dialog image $centerbutton ($(curdir)+'\..\res\text_align_center.png') dialog image $rightbutton ($(curdir)+'\..\res\text_align_right.png') dialog property $boldbutton appearance "Button" dialog property $italicbutton appearance "Button" dialog property $underlinebutton appearance "Button" dialog property $leftbutton appearance "Button" dialog property $centerbutton appearance "Button" dialog property $rightbutton appearance "Button" dialog property $RichEdit Scrollbars "Both" dialog property $RichEdit WordWrap $false dialog property $FontBox DropDownStyle "dropdownlist" dialog property $SizeBox DropDownStyle "DropDownlist" list fontlist $FontBox $(dlgprops $FontBox) | Out-File '.\FontBox.txt' for ($i=8;$(greater 97 $i);$i = $(prod $i)) {list add $SizeBox $i} list seek $FontBox 1 list seek $SizeBox 1 $leftbutton.add_Click({ dialog property $RichEdit SelectionAlignment "Left" }) $centerbutton.add_Click({ dialog property $RichEdit SelectionAlignment "Center" }) $rightbutton.add_Click({ dialog property $RichEdit SelectionAlignment "Right" }) $FontBox.add_SelectedIndexChanged({ console "change" $rFont = $RichEdit.SelectionFont $nFont = new-object Drawing.FontStyle $nVal = 0 if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Bold $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 1 } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Italic $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 2 } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Underline $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 4 } $nFont.value__ = $nVal $font = New-Object Drawing.Font($FontBox.Text, $rFont.Size, $nFont) $RichEdit.SelectionFont = $font $RichEdit.Focus() }) $SizeBox.add_SelectedIndexChanged({ $rFont = $RichEdit.SelectionFont $nFont = new-object Drawing.FontStyle $nVal = 0 if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Bold $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 1 } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Italic $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 2 } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Underline $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 4 } $nFont.value__ = $nVal $font = New-Object Drawing.Font($rFont.FontFamily, ($SizeBox.Text/1), $nFont) $RichEdit.SelectionFont = $font $RichEdit.Focus() }) $script:statusstripvisible = $true $init = timer 1 $init.add_Tick({ if ($(equal $scipt:statusstripvisible $true)) { dialog setpos $RichEdit 75 0 $(differ $(dlgpos $RichEditForm "W") 15) $(differ $(dlgpos $RichEditForm "H") 140) } else { dialog setpos $RichEdit 75 0 $(differ $(dlgpos $RichEditForm "W") 15) $(differ $(dlgpos $RichEditForm "H") 120) } $init.enabled = $false }) $boldbutton.add_Click({ if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Bold $true)) { $rFont = $RichEdit.SelectionFont $nFont = new-object Drawing.FontStyle $nVal = 0 if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Italic $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 2 } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Underline $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 4 } $nFont.value__ = $nVal $font = New-Object Drawing.Font($rFont.FontFamily, $rFont.Size, $nFont) $RichEdit.SelectionFont = $font } else { $rFont = $RichEdit.SelectionFont $nFont = new-object Drawing.FontStyle $nVal = 1 if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Italic $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 2 } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Underline $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 4 } $nFont.value__ = $nVal $font = New-Object Drawing.Font($rFont.FontFamily, $rFont.Size, $nFont) $RichEdit.SelectionFont = $font } $RichEdit.Focus() }) $italicbutton.add_Click({ if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.italic $true)) { $rFont = $RichEdit.SelectionFont $nFont = new-object Drawing.FontStyle $nVal = 0 if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Bold $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 1 } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Underline $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 4 } $nFont.value__ = $nVal $font = New-Object Drawing.Font($rFont.FontFamily, $rFont.Size, $nFont) $RichEdit.SelectionFont = $font } else { $rFont = $RichEdit.SelectionFont $nFont = new-object Drawing.FontStyle $nVal = 2 if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Bold $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 1 } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Underline $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 4 } $nFont.value__ = $nVal $font = New-Object Drawing.Font($rFont.FontFamily, $rFont.Size, $nFont) $RichEdit.SelectionFont = $font } $RichEdit.Focus() }) $underlinebutton.add_Click({ if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.underline $true)) { $rFont = $RichEdit.SelectionFont $nFont = new-object Drawing.FontStyle $nVal = 0 if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Bold $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 1 } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Italic $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 2 } $nFont.value__ = $nVal $font = New-Object Drawing.Font($rFont.FontFamily, $rFont.Size, $nFont) $RichEdit.SelectionFont = $font } else { $rFont = $RichEdit.SelectionFont $nFont = new-object Drawing.FontStyle $nVal = 4 if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Bold $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 1 } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Italic $true)) { $nVal = $nVal + 2 } $nFont.value__ = $nVal $font = New-Object Drawing.Font($rFont.FontFamily, $rFont.Size, $nFont) $RichEdit.SelectionFont = $font } $RichEdit.Focus() }) $statusupdate = timer 200 $statusupdate.add_Tick({ $row = ($RichEdit.GetLineFromCharIndex($RichEdit.SelectionStart)/1) $StatusStrip1.items[0].Text = 'Count: '+$RichEdit.text.length+' Lines: '+$RichEdit.Lines.Count+" Current Line: "+$RichEdit.GetLineFromCharIndex($RichEdit.SelectionStart)+" Current Row: "+$(sendmsg $(winexists $RichEdit) 0x00c1 $RichEdit.SelectionStart 0) if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.Bold $true)) { $boldbutton.checked = $true } else { $boldbutton.checked = $false } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.italic $true)) { $italicbutton.checked = $true } else { $italicbutton.checked = $false } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionFont.underline $true)) { $underlinebutton.checked = $true } else { $underlinebutton.checked = $false } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionAlignment "Left")) { $leftbutton.checked = $true } else { $leftbutton.checked = $false } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionAlignment "Center")) { $centerbutton.checked = $true } else { $centerbutton.checked = $false } if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectionAlignment "Right")) { $rightbutton.checked = $true } else { $rightbutton.checked = $false } }) $RichEditForm.add_Resize({ if ($(equal $scipt:statusstripvisible $true)) { dialog setpos $RichEdit 75 0 $(differ $(dlgpos $RichEditForm "W") 15) $(differ $(dlgpos $RichEditForm "H") 140) } else { dialog setpos $RichEdit 75 0 $(differ $(dlgpos $RichEditForm "W") 15) $(differ $(dlgpos $RichEditForm "H") 120) } }) function global:newdoc { } function global:toolstripitemclick ($name) { menuitemclick $name } function global:menuitemclick ($menu) { switch ($(dlgname $menu)) { "&New" { if ($(equal $script:curdoc "")) { $script:curdoc = "" $RichEdit.Clear() dialog set $RichEditForm "RichEdit" } else { $saveFile = $(savedlg "Rich Documents|*.rtf") if ($saveFile) { $RichEdit.SaveFile($saveFile) $script:curdoc = $(string $saveFile) dialog set $RichEditForm "RichEdit - $(name $curdoc)" $script:curdoc = "" $RichEdit.Clear() dialog set $RichEditForm "RichEdit" } else { $script:curdoc = "" $RichEdit.Clear() dialog set $RichEditForm "RichEdit" } } } "&Open" { $fileOpen = $(filedlg "Rich Documents|*.rtf") if ($fileOpen) { $RichEdit.LoadFile($fileOpen) $script:curdoc = $(string $fileOpen) dialog set $RichEditForm "RichEdit - $(name $curdoc)" } } "&Save" { if ($(equal $script:curdoc "")) { $saveFile = $(savedlg "Rich Documents|*.rtf") if ($saveFile) { $RichEdit.SaveFile($saveFile) $script:curdoc = $(string $saveFile) dialog set $RichEditForm "RichEdit - $(name $curdoc)" } } else { $RichEdit.SaveFile($curdoc) } } "Save &As" { $saveFile = $(savedlg "Rich Documents|*.rtf") if ($saveFile) { $RichEdit.SaveFile($saveFile) $script:curdoc = $(string $saveFile) dialog set $RichEditForm "RichEdit - $(name $curdoc)" } } "&Print" { #Might not be the best way, but this an example. $RichEdit.SaveFile($(curdir)+'\print.rtf') shell "&Print" ($(curdir)+'\print.rtf') } "E&xit" { if ($(equal $script:curdoc "")) { dialog close $RichEditForm } else { $saveFile = $(savedlg "Rich Documents|*.rtf") if ($saveFile) { $RichEdit.SaveFile($saveFile) $script:curdoc = $(string $saveFile) dialog set $RichEditForm "RichEdit - $(name $curdoc)" dialog close $RichEditForm } else { dialog close $RichEditForm } } } "&Undo" {$RichEdit.Undo()} "Cu&t" {$RichEdit.Cut()} "&Copy" {$RichEdit.Copy()} "&Paste" {$RichEdit.Paste()} "&Font..." { $fontdlg = $(fontdlg) if ($fontdlg) { $RichEdit.SelectionFont = $fontdlg.font console $fontdlg.font $RichEdit.SelectionColor = $fontdlg.color } } "&Find"{ $script:lastfind = $(input "Find" "Find") $RichEdit.Find($script:lastfind)} "Find &Next" {$RichEdit.Find($script:lastfind)} "&Replace"{replacewindow} "&Go To..." { $input = $(input "Line" "Go to line") window send $(winexists $RichEdit) $(ctrl $(key ("home"))) #for ($i=1; $i -lt ($input/1); $i++) { for ( #initialize $i = 1 #stop $(greater ($input/1) $i) #step $i = $(prod $i) ) { window send $(winexists $RichEdit) $(key 'Down') } window send $(winexists $RichEdit) $(shift $(key "End")) } "Select &All" { $RichEdit.SelectAll()} "Time/&Date" { $RichEdit.SelectedText = $(datetime) } "&Word Wrap" { if ($(equal $RichEdit.WordWrap $false)) { $format.DropDownItems['&Word Wrap'].Checked = $true $RichEdit.WordWrap = $true } else { $format.DropDownItems['&Word Wrap'].Checked = $false $RichEdit.WordWrap = $false } } "&Status Bar" { if ($(equal $statusstripvisible $true)) { console "Hide" $script:statusstripvisible = $false window hide $(winexists $StatusStrip1) $init.enabled = $true } else { console "Normal" $script:statusstripvisible = $true window normal $(winexists $StatusStrip1) $init.enabled = $true } } "RichEditProps"{ $rFont = $RichEdit.SelectionFont $nFont = new-object Drawing.FontStyle $nFont.value__ = 3 $font = New-Object Drawing.Font($rFont.FontFamily, $rFont.Size, $nFont) $RichEdit.SelectionFont = $font } } } function replacewindow { $global:replacewin = dialog create 'Replace' 0 0 350 175 $what = dialog add $replacewin label 20 20 75 20 "Find What:" $global:sfind = dialog add $replacewin textbox 20 120 120 20 $script:lastfind $with = dialog add $replacewin label 60 20 75 20 "Replace With:" $global:sreplace = dialog add $replacewin textbox 60 120 120 20 $rfbutton = dialog add $replacewin button 20 250 75 20 "Find" $rrbutton = dialog add $replacewin button 60 250 75 20 "Replace" $rfbutton.add_Click({ $script:lastfind = $sfind.text $RichEdit.Find($sfind.text) $RichEdit.Focus() }) $rrbutton.add_Click({ if ($(equal $RichEdit.SelectedText $global:sfind.text)) { $RichEdit.SelectedText = $global:sreplace.text } else { $script:lastfind = $global:sfind.text $RichEdit.Find($global:sfind.text) } $RichEdit.Focus() }) dialog show $global:replacewin window ontop $(winexists $global:replacewin) } dialog show $RichEditForm |