#Correct variables per language $title = "Visual DialogShell SendKey demonstration" $a = "Wordpad" $w = "Document - Wordpad" $z = "Save As" $p1 = $(input "Enter your name" $title "User") $p2 = $(input "Enter your birthday" $title "dd/mm/yyyy") warn "Be sure to set your keyboard lowercase $(cr)$(cr)Hit enter to start ..." if ($(winexists $w)){ window activate $(winexists $w) } else { start-process -filepath "$(chr 34)$(env programfiles)\Windows NT\Accessories\$a.exe$(chr 34)" } $c = 3000 while (-not $(winexists $w)) { $c = $(pred $c) if ($(zero $c)) { warn "Can't launch $($a).exe!" exit -1 } } $w = $(winexists $w) window settext $w $title wait 1 window position $w 5 480 800 1200 # enter some text function checkok(){ if ($(not $(ok))){ window send $w "** The result of ok was false after the $(cr)" window send $w "** previous line was sent, indicating that $(cr)" window send $w "** one or more of the characters was not $(cr)" window send $w "** a valid keyboard character $(cr)" } } window send $w "Hello $p1 ! $(cr)This is a test string$(cr)" checkok window send $w "The current directory is $(curdir)$(cr)" checkok window send $w "$(tab)This text is indented.$(cr)" checkok window send $w "$(shift 'and this text is in capitals')$(cr)" checkok window send $w "5 > 4 = true?$(cr)" checkok function days(){ $p3 = [DateTime]::ParseExact($p2,"dd/MM/yyyy",$null) $today = (get-date) $diff = $today - $p3 return $diff } if (-not $(equal $pw 'dd/mm/yyyy')){ window send $w "You'd already spent $(days) days on earth !" checkok } window send $w "The date is: $(get-date)$(cr)$(cr)" wait 1 checkok window send $w "Let's copy some text to the clipboard...$(cr)" wait 1 checkok window send $w "$(ctrl $(key 'home'))$(shift $(key 'end')$(key 'down')$(key 'down')$(key 'end'))" wait 1 window send $w "$(ctrl c)" wait 1 window send $w "$(ctrl $(key 'end'))" wait 1 window send $w "... and insert the copied text here.$(cr)" wait 1 checkok window send $w "$(shift $(key 'insert'))" window send $w "$(cr)$(cr)" wait 3 window send $w "Here are some accented characters:$(cr)" checkok window send $w "???????????$(chr 255)$(cr)" checkok window send $w "$(cr)" wait 2 window send $w "$(cr) Now let's save the file.$(cr)" checkok window send $w "$(alt f)a" wait 1 $c = 1000 while (-not $(winexists $z)) { $c = $(pred $c) if ($(zero $c)) { warn "Cannot find window $($z) - aborting$(cr)Check the hotkey value at line 99,$(cr)according to your Wordpad version !" exit -1 } } $z = $(winexists $z) wait 1 window send $z "Test" wait 2 window send $z "$(esc)$(esc)" wait 1 window send $w "Changed my mind!$(cr)" window send $w "$(alt $(key 'f4'))" $c = 1000 while (-not $(winexists $title)) { $c = $(pred $c) if ($(zero $c)) { warn "Cannot find window $(chr 32)$title$(chr 32) - aborting" exit -1 } } window send $a "$(alt 'n')" info "End of demonstration" $title exit 0 |