$Form = dialog create "Main Dialog" 0 0 309 226 $SB = dialog add $Form StatusStrip $List1 = dialog add $Form ListBox 10 10 272 114 "ListBox1" $Add = dialog add $Form Button 130 52 64 24 "Add" $Close = dialog add $Form Button 130 180 64 24 "Close" dialog set $SB.items[0] "Click Add to add an item of text to the list" $Add.add_Click({ child_dialog }) $close.add_Click({ close }) function child_dialog(){ $CForm = dialog create "Child Dialog" 0 0 309 108 $CEDIT1 = dialog add $CForm TextBox 10 11 175 23 "" $OK = dialog add $CForm Button 8 206 75 23 "OK" $Cancel = dialog add $CForm Button 38 206 75 23 "Cancel" $OK.add_Click({ $a = $(dlgtext $CEDIT1) list add $List1 $a cancel }) $Cancel.add_Click({ cancel }) dialog showmodal $CForm } function cancel(){ dialog close $CForm } function close(){ dialog close $Form } dialog show $Form |