#Requires -Version 3.0 #-- Public Module Functions for Download Files --# # download <# .SYNOPSIS Use BITS Transfer to downlpad a file from remote server. If -Force switch enable, then use smbmapping and copy -force will run. .DESCRIPTION If target path was directory then download files below path. (None recurse) If target path was file then download specific file. .NOTES Author: guitarrapc Created: 14/Aug/2013 .EXAMPLE download -SourcePath c:\logs\white\20130719 -DestinationFolder c:\logs\white -DeployGroup production-g1.ps1 -Directory -Async -------------------------------------------- download remote sourthdirectory items to local destinationfolder in backgroud job. .EXAMPLE download -SourcePath c:\logs\white\20130716\Http.0001.log -DestinationFolder c:\test -DeployGroup.ps1 production-first -File -------------------------------------------- download remote sourth item to local destinationfolder .EXAMPLE download -SourcePath c:\logs\white\20130716 -DestinationFolder c:\test -DeployGroup production-first.ps1 -Directory -------------------------------------------- download remote sourthdirectory items to local destinationfolder in backgroud job. Omit parameter name. #> function Invoke-ValentiaDownload { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "File")] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Input Client SourcePath to be downloaded.")] [String]$SourcePath, [Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Input Server Destination Folder to save download items.")] [string]$DestinationFolder = $null, [Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Input target of deploy clients as [DeployGroup filename you sat at deploygroup Folder] or [ipaddress].")] [string]$DeployGroups, [Parameter(position = 3, ParameterSetName = "File", HelpMessage = "Set this switch to execute command for File. exclusive with Directory Switch.")] [switch]$File = $true, [Parameter(position = 3, ParameterSetName = "Directory", HelpMessage = "Set this switch to execute command for Directory. exclusive with File Switch.")] [switch]$Directory, [Parameter(position = 4, mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Set this switch to execute command as Async (Job).")] [switch]$Async = $false, [Parameter(Position = 5, mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Input DeployGroup Folder path if changed from default.")] [string]$DeployFolder = (Join-Path $Script:valentia.RootPath ([ValentiaBranchPath]::Deploygroup)), [Parameter(Position = 6, mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Set this switch if you want to Force download. This will smbmap with source folder and Copy-Item -Force. (default is BitTransfer)")] [switch]$force = $false, [Parameter(Position = 7, mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Return success result even if there are error.")] [bool]$SkipException = $false, [Parameter(Position = 8, mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Input PSCredential to use for wsman.")] [PSCredential]$Credential = (Get-ValentiaCredential) ) try { ### Begin $ErrorActionPreference = $valentia.preference.ErrorActionPreference.custom # Initialize Stopwatch [decimal]$TotalDuration = 0 $TotalstopwatchSession = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() # Initialize Errorstatus $SuccessStatus = $ErrorMessageDetail = @() # Get Start Time $TimeStart = (Get-Date).DateTime # Import default Configurations & Modules if ($PSBoundParameters['Verbose']) { # Import default Configurations $valeWarningMessages.warn_import_configuration | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug Import-ValentiaConfiguration -Verbose # Import default Modules $valeWarningMessages.warn_import_modules | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug Import-valentiaModules -Verbose } else { Import-ValentiaConfiguration Import-valentiaModules } # Log Setting New-ValentiaLog # Obtain DeployMember IP or Hosts for BITsTransfer "Get hostaddresses to connect." | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug $DeployMembers = Get-ValentiaGroup -DeployFolder $DeployFolder -DeployGroup $DeployGroups if ($DeployMembers.SuccessStatus -eq $false) { $SuccessStatus += $DeployMembers.SuccessStatus $ErrorMessageDetail += $DeployMembers.ErrorMessageDetail } # Parse Network Source ("Parsing Network SourcePath {0} as :\ should change to $." -f $SourcrePath) | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug $SourcePath = "$SourcePath".Replace(":","$") # Show Stopwatch for Begin section $TotalDuration = $TotalstopwatchSession.Elapsed.TotalSeconds Write-Verbose ("`t`tDuration Second for Begin Section: {0}" -f $TotalDuration) "" ### Process ("Downloading {0} from Target Computer : [{1}] `n" -f $SourcePath, $DeployMembers) | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug # Stopwatch [decimal]$DurationTotal = 0 # Create PSSession for each DeployMember foreach ($DeployMember in $DeployMembers){ # Stopwatch $stopwatchSession = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() # Set Source $Source = Join-Path "\\" $(Join-Path "$DeployMember" "$SourcePath") if (Test-Path $Source) { if ($Directory) { # Set Source files in source try { # Remove last letter of \ or / if (($Source[-1] -eq "\") -or ($Source[-1] -eq "/")) { $Source = $Source.Substring(0,($Source.Length-1)) } # Get File Information - No recurse $SourceFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $Source } catch { $SuccessStatus += $false $ErrorMessageDetail += $_ throw $_ } } elseif ($File) { # Set Source files in source try { # Get File Information $SourceFiles = Get-Item -Path $Source if ($SourceFiles.Attributes -eq "Directory") { $SuccessStatus += $false $ErrorMessageDetail += "Target is Directory, you must set Filename with -File Switch." throw "Target is Directory, you must set Filename with -File Switch." } } catch { $SuccessStatus += $false $ErrorMessageDetail += $_ throw $_ } } else { $SuccessStatus += $false $ErrorMessageDetail += $_ throw "Missing File or Directory switch. Please set -File or -Directory Switch to specify download type." } # Set Destination with date and DeproyMemberName if ($DestinationFolder -eq $null) { $DestinationFolder = $(Join-Path $Script:valentia.RootPath ([ValentiaBranchPath]::Download)) } $Date = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMdd") $DestinationPath = Join-Path $DestinationFolder $Date $Destination = Join-Path $DestinationPath $DeployMember # Create Destination if not exist if (-not(Test-Path $Destination)) { New-Item -Path $Destination -ItemType Directory -Force > $null } if ($force) { # Show Start-BitsTransfer Parameter ("Downloading {0} from {1}." -f $SourceFiles, $DeployMember) | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug Write-Verbose ("DeployFolder : {0}" -f $DeployFolder) Write-Verbose ("DeployMembers : {0}" -f $DeployMembers) Write-Verbose ("DeployMember : {0}" -f $DeployMember) Write-Verbose ("Source : {0}" -f $Source) Write-Verbose ("Destination : {0}" -f $Destination) Write-Verbose "Aync Mode : You cannot use Async switch with force" # Get Cimsession for target Computer "cim : New-CimSession to the ComputerName '{0}'" -f $DeployMember | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug $cim = New-CimSession -Credential $Credential -ComputerName $DeployMember # Create SMB Mapping to target parent directory if ($Directory) { "Directory switch Selected" | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug $smbRemotePath = (Get-Item $Source).FullName } elseif ($file) { "File switch Selected" | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug $smbRemotePath = (Get-Item $source).DirectoryName } # Running Copy-Item cmdlet, switch with $force try { #Only start download for file. foreach($SourceFile in $SourceFiles) { if (-not((Get-Item $SourceFile.fullname).Attributes -eq "Directory")) { Write-Warning ("Downloading {0} from {1} to {2}" -f ($SourceFile).fullname, $DeployMember, $Destination) $ScriptToRun = "Copy-Item -Path $(($SourceFile).fullname) -Destination $Destination -Force" Copy-Item -Path $(($SourceFile).fullname) -Destination $Destination -Force } } } catch [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreferenceStopException] { $SuccessStatus += $false $ErrorMessageDetail += $_ # Show Error Message throw $_ } finally { # Stopwatch $Duration = $stopwatchSession.Elapsed.TotalSeconds Write-Verbose ("Session duration Second : {0}" -f $Duration) "" } } else # Not Force Swtich { # Show Start-BitsTransfer Parameter ("Downloading {0} from {1}." -f $SourceFiles, $DeployMember) | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug Write-Verbose ("DeployFolder : {0}" -f $DeployFolder) Write-Verbose ("DeployMembers : {0}" -f $DeployMembers) Write-Verbose ("DeployMember : {0}" -f $DeployMember) Write-Verbose ("Source : {0}" -f $Source) Write-Verbose ("Destination : {0}" -f $Destination) Write-Verbose ("Aync Mode : {0}" -f $Async) # Running Bits Transfer, switch with $Async and no $Async try { switch ($true) { # Async Transfer $Async { try { $ScriptToRun = "Start-BitsTransfer -Source $(($SourceFile).fullname) -Destination $Destination -Credential $Credential -Asynchronous -DisplayName $DeployMember -Priority High -TransferType Download" foreach($SourceFile in $SourceFiles) { try { #Only start download for file. if (-not((Get-Item $SourceFile.fullname).Attributes -eq "Directory")) { # Run Job Write-Warning ("Async Downloading {0} from {1} to {2}" -f ($SourceFile).fullname, $DeployMember, $Destination) $Job = Start-BitsTransfer -Source $(($SourceFile).fullname) -Destination $Destination -Credential $Credential -Asynchronous -DisplayName $DeployMember -Priority High -TransferType Download # Waiting for complete job $Sleepms = 10 "Current States was {0}" -f $Job.JobState | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug } } catch { $SuccessStatus += $false $ErrorMessageDetail += $_ # Show Error Message throw $_ } } # Retrieving transfer status and monitor for transffered $Sleepms = 10 while (((Get-BitsTransfer).JobState -contains "Transferring") -or ((Get-BitsTransfer).JobState -contains "Connecting") -or ((Get-BitsTransfer).JobState -contains "Queued")) ` { "Current Job States was {0}, waiting for {1} ms {2}" -f ((Get-BitsTransfer).JobState | sort -Unique), $Sleepms, (((Get-BitsTransfer | where JobState -eq "Transferred").count) / $((Get-BitsTransfer).count)) | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug Sleep -Milliseconds $Sleepms } # Retrieve all files when completed Get-BitsTransfer | Complete-BitsTransfer } catch { $SuccessStatus += $false $ErrorMessageDetail += $_ # Show Error Message throw $_ } finally { # Delete all not compelte job Get-BitsTransfer | Remove-BitsTransfer # Stopwatch $Duration = $stopwatchSession.Elapsed.TotalSeconds Write-Verbose ("Session duration Second : {0}" -f $Duration) "" $DurationTotal += $Duration } } default { # NOT Async Transfer try { $ScriptToRun = "Start-BitsTransfer -Source $(($SourceFiles).fullname) -Destination $Destination -Credential $Credential -TransferType Download" foreach($SourceFile in $SourceFiles) { #Only start download for file. if (-not((Get-Item $SourceFile.fullname).Attributes -eq "Directory")) { Write-Warning ("Downloading {0} from {1} to {2}" -f ($SourceFile).fullname, $DeployMember, $Destination) Start-BitsTransfer -Source $(($SourceFile).fullname) -Destination $Destination -Credential $Credential -TransferType Download } } } catch [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreferenceStopException] { $SuccessStatus += $false $ErrorMessageDetail += $_ # Show Error Message throw $_ } finally { # Delete all not compelte job Get-BitsTransfer | Remove-BitsTransfer # Stopwatch $Duration = $stopwatchSession.Elapsed.TotalSeconds Write-Verbose ("Session duration Second : {0}" -f $Duration) "" } } } } catch { # Show Error Message Write-Error $_ # Set ErrorResult $SuccessStatus += $false $ErrorMessageDetail += $_ } } } else { Write-Warning ("{0} could find from {1}. Skip to next." -f $Source, $DeployGroups) } } ### End Write-Verbose "All transfer with BitsTransfer had been removed." } catch { $SuccessStatus += $false $ErrorMessageDetail += $_ if (-not $SkipException) { throw $_ } } finally { # obtain Result $resultParam = @{ StopWatch = $TotalstopwatchSession Cmdlet = $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) TaskFileName = $TaskFileName DeployGroups = $DeployGroups SkipException = $SkipException Quiet = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("quiet") -and $quiet } Out-ValentiaResult @resultParam # Cleanup valentia Environment Invoke-ValentiaClean } } |