
#Requires -Version 3.0

#-- Private Module Function for Async execution --#

Receives a results of one or more asynchronous pipelines.
This function receives the results of a pipeline running in a separate runspace.
Since it is unknown what exists in the results stream of the pipeline, this function will not have a standard return type.
Author: guitarrapc
Created: 13/July/2013
$AsyncPipelines += Invoke-ValentiaAsyncCommand -RunspacePool $valentia.runspace.pool.instance -ScriptToRun $ScriptToRun -Deploymember $DeployMember -Credential $credential -Verbose
Receive-ValentiaAsyncResults -AsyncPipelines $AsyncPipelines -ShowProgress
Above will retrieve Async Result

function Receive-ValentiaAsyncResults
        [Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "An array of Async Pipeline objects, returned by Invoke-ValentiaAsync.")]

        [Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Hide execution progress.")]

        [Parameter(Position = 2, mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Input Skip ErrorActionPreferenceOption.")]
        foreach($Pipeline in $AsyncPipelines)
                # Get HostName of Pipeline
                $ = $Pipeline.Pipeline.Commands.Commands.parameters.Value.ComputerName
                if (-not $quiet)
                    Write-Warning  -Message ("{0} Asynchronous execution done." -f $

                # output Asyanc result
                $task.result = $Pipeline.Pipeline.EndInvoke($Pipeline.AsyncResult)
                # Check status of stream
                    $task.SuccessStatus = $false
                    $task.ErrorMessageDetail = $Pipeline.Pipeline.Streams.Error
                    $task.success = $false

                    if (-not $SkipException)
                        if ($ErrorActionPreference -eq "Stop")
                            throw $Pipeline.Pipeline.Streams.Error
                            Write-Error "$($Pipeline.Pipeline.Streams.Error)"
                    $task.success = $true
                # Output $task variable to file. This will obtain by other cmdlet outside function.
                $task.SuccessStatus = $false
                $task.ErrorMessageDetail = $_
                Write-Error $_
                # Dispose Pipeline

        # Inherite variable
        [HashTable]$task = @{}