#Requires -Version 3.0 <# .SYNOPSIS This function will Set SymbolicLink items for desired Path. .DESCRIPTION PowerShell SymbolicLink function. Alternative to mklink Symbolic Link. This function will create Symbolic Link for input file fullpath. Also it works as like LINQ Zip method for different number items was passed for each -Path and -SymbolicPath. As Zip use minimal number item, this function also follow it. .NOTES Author: guitarrapc Created: 12/Aug/2014 .EXAMPLE ls d:\ ` | select -Last 2 ` | %{ @{ Path = $_.FullName SymbolicPath = Join-Path "d:\zzzzz" $_.Name } } ` | Set-SymbolicLink -Verbose-------------------------------------------- Pipeline Input to create SymbolicLink items. This will make symbolic in d:\zzzz with samename of input Path name. This means you can easily create Symbolic for different Path. .EXAMPLE Set-SymbolicLink -Path (ls d:\ | select -Last 2).FullName -SymbolicPath d:\hoge1, d:\hoge2, d:\hoge3 -Verbose -------------------------------------------- Parameter Input. This will create Symbolic Link for -Path input 2 items, with -SymbolicPath input d:\hoge1 and d:\hoge2. As number input was less with -Path, d:\hoge3 will be ignore. #> function Set-ValentiaSymbolicLink { [OutputType([Void])] [cmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "ForceFile")] param ( [parameter(mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline =1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)] [Alias('TargetPath')] [Alias('FullName')] [String[]]$Path, [parameter(mandatory = $true, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)] [String[]]$SymbolicPath, [parameter(mandatory = $false, Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1, ParameterSetName = "ForceFile")] [bool]$ForceFile = $false, [parameter(mandatory = $false, Position = 2, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1, ParameterSetName = "ForceDirectory")] [bool]$ForceDirectory = $false ) begin { $private:ErrorActionPreference = $valentia.preference.ErrorActionPreference.custom $prefix = "_" $i = 0 # Initialize prefix Length function IsFile ([string]$Path) { if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($Path)) { Write-Verbose ("Input object : '{0}' detected as File." -f $Path) return [System.IO.FileInfo]($Path) } } function IsDirectory ([string]$Path) { if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($Path)) { Write-Verbose ("Input object : '{0}' detected as Directory." -f $Path) return [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] ($Path) } } function IsFileAttribute ([System.IO.FileInfo]$Path) { $fileAttributes = [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Archive $attribute = [System.IO.File]::GetAttributes($Path.fullname) $result = $attribute -eq $fileAttributes if ($result) { Write-Verbose ('Attribute detected as File Archive. : {0}' -f $attribute) return $result } else { Write-Verbose ('Attribute detected as NOT File archive. : {0}' -f $attribute) return $result } } function IsDirectoryAttribute ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path) { $directoryAttributes = [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory $result = $Path.Attributes -eq $directoryAttributes if ($result) { Write-Verbose ('Attribute detected as Directory. : {0}' -f $Path.Attributes) return $result } else { Write-Verbose ('Attribute detected as NOT Directory. : {0}' -f $Path.Attributes) return $result } } } process { # Work as like LINQ Zip() method $zip = New-ValentiaZipPairs -first $Path -second $SymbolicPath foreach ($x in $zip) { # reverse original key $targetPath = $x.item1 $SymbolicNewPath = $x.item2 if ($ForceFile -eq $true) { [Valentia.CS.SymbolicLink]::CreateSymLink($SymbolicNewPath, $Path, $false) } elseif ($ForceDirectory -eq $true) { [Valentia.CS.SymbolicLink]::CreateSymLink($SymbolicNewPath, $Path, $true) } elseif ($file = IsFile -Path $targetPath) { # Check File Type if (IsFileAttribute -Path $file) { Write-Verbose ("symbolicPath : '{0}', target : '{1}', isDirectory : '{2}'" -f $SymbolicNewPath, $file.fullname, $false) [Valentia.CS.SymbolicLink]::CreateSymLink($SymbolicNewPath, $file.fullname, $false) } } elseif ($directory = IsDirectory -Path $targetPath) { # Check Directory Type if (IsDirectoryAttribute -Path $directory) { Write-Verbose ("symbolicPath : '{0}', target : '{1}', isDirectory : '{2}'" -f $SymbolicNewPath, $directory.fullname, $true) [Valentia.CS.SymbolicLink]::CreateSymLink($SymbolicNewPath, $directory.fullname, $true) } } } } } |