
#Requires -Version 3.0

#-- SymbolicLink Functions --#

This function will Remove only SymbolicLink items.
PowerShell SymbolicLink function. Alternative to mklink Symbolic Link.
This function detect where input file fullpath item is file/directory SymbolicLink, then only remove if it is SymbolicLink.
You don't need to care about input Path is FileInfo or DirectoryInfo.
Author: guitarrapc
Created: 12/Aug/2014
ls d:\ | Remove-ValentiaSymbolicLink
Pipeline Input to detect SymbolicLink items.
Remove-ValentiaSymbolicLink (ls d:\).FullName
Parameter Input to detect SymbolicLink items.

function Remove-ValentiaSymbolicLink
        [parameter(mandatory = $true, Position  = 0, ValueFromPipeline =1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)]
        $script:ErrorActionPreference = $valentia.preference.ErrorActionPreference.custom

        function IsFile ([string]$Path)
            if ([System.IO.File]::Exists($Path))
                Write-Verbose ("Input object : '{0}' detected as File." -f $Path)
                return [System.IO.FileInfo]($Path)

        function IsDirectory ([string]$Path)
            if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($Path))
                Write-Verbose ("Input object : '{0}' detected as Directory." -f $Path)
                return [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] ($Path)

        function IsFileReparsePoint ([System.IO.FileInfo]$Path)
            Write-Verbose ('File attribute detected as ReparsePoint')
            $fileAttributes = [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Archive, [System.IO.FileAttributes]::ReparsePoint -join ', '
            $attribute = [System.IO.File]::GetAttributes($Path.fullname)
            $result = $attribute -eq $fileAttributes
            if ($result)
                Write-Verbose ('Attribute detected as ReparsePoint. : {0}' -f $attribute)
                return $result
                Write-Verbose ('Attribute detected as NOT ReparsePoint. : {0}' -f $attribute)
                return $result

        function IsDirectoryReparsePoint ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path)
            $directoryAttributes = [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory, [System.IO.FileAttributes]::ReparsePoint -join ', '
            $result = $Path.Attributes -eq $directoryAttributes
            if ($result)
                Write-Verbose ('Attribute detected as ReparsePoint. : {0}' -f $Path.Attributes)
                return $result
                Write-Verbose ('Attribute detected as NOT ReparsePoint. : {0}' -f $Path.Attributes)
                return $result

        function RemoveFileReparsePoint ([System.IO.FileInfo]$Path)
        function RemoveDirectoryReparsePoint ([System.IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path)

            $Path `
            | %{
                if ($file = IsFile -Path $_)
                    if (IsFileReparsePoint -Path $file)
                        RemoveFileReparsePoint -Path $file
                elseif ($directory = IsDirectory -Path $_)
                    if (IsDirectoryReparsePoint -Path $directory)
                        RemoveDirectoryReparsePoint -Path $directory
            throw $_