#Requires -Version 3.0 #-- Scheduler Task Functions --# <# .SYNOPSIS Extension to set TaskScheduler and Remove Task folder where Task not exist .DESCRIPTION You can remove task Empty folder. Normal Unregister Cmdlet never erase them and it may cause some issue like TaskScheduler could not name as same as child folder of TaskPath. You can not create hoge task in root (\) when there are \hoge\ folder. \ -> \hoge\ -> \Microsoft\ .NOTES Author: guitarrapc Created: 24/Sep/2014 .EXAMPLE $param = @{ taskName = "hoge" Description = "None" taskPath = "\fuga" execute = "powershell.exe" Argument = '-Command "Get-Date | out-File c:\task01.log"' ScheduledAt = [datetime]"00:30:00" Once = $true Hidden = $true Disable = $false Force = $true Runlevel = "limited" } Set-ValentiaScheduledTask @param Remove-ValentiaScheduledTask -taskName $param.taskName -taskPath $param.taskPath Remove-ValentiaScheduledTaskEmptyDirectoryPath # Remove task not exist any task or taskfolder. .LINK #> function Remove-ValentiaScheduledTaskEmptyDirectoryPath { # validate target Directory is existing $path = Join-Path $env:windir "System32\Tasks" $result = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Directory | where Name -ne "Microsoft" if (($result | measure).count -eq 0){ return; } # validate Child is blank $result.FullName ` | where {(Get-ChildItem -Path $_) -eq $null} ` | Remove-Item -Force } |