#Requires -Version 3.0 #-- Public Module Functions to load Task --# # Task <# .SYNOPSIS Execute Task and push into CurrentContext .NOTES Author: guitarrapc Created: 31/July/2014 .EXAMPLE Push-ValentiaCurrentContextToTask -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -TaskFileName $TaskFileName #> function Push-ValentiaCurrentContextToTask { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(mandatory = $false)] [ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock, [parameter(mandatory = $false)] [string]$TaskFileName ) # Swtich ScriptBlock or ScriptFile was selected switch ($true) { {$ScriptBlock} { # run Task with ScriptBlock ("ScriptBlock parameter [ {0} ] was selected." -f $ScriptBlock) | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug $taskkey = Task -name ScriptBlock -action $ScriptBlock # Read Current Context $currentContext = $valentia.context.Peek() } {$TaskFileName} { # check file exist or not if (-not(Test-Path (Join-Path (Get-Location).Path $TaskFileName))) { $TaskFileStatus = [PSCustomObject]@{ ErrorMessageDetail = "TaskFileName '{0}' not found in '{1}' exception!!" -f $TaskFileName,(Join-Path (Get-Location).Path $TaskFileName) SuccessStatus = $false } $valentia.Result.SuccessStatus += $TaskFileStatus.SuccessStatus $valentia.Result.ErrorMessageDetail += $TaskFileStatus.ErrorMessageDetail } # Read Task File and get Action to run ("TaskFileName parameter '{0}' was selected." -f $TaskFileName) | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug # run Task $TaskFileName inside functions and obtain scriptblock written in. $taskkey = & $TaskFileName # Read Current Context $currentContext = $valentia.context.Peek() } default { $valentia.Result.SuccessStatus += $false $valentia.Result.ErrorMessageDetail += "TaskFile or ScriptBlock parameter must not be null" throw "TaskFile or ScriptBlock parameter must not be null" } } return $currentContext.tasks.$taskKey } |