
#Requires -Version 3.0

#-- Running prerequisite Initialize OS Setting Module Functions --#

# Initial

Initializing valentia PSRemoting environment for Deploy Server and client.
Make sure to Run as Admin Priviledge.
This function will execute followings.
1. Set-ExecutionPolicy (Default : RemoteSigned)
2. Add PowerShell Remoting Inbound rule to Firewall
3. Network Connection Profile Setup
4. Disable PSRemoting and CredSSP for reset
5. Enable-PSRemoting
6. Add hosts to trustedHosts
7. Set WSMan MaxShellsPerUser from 25 to 100
8. Set WSMan MaxMBPerUser unlimited.
9. Set WSMan MaxProccessesPerShell unlimited.
10. Enable CredSSP for trustedHosts.
11. Restart Service WinRM
12. Disable Enhanced Security for Internet Explorer
13. Create OS user for Deploy connection.
14. Server Only : Create Deploy Folders
15. Server Only : Create/Revise Deploy user credential secure file.
16. Set HostName for the windows.
17. Get Status for Reboot Status and decide.
   Select this switch to Initialize setup for Deploy Server. (Ristricted with Client)
   Select this switch to Initialize setup for Deploy Client. (Ristricted with Server)
   Select this switch If you don't want to initialize Deploy User. (Ristricted with Server)
   Select this switch If you don't want to Save/Revise password. (Ristricted with Server)
   set usage for the host. (Ristricted with Server)
   Select this switch If you don't want to Reboot.
   Select this switch If you want to Forece Restart without prompt.
.PARAMETER TrustedHosts
   Input Trusted Hosts you want to enable. Default : "*"
.PARAMETER SkipEnablePSRemoting
   Select this switch If you want to skip setup PSRemoting.
Author: guitarrapc
Created: 18/Jul/2013
Initialize-valentiaEnvironment -Server
Setup Server Environment
Setup Client Environment
Initialize-valentiaEnvironment -Client
Initialize-valentiaEnvironment -Client -NoOSUser
Setup Client Environment and Skip Deploy OSUser creattion
Setup Server Environment withour OSUser and Credential file revise
read production-hoge.ps1 from c:\test.

function Initialize-ValentiaEnvironment
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Server")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Server")]
        [switch]$Server = $true,

        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Client")]
        [switch]$Client = $false,

        [string]$HostUsage = "",

        [PSCredential]$Credential = $null,

        [string]$TrustedHosts = $valentia.wsman.TrustedHosts,

        [switch]$Force = $false,

        [switch]$NoOSUser = $false,

        [switch]$NoPassSave = $false,

        [switch]$NoReboot = $true,

        [switch]$SkipEnablePSRemoting = $false,

        [switch]$CredSSP = $false

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Verbose"))
                Server               = $Server
                Client               = $Client
                NoOSUser             = $NoOSUser
                NoPassSave           = $NoPassSave
                HostUsage            = $HostUsage
                NoReboot             = $NoReboot
                Force                = $Force
                TrustedHosts         = $TrustedHosts
                SkipEnablePSRemoting = $SkipEnablePSRemoting
                CredSSP              = $CredSSP
                Credential           = $Credential

        if (-not($SkipEnablePSRemoting))
            if ($CredSSP)

            EnablePSRemoting -SkipEnablePSRemoting $SkipEnablePSRemoting -TrustedHosts $TrustedHosts

            if ($CredSSP)
                EnableCredSSP -TrustedHosts $TrustedHosts
        $cred = CredentialCheck -NoOSUser $NoOSUser -NoPassSave $NoPassSave -credential $credential
        OSUserSetup -NoOSUser $NoOSUser -credential $cred
        ServerSetup -server $Server -credential $cred
        HostnameSetup -HostUsage $HostUsage
        RebootCheck -NoReboot $NoReboot -Force $Force
        # Cleanup valentia Environment

        $ErrorActionPreference = $valentia.preference.ErrorActionPreference.custom
        Set-StrictMode -Version latest

            throw "Your PowerShell Console is not elevated! Must start PowerShell as an elevated to run this function because of UAC."
            "Current session is already elevated, continue setup environment." | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug

        function ExecutionPolicy
            Write-Host "Configuring ExecutionPolicy." -ForegroundColor Cyan
            "Set ExecutionPolicy to '{0}' only if execution policy is restricted." -f $valentia.ExecutionPolicy | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
            $executionPolicy = Get-ExecutionPolicy
            if ($executionPolicy -eq "Restricted")
                Set-ExecutionPolicy $valentia.ExecutionPolicy -Force

        function FirewallNetWorkProfile
            Write-Host "Configuring Firewall to accept PowerShell Remoting." -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version -ge (New-Object 'Version' # over Win8/2012
                "Enable WindowsPowerShell Remoting Firewall Rule." | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
                New-ValentiaPSRemotingFirewallRule -PSRemotePort 5985

                "Set FireWall Status from Public to Private." | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
                if ((Get-NetConnectionProfile).NetworkCategory -ne "DomainAuthenticated")
                    Set-NetConnectionProfile -NetworkCategory Private
                Write-Warning ("Your OS Version detected as '{0}', which is lower than 'Windows 8' or 'Windows Server 2012'. Skip setting Firewall rule and Network location." -f [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version)

        function DisablePSRemotingCredSSP
            Write-Host "Disabling PSRemoting and CredSSP" -ForegroundColor Cyan
            Start-Service winrm -PassThru 
            winrm invoke restore winrm/config

            Disable-PSRemoting -Force
            Disable-WSManCredSSP -Role Client
            Disable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server
            Stop-Service winrm

        function EnablePSRemoting ($TrustedHosts)
            Write-Host "Enabling PSRemoting" -ForegroundColor Cyan
            "Setup PSRemoting" | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
            Start-Service winrm -PassThru 
            Enable-PSRemoting -Force

            "Add $TrustedHosts hosts to trustedhosts" | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
            Enable-ValentiaWsManTrustedHosts -TrustedHosts $TrustedHosts

            "show winrm configuration result" | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
            winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener

        function WSManConfiguration
            Write-Host "Configure WSMan parameter." -ForegroundColor Cyan

        function EnableCredSSP ($TrustedHosts)
            Write-Host "Enabling CredSSP" -ForegroundColor Cyan
            "Enable CredSSP for $TrustedHosts" | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
            Enable-ValentiaCredSSP -TrustedHosts $TrustedHosts
            "Enable winrm/Trustedhosts to registry AllowFreshCredentialsWhenNTLMOnly" | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug

        function IESettings
            Write-Host "Disable Enganced Security for Ineternet Explorer." -ForegroundColor Cyan
            "Disable Enhanced Security for Internet Explorer" | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug

        function CredentialCheck ($NoOSUser, $NoPassSave, [PSCredential]$credential = $null)
            if ((-not $NoOSUser) -or (-not $NoPassSave))
                if ($null -ne $credential)
                    Write-Host "Credential information already passed. Skip Credential prompt." -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    return $credential
                    Write-Host "Obtain PSCredential to set Credential information." -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    return (Get-Credential -Credential $valentia.users.deployUser)

        function OSUserSetup ($NoOSUser, $credential)
            Write-Host "Adding Deploy User." -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if ($NoOSUser)
                "NoOSUser switch was enabled, skipping create OSUser." | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
                "Add valentia connection user" | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
                New-ValentiaOSUser -Credential $credential

        function ServerSetup ($server, $credential)
            if ($Server)
                Write-Host "Add valentia DeployFolder." -ForegroundColor Cyan
                "Set Valentia credential in Windows Credential Manager." | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
                # validation
                if ($NoPassSave){ "NoPassSave switch was enabled, skipping Create/Revise set password into Windows Credential Manager." | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug; return; }
                if ($null -eq $credential){ "Credential was empty. Skipping Create/Revise set password into Windows Credential Manager." | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug; return; }

                "Create Deploy user credential .pass" | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
                Set-ValentiaCredential -Credential $credential

        function HostnameSetup ($HostUsage)
            Write-Host "Check HostName configuration." -ForegroundColor Cyan
            if ($HostUsage -eq "")
                "skipping Set HostName." | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
                "Update HostName." | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
                Set-ValentiaHostName -HostUsage $HostUsage

        function RebootCheck ($NoReboot, $Force)
            Write-Host "Check Reboot status." -ForegroundColor Cyan
                if ($NoReboot)
                    Write-Host 'NoReboot switch was enabled, skipping reboot.' -ForegroundColor Cyan
                elseif ($Force)
                    Write-Host "Start Restart Force." -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    "Start Restart Force." | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
                    Restart-Computer -Force:$Force
                    Write-Host "Start Restart with confirmation." -ForegroundColor Cyan
                    "Start Restart with confirmation." | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
                    Restart-Computer -Force:$Force -Confirm