
#Requires -Version 3.0

#-- Deploy Folder/File Module Functions --#

# target

Get ipaddress or NetBIOS from DeployGroup File specified
This cmdlet will read Deploy Group path and set them into array of Deploygroups.
Author: guitarrapc
Created: 18/Jul/2013
target production-hoge.ps1
read production-hoge.ps1 from deploy group branch path.
target production-hoge.ps1 c:\test
read production-hoge.ps1 from c:\test.

function Get-ValentiaGroup
        [Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1, HelpMessage = "Input target of deploy clients as [DeployGroup filename you sat at deploygroup Folder] or [ipaddress].")]

        [Parameter(Position = 1, mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Input DeployGroup Folder path if changed from default.")]
        [string]$DeployFolder = (Join-Path $Script:valentia.RootPath ([ValentiaBranchPath]::Deploygroup))

        foreach ($DeployGroup in $DeployGroups)
            # Get valentia.deployextension information
            ('Set DeployGroupFile Extension as "$valentia.deployextension" : {0}' -f $valentia.deployextension) | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
            $DeployExtension = $valentia.deployextension

            'Read DeployGroup and return $DeployMemebers' | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
            Read-ValentiaGroup -DeployGroup $DeployGroup

        # Get valentiaGroup
        function Read-ValentiaGroup
                [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]

            if ($DeployGroup.EndsWith($DeployExtension)) # if DeployGroup last letter = Extension is same as $DeployExtension
                $DeployGroupPath = Join-Path $DeployFolder $DeployGroup -Resolve

                ("Read DeployGroupPath {0} where letter not contain # inline." -f $DeployGroupPath) | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
                return (Select-String -path $DeployGroupPath -Pattern ".*#.*" -notmatch -Encoding $valentia.fileEncode | Select-String -Pattern "\w" -Encoding $valentia.fileEncode).line
                return $DeployGroup