#Requires -Version 3.0 #-- helper for DNS Entry --# <# .Synopsis Get HostName to IPAddress Entry / IPAddress to HostName Entry .DESCRIPTION using Dns.GetHostEntryAsync Method. You can skip Exception for none exist HostNameOrAddress result by adding -SkipException $true .EXAMPLE Get-HostEntryAsync -HostNameOrAddress "", "", "" # Test Success .EXAMPLE "", "", "" | Get-HostEntryAsync # Pipeline Input .EXAMPLE Get-HostEntryAsync -HostNameOrAddress "", "", "hogemopge.fugapiyo" # Error will stop execution .EXAMPLE Get-HostEntryAsync -HostNameOrAddress "", "", "hogemopge.fugapiyo" -SkipException $true # Skip Error result .LINK #> function Get-ValentiaHostEntryAsync { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)] [string[]]$HostNameOrAddress, [parameter(mandatory = $false, Position = 1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = 1)] [bool]$SkipException = $false ) process { foreach ($name in $HostNameOrAddress) { $x = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostEntryAsync($name) $x.ConfigureAwait($false) > $null $task = [PSCustomObject]@{ HostNameOrAddress = $name Task = $x } $tasks.Add($task) } } end { try { [System.Threading.Tasks.Task]::WaitAll($tasks.Task) } catch { $stackStrace = $_ $throw = $Tasks ` | where {$_.Task.Exception} ` | %{ $stackStrace [System.Environment]::NewLine "Error HostNameOrAddress : {0}" -f $_.HostNameOrAddress [System.Environment]::NewLine $_.Task.Exception } if (-not $SkipException) { throw $throw } else { Write-Verbose ("-SkipException was {0}. Skipping Error : '{1}'." -f $SkipException, "$(($Tasks | where {$_.Task.Exception}).HostNameOrAddress -join ', ')") } } finally { foreach ($task in $tasks.Task) { [System.Net.IPHostEntry]$IPHostEntry = $task.Result $IPHostEntry } } } begin { $tasks = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]' } } |