Function Get-vROpsResources{ <# .Synopsis Collects resources from vROps via REST API. .DESCRIPTION Collects resources from a vROps Operations Manager server via REST API. .PARAMETER OMServer FQDN or IP address of Operations Manager server to connect to. .PARAMETER ResourceKind This is the Resource Kind to be looking for. .PARAMETER AuthToken Authorisation Token that has been generated previously, either via Connect-vROpsRASession or another method. .PARAMETER AuthResource Authorisation Resource object that has been generated previously, either via Connect-vROpsRASession or another method. .EXAMPLE $AuthToken = (Connect-vROpsRASession -OMServer -Credentials $OMCreds).Token Get-vROpsResources -OMServer -AuthToken $AuthToken -ResourceKind "HPE3PAR_ADAPTER" .EXAMPLE $AuthResource = Connect-vROpsRASession -OMServer -Credentials $OMCreds -UseUntrustedSSLCertificates Get-vROpsResources -OMServer -AuthResource $AuthResource -ResourceKind "VMWARE" .EXAMPLE $OMserver = '' $AuthToken = Connect-vROpsRASession -OMServer $OMserver -Credentials $OMCreds -AuthSource "CentralIndustrial" Get-vROpsResources -OMServer $OMserver -AuthToken $AuthToken.Token -ResourceKind "VMWARE" .OUTPUTS This will output a list of resources of the kind specified. .Notes .NOTES Version: 0.1 Author: Lars Panzerbjørn Creation Date: 2019.11.22 Purpose/Change: Initial script development #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Token")] [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Object")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$OMServer, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Token")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Object")] [string]$ResourceKind, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Token")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject]$AuthToken, [Parameter(Mandatory,ParameterSetName="Object")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [PSObject]$AuthResource, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Token")] [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Object")] [ValidateSet('JSON', 'XML')] [string]$Type="JSON" ) Begin{ Write-Verbose "Beginning" $BaseURL = "https://" + $OMserver + "/suite-api/api/" $PageSize = "5000" #Maximum is 10000 $Page = 0 $Resourcelist = @() IF ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Object") {$AuthToken = $AuthResource.Token} $Authorization = "vRealizeOpsToken $AuthToken" $InvokeRestMethodSplat = @{} $InvokeRestMethodSplat.Method = "GET" IF ($Type -eq "JSON") {$RestType = 'application/json'} IF ($Type -eq "XML") {$RestType = "application/xml"} $Headers = @{Authorization=$Authorization} IF (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($RestType))){ $Headers.Accept = $RestType $InvokeRestMethodSplat.ContentType = $RestType } $InvokeRestMethodSplat.Headers = $Headers } Process{ Write-Verbose "Processing" IF ($Type -eq "JSON"){ Try{ DO{ Write-Verbose "Page $($Page)" IF (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResourceKind))){ Write-Verbose "Using ResourceKind: $($ResourceKind)" $ResourcesURL = $BaseURL + "adapterkinds/" + $ResourceKind + "/resources/?page=$page&pageSize=$PageSize" } IF ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResourceKind)){ Write-Verbose "Getting all Resources" $ResourcesURL = $BaseURL + "resources/?page=$page&pageSize=$PageSize" } $Resources = Invoke-RestMethod @InvokeRestMethodSplat -Uri $ResourcesURL $Resourcelist += $Resources.resourceList $Page++ } UNTIL (($Resources.links.href | Select -first 1) -eq ($Resources.links.href | Select -last 1)) } Catch [System.Net.WebException]{ IF (($PSItem | Get-ErrorInfo).Exception -eq 'The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.'){ Write-Warning "Failed to login. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized." } } Catch{ Write-Warning "Failed to get resources. Exception: $(($PSItem | Get-ErrorInfo).Exception) Reason: $(($PSItem | Get-ErrorInfo).Reason) Fullname: $(($PSItem | Get-ErrorInfo).Fullname) " } } IF ($Type -eq "XML"){ Try{ DO{ Write-Verbose "Page $($Page)" IF (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResourceKind))){ Write-Verbose "Using ResourceKind: $($ResourceKind)" $ResourcesURL = $BaseURL + "adapterkinds/" + $ResourceKind + "/resources/?page=$page&pageSize=$PageSize" } IF ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResourceKind)){ Write-Verbose "Getting all Resources" $ResourcesURL = $BaseURL + "resources/?page=$page&pageSize=$PageSize" } $Resources = Invoke-RestMethod @InvokeRestMethodSplat -Uri $ResourcesURL $Resourcelist += $Resources.resourceList $Page++ } UNTIL (($Resources.links.href | Select -first 1) -eq ($Resources.links.href | Select -last 1)) } Catch [System.Net.WebException]{ IF (($PSItem | Get-ErrorInfo).Exception -eq 'The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.'){ Write-Warning "Failed to login. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized." } } Catch{ Write-Warning "Failed to get resources. Exception: $(($PSItem | Get-ErrorInfo).Exception) Reason: $(($PSItem | Get-ErrorInfo).Reason) Fullname: $(($PSItem | Get-ErrorInfo).Fullname) " } } } End{ Write-Verbose "Ending" Return $Resourcelist } } |