##From https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/technet-magazine/hh360993(v=msdn.10) Function Get-Something { <# .SYNOPSIS Describe the function here .DESCRIPTION Describe the function in more detail .EXAMPLE Give an example of how to use it .EXAMPLE Give another example of how to use it .PARAMETER ComputerName The Computer name to query. Just one. .PARAMETER LogName The name of a file to write failed Computer names to. Defaults to errors.txt. .INPUTS Input is from command line or called from a script. .OUTPUTS This will output the logfile. .NOTES Version: 0.1 Author: Lars Panzerbj�rn Creation Date: 2020.05.12 Purpose/Change: Initial script development #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True, HelpMessage='What Computer name would you like to target?')] [Alias('host')] [ValidateLength(3,30)] [string[]]$ComputerName, [string]$LogName='Errors.txt' ) BEGIN { Write-Verbose "Deleting $LogName" Remove-Item $LogName -ErrorActionSilentlyContinue } PROCESS { Write-Verbose "Beginning process loop" ForEach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { Write-Verbose "Processing $Computer" # use $Computer to target a single Computer # create a hashtable with your output info $Info = @{ 'info1'=$value1; 'info2'=$value2; 'info3'=$value3; 'info4'=$value4 } Write-Output (New-Object -Typename PSObject -Property $Info) } } } |