<# .SYNOPSIS Nice module to assist in managing password storage in a file using an assymetrical key .DESCRIPTION Nice module to assist in managing password storage in a file using an assymetrical key #> function New-SecureKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a key to use for secure password storage .DESCRIPTION Creates a key to use for secure password storage in a keyfile on the filesystem. .PARAMETER KeyFile Path to the KeyFile location including the name of the file .PARAMETER KeyStrength Bitness of the key generated with the options being 128, 192, and 256. 256 is the default .EXAMPLE New-SecurityKey -KeyFile $env:userprofile\MySecret.txt #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$KeyFile, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet(128, 192, 256)] [int]$KeyStrength = 256 ) [byte[]]$Key switch ($KeyStrength) { 128 { $key = New-Object byte[] 16 } 192 { $key = New-Object byte[] 24 } 256 { $key = New-Object byte[] 32 } } [Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider]::Create().GetBytes($Key) [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($key) | Set-content -Path $KeyFile } function Set-StoredPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Using a KeyFile this will encrypt and store a password into a file .DESCRIPTION Using a KeyFile this will encrypt and store a password into a file .PARAMETER Password Password to encrypt as a SecureString object .PARAMETER KeyFile Location of the KeyFile to use for Encryption .PARAMETER PasswordFile Location to store the encrypted password .EXAMPLE #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [securestring]$Password, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$KeyFile, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$PasswordFile ) [byte[]]$SecureKey = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($(Get-Content -Path $KeyFile)) $Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key $SecureKey | Set-content -Path $PasswordFile } function Get-StoredPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Using a KeyFile this will decrypt and store a password from a file .DESCRIPTION Using a KeyFile this will decrypt and store a password from a file .PARAMETER KeyFile Location of the KeyFile to use for decryption .PARAMETER PasswordFile Location of the stored the encrypted password .EXAMPLE #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$KeyFile, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$PasswordFile ) [Byte[]]$SecureKey = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($(Get-Content -Path $KeyFile)) return [System.Security.SecureString](Get-Content -Path $PasswordFile | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $SecureKey) } function Get-MyCredentials { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a Credential Object using the specified key and encrypted Password File. .DESCRIPTION Creates a Credential Object using the specified key and encrypted Password File. .PARAMETER UserName String representation of username in the format of domain\username .PARAMETER KeyFile Location of the KeyFile to use for decryption .PARAMETER PasswordFile Location of the stored the encrypted password #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$UserName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$KeyFile, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$PasswordFile ) [Byte[]]$SecureKey = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($(Get-Content -Path $KeyFile)) return New-Object PSCredential($UserName, (Get-Content -Path $PasswordFile | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $SecureKey)) } function Test-FileHash { [cmdletbinding()] param ( [string]$HashFile, [ValidateSet("SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512")] [string]$HashAlgorithm = "SHA256" ) [int]$FailCount = 0 $files = Import-Csv -Delimiter " " -Path $HashFile -Header ("FileHash", "FileName") foreach ($fileItem in $files) { $hashObj = Get-FileHash -Path $fileItem.FileName -Algorithm $HashAlgorithm Write-Host "$($fileItem.FileName):" -NoNewline if ($hashObj.Hash -eq $fileItem.FileHash) { Write-Host " OK" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host " FAILED" -ForegroundColor Red $FailCount ++ } } if ($FailCount -gt 0) { Write-Host "WARNING: 1 computed checksum did NOT match" -ForegroundColor Red } } function New-RandomPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a random password .DESCRIPTION Create a random password with some advanced functionality .EXAMPLE New-RandomPassword.ps1 -ExcludedCharacters '@','I','l','!' -MinimumLength 10 -MaximumLength 42 Exclude the characters @,I,l, and ! from the generated password and set the minimum length to 10 characters and maximum length to 42 characters long. .EXAMPLE New-RandomPassword.ps1 -ExcludedCharacters '@','I','l','!','_','`' -NonDuplicating Exclude the characters @,I,l, and ! from the generated password and do not reuse any characters in the generated password #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Minimum length of generated password, 15 by default [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [int]$MinimumLength = 15, # Maximum length of the generated password, 25 by default [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [int]$MaximumLength = 25, # Array list of characters to exclude from the password [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string[]]$ExcludedCharacters, # Do not allow for duplicated characters [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [switch]$NonDuplicating ) $LC_Letters = [int][char]'a'..[int][char]'z' | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ } $UC_Letters = [int][char]'A'..[int][char]'Z' | ForEach-Object { [char]$_ } [System.Collections.ArrayList]$Digits = 0..9 [System.Collections.ArrayList]$SpecialChars = @( '~', '`', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')' '_', '-', '+', '=', '{', '}', '[', ']', '\', '|', ':', ';' '<', '>', ',', '.', '?', '/' ) # Gather them all together into a new ArrayList [System.Collections.ArrayList]$FullCharSet = { $LC_Letters + $UC_Letters + $Digits + $SpecialChars }.Invoke() # If there's any Excluded Characters, remove them from the FullCharSet now if ($ExcludedCharacters.Length -gt 0) { foreach ($exChar in $ExcludedCharacters) { $FullCharSet.Remove($exChar) } } $PwdLength = (Get-Random -Minimum $MinimumLength -Maximum $MaximumLength) # Check to make sure if we are in NonDuplicating mode we have enough Characters in the FullCharSet if ($NonDuplicating) { if ($PwdLength -gt $FullCharSet.Count) { Write-Error "Your chosen password is longer than the available character set and you've specified NonDuplicating mode" exit 99 } } $Password = '' foreach ($Item in 1..$PwdLength) { $IsDupe = $True while ($IsDupe) { $NewChar = Get-Random -InputObject $FullCharSet -Count 1 # If we are in NonDuplicating mode, then remove the charactor from the FullCharSet if ($NonDuplicating) { $FullCharSet.Remove($NewChar) } if (($Password.Length -eq 0) -or # test for 2-in-a-row (($Password.Length -eq 1) -and ($Password -cne $NewChar)) -or # test for 3-in-a-row (($Password.Length -gt 1) -and ($Password[-1] -cne $NewChar) -and ($Password[-2] -cne $Password[-1])) ) { $Password += $NewChar $IsDupe = $False } # else # { # $Password # $NewChar # } } } return $Password } |