
## some supporting functions used internally in the module

function Set-VNVDTrafficRuleset_helper {
<# .Description
    Set the Rules property of the given Traffic Ruleset of a vDPortgroup traffic filter policy: either add a rule, remove a rule, or overwrite the Rules altogether with the new rule(s) provided
    Set-VNVDTrafficRuleset_helper -TrafficRuleSet $oSomeTrafficRuleset -TrafficRule $oRule0, $oRule1 -RuleOperation Add -Enabled
    Add the two rules to the given TrafficRuleSet rules, and Enable the TrafficRuleSet
    Set-VNVDTrafficRuleset_helper -TrafficRuleSet $oSomeTrafficRuleset -TrafficRule $oSomeOldRule -RuleOperation Remove -Enabled:$false
    Remove this rule from the given TrafficRuleSet rules array, and Disable the TrafficRuleSet
    Set-VNVDTrafficRuleset_helper -TrafficRuleSet $oSomeTrafficRuleset -TrafficRule $oReplacementRule0, $oReplacementRule1 -RuleOperation Overwrite
    Set the rules array for the given TrafficRuleSet to have just these two rules

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Default", SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]
    param (
        ## Given vDPortgroup's TrafficRuleset upon which to act
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][VNVDTrafficRuleSet[]]$TrafficRuleSet,

        ## TrafficRule(s) to use in upating the Rules property of the given TrafficRuleSet. If using -RuleOperation of "Remove", expects that this TrafficRule is fully populated with the Key property, too, as that is the "key" via which the existing rules are evaluated for removal
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="ActOnRules")][VMware.Vim.DvsTrafficRule[]]$TrafficRule,

        ## Operation to take on the TrafficRuleSet's Rules array with the given TrafficRule(s). "Add" the rule to the array, "Remove" the rule from the array, or "Overwrite" the array to be just the given rule(s)
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="ActOnRules")][ValidateSet("Add", "Remove", "Overwrite")][String]$RuleOperation,

        ## Switch: enable the RuleSet? And, -Enabled:$false disables the Ruleset
    ) ## end param

    process {
        $TrafficRuleSet | Foreach-Object {
            $oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset = $_
            $oVDPortgroupView_ThisTrafficRuleset = $oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset.VDPortgroupView
            $strShouldProcessMsg_target = "Traffic Ruleset of key '{0}' on VDPortGroup '{1}'" -f $oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset.TrafficRuleset.Key, $oVDPortgroupView_ThisTrafficRuleset.Name
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($strShouldProcessMsg_target)) {
                ## update View data, to make sure we have the current info

                ## make a new config spec using values from the existing config of the vDPG
                $specDVPortgroupConfigSpec = New-Object -Type VMware.Vim.DVPortgroupConfigSpec -Property @{
                    ConfigVersion = $oVDPortgroupView_ThisTrafficRuleset.Config.ConfigVersion
                    DefaultPortConfig = New-Object -Type VMware.Vim.VMwareDVSPortSetting -Property @{
                        FilterPolicy = New-Object -Type VMware.Vim.DvsFilterPolicy -Property @{
                            FilterConfig = New-Object -Type VMware.Vim.DvsTrafficFilterConfig -Property @{
                                ## if the current TrafficRuleset property is $null, create a new TrafficRuleset; else, use the existing TrafficRuleset
                                TrafficRuleset = if ($null -eq $oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset.TrafficRuleset) {New-Object -TypeName VMware.Vim.DvsTrafficRuleset} else {$oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset.TrafficRuleset}
                                ## use the current FilterConfig value for this property, and not setting the other properties
                                AgentName = if ($null -eq $oVDPortgroupView_ThisTrafficRuleset.Config.DefaultPortConfig.FilterPolicy.FilterConfig.AgentName) {"dvfilter-generic-vmware"} else {$oVDPortgroupView_ThisTrafficRuleset.Config.DefaultPortConfig.FilterPolicy.FilterConfig.AgentName}
                            } ## end new-object
                        } ## end new-object
                    } ## end new-object
                } ## end new-object

                if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "ActOnRules") {
                    Switch ($RuleOperation) {
                        "Add" {
                            ## add the new TrafficRule to the RuleSet
                            $specDVPortgroupConfigSpec.DefaultPortConfig.FilterPolicy.FilterConfig.TrafficRuleset.Rules += $TrafficRule
                            $bReturnUpdatedRulesetObject = $true
                        } ## end case
                        "Remove" {
                            ## remove the TrafficRule(s) from the RuleSet
                            $specDVPortgroupConfigSpec.DefaultPortConfig.FilterPolicy.FilterConfig.TrafficRuleset.Rules = $specDVPortgroupConfigSpec.DefaultPortConfig.FilterPolicy.FilterConfig.TrafficRuleset.Rules | Where-Object {$TrafficRule.Key -notcontains    $_.Key}
                        } ## end case
                        "Overwrite" {
                            ## overwrite the Rules Property in the RuleSet
                            $specDVPortgroupConfigSpec.DefaultPortConfig.FilterPolicy.FilterConfig.TrafficRuleset.Rules = $TrafficRule
                            $bReturnUpdatedRulesetObject = $true
                        } ## end case
                    } ## end switch
                } ## end if

                if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Enabled")) {
                    $specDVPortgroupConfigSpec.DefaultPortConfig.FilterPolicy.FilterConfig.TrafficRuleset.Enabled = $Enabled.ToBool()
                    if ($PSBoundParameters["RuleOperation"] -ne "Remove") {$bReturnUpdatedRulesetObject = $true}
                } ## end if

                ## reconfig the VDPortgroup with the config spec

                ## get the current TrafficRuleSet and return it, if so specified (like, if add or overwrite of rules, but not for remove of a rule)
                if ($bReturnUpdatedRulesetObject) {$oVDPortgroupView_ThisTrafficRuleset | Get-VNVDTrafficRuleSet}
            } ## end if
        } ## end foreach-object
    } ## end process
} ## end function