
function Set-VNVDTrafficRuleSet {
<# .Description
    Set attributes on the DvsTrafficRuleset (like Enable/Disable it) for the given TrafficRuleSet
    Get-VDSwitch -Name myVDSw0 | Get-VDPortGroup -Name myVDPG0 | Get-VNVDTrafficFilterPolicyConfig | Get-VNVDTrafficRuleSet | Set-VNVDTrafficRuleSet -Enabled
    Get the traffic ruleset from the TrafficFilterPolicyConfig object of a given vDPG and Enable it
    Get-VDSwitch -Name myVDSw0 | Get-VDPortGroup -Name myVDPG0 | Get-VNVDTrafficRuleSet | Set-VNVDTrafficRuleSet -Enabled:$false
    Get the traffic ruleset from the given vDPG and Disable it
    VNVDTrafficRuleSet with properties with at least VMware.Vim.DvsTrafficRuleset and VMware.Vim.DistributedVirtualPortgroup for the Traffic rule set

    [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact="High", SupportsShouldProcess=$true)]
    param (
        ## Given vDPortgroup's TrafficRuleset upon which to act
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][VNVDTrafficRuleSet[]]$TrafficRuleSet,

        ## Switch: Enable the TrafficRuleSet(s)? And, use "-Enabled:$false" to disable TrafficRuleSet(s)
    ) ## end param

    process {
        $TrafficRuleSet | Foreach-Object {
            $oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset = $_
            $strMsgForShouldProcess_Target = "Traffic ruleset '{0}' on vDPG '{1}'" -f $oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset.TrafficRuleset.Key, $oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset.VDPortgroupView.Name
            $strMsgForShouldProcess_Action = "{0} ruleset" -f $(if ($Enabled) {"Enable"} else {"Disable"})
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($strMsgForShouldProcess_Target, $strMsgForShouldProcess_Action)) {
                try {
                    ## use the helper function to add this new TrafficRule to the TrafficRuleSet Rules array
                    Set-VNVDTrafficRuleset_helper -TrafficRuleSet $oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset -Enabled:$Enabled
                } ## end try
                catch {Throw $_}
            } ## end if
        } ## end foreach-object
    } ## end process
} ## end function

function Set-VNVMHostNetworkAdapterVDUplink {
<# .Description
    Set the VDSwitch Uplink for a VMHost physical NIC ("VMNIC") on the VDSwitch of which the VMNIC is already a part
    Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -Name vmnic3 | Set-VNVMHostNetworkAdapterVDUplink -UplinkName Uplinks-02
    Set the VMNIC "vminic3" from VMHost to be in VDUplink "Uplinks-02" on VDS myVDSwitch0 (the vDSwitch of which VMNIC3 is a part)
    Set-VNVMHostNetworkAdapterVDUplink -VMHostNetworkAdapter (Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -Name vmnic2, vmnic3) -UplinkName Uplinks-01, Uplinks-02
    Set the VMNICs "vminic2", "vminic3" from VMHost to be in VDUplinks "Uplinks-01", "Uplinks-02" on VDS myVDSwitch0 (the vDSwitch of which VMNIC2 and VMNIC3 are a part)
    Could then check out the current status like:
    Get-VDSwitch myVDSwitch0 | Get-VDPort -Uplink | Where-Object {$_.ProxyHost.Name -eq ""} | Select-Object key, ConnectedEntity, ProxyHost, Name | Sort-Object ProxyHost, Name
    One cannot put two VMNICs from a VMHost in the same vDUplink -- they should go into separate/unique vDUplinks
    Requires that VMHostNetworkAdapter(s) are all associated with a single vDSwitch (not VMNICs from multiple vDSwitches) and that the vSwitch type is _Distributed_ (not Standard)
    Function checks that:
    - all VMHostNetworkAdapters specified are on same VMHost and same vDSwitch
    - all UplinkNames specified are on same vDSwitch
    The core NetworkSystem and config spec syntax is based on LucD's post (of course) at
    VMware.VimAutomation.Vds.Types.V1.VDPort for the Uplink VDPort with which the VMNIC(s) are now affiliated

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="High")]
        ## The VMHost Network Adapter(s) ("VMNIC") to set in a given vDUplink. If more than one specified, then specify the same number of -UplinkName values, too. The first VMHostNetworkAdapter will be set to the first UplinkName, the second to the second UplinkName, and so on
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][VMware.VimAutomation.Types.Host.NIC.PhysicalNic[]]$VMHostNetworkAdapter,

        ## The name(s) of the vDUplink with which to associate the VMNIC. If more than one specified, then specify the same number of -VMHostNetworkAdapter values, too
    ) ## end param

    process {
        ## make sure that the same number of VMNICs and UplinkNames were provided
        if (($VMHostNetworkAdapter | Measure-Object).Count -eq ($UplinkName | Measure-Object).Count) {
            ## the VMHost(s) of these VMNICs
            $oTargetVMHost = $VMHostNetworkAdapter.VMHost | Select-Object -Unique
            ## if the VMNICs are from more than one VMHost
            if (($oTargetVMHost | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1) {Write-Error "VMHostNetworkAdapters provided are from more than one VMHost. Specify VMNICs from just a single VMHost"}
            ## else, the VMNICs are from the same VMHost
            else {
                ## get VDSwitch(es) of which VMNIC is a part (uses another function in this module)
                $arrTargetVSwitches = $VMHostNetworkAdapter | Get-VNVSwitchByVMHostNetworkAdapter
                ## get the unique vSwitches associated with these VMNICs (should be only one vSwitch)
                $oTargetVDSwitch = $arrTargetVSwitches | Select-Object -Unique

                ## if all VMHostNetworkAdapters are associated with vSwitches (num VMNICs is different than num of retrieved vSwitches), and all VMNICs are from same vSwitch
                if ((($arrTargetVSwitches | Measure-Object).Count -eq $VMHostNetworkAdapter.Count) -and (($oTargetVDSwitch | Measure-Object).Count -eq 1)) {
                    ## get the DistributedVirtualSwitchHostMember object for this VMHost and vDSwitch; this object has things like the VDPorts that are the Uplink ports for this VMHost on this vDSwitch, the current PNIC backing info for this VMHost/vDSwitch (if any), etc.
                    $oVDSwitchHostMember = $oTargetVDSwitch.ExtensionData.Config.Host | Where-Object {$_.Config.Host.ToString() -eq $oTargetVMHost.Id}
                    ## get the vDUplink ports for this VDSwitch and this VMHost -- the <vDSwitch>.ExtensionData.Config.Host objects have subsequent property ".Config.Host" (yes, same property names again) from which to determine the corresponding item by VMHost ID
                    $arrVDUplinks_thisVDS_thisVMHost = Get-VDPort -Key $oVDSwitchHostMember.UplinkPortKey -VDSwitch $oTargetVDSwitch

                    ## get the UplinkName(s) specified that are not defined on the target vDSwitch (as returned by Compare-Object with a property of SideIndicator with a value of "=>" -- meaning, they were in the DifferenceObject and not the ReferenceObject)
                    $arrUplinkNamesNameOnVDSwitch = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $arrVDUplinks_thisVDS_thisVMHost.Name -DifferenceObject $UplinkName | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=>"}
                    ## if all values of $UplinkName are valid for this VDSwitch
                    if ($null -eq $arrUplinkNamesNameOnVDSwitch) {
                        ## the TODO of "check that there are any arrVDUplinks_thisVDS_thisVMHost where the VMNIC <--> UplinkName correlation needs changed" would start about here:

                        ## make the messages for ShouldProcess()
                        $strShouldProcessMsg_target = "vDSwitch '{0}' for VMHost '{1}'" -f $oTargetVDSwitch.Name, $oTargetVMHost.Name
                        $strShouldProcessMsg_action = "Set VMNIC{0} '{1}' to be in vDUplink{0} '{2}'" -f $(if ($VMHostNetworkAdapter.Count -ne 1) {"s"}), ($VMHostNetworkAdapter.Name -join ", "), ($UplinkName -join ", ")
                         if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($strShouldProcessMsg_target, $strShouldProcessMsg_action)) {
                            ## get NetworkSystem for the VMHost for this VMNIC
                            $viewNetworkSystem_thisVMHost = Get-View -Id $oTargetVMHost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.NetworkSystem -Property NetworkConfig, NetworkInfo

                            ## the existing PnicSpec objects for this VDSwitchHostMemeber.Config object
                            $arrExistingPnicSpec = $oVDSwitchHostMember.Config.Backing.PnicSpec | Where-Object {$VMHostNetworkAdapter.Name -notcontains $_.PnicDevice}
                            $arrNewPnicSpec = $VMHostNetworkAdapter | Foreach-Object -begin {$intI = 0} -process {
                                ## the UplinkName that corresponds positionally in the $UplinkName param to the position in the $VMHostNetworkAdapter param that we currently are
                                $strUplinkNameToUseForThisVMNic = $UplinkName | Select-Object -First 1 -Skip $intI
                                New-Object -Type VMware.Vim.DistributedVirtualSwitchHostMemberPnicSpec -Property @{
                                    PnicDevice = $_.Name
                                    UplinkPortKey = ($arrVDUplinks_thisVDS_thisVMHost | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $strUplinkNameToUseForThisVMNic}).Key
                                } ## end New-Object
                            } ## end Foreach-Object

                            ## make reconfigSpec to use to UpdateNetworkConfig() on NetworkSystem
                            $oHostNetworkConfig_toUse = New-Object -Type VMware.Vim.HostNetworkConfig -Property @{
                                ProxySwitch = @(
                                    New-Object -Type VMware.Vim.HostProxySwitchConfig -Property @{
                                        Uuid = $oTargetVDSwitch.ExtensionData.Uuid
                                        ChangeOperation = [VMware.Vim.HostConfigChangeOperation]::edit
                                        Spec = New-Object -Type VMware.Vim.HostProxySwitchSpec -Property @{
                                            Backing = New-Object -Type VMware.Vim.DistributedVirtualSwitchHostMemberPnicBacking -Property @{
                                                ## the PnicSpecs from above -- the existing "other" ones for other VMNICs on this vDS for this VMHost, and the new PnicSpec(s) for the VMHostNetworkAdapter(s)
                                                PnicSpec = $arrExistingPnicSpec, $arrNewPnicSpec | Where-Object {$null -ne $_} | Foreach-Object {$_}
                                            } ## end New-Object
                                        } ## end New-Object
                                    } ## end New-Object
                                ) ## end array
                            } ## end New-Object
                            try {
                                ## do the UpdateNetworkConfig()
                                $oHostNetworkConfigResult = $viewNetworkSystem_thisVMHost.UpdateNetworkConfig($oHostNetworkConfig_toUse, [VMware.Vim.HostConfigChangeMode]::modify)
                                ## return an object with the VMNIC and vDUplink info for vDUplinks for this VMHost on this vDSwitch
                                Get-VDPort -Key $oVDSwitchHostMember.UplinkPortKey -VDSwitch $oTargetVDSwitch | Sort-Object ProxyHost, Name
                            } ## end try
                            catch {$PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_)}
                        } ## end if ShouldProcess()

                        ## the TODO of "check that there are any arrVDUplinks_thisVDS_thisVMHost where the VMNIC <--> UplinkName correlation needs changed" would end about here
                    } ## end if all values of $UplinkName are valid for this VDSwitch

                    else {
                        $intNumSpecifiedUplinkNamesNotOnThisVSwitch = ($arrUplinkNamesNameOnVDSwitch | Measure-Object).Count
                        Write-Error ("Uplink{0} '{1}' {2} not in '{3}' for vDSwitch '{4}', in which '{5}' take part. Please specify only Uplink names that are in use on this vSwitch." -f $(if ($intNumSpecifiedUplinkNamesNotOnThisVSwitch -ne 1) {"s"}), ($arrUplinkNamesNameOnVDSwitch.InputObject -join ", "), $(if ($intNumSpecifiedUplinkNamesNotOnThisVSwitch -ne 1) {"are"} else {"is"}), ($arrVDUplinks_thisVDS_thisVMHost.Name -join ", "), $oTargetVDSwitch.Name, ($VMHostNetworkAdapter.Name -join ", "))
                    } ## end else
                } ## end if all VMHostNetworkAdapters are associated with vSwitches (num VMNICs is different than num of retrieved vSwitches), and all VMNICs are from same vSwitch

                else {Write-Error "Either the VMNICs specified are not all associated with a vSwitch, or are not all are associated with the same vSwitch. Please check that all VMNICs are a part of the same vDSwitch"}
            } ## end else the VMNICs are from the same VMHost
        } ## end if same number of VMNICs and UplinkNames were provided
        else {Write-Error ("A different number of VMNICs ({0}) and UplinkNames ({1}) were specified. Please specify the same number of values for -VMHostNetworkAdapter and -UplinkName" -f $VMHostNetworkAdapter.Count, $UplinkName.Count)}
    } ## end process
} ## end fn