function Set-VNVDTrafficRuleSet { <# .Description Set attributes on the DvsTrafficRuleset (like Enable/Disable it) for the given TrafficRuleSet .Example Get-VDSwitch -Name myVDSw0 | Get-VDPortGroup -Name myVDPG0 | Get-VNVDTrafficFilterPolicyConfig | Get-VNVDTrafficRuleSet | Set-VNVDTrafficRuleSet -Enabled Get the traffic ruleset from the TrafficFilterPolicyConfig object of a given vDPG and Enable it .Example Get-VDSwitch -Name myVDSw0 | Get-VDPortGroup -Name myVDPG0 | Get-VNVDTrafficRuleSet | Set-VNVDTrafficRuleSet -Enabled:$false Get the traffic ruleset from the given vDPG and Disable it .Outputs VNVDTrafficRuleSet with properties with at least VMware.Vim.DvsTrafficRuleset and VMware.Vim.DistributedVirtualPortgroup for the Traffic rule set #> [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact="High", SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] [OutputType([VNVDTrafficRuleSet])] param ( ## Given vDPortgroup's TrafficRuleset upon which to act [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)][VNVDTrafficRuleSet[]]$TrafficRuleSet, ## Switch: Enable the TrafficRuleSet(s)? And, use "-Enabled:$false" to disable TrafficRuleSet(s) [Switch]$Enabled ) ## end param process { $TrafficRuleSet | Foreach-Object { $oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset = $_ $strMsgForShouldProcess_Target = "Traffic ruleset '{0}' on vDPG '{1}'" -f $oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset.TrafficRuleset.Key, $oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset.VDPortgroupView.Name $strMsgForShouldProcess_Action = "{0} ruleset" -f $(if ($Enabled) {"Enable"} else {"Disable"}) if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($strMsgForShouldProcess_Target, $strMsgForShouldProcess_Action)) { try { ## use the helper function to add this new TrafficRule to the TrafficRuleSet Rules array Set-VNVDTrafficRuleset_helper -TrafficRuleSet $oThisVNVDTrafficRuleset -Enabled:$Enabled } ## end try catch {Throw $_} } ## end if } ## end foreach-object } ## end process } ## end function |