
# MakeHash is a helper which makes hash tables for VM or ESXi or DStore
Function MakeHash([string]$quoi)
    switch ($quoi)
            $vmq = Get-VM -Name *
            $vmhash = @{}
            $script:vmhash = foreach ($v in $vmq)
                    $v.id = $v.name

            $exq = Get-VMHost -Name *
            $exhash = @{}
            $script:exhash = foreach ($e in $exq)
                    $e.id = $e.name

            $dsq = Get-Datastore -Name *
            $dshash = @{}
            $script:dshash = foreach ($d in $dsq)
                    $d.id = $d.name

Lists VCenter Logon Sessions
Lists VCenter Logon Sessions
Output to screen:
Ouput to Variable:
 $MyVar = Get-VSphereSession

function Get-VSphereSession
    (Get-View $DefaultViserver.ExtensionData.Client.ServiceContent.SessionManager).SessionList

Terminates a VSphere Session
Terminates a VSphere Session with provided session key. Session keys can be obtained with Get-VSphereSession.
Kills the VSphere Session affiliated with the provided key:
Stop-VSphereSession -Key 89887dbe9-7rrtje9ce-1ee1-d40-8b0ae5fa

function Stop-VSphereSession
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
        ConfirmImpact = 'high'
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Enter Session Key"

        $ses = (Get-View $DefaultViserver.ExtensionData.Client.ServiceContent.SessionManager)

        foreach ($cle in $key)

Restarts Logging on a VMHOST
Restarts Logging (SysLog) on the VMHOST provided as an argument.
Mandatory. Specify one on more ESX hosts.
Restart-EsxLogging ESXHOST01

function Restart-EsxLogging
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true , ConfirmImpact = 'medium')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Enter one or more ESX Host Names"

            foreach ($vmh in $VMHost)
                $reesxcli=get-esxcli -v2 -vmhost $vmh

Displays IP connections on an ESX Host
Displays IP connections on the ESX Host specified. Akin to NetStat or SS.
Mandatory. Specify an ESX hosts.
Place results from one ESX hosts into a variable:
$myVar = Show-SS -VMHost ESXHOST01

function Show-SS
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Enter ESX Host Name"

        foreach ($vmh in $vmhost)
            $esxcli = Get-EsxCli -V2 -VMHost $vmh

Starts SSH on an ESX Host
Starts SSH on an ESX Host.
Mandatory. Specify one on more ESX hosts.
Starts SSH on two ESX Hosts:
Start-SSH -VMHost MyESX07 , MyESX08
Starts SSH on all ESX Hosts in a Cluster:
Get-VMHost -Location MyCluster44 | Start-SSH

function Start-SSH
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true , ConfirmImpact = 'medium')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Enter one or more ESX Host Names"

            foreach ($vmh in $VMHost)
                Get-VMHostService $vmh |
                    Where-object {$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} |
                        Start-VMHostService -confirm:$false

Stops SSH on an ESX Host
Stops SSH on an ESX Host.
Mandatory. Specify one on more ESX hosts.
Stops SSH on two ESX Hosts:
Stop-SSH -VMHost MyESX05 , MyESX05
Stops SSH on all ESX Hosts in a Cluster:
Get-VMHost -Location MyCluster77 | Stop-SSH

function Stop-SSH
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true , ConfirmImpact = 'medium')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Enter one or more ESX Host Names"

           foreach ($vmh in $VMHost)
                Get-VMHostService $vmh |
                    Where-object {$_.Key -eq "TSM-SSH"} |
                        Stop-VMHostService -confirm:$false

Returns an Object of SnapShot Data for specified VMs
Returns an object of VM, SnapName, SnapDescription, SizeGB, File, UserName and CreatedTime of a snapshot.
Snapshot input must be piped from Get-SnapShot. See Examples. Auto-Generated SYNTAX (above) is not quite accurate.
Note: Time occassionally skews a few seconds between VIevent (log) and Snapshot (actual) info.
Ergo, this advanced function creates an 11 second window to correlate log information with actual information.
Snapshots taken on the same VM within 10 seconds of each other may produce innaccurate results. Optionally,
the 11 second window can be adjusted from 0 to 61 seconds by using the PreSeconds and PostSeconds parameters.
Pipe the Snapshot object. See Examples. Auto-Generated SYNTAX (above) is not quite accurate.
Number of seconds to capture VIEvents, before the SnapShot. Default value is 5.
.PARAMETER PostSeconds
Number of seconds to capture VIEvents, after the SnapShot. Default value is 5.
VMWare SnapShot Object from Get-SnapShot
Obtain Snapshot Data from one VM:
Get-SnapShot -VM Guest01 | Get-SnapShotData
Obtain Snapshot Data from multiple VMs, using the Get-SnapShotData alias, placing the object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-Snapshot -VM *WEB* | gsd
Obtain Snapshot Data from one VM, increasing the VIEvent window to 31 seconds by setting both the PreSeconds and PostSeconds parameters to 15:
Get-SnapShot -VM Guest01 | Get-SnapShotData -PreSeconds 15 -PostSeconds 15

function Get-SnapShotData

        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Int]$PreSeconds = 5,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Int]$PostSeconds = 5

        $ffm = "Create virtual machine snapshot"

            Write-Output "Input Object Required. For more information execute: help gsd -full"

        foreach ($snap in $name)
            Create a 10 second window of VI events because snapshot
            creation time can skew a few seconds from the log entry

            $presec = $snap.Created.AddSeconds(( - $preseconds))
            $postsec = $snap.Created.AddSeconds(( + $postseconds))
            $files = ((Get-VM -Name $snap.VM).ExtensionData.LayoutEx.File |
                Where-Object {$_.type -match "snapshotData"}).Name
            $evnts = Get-VIEvent -Entity $snap.VM.Name -Start $presec -Finish $postsec
            $entry = $evnts |
                Where-Object {$_.FullFormattedMessage -match $ffm }
            $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                VM = $snap.VM.Name
                SnapName = $snap.Name
                Description = $snap.Description
                SizeGB = [math]::Round($snap.SizeGB, 3)
                UserName = $entry.UserName
                CreatedTime = $entry.CreatedTime
                File = $files

Retrieves Up Time for VMHost(s).
Returns object of VMHost, and Up Time in Days, Hours and Minutes.
Requires input from Get-VMHost. Alias = gvut
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-VMHost. See Examples.
VMWare PowerCLI VMHost from Get-VMHost:
Retrieve uptime from a host:
Get-VMHost -Name ESX01 | Get-VMHostUpTime
Retrieve uptime from two hosts, placing object into a variable:
$MyObj = Get-VMHost -Name ESX03 , ESX04 | Get-VMHostUpTime
Retrieve uptime from all cluster hosts, using the Get-VMHostUpTime alias, placing object into a variable:
$MyObj = Get-VMHost -Location Cluster07 | gvut

function Get-VMHostUpTime
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        $errmsg = "VMHost Object Required. Try: Help Get-VMHostUptime -full"

            Write-Output $errmsg

        foreach ($vmh in $vmhost)
            $gupt = [timespan]::FromSeconds($vmh.ExtensionData.Summary.QuickStats.Uptime)
            $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                HostName = $vmh
                Days = $gupt.days
                Hours = $gupt.hours
                Minutes = $gupt.minutes
            $gupt = $null

Returns total size of VM on a Data Store.
Returns an object of total Datastore Consumption of a VM on a DataStore.
Includes all files: .log, .vmx, .vswp, .vmdk, etc. in the computation. Excludes ".rdmp" files (RDMs).
Note that a thin provisioned disk may reflect less disk space than is actually provisioned.
Default output is a hostname with total size. Accepts PipeLine input from Get-VM or CSV file.
Use the -full parameter to include all file names and thier values as an embedded object.
Optimally used with Get-VM, returning information into an object. See Example 4.
Mandatory. Enter vm name(s), use a variable, or pipe data in.
Optional. Use to return all file names as an embedded object, along with the regular output.
Displays VM name and total size:
Get-VMTotalSize -VM MyVm01
Displays VM name and total size along with each file name and values:
Get-VMTotalSize -VM MyVm02 -full
Displays VM names and total sizes via pipe from Get-VM:
Get-Vm MyVm* | Get-VMTotalSize
Places VM names, files and total size into an object using Get-VM piped to the Get-VMTotalSize alias:
$MyObj = Get-VM *3* | gvts -full

function Get-VMTotalSize
                    HelpMessage="Enter one or more VM names or pipe from file",

            $covm = get-vm $vm
            Write-Verbose "Value of `$covm: $covm"
            foreach ($v in $covm)
                Write-Verbose "Value of `$v in loop: $v"
                #$sumsize=$v.ExtensionData.layoutex.file.size |
                $sumdisks = $v.ExtensionData.layoutex.file |
                            Where-object {$_.name -notmatch "rdmp"}
                $sumsize = $sumdisks.size |Measure-Object -Sum |
                            Select-Object @{n="SizeGB";e={"{0:N3}" -f    ($_.sum /1gb)}}
                    $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                } else
                    $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{


Obtains LUN of DataStore(s).
Returns an object of Name, LUN, WorkingPaths, PathSelectionPolicy, Device and DeviceDisplayName of Datastore(s).
Requires Pipleline input from VmWare Get-Datastore.
Requires Pipleline input from VmWare PowerCLI Get-Datastore. Only VMFS DataStores accepted. Alias DataStore.
Retrieve information from one DataStore:
Get-DataStore -Name Dstore01 | Get-DataStoreLunID
Return an object of multiple DataStores into a variable, using the Get-DataStoreLunID alias:
$MyVar = Get-Datastore -Name Dstore* | gdli
Query all VMFS DataStores of an ESX host, returning the object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-Datastore -VMHost ESX01 | Where-Object -Property Type -Match "VMFS" | Get-DataStoreLunID

function Get-DataStoreLunID

        $errmsg = "VMFS Datastore Object Required. Try: Help Get-DataStoreLunID -Full"

            Write-Output $errmsg

        MakeHash "ex"

        foreach ($n in $name)
            # Need to replace the below hardcode [0] with a random and try/catch?
            $e2 = Get-EsxCli -v2 -VMHost $exhash.$($n.ExtensionData.host[0].Key)
            $ds = $n.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Extent[0].DiskName
            $li = $e2.storage.nmp.device.list.Invoke((@{'device'=$ds}))
            if($li.WorkingPaths.count -eq 1)
                $ld = $li.WorkingPaths.ToString().Split(":")[3].Replace("L","")
                $ld = $li.WorkingPaths[0].ToString().Split(":")[3].Replace("L","")
            $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                    Name = $n.Name
                    Lun = $ld
                    WorkingPaths = $li.WorkingPaths
                    PathSelectionPolicy = $li.PathSelectionPolicy
                    Device = $li.Device
                    DeviceDisplayName = $li.DeviceDisplayName

Obtains Free Space Percentage of DataStore(s).
Returns an object of DataStore(s) Name, URL, PerCentFree, GBFree, GbUsed, GBTotal.
Must be used in conjunction with Get-DataStore. See Examples.
Pipe DataStore(s) using Get-DataStore. See Examples. Auto-Generated SYNTAX (above) is not quite accurate.
VMware DataStore Object from Get-DataStore
Custom PSObject SupSkiFun.DataStoreInfo
Process information from a DataStore:
Get-DataStore -Name DataStore01 | Get-DataStorePercentageFree
Process information from two DataStores and places object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-DataStore -Name DataStore01 , DataStore02 | Get-DataStorePercentageFree
Process information from multiple DataStores using the Get-DataStorePercentageFree alias, placing object into a variable:
$myVar = Get-Datastore *cl71 | gdpf

function Get-DataStorePercentageFree

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Pipe DataStore Object(s) from Get-Datastore")]

            Write-Output "Input Object Required. For more information execute: help gdpf -full"

        foreach ($info in $name)
                    Name = $info.name
                    URL = $info.ExtensionData.info.url.Split("/")[5]
                    PerCentFree = [math]::Round((($info.FreeSpaceGB / $info.CapacityGB)*100),2)
                    GBFree = [math]::Round($info.FreeSpaceGB, 2)
                    GBUsed = [math]::Round(($info.CapacityGB - $info.FreeSpaceGB),2)
                    GBTotal = [math]::Round($info.CapacityGB, 2)

Lists VMs with outdated VM Tools. See Examples.
By default returns an object of PoweredOn VM(s) with outdated tools. Or, if specified with -List, returns
an object of VM(s) with outdated tools consisting of Name, Tools Status, Tools Version and OS.
Must be used in conjunction with Get-VM. See Examples.
Pipe VM(s) using Get-VM. See Examples. Auto-Generated SYNTAX (above) is not quite accurate.
If specified returns an object of Name, Tools Status, Tools Version and OS of PoweredOm VM(s) with outdated tools.
If NOT specified (default) Returns an object of PoweredOn VM(s) with outdated tools.
VMware VM Object from Get-VM
VMware VM Object OR Custom PSObject SupSkiFun.VmToolInfo
Query for one VM with outdated VM tools with VM object as output:
Get-VM -name VM01 | Get-VMToolOutdated
Query for VMs with outdated VM tools by cluster, returning an object in list form:
Get-VM -location Cluster01 | Get-VMToolOutdated -List
Query for VMs with outdated VM tools by DataStore placing object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VM -datastore DataStore01 | Get-VMToolOutdated
Query all VMs for outdated VM tools using the Get-VMToolOutdated alias, placing object into a variable.
$MyVar = Get-VM * | gvto

function Get-VMToolOutdated

        foreach ($info in $vm)
            if($info |
                Where-Object {$info.powerstate -notmatch 'off' -and $info.ExtensionData.guest.toolsstatus -notmatch 'ok'})

Return an object of information & resources for VM(s)
Return an object of information and resources used by VM(s): Name, CPU (number, cores, sockets), RAM, Host, OS, Notes, Disks
Optionally return embedded objects of Datastores and/or VMHosts available to the VM. See Examples.
Mandatory. Name(s) of VMs to process.
Optional. Returns embedded objects of Datastores and VMHosts available to the VM, in addition
to the default output. Equivalent of -Datastore -Cluster. See Examples.
Optional. Returns an embedded object of Datastores available to the VM, in addition
to the default output. See Examples.
Optional. Returns an embedded object of VMHosts available to the VM, in addition
to the default output. See Examples.
Return Default Output for one VM:
Show-VMResource -VM VM01
Return Default and Datastore Output for one VM, using the Show-VMResource alias:
svr -VM VM02 -DataStore
Return Default and Cluster-VMHost Output for two VMs, placing object into a variable:
$myVar = Show-VMResource -VM VM03,VM04 -Cluster
Return Default, Datastore and Cluster-VMHost Output for two VMs, placing object into a variable, using the Show-VMResource alias:
$myVar = svr -VM VM05,VM06 -Full
Return Default Output for multiple VMs, piping data from Get-VM, placing object into a variable:
$myVar = Get-VM -Name d* | Show-VMResource

function Show-VMResource
            HelpMessage="Enter a VM Name"

        $nodata = "No Data. Likely a Regular VM"

        foreach($v in $vm)
            $vmdata = Get-VM -Name $v
            $vmtype = $vmdata.ExtensionData.Summary.config.ManagedBy.Type
                $vmtype = $nodata
            $hddata = Get-HardDisk -VM $v |
                Select-Object -Property Name, FileName, @{n="CapacityGB";e={[math]::Round($_.CapacityGB,2)}} , StorageFormat
            $numcpu = $vmdata.numcpu.ToDecimal($null)
            $coreps = $vmdata.CoresPerSocket.ToDecimal($null)
            $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                Name = $vmdata.name
                NumCPU = $numcpu
                CoresPerSocket = $coreps
                Sockets = ($numcpu / $coreps).ToDecimal($null)
                RAM = $vmdata.memorygb.ToDecimal($null)
                Host = $vmdata.vmhost
                OS = $vmdata.ExtensionData.config.GuestFullName
                Notes = $vmdata.Notes
                Disk = $hddata
                Type = $vmtype

                $dsdata = Get-Datastore -vmhost $vmdata.vmhost |
                    Sort-Object -Property Name
                $loopobj |
                    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "DataStore" -value $dsdata

                $vmhdata = Get-VMHost -Location (Get-Cluster -VMHost $vmdata.vmhost) |
                    Sort-Object -Property Name
                $loopobj |
                    Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Cluster" -value $vmhdata


Returns an object reflecting the status of Vsphere Clusters and VMHosts.
By default (i.e. with no parameters), returns an object of Name, Type, Overall Status and Config Status of
all Clusters and VMHosts. Specific Cluster(s) and/or VMHosts(s) can be specified with parameters.
See Parameters and Examples. Most common use is Example 4. Non-green statuses return error(s) within Config.
Optional. If defined, returns only the Cluster(s) specified. Can be combined with VMHost.
Optional. If defined, returns only the VMHost(s) specified. Can be combined with Cluster.
Custom PSObject SupSkiFun.VSphereStatus
Query for one Cluster
Get-VSphereStatus -Cluster MyCluster01
Query for two VMHosts
Get-VSphereStatus -VMHost MyESX01 , MyESX02
Query for multiple Clusters and VMHosts placing the object into a variable.
$myVar = Get-VSphereStatus -Cluster *PROD -VMHost *n3*
Query for all Clusters and VMHosts using the Get-VSphereStatus alias, placing the object into a variable.
$info = gvss

function Get-VSphereStatus

        [string[]]$Cluster = "*" ,
        [string[]]$VMHost = "*"
        if($cluster -notcontains "*" -and $vmhost -contains "*")
            $cluses = Get-Cluster -Name $Cluster
            $vmhes = $null
        elseif($cluster -contains "*" -and $vmhost -notcontains "*")
            $cluses = $null
            $vmhes = Get-VMHost -Name $VMHost
            $cluses = Get-Cluster -Name $Cluster
            $vmhes = Get-VMHost -Name $VMHost

        foreach ($clus in $cluses)
            $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                Type = "cluster"

        foreach ($vmh in $vmhes)
            $cstatus = $vmh.ExtensionData.ConfigStatus
            if ($cstatus -notmatch "green")
                $config = $vmh.ExtensionData.ConfigIssue.fullformattedmessage
                $config = $cstatus
            $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                Type = "vmhost"
                Overall = $vmh.ExtensionData.OverallStatus
                Config = $config
            $config = $null

Consolidates VM disk(s)
Consolidates VM disks, returning last 7 log entries. Skips processing and reports if
a specified VM does not require consolidation. Reports error if VM not found.
Mandatory. Enter one or more comma seperated names. Optionally pipe from Get-VM or CSV.\
PSCUSTOMOBJECT SupSkiFun.Consolidation
Consolidates one VM:
Invoke-VMConsolidation -VM Guest01
Consolidates two VMs:
Invoke-VMConsolidation -VM Guest03 , Guest04
Consolidates all VMs on Cluster 77, bypassing confirmation, using the Invoke-VMConsolidation alias:
Get-VM -Location Cluster77 | ivc -confirm:$false

function Invoke-VMConsolidation
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Enter one or more VM names"

        $errtxt = "Error"

        foreach ($va in $vm)
                    $vtp = Get-VM -Name $va    -ErrorVariable err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    $vtps = $vtp.ExtensionData.Runtime.ConsolidationNeeded
                        $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                            Name = $va
                            DateTime = $errtxt
                            UserName = $errtxt
                            Message    = $err.exception.ToString().split("`t")[3]
                        $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                            Name = $va
                            DateTime = $errtxt
                            UserName = $errtxt
                            Message    = "Not processing $vtp because Consolidation Needed equals $vtps"
                        $log = Get-VIEvent -Entity $vtp |
                            Select-Object -Property CreatedTime , UserName , FullFormattedMessage -First 7
                        foreach ($notch in $log)
                            $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                                Name = $va
                                DateTime = $notch.CreatedTime.DateTime.Split(",",2)[1].trim()
                                UserName = $notch.UserName
                                Message    = $notch.FullFormattedMessage
                    Write-Error "problem" | Out-Null

Retrieves alarms from a Virtual Center
Returns an object of alarms from Virtual Center consisiting of:
Name, ObjectType, AlarmType, Description, Key, Status, Acknowledged, DateTime
Optimally used as shown in Example 2.
Output all alerts onto screen:
Return object into a variable, using the Get-VSphereAlarm alias:
$MyVar = gvsa

function Get-VSphereAlarm
        $servi = Get-View ServiceInstance
        $rootf = Get-View -Id $servi.Content.RootFolder
        $alrms = $rootf.TriggeredAlarmState
        foreach ($alrm in $alrms)
            $alrmtype = $alrm.Entity.Type
            switch ($alrmtype)
                "HostSystem" {$objname = (Get-VMHost -Id $alrm.Entity).Name ; break}
                "VirtualMachine"{$objname = (Get-VM -Id $alrm.Entity).Name ; break}
                "DataStore" {$objname = (Get-DataStore -Id $alrm.Entity).Name ; break}
                "Folder" {$objname = (Get-Folder -Id $alrm.Entity).Name ; break}
                default {$objname = "Unknown"}
            $alrminfo = get-view -Id $alrm.alarm
            $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                    Name = $objname
                    ObjectType = $alrmtype
                    AlarmType = $alrminfo.Info.Name
                    Description = $alrminfo.Info.Description
                    Key = $alrm.Key
                    Status = $alrm.OverallStatus
                    Acknowledged = $alrm.Acknowledged
                    DateTime = $alrm.time

Obtain SCSI Paths on VMHost(s)
Returns an object of CanonicalName, RuntimeName, LunType, Vendor, CapacityGB, MultipathPolicy,
HostName, LUNPath, State, Working, Preferred and SanID from VMHosts.
Enter or Pipe one or more VMHosts.
Obtain LUN/PATH information for one VMHost:
Get-VMHostScsiPath -VMHost ESX01
Obtain LUN/PATH information for all VMHosts in a cluster, using the Get-VMHostScsiPath alias,
returning the output object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost * -Location CLUSTER01 | gvsp

function Get-VMHostScsiPath
            HelpMessage = "Enter one or more VMHost names"

        foreach ($vmh in $VMHost)
            $luns = Get-ScsiLun -VMHost $vmh -LunType disk |
                Where-Object {$_.canonicalname -notmatch "mpx"}
            foreach ($lun in $luns)
                $paths = Get-ScsiLunPath -ScsiLun $lun
                foreach ($path in $paths)
                    $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                        CanonicalName = $lun.CanonicalName
                        RuntimeName = $lun.RuntimeName
                        LunType = $lun.LunType
                        Vendor = $lun.Vendor
                        CapacityGB = $lun.CapacityGB
                        MultipathPolicy = $lun.MultipathPolicy
                        HostName = $lun.VMHost
                        LUNPath = $path.ExtensionData.Name
                        State = $path.State
                        Working = $path.ExtensionData.IsWorkingPath
                        Preferred = $path.Preferred
                        SanId = $path.SanId

Formats VMHost Output in Percentage
Returns an object of VMHost PerCent-Free and Percent-Used of CPU/Mhz and RAM/GB.
Requires piped output from Get-VMHost from the Vmware.PowerCLI module.
Piped output of Get-VMHost from Vmware.PowerCLI
Results of Get-VMHost: VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Impl.V1.Inventory.VMHostImpl
Returns an object of one VMHost:
Get-VMHost -Name ESX01 | Format-VMHost
Returns an object of all VMHosts in a cluster, using the Format-VMHost alias:
Get-VMHost -Location CL66 | fv
Returns an object of two VMHosts, with results in table format:
Get-VMHost -Name ESX02 , ESX03 | Format-VMHost | Format-Table
Returns an object of all VMHosts, placing results in a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name * | Format-VMHost

function Format-VMHostPercentage

        foreach ($vh in $VMHost)
            $cpufree = ($vh.CpuTotalMhz - $vh.CpuUsageMhz)
            $memfree = ($vh.MemoryTotalGb - $vh.MemoryUsageGB )
                HostName = $vh.Name
                UsedCPUPct = [math]::Round((($vh.CpuUsageMhz / $vh.CpuTotalMhz)*100),2)
                UsedRAMPct = [math]::Round((($vh.MemoryUsageGB / $vh.MemoryTotalGb)*100),2)
                FreeCPUPct = [math]::Round((($cpufree / $vh.CpuTotalMhz)*100),2)
                FreeRAMPct = [math]::Round((($memfree / $vh.MemoryTotalGb)*100),2)
                #UsedCPU = $vh.CpuUsageMhz
                #TotalCPU = $vh.CpuTotalMhz
                #UsedRAM = [math]::Round($vh.MemoryUsageGB,2)
                #TotalRAM = [math]::Round($vh.MemoryTotalGb,2)

Obtains WWN from specified VMHost
Returns an object of World Wide Numbers from VMHost Fibre Channel HBAs
VMHost Name(s) or VMHost Object from Vmware.PowerCLI
VMHost Name(s) or VMHost Object from Vmware.PowerCLI
Obtain World Wide Numbers from one VMHost:
Get-VMHostWWN -VMHost ESX01
Obtain World Wide Numbers from two VMHosts using the Get-VMHostWWN alias:
gvw -VMHost ESX03, ESX04
Get-VMHost ESX03, ESX04 | gvw
Return an obect of WWNs from all VMHosts in a Cluster into a Variable:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Location Cluster07 | Get-VMHostWWN

function Get-VMHostWWN
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true,
        ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

        foreach ($vmh in $VMHost)
            $hbainfo = Get-VMHostHba -VMHost $vmh -Type FibreChannel
            foreach ($hba in $hbainfo)
                $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                    HostName = $vmh
                    Adapter = $hba.Device
                    WWN = "{0:X}" -f $hba.PortWorldWideName

Obtain VSphere License(s)
Obtain VSphere License(s)
Prints license information to the screen:
Returns an Object of License Information into a Variable using the Get-VSphereLicense alias:
$MyVar = gvsl

function Get-VSphereLicense

        $srvins = Get-View ServiceInstance -Server $DefaultVIServer
        $licmgr = Get-View -Id $srvins.Content.LicenseManager
        $licmgr.Licenses.Where({$_.EditionKey -notmatch "eval"}) |
            Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty Properties, Labels

Returns Alarm Enabled Status from VMHosts and Clusters
Returns an object of VMHosts and / or Clusters Names with Alarm Enabled Status.
Requires VMHosts and / or Cluster objects to be piped in or specified as a parameter.
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-Cluster
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-Cluster
VMWare PowerCLI VMHost and / or Cluster Object from Get-VMHost and / or Get-Cluster:
 PSCustomObject SupSkiFun.AlarmConfig
Return information from one VMHost:
Get-VMHost -Name ESX01 | Get-VSphereAlarmConfig
Return information from one Cluster using the Get-VsphereAlarmConfig alias:
Get-Cluster -Name CLUS01 | gvsac
Return information from multiple VMHosts, returning the object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name ESX4* | Get-VsphereAlarmConfig
Return information from all VMHosts and Clusters in the connected Virtual Center:
$host = Get-VMHost -Name *
$clus = Get-Cluster -Name *
$MyVar = Get-VSphereAlarmConfig -VMHost $host -Cluster $clus

function Get-VSphereAlarmConfig
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        $errmsg = "VMHost or Cluster Object Required. Try: Help Get-VSphereAlarmConfig -full"

        If(!($vmhost -or $cluster))
            Write-Output $errmsg

            foreach ($vmh in $vmhost)
                $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                    Name = $vmh.Name
                    Enabled = $vmh.ExtensionData.AlarmActionsEnabled
                    Type = "VMHost"

            foreach ($clu in $cluster)
                $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                    Name = $clu.Name
                    Enabled = $clu.ExtensionData.AlarmActionsEnabled
                    Type = "Cluster"

Enables or Disables Alarms from VMHosts and Clusters
Enables or Disables Alarms from VMHosts and Clusters.
Requires VMHosts and / or Cluster objects to be piped in or specified as a parameter.
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-VMHost
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-Cluster
Set for desired state of alarm; either Enabled or Disabled
VMWare PowerCLI VMHost and / or Cluster Object from Get-VMHost and / or Get-Cluster:
Enable alarms for one VMHost:
Get-VMHost -Name ESX01 | Set-VSphereAlarmConfig -State Enabled
Disable alarms for one Cluster:
Get-Cluster -Name CLUS01 | Set-VSphereAlarmConfig -State Disabled
Enable alarms for multiple VMHosts bypassing confirmation prompt:
Get-VMHost -Name ESX4* | Set-VSphereAlarmConfig -State Enabled -Confirm:$false
Disable alarms for all VMHosts and Clusters in the connected Virtual Center:
$host = Get-VMHost -Name *
$clus = Get-Cluster -Name *
Set-VSphereAlarmConfig -VMHost $host -Cluster $clus -State Disabled

function Set-VSphereAlarmConfig
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("Enabled" , "Disabled")]

        $errmsg = "VMHost or Cluster Object Required. Try: Help Set-VSphereAlarmConfig -full"

        If(!($vmhost -or $cluster))
            Write-Output $errmsg
            $alarmgr = Get-View AlarmManager

            foreach ($vmh in $vmhost)
                if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$vmh to $($state)"))
                    if($state -ieq "Enabled")
                    elseif($state -ieq "Disabled")

            foreach ($clu in $cluster)
                if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$clu to $($state)"))
                    if($state -ieq "Enabled")
                    elseif($state -ieq "Disabled")

Returns IP Address(es) of VMs
Returns an object of VM Names and IP Address(es)
Names of VMs or Piped input from VMWare PowerCLI Get-VM cmdlet. Alias Name.
[pscustomobject] SupSkiFun.VMIPInfo
Return IP(s) from two VMs:
Return IP(s) from multiple VMS, placing the returned object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VM -Name LAB0* | Get-VMIP

function Get-VMIP
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

            Foreach ($v in $vm)
                $vinfo = Get-VM -Name $v -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable err
                if (!($err))
                    $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                        Name = $vinfo.Name
                        IP = $vinfo.Guest.IPAddress
                    $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                        Name = $v
                        IP = $err.exception.ToString().Split("`t")[3]
            Write-Error "problem" | Out-Null

Finds VM associated with an IP
Queries all VMs for submitted IP address(es), returning an object of Name and IP.
In large envrionments it could take a minute to run. Submit all IPs at once for better performance.
Valid IPv4 or IPv6 address(es). Invalid submission will throw an exception.
[pscustomobject] SupSkiFun.VMIPInfo
Return VM with associated IP:
Return VMs with associated IPs, placing the object into a variable:
$MyVar = Find-VMByIP -IP , fe80::250:56ff:fea7:512b

function Find-VMByIP
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $pasla = "NotFound"

        $vms = (Get-VM -Name *).Where({$_.PowerState -match "on"}) |
            Select-Object -Property  Name, @{n="IP";e={$_.Guest.IPAddress}}
        foreach ($i in $ip)
            $vinfo = $vms.Where({$_.IP -match $i})
                $hname = $pasla
                $hname = $vinfo.name
            $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                Name = $hname
                IP = $i

Obtains Port Groups from ESXi Hosts
Returns an object of PortGroups, Hostname(s), Vswitches and VLANs from ESXi Hosts by default.
Requires input from Get-VMHost. Alias = svvpg
Optionally return MTU and Number of Ports from the Vswitch with the -Full Parameter
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-VMHost. See Examples.
Optional. If specified returns MTU and Number of Ports, in addition to the default output.
VMWare PowerCLI VMHost from Get-VMHost:
Return Port Group Object from one ESXi Host:
Get-VMHost -Name ESX01 | Show-VMHostVirtualPortGroup
Place Port Group Object from two ESXi Hosts into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name ESX03, ESX04 | Show-VMHostVirtualPortGroup
Place Port Group Object from multiple ESXi Hosts into a variable using the Show-VMHostVirtualPortGroup alias:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Location CLUSTER04 | svvpg
Include MTU and Port Number with the default output using the -Full Parameter:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name ESX07 | Show-VMHostVirtualPortGroup -Full

function Show-VMHostVirtualPortGroup
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        $errmsg = "VMHost Object Required. Try: Help Show-VMHostVirtualPortGroup -full"

            Write-Output $errmsg

        MakeHash "ex"
        $vpg = $vmhost |
            Get-VirtualPortGroup -Name *

        foreach ($vp in $vpg)
                $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                    PortGroup = $vp.Name
                    VLAN = $vp.VLanId
                    HostName = $exhash.($vp.VMHostId)
                    Vswitch = $vp.VirtualSwitchName
                    VswitchMTU = $vp.VirtualSwitch.MTU
                    VswitchPorts = $vp.VirtualSwitch.NumPorts
                $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                    PortGroup = $vp.Name
                    VLAN = $vp.VLanId
                    Vswitch = $vp.VirtualSwitchName
                    HostName = $exhash.($vp.VMHostId)

Outputs DRS rules for specified clusters
Outputs an object of DRS Rule Name, cluster, VMIds, VM Name, Type and Enabled for specified clusters.
Alias = sdr
Mandatory. Cluster(s) to query for DRS rules. Can manually enter or pipe output from VmWare Get-Cluster.
Retrieve DRS rule for one cluster, placing the object into a variable:
$MyVar = Show-DrsRule -Cluster cluster09
Retrieve DRS rules for all clusters, using the Show-DrsRule alias, placing the object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-Cluster -Name * | sdr

function Show-DrsRule
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true,
            ValueFromPipeline = $true,

        MakeHash "vm"

        $drule = Get-DrsRule -Cluster $Cluster
        foreach ($rule in $drule)
            $vname = foreach ($vn in $rule.vmids)
            $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                Name = $rule.Name
                Cluster = $rule.cluster
                VMId = $rule.VMIds
                VM = $vname
                Type = $rule.Type
                Enabled = $rule.Enabled
            $vname = $null

Show RDMs from specified VMs or VMHosts
Returns an object of RDMs listing DevfsPath, Device, DisplayName, IsPerenniallyReserved, Size,
Status, VAAIStatus, Vendor, HostName and VM (when VM is specified) from VMs or VMHosts. Alias srdm.
VMWare PowerCLI VM Object from Get-VM
VMWare PowerCLI VMHost Object from Get-VMHost
VMWare PowerCLI VM or VMHost Object from Get-VM or Get-VMHost:
Query one VM for RDMs:
Get-VM -Name Server01 | Show-RDM
Query one VMHost for RDMs:
Get-VMHost -Name ESXi17 | Show-RDM
Query multiple VMs for RDMs, returning object into a variable:
$myVar = Get-VM -Name Server50* | Show-RDM
Query all VMHosts in a cluster using the Show-RDM alias, returning object into a variable:
$myVar = Get-VMHost -Name * -Location Cluster12 | srdm

function Show-RDM
            ParameterSetName = "VM",
            ValueFromPipeline = $true

            ParameterSetName = "VMHost",
            ValueFromPipeline = $true

        # RDM properties to query.
        $rvals = @(

        Function vmrdm
            foreach ($v in $vm)
                $ds = Get-HardDisk -VM $v -DiskType "RawPhysical","RawVirtual"
                $x2 = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $v.VMHost -V2
                $dl = $x2.storage.core.device.list.Invoke()
                foreach ($d in $ds)
                    $rdisk = $dl |
                        Where-Object -Property Device -Match $d.ScsiCanonicalName |
                            Select-Object $rvals
                    $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                        VM = $v.Name
                        HostName = $v.VMHost
                        DevfsPath = $rdisk.DevfsPath
                        Device = $rdisk.Device
                        DisplayName = $rdisk.DisplayName
                        IsPerenniallyReserved =    $rdisk.IsPerenniallyReserved
                        SizeGB = [Math]::Round($rdisk.Size /1kb, 2)
                        Status = $rdisk.Status
                        VAAIStatus = $rdisk.VAAIStatus
                        Vendor = $rdisk.Vendor

        Function vmhrdm
            foreach ($vmh in $vmhost)
                $x2 = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $vmh -V2
                $vd = (Get-Datastore -VMHost $vmh |
                    Where-Object -Property Type -Match VMFS).ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Extent.Diskname
                $dl = $x2.storage.core.device.list.Invoke()
                # Remove DataStore LUNs and local MicroSd Card from the list.
                $dl = $dl |
                    Where-Object {$_.Device -notin $vd -and $_.Device -notmatch "^mpx"}
                foreach ($d in $dl)
                    $loopobj = [pscustomobject]@{
                        HostName = $vmh.Name
                        DevfsPath = $d.DevfsPath
                        Device = $d.Device
                        DisplayName = $d.DisplayName
                        IsPerenniallyReserved =    $d.IsPerenniallyReserved
                        SizeGB = [Math]::Round($d.Size /1kb, 2)
                        Status = $d.Status
                        VAAIStatus = $d.VAAIStatus
                        Vendor = $d.Vendor

        if ($vm)
        elseif ($vmhost)
            Write-Output "VM or VMHost must be piped in. Terminating"

Obtains basic network settings from VMHost(s)
Returns an object of HostName, IP, NTPServer, DNSServer, SearchDomain and IPv6Enabled from VMHosts
VMWare PowerCLI VMHost Object from Get-VMHost
VMHost Object from Get-VMHost:
Query one VMHost for Network Info:
Get-VMHost -Name ESXi17 | Show-VMHostNetworkInfo
Query multiple hosts, returning the object into a variable, using the Show-VMHostNetworkInfo alias:
$MyObj = Get-VMHost -Name ESX0* | svni

function Show-VMHostNetworkInfo
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        foreach($vmh in $vmhost)
            $n = Get-VMHostNetwork -VMHost $vmh
            $p = Get-VMHostNtpServer -VMHost $vmh
            $ip = (Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMHost $vmh).ip
            $ipv = foreach ($i in $ip)
            $lo = [pscustomobject]@{
                HostName = $vmh.Name
                #IP = $n.VirtualNic.IP property will be deprecated.
                IP = $ipv
                NTPServer = $p
                DNSServer = $n.DnsAddress
                SearchDomain = $n.SearchDomain
                IPv6Enabled = $n.IPv6Enabled

Retrieves installed VIBs from VMHost(s).
By default returns an object of HostName, Name, ID, Vendor and Installed(Date) for all installed VIBs from VMHost(s).
Alternatively returns an object of multiple properties, for up to ten particular VIBs.
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-VMHost. See Examples.
Optional. Provides more detailed information for up to ten particular VIBs.
VMWare PowerCLI VMHost from Get-VMHost:
Retrieve all VIBs from two VMHosts, storing the results into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name ESX01 , ESX02 | Get-VIB
Retrieve two specific VIBs from one VMHost, storing the results into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name ESX03 | Get-VIB -Name vsan , vmkfcoe

function Get-VIB
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        Function allvib
            foreach ($vmh in $VMHost)
                $c2 = Get-EsxCli -V2 -VMHost $vmh
                $v2 = $c2.software.vib.list.Invoke()
                foreach ($v in $v2)
                    $lo = [pscustomobject]@{
                        HostName = $vmh.Name
                        Name = $v.Name
                        ID = $v.ID
                        Vendor = $v.Vendor
                        Installed = $v.InstallDate

        Function onevib
            foreach ($vmh in $VMHost)
                $c2 = Get-EsxCli -V2 -VMHost $vmh
                foreach ($n in $name)
                    $t1 = $c2.software.vib.get.CreateArgs()
                    $t1.vibname = $n
                    $v2 = $c2.software.vib.get.Invoke($t1)
                    $v2 |
                        Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name HostName -Value $vmh.name

        if ($VMHost -and  !$Name)
        elseif ($VMHost -and $Name)
            Write-Output "Pipe in VMHost or Enter Vib Name. Try: help Get-VIB -full"

Returns Path Selection Policy from DataStores
Produces an object of DataStore, PathSelectionPolicy, HostName, Device, WorkingPaths, and CapacityGB for all requested DataStores.
Will check against every VMHost that has the DataStore Mounted. Will return pipeline error if a non-VMFS DataStore is piped in.
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-DataStore. VMFS datastores only.
Return an object for one DataStore into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-Datastore -Name Storage01 | Get-PathSelectionPolicy
Return an object for all VMFS DataStores mounted on a ESXi Host into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-Datastore -VMHost ESX03 -Name * | Where-Object -Property Type -Match VMFS | Get-PathSelectionPolicy
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-DataStore - VMFS datastores only
[pscustomobject] SupSkiFun.PathSelectionInfo

function Get-PathSelectionPolicy

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        MakeHash "ex"

        foreach ($ds in $DataStore)
            $device = $ds.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Extent.Diskname
            $devq = @{device = $device}
            $dshosts = $ds.ExtensionData.host

            foreach ($dsh in $dshosts)
                $vmh = $exhash.$($dsh.key)
                $e2 = Get-EsxCli -v2 -VMHost $vmh
                $r2 = $e2.storage.nmp.device.list.Invoke($devq)

                $lo = [pscustomobject]@{
                    DataStore = $ds.Name
                    PathSelectionPolicy = $r2.PathSelectionPolicy
                    HostName = $vmh
                    Device = $device
                    WorkingPaths = $r2.WorkingPaths
                    CapacityGB = $ds.CapacityGB

                Write-Output $lo

Sets Path Selection Policy for DataStores
Sets Path Selection Policy to either Most Recently Used, Fixed, or Round Robin. Does not attempt if the requested policy is already set.
Produces an object of DataStore, PathSelectionPolicy, HostName, Device, SetPathStatus, WorkingPaths, and CapacityGB for all requested DataStores.
Will check / set against every VMHost that has the DataStore Mounted. Will return pipeline error if a non-VMFS DataStore is piped in.
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-DataStore. VMFS datastores only.
Must be one of VMW_PSP_MRU, VMW_PSP_FIXED, or VMW_PSP_RR. MRU = Most Recently Used, FIXED = Fixed, RR = Round Robin.
Set Path Selection Policy for one Datastore to Round Robin, returning an object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-Datastore -Name VOL02 | Set-PathSelectionPolicy -Policy VMW_PSP_RR
Set Path Selection Policy for all VMFS Datastores mounted on a ESXi Host to Most Recently Used, returning an object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-Datastore -VMHost ESX03 -Name * | Where-Object -Property Type -Match VMFS | Set-PathSelectionPolicy -Policy VMW_PSP_MRU
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-DataStore - VMFS datastores only
[pscustomobject] SupSkiFun.PathSelectionInfo

function Set-PathSelectionPolicy
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'high')]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("VMW_PSP_MRU", "VMW_PSP_FIXED", "VMW_PSP_RR")]$Policy


        MakeHash "ex"

        foreach ($ds in $DataStore)
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$ds to $($policy)"))
                $device = $ds.ExtensionData.Info.Vmfs.Extent.Diskname
                $devq = @{device = $device}
                $dshosts = $ds.ExtensionData.host

                foreach ($dsh in $dshosts)
                    $vmh = $exhash.$($dsh.key)
                    $e2 = Get-EsxCli -v2 -VMHost $vmh
                    $r2 = $e2.storage.nmp.device.list.Invoke($devq)

                    if($r2.PathSelectionPolicy -notmatch $Policy)
                        $devset = @{device = $device ; psp = $Policy}
                        $s2 = $e2.storage.nmp.device.set.Invoke($devset)

                        if($s2 -match "true")
                            $status = "Success"
                            $status = "Unknown: Return value is $s2"

                        $r2 = $e2.storage.nmp.device.list.Invoke($devq)

                    elseif ($r2.PathSelectionPolicy -match $Policy)
                        $status = "Not Attempted; $policy is already set"

                    $lo = [pscustomobject]@{
                        DataStore = $ds.Name
                        PathSelectionPolicy = $r2.PathSelectionPolicy
                        HostName = $vmh
                        Device = $device
                        SetPathStatus = $status
                        WorkingPaths = $r2.WorkingPaths
                        CapacityGB = $ds.CapacityGB

                    Write-Output $lo
                    $devset, $e2, $r2, $s2, $status, $vmh = $null

Installs VIB(s) on VMHost(s).
Installs VIB(s) on VMHost(s) and returns an object of HostName, Message, RebootRequired, VIBSInstalled, VIBSRemoved, and VIBSSkipped.
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-VMHost. See Examples.
URL(s) for the VIB(s). https://www.example.com/VMware_bootbank_vsanhealth_6.5.0-2.57.9183449.vib , https://www.example.com/NetAppNasPlugin.v23.vib
VMWare PowerCLI VMHost from Get-VMHost:
Install one VIB to one VMHost, returning an object into a variable:
$u = 'https://www.example.com/VMware_bootbank_vsanhealth_6.5.0-2.57.9183449.vib'
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name ESX02 | Install-VIB -URL $u
Install two VIBs to two VMHosts, returning an object into a variable:
$uu = 'https://www.example.com/VMware_bootbank_vsanhealth_6.5.0-2.57.9183449.vib' , 'https://www.example.com/NetAppNasPlugin.v23.vib'
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name ESX03 , ESX04 | Install-VIB -URL $uu

function Install-VIB

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        foreach ($vmh in $VMHost)
            $cible = @{viburl = $URL}
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$vmh installing $URL"))
                $xcli = get-esxcli -v2 -VMHost $vmh
                $res = $xcli.software.vib.install.invoke($cible)
                $lo = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    HostName = $vmh
                    Message = $res.Message
                    RebootRequired = $res.RebootRequired
                    VIBsInstalled = $res.VIBsInstalled
                    VIBsRemoved = $res.VIBsRemoved
                    VIBsSkipped = $res.VIBsSkipped
                Write-Output $lo

Updates VIB(s) on VMHost(s).
Updates VIB(s) on VMHost(s) and returns an object of HostName, Message, RebootRequired, VIBSInstalled, VIBSRemoved, and VIBSSkipped.
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-VMHost. See Examples.
URL(s) for the VIB(s). https://www.example.com/VMware_bootbank_vsanhealth_6.5.0-2.57.9183449.vib , https://www.example.com/VMware_bootbank_esx-base_6.7.0-0.20.9484548
VMWare PowerCLI VMHost from Get-VMHost:
Update one VIB on one VMHost, returning an object into a variable:
$u = 'https://www.example.com/VMware_bootbank_vsanhealth_6.5.0-2.57.9183449.vib'
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name ESX02 | Install-VIB -URL $u
Update two VIBs on two VMHosts, returning an object into a variable:
$uu = 'https://www.example.com/VMware_bootbank_vsanhealth_6.5.0-2.57.9183449.vib' , 'https://www.example.com/VMware_bootbank_esx-base_6.7.0-0.20.9484548'
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name ESX03 , ESX04 | Install-VIB -URL $uu

function Update-VIB

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        foreach ($vmh in $VMHost)
            $cible = @{viburl = $URL}
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$vmh updating $URL"))
                $xcli = get-esxcli -v2 -VMHost $vmh
                $res = $xcli.software.vib.update.invoke($cible)
                $lo = [PSCustomObject]@{
                  HostName = $vmh
                  Message = $res.Message
                  RebootRequired = $res.RebootRequired
                  VIBsInstalled = $res.VIBsInstalled
                  VIBsRemoved = $res.VIBsRemoved
                  VIBsSkipped = $res.VIBsSkipped
              Write-Output $lo

UnInstalls VIB(s) on VMHost(s).
UnInstalls VIB(s) on VMHost(s) and returns an object of HostName, Message, RebootRequired, VIBSInstalled, VIBSRemoved, and VIBSSkipped.
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-VMHost. See Examples.
Name(s) of VIBS to remove. Example: NetAppNasPlugin , esx-ui
VMWare PowerCLI VMHost from Get-VMHost:
Uninstall one VIB from one VMHost, returning an object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name ESX02 | UnInstall-VIB -VIB NetAppNasPlugin
Uninstall two VIBs from two VMHosts, returning an object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name ESX03 , ESX04 | UnInstall-VIB -VIB vsan , vmkfcoe

function UnInstall-VIB

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        foreach ($vmh in $VMHost)
            $cible = @{vibname = $VIB}
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$vmh uninstalling $VIB"))
                $xcli = get-esxcli -v2 -VMHost $vmh
                $res = $xcli.software.vib.remove.invoke($cible)
                $lo = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    HostName = $vmh
                    Message = $res.Message
                    RebootRequired = $res.RebootRequired
                    VIBsInstalled = $res.VIBsInstalled
                    VIBsRemoved = $res.VIBsRemoved
                    VIBsSkipped = $res.VIBsSkipped
                Write-Output $lo

Shows VMs with CD Drives Connected or configured to Start Connected
Returns an object of VM, Name, StartConnected, Connected, AllowGuestControl, IsoPath, HostDevice and RemoteDevice
for submitted VMs that have a CD Drive Connected or configured to Start Connected. Non-CD-Connected VMs are skipped.
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-VM. See Examples.
VMWare PowerCLI VM from Get-VM:
[pscustomobject] SupSkiFun.VM.ConnectedCD.Info
Retrieve information for one VM:
Get-VM -Name System01 | Show-ConnectedCD
Retrieve information for two VMs, returning object into a variable:
$myVar = Get-VM -Name System04 , System07 | Show-ConnectedCD
Retrieve information for all VMs, returning object into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VM -Name * | Show-ConnectedCD

Function Show-ConnectedCD
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        $x = Get-CDDrive -VM $vm
        foreach ($y in $x)
            if ($y.ConnectionState.StartConnected -or $y.ConnectionState.Connected)
                $lo = [pscustomobject]@{
                    VM = $y.Parent.Name
                    Name = $y.Name
                    StartConnected = $y.ConnectionState.StartConnected
                    Connected = $y.ConnectionState.Connected
                    AllowGuestControl = $y.ConnectionState.AllowGuestControl
                    IsoPath = $y.isopath
                    HostDevice = $y.HostDevice
                    RemoteDevice = $y.RemoteDevice

Provides information on Vsphere Folders
Returns an object of Name, Id, Path, and Type for specified Vsphere Folders. If multiple folders have the same name,
they will all be returned with differing Ids and Paths listed.
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-Folder. See Examples.
VMWare PowerCLI Folder from Get-Folder:
[pscustomobject] SupSkiFun.VSphereFolderInfo
Retrieve information for one folder name:
Get-Folder -Name TEMP | Show-FolderPath
Retrieve information for multiple folders, returning object into a variable:
$myVar = Get-Folder -Name UAT , QA | Show-FolderPath
Retrieve information for all folders, returning object into a variable (this may require a few minutes):
$MyVar = Get-Folder -Name * | Show-FolderPath

Function Show-FolderPath
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        foreach ($sn in $folder)
            $sne = $sn.ExtensionData
            $fp = $sn.name
            while ($sne.Parent)
                $sne = Get-View $sne.Parent
                $fp  = Join-Path -Path $sne.name -ChildPath $fp

            $lo = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Name = $sn.Name
                Id = $sn.id
                Path = $fp
                Type = $sn.Type

Retrieves HPe 650FLB Firmware and VIBs from VMHost(s).
Queries a VmHost for the firmware and drivers (elxnet , brcmfcoe) of a 650FLB Adapter.
Returns an object of HostName, FirmwareVersion, NicName, NicDescription, NicDriverName, NicDriverVersion,
NicDriverDescription, NicDriverID, HbaDriverName, HbaDriverVersion, HbaDriverDescription, and HbaID from VMHost(s).
Specific to HPe and 650FLB. Will not query other Hardware Brands or NICs. If you get an error read it.
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-VMHost. See Examples.
VMWare PowerCLI VMHost from Get-VMHost:
Retrieve info from two VMHosts, storing the results into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name ESX01 , ESX02 | Get-Info650
Retrieve info from all VMHosts in a cluster, storing the results into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Location Cluster07 | Get-Info650
Retrieve info from all connected VMHosts, storing the results into a variable:
$MyVar = Get-VMHost -Name * | Get-Info650

Function Get-Info650
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]

        $vend = "HP"                            # Used to only query HP/HPe systems.
        $flex = "650FLB"                        # Used to query only 650FLB NICs
        $vib1 = @{"vibname" = "elxnet"}         # Vib to Query
        $vib2 = @{"vibname" = "brcmfcoe"}       # Vib to Query

        Function MakeObj
            param ($dfirm, $dnic, $dv1, $dv2)

            $lo = [pscustomobject]@{
                    HostName = $vmh.Name
                    FirmwareVersion = $dfirm
                    NicName = $dnic.Name
                    NicDescription = $dnic.Description
                    NicDriverName = $dv1.Name
                    NicDriverVersion = $dv1.Version
                    NicDriverDescription = $dv1.Description
                    NicDriverID = $dv1.ID
                    HbaDriverName = $dv2.Name
                    HbaDriverVersion = $dv2.Version
                    HbaDriverDescription = $dv2.Description
                    HbaDriverID = $dv2.ID

        foreach ($vmh in $VMHost)
            $c2, $f1, $h1, $n1, $nic0, $v1, $v2 = $null
            $c2 = Get-EsxCli -V2 -VMHost $vmh
            $h1 = $c2.hardware.platform.get.Invoke().VendorName
            $n1 = $c2.network.nic.list.invoke() |
                Select-Object -First 1

            if ($h1 -inotmatch $vend)
                $f1 = "Not Processed. VendorName is $h1. VendorName must match $vend."
                MakeObj -dfirm $f1 -dnic $n1

            elseif ($n1.Description -inotmatch $flex)
                $f1 = "Not Processed. NicDescription does not match $flex."
                MakeObj -dfirm $f1 -dnic $n1

                $nic0 = @{"nicname" = $n1.Name}
                $f1 = $c2.network.nic.get.Invoke($nic0).DriverInfo.FirmwareVersion
                $v1 = $c2.software.vib.get.Invoke($vib1)
                $v2 = $c2.software.vib.get.Invoke($vib2)
                MakeObj -dfirm $f1 -dnic $n1 -dv1 $v1 -dv2 $v2

Provides contents of Vsphere Folders
Returns an object of ItemName, ItemType, ItemMoRef, FolderName, FolderId, and FolderPath of specified Vsphere Folders.
Item properties are the contents of the folder. Folder properties elucidate folder information.
Output from VMWare PowerCLI Get-Folder. See Examples.
If specified will recurse all subfolders of specified folder.
VMWare PowerCLI Folder from Get-Folder:
[pscustomobject] SupSkiFun.VSphereFolderInfo
Retrieve contents of one folder:
Get-Folder -Name TEMP | Show-FolderContent
Retrieve contents of one folder and all of its subfolders:
Get-Folder -Name TEMP | Show-FolderContent -Recurse
Retrieve content of multiple folders, returning object into a variable:
$myVar = Get-Folder -Name UAT , QA | Show-FolderContent
Retrieve content from all folders, returning object into a variable (this may require a few minutes):
$MyVar = Get-Folder -Name * | Show-FolderContent

Function Show-FolderContent
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true , ValueFromPipeline = $true)]


        $mt = "Empty Folder"
        $ei = @{
            Name = $mt
            MoRef = $mt

        Function MakeObj
            param ($item, $type)

            $lo = [pscustomobject]@{
                ItemName = $item.Name
                ItemType = $type
                ItemMoRef = $item.MoRef
                FolderName = $fol.Name
                FolderID = $fol.ID
                FolderPath = ($fol | Show-FolderPath).Path

        Function GetInfo ($fol)
            foreach ($x in $fol.ExtensionData.ChildEntity)
                $t = $x.type
                $q = Get-view $x |
                    Select-Object -Property Name, Moref

                if ($Recurse -and $t -eq "Folder")
                    $nfol = Get-Folder -id $q.MoRef
                    MakeObj -item $q -type $t
                    GetInfo ($nfol)

                    MakeObj -item $q -type $t

        foreach ($fol in $folder)
            if ($fol.ExtensionData.ChildEntity)
                GetInfo $fol
                MakeObj -item $ei -type $mt