# various tables and functions which are primarily just lists of magic values $generalCategoryMappings = @{ 'Lu' = 'Lu - Letter, Uppercase' 'Ll' = 'Ll - Letter, Lowercase' 'Lt' = 'Lt - Letter, Titlecase' 'Mn' = 'Mn - Mark, Non-Spacing' 'Mc' = 'Mc - Mark, Spacing Combining' 'Me' = 'Me - Mark, Enclosing' 'Nd' = 'Nd - Number, Decimal Digit' 'Nl' = 'Nl - Number, Letter' 'No' = 'No - Number, Other' 'Zs' = 'Zs - Separator, Space' 'Zl' = 'Zl - Separator, Line' 'Zp' = 'Zp - Separator, Paragraph' 'Cc' = 'Cc - Other, Control' 'Cf' = 'Cf - Other, Format' 'Cs' = 'Cs - Other, Surrogate' 'Co' = 'Co - Other, Private Use' 'Cn' = 'Cn - Other, Not Assigned' 'Lm' = 'Lm - Letter, Modifier' 'Lo' = 'Lo - Letter, Other' 'Pc' = 'Pc - Punctuation, Connector' 'Pd' = 'Pd - Punctuation, Dash' 'Ps' = 'Ps - Punctuation, Open' 'Pe' = 'Pe - Punctuation, Close' 'Pi' = 'Pi - Punctuation, Initial quote' 'Pf' = 'Pf - Punctuation, Final quote' 'Po' = 'Po - Punctuation, Other' 'Sm' = 'Sm - Symbol, Math' 'Sc' = 'Sc - Symbol, Currency' 'Sk' = 'Sk - Symbol, Modifier' 'So' = 'So - Symbol, Other' } $combiningClassMappings = @{ '0' = '0 - Spacing, split, enclosing, reordrant, and Tibetan subjoined' '1' = '1 - Overlays and interior' '7' = '7 - Nuktas' '8' = '8 - Hiragana/Katakana voicing marks' '9' = '9 - Viramas' '10' = '10 - Start of fixed position classes' '199' = '199 - End of fixed position classes' '200' = '200 - Below left attached' '202' = '202 - Below attached' '204' = '204 - Below right attached' '208' = '208 - Left attached (reordrant around single base character)' '210' = '210 - Right attached' '212' = '212 - Above left attached' '214' = '214 - Above attached' '216' = '216 - Above right attached' '218' = '218 - Below left' '220' = '220 - Below' '222' = '222 - Below right' '224' = '224 - Left (reordrant around single base character)' '226' = '226 - Right' '228' = '228 - Above left' '230' = '230 - Above' '232' = '232 - Above right' '233' = '233 - Double below' '234' = '234 - Double above' '240' = '240 - Below (iota subscript)' } $bidiCategoryMappings = @{ 'L' = 'L - Left-to-Right' 'LRE' = 'LRE - Left-to-Right Embedding' 'LRO' = 'LRO - Left-to-Right Override' 'R' = 'R - Right-to-Left' 'AL' = 'AL - Right-to-Left Arabic' 'RLE' = 'RLE - Right-to-Left Embedding' 'RLO' = 'RLO - Right-to-Left Override' 'PDF' = 'PDF - Pop Directional Format' 'EN' = 'EN - European Number' 'ES' = 'ES - European Number Separator' 'ET' = 'ET - European Number Terminator' 'AN' = 'AN - Arabic Number' 'CS' = 'CS - Common Number Separator' 'NSM' = 'NSM - Non-Spacing Mark' 'BN' = 'BN - Boundary Neutral' 'B' = 'B - Paragraph Separator' 'S' = 'S - Segment Separator' 'WS' = 'WS - Whitespace' 'ON' = 'ON - Other Neutrals' } $lineBreakMappings = @{ 'BK' = 'BK - Mandatory Break' 'CR' = 'CR - Carriage Return' 'LF' = 'LF - Line Feed' 'CM' = 'CM - Combining Mark' 'NL' = 'NL - Next Line' 'SG' = 'SG - Surrogate' 'WJ' = 'WJ - Word Joiner' 'ZW' = 'ZW - Zero Width Space' 'GL' = 'GL - Non-breaking ("Glue")' 'SP' = 'SP - Space' 'ZWJ' = 'ZWJ - Zero Width Joiner' 'B2' = 'B2 - Break Opportunity Before and After' 'BA' = 'BA - Break After' 'BB' = 'BB - Break Before' 'HY' = 'HY - Hyphen' 'CB' = 'CB - Contingent Break Opportunity' 'CL' = 'CL - Close Punctuation' 'CP' = 'CP - Close Parenthesis' 'EX' = 'EX - Exclamation/Interrogation' 'IN' = 'IN - Inseparable' 'NS' = 'NS - Nonstarter' 'OP' = 'OP - Open Punctuation' 'QU' = 'QU - Quotation' 'IS' = 'IS - Infix Numeric Separator' 'NU' = 'NU - Numeric' 'PO' = 'PO - Postfix Numeric' 'PR' = 'PR - Prefix Numeric' 'SY' = 'SY - Symbols Allowing Break After' 'AI' = 'AI - Ambiguous (Alphabetic or Ideographic)' 'AL' = 'AL - Alphabetic' 'CJ' = 'CJ - Conditional Japanese Starter' 'EB' = 'EB - Emoji Base' 'EM' = 'EM - Emoji modifier' 'H2' = 'H2 - Hangul LV Syllable' 'H3' = 'H3 - Hangul LVT Syllable' 'HL' = 'HL - Hebrew Letter' 'ID' = 'ID - Ideographic' 'JL' = 'JL - Hangul L Jamo' 'JV' = 'JV - Hangul V Jamo' 'JT' = 'JT - Hangul T Jamo' 'RI' = 'RI - Regional Indicator' 'SA' = 'SA - Complex Context Dependent (South East Asian)' 'XX' = 'XX - Unknown' } function plane($codepoint) { if($codepoint -lt 0) { Write-Error "Invalid codepoint" } elseif($codepoint -le 0xFFFF){ '0 - Basic Multilingual Plane' } elseif($codepoint -le 0x1FFFF) { '1 - Supplementary Multilingual Plane'} elseif($codepoint -le 0x2FFFF) { '2 - Supplementary Ideographic Plane' } elseif($codepoint -le 0x3FFFF) { '3 - Tertiary Ideographic Plane' } elseif($codepoint -le 0x4FFFF) { '4 - Unassigned' } elseif($codepoint -le 0x5FFFF) { '5 - Unassigned' } elseif($codepoint -le 0x6FFFF) { '6 - Unassigned' } elseif($codepoint -le 0x7FFFF) { '7 - Unassigned' } elseif($codepoint -le 0x8FFFF) { '8 - Unassigned' } elseif($codepoint -le 0x9FFFF) { '9 - Unassigned' } elseif($codepoint -le 0xAFFFF) { '10 - Unassigned' } elseif($codepoint -le 0xBFFFF) { '11 - Unassigned' } elseif($codepoint -le 0xCFFFF) { '12 - Unassigned' } elseif($codepoint -le 0xDFFFF) { '13 - Unassigned' } elseif($codepoint -le 0xEFFFF) { '14 - Supplementary Special-purpose Plane' } elseif($codepoint -le 0xFFFFF) { '15 - Supplementary Private Use Area-A' } elseif($codepoint -le 0x10FFFF) { '16 - Supplementary Private Use Area-B'} else { Write-Error "Invalid codepoint" } } $displayValues = @{ 0x007f = [char]0x2421 # delete 0x2028 = [char]0x2424 # line feed # c1 control chars 0x80 = "PAD" 0x81 = "HOP" 0x82 = "BPH" 0x83 = "NBH" 0x84 = "IND" 0x85 = "NEL" 0x86 = "SSA" 0x87 = "ESA" 0x88 = "HTS" 0x89 = "HTJ" 0x8A = "VTS" 0x8B = "PLD" 0x8C = "PLU" 0x8D = "RI" 0x8E = "SS2" 0x8F = "SS3" 0x90 = "DCS" 0x91 = "PU1" 0x92 = "PU2" 0x93 = "STS" 0x94 = "CCH" 0x95 = "MW" 0x96 = "SPA" 0x97 = "EPA" 0x98 = "SOS" 0x99 = "SGC" 0x9A = "SCI" 0x9B = "CSI" 0x9C = "ST" 0x9D = "OSC" 0x9E = "PM" 0x9F = "APC" # bidi control chars 0x061C = "ALM" 0x200E = "LRM" 0x200F = "RLM" 0x202A = "LRE" 0x202B = "RLE" 0x202C = "PDF" 0x202D = "LRO" 0x202E = "RLO" 0x2066 = "LRI" 0x2067 = "RLI" 0x2068 = "FSI" 0x2069 = "PDI" # specials 0xFFF9 = "IAA" 0xFFFA = "IAS" 0xFFFB = "IAT" 0xFFFC = "OBJ" # tags 0xE0001 = "LANG TAG" 0xE0020 = "TAG $([char]0x2420)" 0xE007F = "TAG $([char]0x0018)" } # generates the "display value", i.e. user-friendly/safe display string # for various control/invisible codepoints function displayValue($codepoint, $value){ if($displayValues.ContainsKey($codepoint)){ $displayValues[$codepoint] } elseif($codepoint -ge 0 -and $codepoint -le 0x001F){ # c0 control chars [char](0x2400 + $codepoint) } elseif ($codepoint -ge 0xE0021 -and $codepoint -le 0xE007F) { # tags "TAG $([char] ($codepoint + 0x0021 - 0xE0021))" } elseif ($codepoint -ge 0x180B -and $codepoint -le 0x180D){ # mongolian free variation selectors $diff = 1 + ($codepoint - 0x180B) "FVS$diff" } elseif ($codepoint -ge 0xFE00 -and $codepoint -le 0xFE0F){ # variation selectors $diff = 1 + ($codepoint - 0xFE00) "VS$diff" } elseif ($codepoint -ge 0xE0100 -and $codepoint -le 0xE01EF){ # supplemental variation selectors $diff = 17 + ($codepoint - 0xE0100) "VS$diff" } else { $value } } |