param( $dataFilesDirectory ) $scriptDir = Split-Path $psCommandPath . $scriptDir/tables.ps1 # source data files $unicodeDataPath = "$dataFilesDirectory/UnicodeData.txt" $derivedAgePath = "$dataFilesDirectory/DerivedAge.txt" $blocksPath = "$dataFilesDirectory/Blocks.txt" $scriptsPath = "$dataFilesDirectory/Scripts.txt" $lineBreakPath = "$dataFilesDirectory/LineBreak.txt" $missingFiles = @() if (-not (Test-Path $unicodeDataPath)) { $missingFiles += 'UnicodeData.txt' } if (-not (Test-Path $derivedAgePath)) { $missingFiles += 'DerivedAge.txt' } if (-not (Test-Path $blocksPath)) { $missingFiles += 'Blocks.txt' } if (-not (Test-Path $scriptsPath )) { $missingFiles += 'Scripts.txt' } if (-not (Test-Path $lineBreakPath)) { $missingFiles += 'LineBreak.txt' } if ($missingFiles.Length -ne 0) { $errorMessage = "Required Unicode data files ($($missingFiles -join ', ')) were not found." Write-Host $errorMessage -ForegroundColor Yellow if ($AutoDownloadDataFiles -or ((Read-Host 'Press Y to download these files now') -match 'y')) { $missingFiles | % { Invoke-WebRequest "$_" -OutFile "$dataFilesDirectory/$_" } } else { Write-Error $errorMessage exit 1 } } # all encodings supported by the running .NET framework $allEncodings = [System.Text.Encoding]::GetEncodings().GetEncoding() # rewrite format.ps1xml to dispaly different encodings by default function updateFormatting($displayEncodings) { $formatFilepath = "$script:scriptDir/unishell.format.ps1xml" Get-Content "$script:scriptDir/unishell.format.template.xml" | % { switch -regex ($_) { '##DEFAULT_ENCODING_TABLE_HEADERS##' { $displayEncodings | % { "<TableColumnHeader>" "<Label>$_</Label>" "<Alignment>Right</Alignment>" "</TableColumnHeader>" } break } '##DEFAULT_ENCODING_TABLE_ITEMS##' { $displayEncodings | % { "<TableColumnItem>" "<Alignment>Right</Alignment>" "<ScriptBlock>((`$_.'$_' |%{ `$_.ToString('X2') }) -join ' ').PadLeft(12)</ScriptBlock>" "</TableColumnItem>" } break } '##ENCODING_LIST_ITEMS##' { $displayEncodings | % { "<ListItem>" "<Label>$_</Label>" "<ScriptBlock>(`$_.'$_' |%{ `$_.ToString('X2') }) -join ' '</ScriptBlock>" "</ListItem>" } break } default { $_ } } } | Out-File $formatFilepath -Encoding ascii # force refresh Update-FormatData -AppendPath $formatFilepath Update-FormatData } updateFormatting $defaultDisplayEncodings # minimally-processed stub data for all codepoints from UnicodeData.txt, meant to be # quick to load. Full set of properties and encodings are computed lazily as needed. $stubData = @{} # cache of fully-processed codepoint data $charData = @{} # lookup functions for range-based info $rangeBlock = $null function getRange($codepoint) { & $script:rangeBlock $codepoint } $ageBlock = $null function getAge($codepoint) { & $script:ageBlock $codepoint } $blocksBlock = $null function getBlock($codepoint) { & $script:blocksBlock $codepoint } $scriptsBlock = $null function getScript($codepoint) { & $script:scriptsBlock $codepoint } $lineBreakBlock = $null function getLineBreak($codepoint) { & $script:lineBreakBlock $codepoint } # generates a function body (scriptblock) that looks up a given codepoint # from a collection of individual codepoints or codepoint ranges, and returns a # value associated with that codepoint or range. This is how most of the Unicode # data files are organized. function genRangedLookup($path, $fieldRegex, $fieldValueFunc, $defaultValue) { # parse the file and generate the range data once $rangeList = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]' foreach ($line in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines((Resolve-Path $path).Path, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)) { if ($line -cmatch "^(?<start>[A-F0-9]{4,6})(\.\.(?<end>[A-F0-9]{4,6}))?$fieldRegex") { $start = [Convert]::ToInt32($matches['start'], 16) $end = if ($matches['end']) { [Convert]::ToInt32($matches['end'], 16) } else { $start } $rangeList.Add(@{ start = $start; end = $end; value = (& $fieldValueFunc) }) } } # close over the data in the function body, only do lookups on invocation { param($codepoint) foreach ($range in $rangeList) { if ($codepoint -ge $range.start -and $codepoint -le $range.end) { return $range.value } } return $defaultValue }.GetNewClosure() } # do the minimal amount of stub data loading such that all info # can later be lazily computed if/when a specific codepoint is requested function loadStub { # bail if already initialized if ($script:stubData.Count -ne 0) { return } # UnicodeData.txt is a weird hybrid that's mostly a list of individual codepoints, # but also contains a handful of ranges (which are specified in a non-standard way). # Thus the one-off parsing. $rangeList = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[hashtable]' $rangeItem = $null foreach ($line in ([System.IO.File]::ReadLines((Resolve-Path $script:unicodeDataPath).Path, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8))) { $fields = $line.Split(';') $f0 = $fields[0] $codepoint = [Convert]::ToInt32($f0, 16) if ($fields[1] -cmatch '^\<(?<rangeName>[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+?), (?<marker>First|Last)>$') { $fields[1] = $matches['rangeName'] if ($matches['marker'] -eq 'First') { $rangeItem = @{start = $codepoint; end = 0} } else { $rangeItem['end'] = $codepoint $rangeList.Add($rangeItem) } } $script:stubData[$codepoint] = $fields } $script:rangeBlock = { param($codepoint) foreach ($range in $rangeList) { if ($codepoint -ge $range.start -and $codepoint -le $range.end) { return $range.start } } }.GetNewClosure() # initial parsing of DerivedAge.txt file # (contains info pertaining to the Unicode version in which a codepoint was initially introduced) $script:ageBlock = genRangedLookup $script:derivedAgePath ' *; (?<ver>[\d\.]+)' { $matches['ver'] } 'Unassigned' # initial parsing of Blocks.txt file # (contains info about what named block a codepoint resides in) $script:blocksBlock = genRangedLookup $script:blocksPath '; (?<block>[a-zA-Z0-9 \-]+)' { $matches['block'] } 'Unassigned' # initial parsing of Scripts.txt file # (contains info about what script a codepoint is expressed in) $script:scriptsBlock = genRangedLookup $script:scriptsPath ' *?; (?<script>[A-Za-z0-9_]+?) #' { $matches['script'] } 'Unknown' # initial parsing of LineBreak.txt file # (contains info about line break behavior) $script:lineBreakBlock = genRangedLookup $script:lineBreakPath ';(?<class>[A-Z]{2,3}) ' { $lineBreakMappings[$matches['class']] } $lineBreakMappings['XX'] } # cache a fully-processed codepoint object function saveCharData($data) { $data.pstypenames.Add('unishell.codepoint') $script:charData[$data.Codepoint] = $data } # add noteproperties to the codepoint object for each available encoding function addEncodings($codepointObj) { $props = @{} foreach ($enc in $allEncodings) { $name = $enc.WebName if (-not $props.ContainsKey($name)) { $bytes = if ($codepointObj.RawValue -eq $null) { , @() } else { $enc.GetBytes($codepointObj.RawValue) } $props.Add($name, [byte[]]$bytes) } } $codepointObj | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $props -Force -PassThru } # gets string representation of a specified codepoint, # with support for unpaired surrogates function getValue($codepoint) { if (($codepoint -lt 0) -or ($codepoint -gt 0x10ffff)) { Write-Error "$codepoint (0x$($codepoint.ToString('X4'))) is not a valid codepoint" $null } elseif (($codepoint -lt 55296) -or ($codepoint -gt 57343)) { [char]::ConvertFromUtf32($codepoint) } else { [char] $codepoint } } # gets the fully-processing codepoint object function getChar($codepoint) { if (-not $script:charData.ContainsKey($codepoint)) { $value = getValue $codepoint if ($value -eq $null) { return } $fields = $script:stubData[$codepoint] if ($fields) { # format of UnicodeData.txt described at $name = $fields[1] if ($fields[10] -and ($fields[1] -like '<*>')) { $name = "$name $($fields[10])" } $obj = [pscustomobject]@{ Value = displayValue $codepoint $value RawValue = $value Codepoint = $codepoint CodepointString = "U+$($codepoint.ToString('X4'))" Name = $name Block = (getBlock $codepoint) Plane = plane $codepoint UnicodeVersion = (getAge $codepoint) Script = (getScript $codepoint) LineBreakClass = (getLineBreak $codepoint) Category = $generalCategoryMappings[$fields[2]] CanonicalCombiningClasses = $combiningClassMappings[$fields[3]] BidiCategory = $bidiCategoryMappings[$fields[4]] DecompositionMapping = $fields[5] DecimalDigitValue = if ($fields[6]) { [int] $fields[6] } else {$null} DigitValue = $fields[7] NumericValue = $fields[8] Mirrored = ($fields[9] -eq 'Y') UppercaseMapping = if ($fields[12]) { [Convert]::ToInt32($fields[12], 16) } else { $null } LowercaseMapping = if ($fields[13]) { [Convert]::ToInt32($fields[13], 16) } else { $null } TitlecaseMapping = if ($fields[14]) { [Convert]::ToInt32($fields[14], 16) } else { $null } } $obj = addEncodings $obj saveCharData $obj } else { # no info for this specific codepoint in $stubData, # so it maybe it's in the middle of some UnicodeData.txt range. # If so, getRange tells us the range's first codepoint $rangeStartCodepoint = getRange $codepoint if ($rangeStartCodepoint) { # add a stub entry pointing to the data of the range start codepoint $script:stubData[$codepoint] = $script:stubData[$rangeStartCodepoint] return (getChar $codepoint) } # otherwise, this codepoint must be unassigned $obj = [pscustomobject]@{ Value = displayValue $codepoint $value RawValue = $value Codepoint = $codepoint CodepointString = "U+$($codepoint.ToString('X4'))" Name = 'Unassigned' Block = (getBlock $codepoint) Plane = (plane $codepoint) UnicodeVersion = $null Script = (getScript $codepoint) LineBreakClass = (getLineBreak $codepoint) Category = $null CanonicalCombiningClasses = $null BidiCategory = $null DecompositionMapping = $null DecimalDigitValue = $null DigitValue = $null NumericValue = $null Mirrored = $false UppercaseMapping = $null LowercaseMapping = $null TitlecaseMapping = $null } $obj = addEncodings $obj saveCharData $obj } } # all paths will have populated $charData for the codepoint, just return it $script:charData[$codepoint] } # for a given input string, takes care of # - Splitting the string into codepoints (handling surrogate pairs and unpaired surrogates) # - Computing the fancy display combiner lines based on the string's # "text units" & combining character codepoints # - Cobbling together core codepoint data and hidden display fields into # final resulting object function expandString($inputString) { # .NET's API for splitting a string into "text units", i.e. boundaries of # surrogate pairs and/or base codepoints followed by combining codepoints. # Limited... does not handle ZWJ, emoji modifiers, etc $textElemPositions = [System.Globalization.StringInfo]::ParseCombiningCharacters($inputString) $idx = 0 $elemStart = $textElemPositions[$idx] $elemEnd = if ($textElemPositions.Length -gt ($idx + 1)) { $textElemPositions[$idx + 1] - 1 } else { $inputString.Length - 1 } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $inputString.Length; $i++) { $codepoint = try { [Char]::ConvertToUtf32($inputString, $i) } catch { # handle case of unpaired surrogates [int]$inputString[$i] } # base/core codepoint properties # the object we return will have hidden display fields, so create a copy # instead of mutating the original $baseChar = (getChar $codepoint).PSObject.Copy() # is this a paired high surrogate? $isHS = ([Char]::IsHighSurrogate($inputString[$i]) -and ($i -lt $inputString.Length - 1) -and ([Char]::IsLowSurrogate($inputSTring[$i + 1]))) # is the current codepoint a base codepoint $baseCurrent = $i -eq $elemStart # was there a base codepoint earlier in the string $baseBefore = $i -gt 0 # are there any base codepoints later in the string $baseAfter = $idx -lt ($textElemPositions.Length - 1) # were there any codepoints earlier in the string $pointBefore = $i -gt $elemStart # are there any codepoints later in the string $pointAfter = ($i -lt ($elemEnd - 1)) -or (($i -eq ($elemEnd - 1)) -and !$isHS) # combiner line computations $combinerA = if ($baseCurrent -and $baseBefore -and $baseAfter) { ([char]0x251C) } elseif ($baseCurrent -and $baseBefore -and !$baseAfter) { [char]0x2514 } elseif ($baseCurrent -and !$baseBefore -and $baseAfter) { ([char]0x250C) } elseif ($baseCurrent -and !$baseBefore -and !$baseAfter) { ([char]0x2500) } elseif (!$baseCurrent -and $baseBefore -and $baseAfter) { ([char]0x2502) } elseif (!$baseCurrent -and $baseBefore -and !$baseAfter) { " " } else { Write-Error "Unexpected $i $elemStart $elemEnd $idx $baseCurrent $baseBefore $baseAfter" } $combinerB = if ($pointBefore -and $pointAfter) { ([char]0x251C) } elseif ($pointBefore -and !$pointAfter) { ([char]0x2514) } elseif (!$pointBefore -and $pointAfter) { ([char]0x252C) } else { ([char]0x2500) } # add the hidden display fields $baseChar ` | Add-Member -NotePropertyName '_Combiner' -NotePropertyValue "$combinerA$combinerB" -PassThru ` | Add-Member -NotePropertyName '_OriginatingString' -NotePropertyValue $inputString -PassThru if ($isHS) { $i++ } if ($i -eq $elemEnd) { $idx++ $elemStart = $elemEnd + 1 $elemEnd = if ($textElemPositions.Length -gt ($idx + 1)) { $textElemPositions[$idx + 1] - 1 } else { $inputString.Length - 1 } } } } |