$Script:WebSession = $null $Script:BaseUri = $null $Script:RestHeaders = $null #region internal functions function Invoke-UnifiRestCall { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # HTTP Method [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [ValidateSet("GET","POST","PUT","DELETE")] [string] $Method, # REST route (URI) [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string] $Route, # Body for Invoke-RestMethod (will only be applied if $Method is POST, PUT or DELETE) [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [Object] $Body, # Custom Parameters for Invoke-RestMethod [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [Object] $CustomRestParams ) process { $restParams = @{ Headers = @{"charset"="utf-8";"Content-Type"="application/json"} TimeoutSec = $script:Timeout Uri = $($script:BaseUri) + "/" + $Route WebSession = $Script:WebSession Method = $Method Verbose = $false } if ($script:useSkipCertParam) { $restParams.SkipCertificateCheck = $true } if ($CustomRestParams) { $restParams = $CustomRestParams } if (@("POST","PUT","DELETE") -contains $Method) { $restParams.Body = $Body } Write-Verbose "Calling $($restParams.Uri) [$($restParams.Method)]" try { $json = Invoke-RestMethod @restParams } catch [System.Net.WebException] { $json = $_.ErrorDetails | ConvertFrom-Json $ErrorCode = $json.meta.msg Write-Error "Error while accessing rest endpoint '$Route' ($Method): $ErrorCode" } catch { Write-Error "Other error while accessing rest endpoint '$Route' ($Method): $_" } finally { if ($json) { $json } if ($restParams.SessionVariable) { $script:WebSession = $WebSession } } } } #endregion #region Authentication function Invoke-UnifiLogin { <# .SYNOPSIS Makes a RestMethod request to the unifi api, which will hopefully login the given user .DESCRIPTION Makes a RestMethod request to the unifi api, which will hopefully login the given user Credentials can be directly used with $Credentials-Parameter (you will be asked for credentials if this parameter is omitted). If the login succeeds a WebSession is saved to $Script:WebSession A timeout can be specified for the webrequest .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-UnifiLogin -Uri https://localhost:8443/api -Timeout 5 Logs in to the unifi server at the specified address and wait max. 5 seconds .OUTPUTS Returns $True on Success Returns $False on Failure #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Boolean])] param( # Uri of the UniFi Server [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [string] $Uri, # Login credentials [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential, # Timeout in seconds [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Int] $Timeout= 5 ) process { $script:BaseUri = $Uri $script:Timeout = $Timeout $Script:WebSession = $null $TestSkipCertParam = (Get-Command Invoke-RestMethod).Parameters.SkipCertificateCheck if ($TestSkipCertParam) { # Parameter to skip cert is available, so why not use it $script:useSkipCertParam = $true } else { # Parameter to skip cert is not available, try a workaround try { add-type @" using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy { public bool CheckValidationResult( ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) { return true; } } "@ [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy } catch {} } if (!($Credential)) { $Credential = (Get-Credential -Message "Login for UniFi-Controller $($script:BaseUri)") } $Body = @{ "username" = $Credential.UserName; "password" = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } | ConvertTo-JSON $restParams = @{ Headers = @{"charset"="utf-8";"Content-Type"="application/json"} TimeoutSec = $script:Timeout Uri = $($script:BaseUri) + "/api/login" SessionVariable = "WebSession" Verbose = $false Method = "Post" } if ($script:useSkipCertParam) { $restParams.SkipCertificateCheck = $true } $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method POST -Route "login" -Body $Body -CustomRestParams $restParams $Credential = $null $Body = $null if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Login to Unifi-Controller successful" return $True } else { Write-Error "Login to Unifi-Controller failed" return $False } } } function Invoke-UnifiLogout { <# .SYNOPSIS Logs out of the unifi server and destroys the websession .DESCRIPTION Logs out of the unifi server and destroys the websession .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Invoke-UnifiLogout Logs out of the server .OUTPUTS Returns $True on Success Returns $False on Failure #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Boolean])] param() process { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method POST -Route "api/logout" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Logout from Unifi-Controller successful" return $True } else { Write-Error "Logout from Unifi-Controller failed" return $False } } } #endregion #region Unifi Controller information function Get-UnifiServerInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Grabs simple information from the unifi server (state,version,uuid) .DESCRIPTION Grabs simple information from the unifi server (state,version,uuid) You do not need to be logged in to grap this information .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiServerInfo Grabs the information .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw ) process { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "status" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.meta } else { $jsonResult.meta | Select-Object UUID,@{N="Version";E={$_.server_version}},@{N="URI";E={$Script:BaseUri}} } } } } #endregion #region User information function Get-UnifiLogin { <# .SYNOPSIS Shows information about the currently logged in user .DESCRIPTION Shows information about the currently logged in user .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiLogin Shows information about the currently logged in user .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw ) process { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "api/self" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object Name,@{N="AdminID";E={$_.admin_id}},EMail,@{N="EMailAlert";E={$_.email_alert_enabled}},@{N="SuperAdmin";E={$_.is_super}},@{N="UISettings";E={$_.ui_settings}} } } } } function Get-UnifiAdmin { <# .SYNOPSIS Lists unifi admins for all or just one site .DESCRIPTION Lists unifi admins for all or just one site .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiAdmin -All Lists unifi admins for all sites PS C:\> Get-UnifiAdmin -SiteName "Default" Lists unifi admins for site "Default" .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # SiteName [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName="SiteName", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)] [string] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # List Admins for all sites [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName="All")] [switch] $All ) process { if (!$All -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SiteName)) { Write-Error "No SiteName was given" } else { if ($All) { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "api/stat/admin" } else { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method POST -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/cmd/sitemgr" -Body (@{cmd = "get-admins"} | ConvertTo-JSON) } if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { if ($All) { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object name,email, @{N="UserID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="SuperAdmin";E={$_.is_super}}, @{N="Roles";E={$_.roles}}, @{N="SuperRoles";E={$_.super_roles}}, @{N="CreatedOn";E={ ( Get-Date('1970-01-01 00:00:00') ).AddSeconds($_.time_created) }}, @{N="LastSiteName";E={$_.last_site_name}}, @{N="EMailAlert";E={$_.email_alert_enabled}} } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object name,email, @{N="UserID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="Permissions";E={$_.permissions}}, @{N="SuperAdmin";E={$_.is_super}}, @{N="Role";E={$_.role}}, @{N="EMailAlert";E={$_.email_alert_enabled}} } } } } } } #endregion #region Basic site handling function Get-UnifiSite { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets one or more sites of the unifi controller .DESCRIPTION Gets one or more sites of the unifi controller You can filter by SiteName (internal site name) or SiteID or SiteDisplayName (name visible in the web interface, unifi's internal name for this field is 'desc') .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite -DisplayName * Lists all sites .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite -DisplayName "Default","*Test*" Lists all sites which contains the string "Test" and the site with the name "Default" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite -SiteName "67itznop" Lists the site with the SiteName '67itznop' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite SiteID "623e1bf66a5d4f1280160b7e" Lists the site with the ID '623e1bf66a5d4f1280160b7e' .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="SiteDisplayName")] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "SiteName", Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String[]] $SiteName, # ID of the site [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "SiteID", Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String[]] $SiteID, # friendlyName of the site (Unifi's internal name for this field is 'desc'). This is the value visible in the web interface [Parameter( ParameterSetName = "SiteDisplayName", Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0 )] [Alias("SiteDescription")] [String[]] $SiteDisplayName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw ) process { try { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "api/self/sites" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "SiteName" { $tmpList = @() foreach($singleSiteName in $SiteName) { $tmpList += $jsonResult.data | Where-Object { $_.Name -like $singleSiteName } } $jsonResult.data = $tmpList } "SiteID" { $tmpList = @() foreach($singleSiteID in $SiteID) { $tmpList += $jsonResult.data | Where-Object { $_._id -like $singleSiteID } } $jsonResult.data = $tmpList } "SiteDisplayName" { $tmpList = @() foreach($singleSiteDisplayName in $SiteDisplayName) { $tmpList += $jsonResult.data | Where-Object { $_.desc -like $singleSiteDisplayName } } $jsonResult.data = $tmpList } } if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="SiteDisplayName";E={$_.desc}}, @{N="SiteName";E={$_.name}}, @{N="NoDelete";E={ if ($_.attr_no_delete) {$_.attr_no_delete} else { $False }}} } } } catch { Write-Error "Something went wrong while fetching sites ($($_.Exception))" -ErrorAction Stop } } } function New-UnifiSite { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new unifi site .DESCRIPTION Creates a new unifi site. It does check if a site with the same name is already present (You can have more than one site with the same DisplayName in the unifi controller (a bit stupid if you ask me...)) If you want to disable this check, use the 'DisableNameCheck'-Switch .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-UnifiSite -SiteDisplayName "My New Site" Creates the new unifi site 'My New Site' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-UnifiSite -SiteDisplayName "My New Site" DisableNameCheck Creates the new unifi site 'My New Site' even if a site with this DisplayName is already present .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data from the newly created site #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # (Display-)Name of the site under which it appears in the webui [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0 )] [String] $SiteDisplayName, # Disable checking if a site name is already present [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $DisableNameCheck, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw ) process { try { if (!$DisableNameCheck) { $sites = Get-UnifiSite "*" if ($sites.SiteDisplayName -contains $SiteDisplayName) { Write-Error "There's already a site with the DisplayName '$SiteDisplayName' present." return "" } } $Body = @{ cmd = "add-site" desc = $SiteDisplayName } | ConvertTo-Json $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method POST -Route "api/s/default/cmd/sitemgr" -Body $Body if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Site '$SiteDisplayName' successfully created" if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$_.name}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="SiteDisplayName";E={$_.desc}} } } else { Write-Error "Site '$SiteDisplayName' was NOT created ($jsonResult.meta.msg)" } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while creating a new site $($SiteDisplayName) ($_)" } } } function Remove-UnifiSite { <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a unifi site .DESCRIPTION Deletes a unifi site. Be careful with this! .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-UnifiSite -SiteName 67itznop Removes the unifi site with the SiteName '67itznop', but asks for confirmation .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite -SiteDisplayName 'ProductionSite' | Remove-UnifiSite -Force Removes the unifi site with the DisplayName 'ProductionSite' and does NOT ask for confirmation .OUTPUTS Returns $True on Success Returns $False on Failure #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([boolean])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not ask for confirmation [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Force ) process { try { $site = Get-UnifiSite -SiteName $SiteName if ($site) { if (!$Force) { do { $answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you really want to delete the site '$($SiteName)' (DisplayName: $($site.SiteDisplayName))? Be **extremely careful with this** (y/N): " } while($answer -ne "y" -and $answer -ne "n" -and $answer -ne "") if ($answer -eq "" -or $answer -eq "n") { Write-Verbose "Deletion of site '$($SiteName)' (DisplayName: $($site.SiteDisplayName)) was aborted by user" return $False } } $Body = @{ site = $site.SiteID cmd = "delete-site" } | ConvertTo-Json $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method POST -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/cmd/sitemgr" -Body $Body if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Site '$($SiteName)' (DisplayName: $($site.SiteDisplayName)) successfully deleted" return $True } else { Write-Error "Site '$($SiteName)' (DisplayName: $($site.SiteDisplayName)) was NOT deleted" return $False } } else { Write-Error "No site '$SiteName' was found" return $False } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while removing site $($SiteName) ($_)" return $False } } } function Rename-UnifiSite { <# .SYNOPSIS Renames a unifi site .DESCRIPTION Renames a unifi site .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Rename-UnifiSite -SiteName '67itznop' -NewSiteDisplayName "my wonderful site" Renames the unifi site with the SiteName '67itznop' to 'my wonderful site'. Note that the SiteName keeps the same. Only the SiteDisplayName in the webui changes .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite -SiteDisplayName 'Development' | Rename-UnifiSite Renames the unifi site with the SiteName '67itznop' to 'my wonderful site'. Note that the SiteName keeps the same. Only the SiteDisplayName in the webui changes .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site which will be renamed (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # New DisplayName of the site [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [Alias("SiteDisplayName")] [String] $NewSiteDisplayName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw ) process { try { $site = Get-UnifiSite -SiteName $SiteName if ($site) { if ($site.SiteDisplayName -eq $NewSiteDisplayName) { Write-Warning "Nothing to do. Old and new display names match" } else { $Body = @{ desc = $NewSiteDisplayName cmd = "update-site" } | ConvertTo-Json $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method POST -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/cmd/sitemgr" -Body $Body if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Site '$($SiteName)' was renamed from '$($site.NewSiteDisplayName)' to '$NewSiteDisplayName'" if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="NewSiteDisplayName";E={$_.desc}}, @{N="SiteName";E={$_.name}}, @{N="NoDelete";E={ if ($_.attr_no_delete) {$_.attr_no_delete} else { $False }}} } } else { Write-Error "Site '$($SiteName)' (DisplayName: $($site.NewSiteDisplayName)) was NOT renamed" } } } else { Write-Error "No site '$SiteName' was found" } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while renaming site $($SiteName) ($_)" } } } function Get-UnifiSiteInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets extended information for a Unifi site .DESCRIPTION Gets extended information for a Unifi site like status for wlan (status, # APs, # adopted, # disabled, # disconnected, # pending, # users, # guests) wan (status, # adopted, # pending, # gateways) www (status, ) lan (status, # adopted, #disconnected, # pending, # sw(?)) vpn (status). You can pipe the output from "Get-UnifiSite" to this cmdlet .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSiteInfo -SiteName default Gets information from the default site .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite * | Get-UnifiSiteInfo Gets information from all sites .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw ) process { try { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/stat/health" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { foreach ($subsystem in $jsonResult.data) { switch ($subsystem.subsystem) { "wlan" { $subsystem | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, Subsystem, Status, @{N="APs";E={$_.num_ap}}, @{N="Adopted";E={$_.num_adopted}}, @{N="Disabled";E={$_.num_disabled}}, @{N="Disconnected";E={$_.num_disconnected}}, @{N="Pending";E={$_.num_pending}}, @{N="Users";E={$_.num_user}}, @{N="Guests";E={$_.num_guest}}, @{N="IOT";E={$_.num_iot}}, @{N="TX";E={$_."tx_bytes-r"}}, @{N="RX";E={$_."rx_bytes-r"}} } "wan" { $subsystem | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, Subsystem, Status, @{N="Gateways";E={$_.num_gw}}, @{N="Adopted";E={$_.num_adopted}}, @{N="Disconnected";E={$_.num_disconnected}}, @{N="Pending";E={$_.num_pending}}, @{N="IP";E={$_.wan_ip}}, @{N="Gateway";E={$_.gateways}}, @{N="Netmask";E={$_.netmask}}, @{N="Nameservers";E={$_.nameservers}}, @{N="MAC";E={$_.gw_mac}}, @{N="Name";E={$_.gw_name}}, @{N="Version";E={$_.gw_version}}, @{N="Uptime";E={$_.uptime_stats}}, @{N="Stats";E={$_.'gw_system-stats'}}, @{N="TX";E={$_."tx_bytes-r"}}, @{N="RX";E={$_."rx_bytes-r"}}, @{N="STA";E={$_."num_sta"}} } "www" { $subsystem | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, Subsystem, Status, @{N="TX";E={$_."tx_bytes-r"}}, @{N="RX";E={$_."rx_bytes-r"}}, @{N="Latency";E={$_.latency}}, @{N="Uptime";E={$_.Uptime}}, @{N="Drops";E={$_.Drops}}, @{N="Up";E={$_.xput_up}}, @{N="Down";E={$_.xput_down}}, @{N="SpeedtestStatus";E={$_.speedtest_status}}, @{N="SpeedtestLastRun";E={$_.speedtest_lastrun}}, @{N="SpeedtestPing";E={$_.speedtest_ping}}, @{N="MAC";E={$_.gw_mac}} } "lan" { $subsystem | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, Subsystem, Status, @{N="Users";E={$_.num_user}}, @{N="Guests";E={$_.num_guest}}, @{N="IOT";E={$_.num_iot}}, @{N="TX";E={$_."tx_bytes-r"}}, @{N="RX";E={$_."rx_bytes-r"}}, @{N="Switche";E={$_.num_sw}}, @{N="Adopted";E={$_.num_adopted}}, @{N="Disconnected";E={$_.num_disconnected}}, @{N="Pending";E={$_.num_pending}} } "vpn" { $subsystem | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, Subsystem, Status } } } } } } catch { Write-Error "Something went wrong while fetching sites ($($_.Exception))" -ErrorAction Stop } } } #endregion #region Log/Events/Alarms function Get-UnifiEvent { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets events for a unifi site .DESCRIPTION Gets events for a unifi site. The default limit for events is 500. Use a limit of 0 to disable this limit. But note that the unifi controller api has a max limit of 3000 entries You can pipe the output from "Get-UnifiSite" to this cmdlet .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite -DisplayName "Test" | Get-UnifiEvent Gets events from site with the DisplayName "Test" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiEvent -SiteName "01gg6pt0" -Limit 0 Gets events from the site with the (internal) name "01gg6pt0". Use the unifi controllers default limit of 3000 entries .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # Limit the number of results as the output can be too big and slow. Zero means no limit [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int16] $Limit = 500 ) process { try { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/stat/event" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if ($Limit -gt 0) { $jsonResult.data = $jsonResult.data | Select-Object -First $Limit } if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty "site_id","key","msg","_id","time","is_negative" @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, @{N="Category";E={$_.subsystem}}, @{N="Date";E={$_.DateTime}}, @{N="EventType";E={$_.key}}, @{N="Message";E={$_.msg}}, * } } } catch { Write-Error "Something went wrong while fetching sites ($($_.Exception))" -ErrorAction Stop } } } function Get-UnifiAlarm { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets alarms for a unifi site .DESCRIPTION Gets alarms for a unifi site. The default limit for alarms is 500. Use a limit of 0 to disable this limit. But note that the unifi controller api has a max limit of 3000 entries You can pipe the output from "Get-UnifiSite" to this cmdlet .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite -DisplayName "Test" | Get-UnifiAlarm Gets alarms from site with the DisplayName "Test" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiAlarm -SiteName "01gg6pt0" Gets alarms from the site with the (internal) name "01gg6pt0" .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # Limit the number of results as the output can be too big and slow. Zero means no limit [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [int16] $Limit = 500 ) process { try { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/stat/alarm" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if ($Limit -gt 0) { $jsonResult.data = $jsonResult.data | Select-Object -First $Limit } if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty "site_id","key","msg","_id","time","is_negative" @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, @{N="Category";E={$_.subsystem}}, @{N="Date";E={$_.DateTime}}, @{N="EventType";E={$_.key}}, @{N="Message";E={$_.msg}}, * } } } catch { Write-Error "Something went wrong while fetching sites ($($_.Exception))" -ErrorAction Stop } } } #endregion #region Device Management function Get-UnifiDevice { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Unifi Devices (AP, Switch, Gateways, etc.) .DESCRIPTION Gets Unifi Devices (AP, Switch, Gateways, etc.). You can pipe the output from "Get-UnifiSite" to this cmdlet .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiDevice -SiteName "default" Returns all devices from site "default" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite * | Get-UnifiDevice Returns all devices from all sites .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw ) process { try { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/stat/device" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, Adopted, @{N="InformIP";E={$_.inform_ip}}, @{N="InformURL";E={$_.inform_url}}, IP, MAC, Model, Name, Serial, Version, @{N="Connected";E={ (Get-Date("1970-01-01 00:00:00")).AddSeconds($_.connected_at) }}, @{N="Provisioned";E={ (Get-Date("1970-01-01 00:00:00")).AddSeconds($_.provisioned_at) }}, @{N="LastSeen";E={ (Get-Date("1970-01-01 00:00:00")).AddSeconds($_.last_seen) }}, @{N="Uptime";E={ [Timespan]::FromSeconds($_.Uptime).ToString() }}, @{N="Startup";E={ (Get-Date("1970-01-01 00:00:00")).AddSeconds($_.startup_timestamp) }}, @{N="UpdateAvailable";E={ $_.upgradable }}, @{N="UpdateableFirmware";E={ $_.upgrade_to_firmware }}, @{N="Load1";E={ $_.sys_stats.loadavg_1 }}, @{N="Load5";E={ $_.sys_stats.loadavg_5 }}, @{N="Load15";E={ $_.sys_stats.loadavg_15 }}, @{N="CPUUsed";E={ $_."system-stats".cpu }}, @{N="MemUsed";E={ $_."system-stats".mem }} } } } catch { Write-Error "Something went wrong while fetching devices ($($_.Exception))" -ErrorAction Stop } } } function Restart-UnifiDevice { <# .SYNOPSIS Restarts a unifi device .DESCRIPTION Restarts a unifi device. Use the $Force-Switch to skip asking for confirmation You can pipe the output from "Get-UnifiDevice" to this cmdlet .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite "Test" | Get-UnifiDevice "AP01" | Restart-UnifiDevice Restarts the device with the name "AP01" in site "Test", but asks for confirmation .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Restart-UnifiDevice -SiteName "Test" -MAC "00:11:22:33:44:55" -Force Restarts the device with the mac "00:11:22:33:44:55" in site "Test" and does not ask for confirmation .OUTPUTS Returns $True on Success Returns $False on Failure #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Boolean])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # MAC of the device to restart [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $MAC, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # Do not ask for confirmation [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Force ) process { try { if (!$Force) { do { $answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you really want to restart the device '$MAC'? (y/N): " } while($answer -ne "y" -and $answer -ne "n" -and $answer -ne "") if ($answer -eq "" -or $answer -eq "n") { Write-Verbose "Restart of device '$MAC' was aborted by user" return $null } } $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method POST -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/cmd/devmgr" -Body (@{cmd = "restart"; mac = $MAC; reboot_type = "soft"} | ConvertTo-JSON) if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Device with MAC '$MAC' will reboot now" return $True } else { Write-Error "Could not reboot device mit MAC '$MAC'" return $False } } catch { Write-Error "Something went wrong while rebooting device with MAC '$MAC' ($($_.Exception))" -ErrorAction Stop } } } function Sync-UnifiDevice { <# .SYNOPSIS Syncs a unifi device with the unifi controller (will force a provisioning) .DESCRIPTION Syncs a unifi device with the unifi controller (will force a provisioning) You can pipe the output from "Get-UnifiDevice" to this cmdlet .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite "Test" | Get-UnifiDevice "AP01" | Sync-UnifiDevice Provisions the device with the name "AP01" in site "Test" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Sync-UnifiDevice -SiteName "Test" -MAC "00:11:22:33:44:55" Provisions the device with the mac "00:11:22:33:44:55" in site "Test" .OUTPUTS Returns $True on Success Returns $False on Failure #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Boolean])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # MAC of the device to sync [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $MAC, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw ) process { try { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method POST -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/cmd/devmgr" -Body (@{cmd = "force-provision"; mac = $MAC} | ConvertTo-JSON) if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Device with '$MAC' will force a provision" return $True } else { Write-Error "Could not force a provision for device with MAC '$MAC'" return $False } } catch { Write-Error "Something went wrong while fetching sites ($($_.Exception))" -ErrorAction Stop } } } function Edit-UnifiDevice { # not tested yet <# .SYNOPSIS Edits a unifi device (access point, gateway, switch, etc) .DESCRIPTION TODO .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Edit-UnifiDevice TODO .EXAMPLE PS C:\> TODO #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # ID of the Device to be edited [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $DeviceID, # New name of the device. Leave empty to keep the name [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $DeviceName ) process { try { $Device = Get-UnifiDevice -SiteName $SiteName | Where-Object { $_.DeviceID -eq $DeviceID } if ($Device) { # Use current name if no new name was given if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($DeviceName)) { $DeviceName = $Device.DeviceName } $Body = @{ #'_id' = $Device.GroupID #'site_id' = $Device.SiteID name = $GroupName #group_type = $Device.GroupType #group_members = $GroupMembers } | ConvertTo-Json $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method PUT -Route "api/s/$($siteName)/rest/device/$($Device.DeviceID)" -Body $Body if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Device '$DeviceName' was successfully edited for site '$SiteName'" if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data <# | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, @{N="GroupID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="GroupName";E={$_.name}}, @{N="GroupMembers";E={$_.group_members}}, @{N="GroupType";E={$_.group_type}} #> } } else { Write-Error "Device '$DeviceName' was NOT edited for site '$SiteName' -> error: $($jsonResult.meta.msg)" } } else { Write-Error "No Device with ID '$DeviceID' was found in site '$SiteName'" } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while editing device with ID '$DeviceID' for site $SiteName ($_)" } } } #endregion #region Client Management function Get-UnifiClient { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Unifi Clients (Users, Guests) .DESCRIPTION Gets Unifi Clients (Users, Guests) You can pipe the output from "Get-UnifiSite" to this cmdlet This function lists all known clients by default. If you wish to only show active (currently connected) clients/users use the $Active-Switch THe output of Active clients differs from the output of all clients. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiClient -SiteName "default" Returns all clients from site "default" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiClient -SiteName "default" -Active Returns all currently connected clients from site "default" .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # Only list active clients and show additional info for them [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Active ) process { try { if ($Active) { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/stat/sta" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, MAC, @{N="IPAddress";E={$_.ip}}, VLAN, @{N="Username";E={$_."1x_identity"}}, Hostname, @{N="Manufacturer";E={$_.oui}}, @{N="Guest";E={$_.is_guest}}, @{N="Wired";E={$_.is_wired}}, @{N="SSID";E={$_.essid}}, @{N="BSSID";E={$_.bssid}}, @{N="AccessPointMAC";E={$_.ap_mac}}, Channel, Radio, Signal, Noise, RSSI, @{N="TXRate";E={ "$($_.tx_rate / 1000) Mbps"}}, @{N="RXRate";E={ "$($_.rx_rate / 1000) Mbps" }}, @{N="TXPower";E={$_.tx_power}}, @{N="WifiTX";E={ "$($_.tx_bytes / 1048576) MB" }}, @{N="WifiRX";E={ "$($_.rx_bytes / 1048576) MB" }}, @{N="WiredTX";E={ "$($_.wired_tx_bytes / 1048576) MB" }}, @{N="WiredRX";E={ "$($_.wired_rx_bytes / 1048576) MB" }}, @{N="TXAttempts";E={$_.wifi_tx_attempts}}, @{N="TXRetries";E={$_.tx_retries}}, Authorized, @{N="Uptime";E={ [Timespan]::FromSeconds($_.Uptime).ToString() }}, @{N="FirstSeen";E={ (Get-Date("1970-01-01 00:00:00")).AddSeconds($_.first_seen) }}, @{N="LastSeen";E={ (Get-Date("1970-01-01 00:00:00")).AddSeconds($_.last_seen) }}, @{N="Disconnected";E={ (Get-Date("1970-01-01 00:00:00")).AddSeconds($_.disconnect_timestamp) }}, @{N="Associated";E={ (Get-Date("1970-01-01 00:00:00")).AddSeconds($_.assoc_time) }}, @{N="AssociatedLatest";E={ (Get-Date("1970-01-01 00:00:00")).AddSeconds($_.latest_assoc_time) }} } } } else { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/rest/user" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, MAC, @{N="Manufacturer";E={$_.oui}}, @{N="Guest";E={$_.is_guest}}, @{N="Wired";E={$_.is_wired}}, @{N="FirstSeen";E={ (Get-Date("1970-01-01 00:00:00")).AddSeconds($_.first_seen) }}, @{N="LastSeen";E={ (Get-Date("1970-01-01 00:00:00")).AddSeconds($_.last_seen) }}, @{N="Disconnected";E={ (Get-Date("1970-01-01 00:00:00")).AddSeconds($_.disconnect_timestamp) }} } } } } catch { Write-Error "Something went wrong while fetching clients ($($_.Exception))" } } } function Disconnect-UnifiClient { <# .SYNOPSIS Disconnects a unifi client device (the client will try to reconnect) .DESCRIPTION Disconnects a unifi client device (the client will try to reconnect). This function will ask for confirmation unless the $Force-Switch is used You can pipe the output from "Get-UnifiClient" to this cmdlet .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite "Test" | Get-UnifiDevice "iPad01" | Disconnect-UnifiClient Reconnects the client with the name "iPad01" in site "Test" .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Disconnect-UnifiClient -SiteName "Test" -MAC "00:11:22:33:44:55" Reconnects the client with the mac "00:11:22:33:44:55" in site "Test" .OUTPUTS Returns $True on Success Returns $False on Failure #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([boolean])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # MAC of the client to reconnect [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $MAC, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # Do not ask for confirmation [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Force ) process { try { if (!$Force) { do { $answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you really want to disconnect the client '$MAC'? (y/N): " } while($answer -ne "y" -and $answer -ne "n" -and $answer -ne "") if ($answer -eq "" -or $answer -eq "n") { Write-Verbose "Disconnecting the client '$MAC' was aborted by user" return $null } } $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method POST -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/cmd/stamgr" -Body (@{cmd = "kick-sta"; mac = $MAC} | ConvertTo-JSON) if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Client '$MAC' was disconnected" } else { Write-Error "Client '$MAC' was NOT disconnected" } } catch { Write-Error "Something went wrong while disconnecting the client with the MAC '$MAC' ($($_.Exception))" -ErrorAction Stop } } } #endregion #region Firewall Management function Get-UnifiFirewallGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Lists firewall groups in a site .DESCRIPTION Lists firewall groups in a site. A firewall group can be a group of ports, ipv4-addresses or ipv6-addresses. This group is then used in a firewall rule .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiFirewallGroup -SiteName "default" Lists the firewall groups for the default site .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw ) process { try { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/rest/firewallgroup" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, @{N="GroupID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="GroupName";E={$_.name}}, @{N="GroupMembers";E={$_.group_members}}, @{N="GroupType";E={$_.group_type}} } } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while fetching firewall groups for site $($SiteName) ($_)" } } } function New-UnifiFirewallGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new firewall group in a site .DESCRIPTION Creates a new firewall group in a site Ports can be separated by a comma (20,21,22) and/or specified as a range (5900-5910) IP-Address can also be separated by a comma and/or specified as a network address ( .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-UnifiFirewallGroup -SiteName "default" -GroupName "FTP-Ports" -GroupMembers 20,21 -GroupType port-group Creates the firewall group "FTP-Ports" in the default site as a "port-group" and assigns the ports 20&21 to it .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite -SiteName "Production" | New-UnifiFirewallGroup -GroupName "Internal Networks" -GroupType "address-group" -GroupMembers "","" Creates the firewall group "Internal Networks" in the "Production" site as an "address-group" and assigns the networks and to it .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data for the newly created object #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # Name of the Firewall group to be created [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $GroupName, # Type of the Firewall group to be created (one of "address-group","ipv6-address-group","port-group") [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [ValidateSet("address-group","ipv6-address-group","port-group")] [string] $GroupType, # Group members (can be ipv4/ipv6 addresses or port numbers/ranges). Can also be empty [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string[]] $GroupMembers = @() ) process { try { $Body = @{ name = $GroupName group_type = $GroupType group_members = $GroupMembers } | ConvertTo-Json $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method POST -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/rest/firewallgroup" -Body $Body if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Firewall group '$GroupName' successfully created for site '$SiteName'" if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, @{N="FirewallGroupID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="FirewallGroupName";E={$_.name}}, @{N="FirewallGroupMembers";E={$_.group_members}}, @{N="FirewallGroupType";E={$_.group_type}} } } else { if ($jsonResult.meta.msg -eq "api.err.FirewallGroupExisted") { Write-Warning "Firewall group '$GroupName' already exists in site '$SiteName'" } else { Write-Error "Firewall group '$GroupName' was NOT created for site '$SiteName'" } } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while creating a new firewall group for site $($SiteName) ($_)" } } } function Edit-UnifiFirewallGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Edits a firewall group for a site .DESCRIPTION Edits a firewall group for a site You can only change the name and the members of the firewall group, but you cannot change the group-type Leave the name or the members empty to keep them .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite "default" | Get-UnifiFirewallGroup -GroupName "FTP-Ports" | Edit-UnifiFirewallGroup -GroupName "RDP-Ports" -GroupMembers 3389 Changes the name and the ports of the firewall group "FTP-Ports" in the default site .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # ID of the Firewall group to be edited [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $GroupID, # New name of the group. Leave empty to keep the name [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $GroupName, # Group members (can be ipv4/ipv6 addresses or port numbers/ranges). Can also be empty. All members will be overridden by this parameter [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string[]] $GroupMembers = @() ) process { try { $fwGroup = Get-UnifiFirewallGroup -SiteName $SiteName | Where-Object { $_.GroupID -eq $GroupID } if ($fwGroup) { if ( $GroupName -eq $fwGroup.GroupName -and $GroupMembers -eq $fwGroup.GroupMembers) { Write-Warning "Nothing has changed" } else { # Use current name if no new name was given if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($GroupName)) { $GroupName = $fwGroup.GroupName } # Use current members if no new members were given if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($GroupMembers)) { $GroupMembers = $fwGroup.GroupMembers } $Body = @{ '_id' = $fwGroup.GroupID 'site_id' = $fwGroup.SiteID name = $GroupName group_type = $fwGroup.GroupType group_members = @($GroupMembers) } | ConvertTo-Json $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method PUT -Route "api/s/$($siteName)/rest/firewallgroup/$($fwGroup.GroupID)" -Body $Body if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Firewall group '$GroupName' successfully edited for site '$SiteName'" if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, @{N="GroupID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="GroupName";E={$_.name}}, @{N="GroupMembers";E={$_.group_members}}, @{N="GroupType";E={$_.group_type}} } } else { Write-Error "Firewall group '$GroupName' was NOT edited for site '$SiteName' -> error: $($jsonResult.meta.msg)" } } } else { Write-Error "No Firewall Group with ID '$GroupID' in site '$SiteName' was found" } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while editing firewall group with ID '$GroupID' for site $SiteName ($_)" } } } function Remove-UnifiFirewallGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a firewall group in a site .DESCRIPTION Deletes a firewall group in a site and asks for confirmation .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite "default" | Get-UnifiFirewallGroup -GroupName "FTP-Ports" | Remove-UnifiFirewallGroup -Force Removes the firewall group "FTP-Ports" in the "default" site and skips confirmation .OUTPUTS Returns $True on Success Returns $False on Failure #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Boolean])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # ID of the Firewall group to be deleted [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $GroupID, # Do not ask for confirmation [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Force ) process { try { $fwGroup = Get-UnifiFirewallGroup -SiteName $SiteName | Where-Object { $_.GroupID -eq $GroupID } if ($fwGroup) { if (!$Force) { do { $answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you really want to delete the firewall group '$($fwGroup.GroupName)' (ID: $($GroupID))? (y/N): " } while($answer -ne "y" -and $answer -ne "n" -and $answer -ne "") if ($answer -eq "" -or $answer -eq "n") { Write-Verbose "Deletion of firewall group '$($fwGroup.GroupName)' (ID: $($GroupID)) was aborted by user" return $False } } $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method DELETE -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/rest/firewallgroup/$($GroupID)" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Firewall group '$($fwGroup.GroupName)' successfully deleted for site $SiteName" return $True } else { Write-Error "Firewall group '$($fwGroup.GroupName)' was NOT deleted for site $SiteName" return $False } } else { Write-Error "No Firewall Group with '$GroupID' was found in site '$SiteName'" return $False } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while deleting the firewall group with ID '$GroupID' for site $($SiteName) ($_)" return $False } } } function Get-UnifiFirewallRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Lists firewall rules in a site .DESCRIPTION Lists firewall rules in a site .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite "default" | Get-UnifiFirewallRule Lists all rules in the default site .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw ) process { try { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/rest/firewallrule" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, @{N="RuleName";E={$_.Name}}, @{N="RuleID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="RuleSet";E={$_.ruleset}}, @{N="Enabled";E={$_.enabled}}, @{N="Action";E={$_.action}}, @{N="DstAddress";E={$_.dst_address}}, @{N="DstFirewallGroupIDs";E={$_.dst_firewallgroup_ids}}, @{N="DstNetworkConfID";E={$_.dst_networkconf_id}}, @{N="DstNetworkConfType";E={$_.dst_networkconf_type}}, @{N="IcmpTypename";E={$_.icmp_typename}}, @{N="IPSEC";E={$_.ipsec}}, @{N="Logging";E={$_.logging}}, @{N="Protocol";E={$_.protocol}}, @{N="ProtocolMatchExcepted";E={$_.protocol_match_excepted}}, @{N="RuleIndex";E={$_.rule_index}}, @{N="SrcAddress";E={$_.src_address}}, @{N="SrcFirewallGroupIDs";E={$_.src_firewallgroup_ids}}, @{N="SrcMACAddress";E={$_.src_mac_address}}, @{N="SrcNetworkConfID";E={$_.src_networkconf_id}}, @{N="SrcNetworkConfType";E={$_.src_networkconf_type}}, @{N="StateEstablished";E={$_.state_established}}, @{N="StateInvalid";E={$_.state_invalid}}, @{N="StateNew";E={$_.state_new}}, @{N="StateRelated";E={$_.state_related}}, @{N="SettingPreference";E={$_.setting_preference}} } } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while fetching firewall rules for site $($SiteName) ($_)" } } } function New-UnifiFirewallRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new firewall rule for a site .DESCRIPTION Creates a new firewall rule for a site .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $RDPGroup = Get-UnifiSite "default" | Get-UnifiFirewallGroup | Where-Object { $_.GroupName -eq "RDP-Ports" } PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite "default" | New-UnifiFirewallRule -RuleName "Allow RDP-Traffic" -RuleSet WAN_IN -Action Accept -Enabled $True -Protocol tcp_udp -DestinationFirewallGroupIDs $RDPGroup.GroupID Allow RDP-Traffic in default site for ruleset WAN_IN .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # ID of the site [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteID, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # Name of the Firewall rule to be created [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $RuleName, # RuleSet of the Firewall rule in which the rule shall be created [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [ValidateSet("WAN_IN","WAN_OUT","WAN_LOCAL","LAN_IN","LAN_OUT","LAN_LOCAL","GUEST_IN","GUEST_OUT","GUEST_LOCAL")] [string] $RuleSet, # Action of the Firewall rule [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [ValidateSet("Drop","Reject","Accept")] [string] $Action, # State of the Firewall rule [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [Alias("State")] [bool] $Enabled, # Protocol of the Firewall rule [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet("all","tcp","udp","tcp_udp","icmp")] # Protocol can also be specified by an integer, but this is not implemented here yet [string] $Protocol = "all", # Should be logged to a syslog server? [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch] $Logging, # Match new Packages? [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch] $StateNew = $false, # Match established Packages? [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch] $StateEstablished = $false, # Match invalid Packages? [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch] $StateInvalid = $false, # Match related Packages? [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch] $StateRelated = $false, # Match IPSEC Packages? [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet("","match-ipsec","none")] [string] $IPSEC = "", # Source Type [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet("NETv4","ADDRv4")] # Netv4 = "Address/Port-Group" in WebUI, needs Parameter "SourceFirewallGroupID" or leave empty for no source filtering; ADDRv4 = "Network" or "IP Address" in WebUI [string] $SourceType = "NETv4", # Source Firewall Groups, must be used with $SourceType = NETv4 [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string[]] $SourceFirewallGroupIDs = @(), # Source Network ID, must be used with $SourceType = ADDRv4 [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string] $SourceNetworkID = "", # Source Address, must be used with $SourceType = ADDRv4 [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string] $SourceAddress, # Destination Type [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet("NETv4","ADDRv4")] # Netv4 = "Address/Port-Group" in WebUI, needs Parameter "SourceFirewallGroupID" or leave empty for no source filtering; ADDRv4 = "Network" or "IP Address" in WebUI [string] $DestinationType = "NETv4", # Destination Firewall Groups, must be used with $DestinationType = NETv4 [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string[]] $DestinationFirewallGroupIDs = @(), # Destination Network ID, must be used with $DestinationType = ADDRv4 [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string] $DestinationNetworkID = "", # Destination Address, must be used with $DestinationType = ADDRv4 [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string] $DestinationAddress, # Rule Index, set to "append", "prepend" or any number [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string] $RuleIndex = "append" # missing parameters by now: icmp_typename, src_mac_address, dst_mac_address, setting_preference, protocol_match_excepted ) process { if ($RuleIndex -eq "append" -or $RuleIndex -eq "prepend") { # Get all current firewall rules for this $RuleSet to calculate the new RuleIndex $curRules = Get-UnifiFirewallRule -siteName $SiteName | Where-Object { $_.RuleSet -eq $RuleSet } | Sort-Object -Property RuleIndex if ($curRules.Count -eq 0) { $RuleIndexNr = 2000 } elseif ($RuleIndex -eq "append") { $RuleIndexNr = ($CurRules | Select-Object -Last 1 -ExpandProperty RuleIndex) + 1 } elseif ($RuleIndex -eq "prepend") { $RuleIndexNr = ($CurRules | Select-Object First 1 -ExpandProperty RuleIndex) - 1 } } else { $RuleIndexNr = $RuleIndex } if ($RuleIndexNr -le 0) { Write-Error "Firewall Rule Index can't be zero or negative" return "" } try { $Body = @{ action = $Action.ToLower() dst_address = $DestinationAddress # only when $DestinationType -eq ADDRv4 dst_firewallgroup_ids = $DestinationFirewallGroupIDs # only when $DestinationType -eq NETv4 dst_networkconf_id = $DestinationNetworkID # only when $DestinationType -eq ADDRv4 dst_networkconf_type = $DestinationType enabled = $Enabled icmp_typename = "" ipsec = $IPSEC logging = $Logging.IsPresent name = $RuleName protocol = $Protocol.ToLower() protocol_match_excepted = $False rule_index = $RuleIndexNr ruleset = $RuleSet src_address = $SourceAddress # only when $DestinationType -eq ADDRv4 src_firewallgroup_ids = $SourceFirewallGroupIDs # only when $DestinationType -eq NETv4 src_mac_address = "" src_networkconf_id = $SourceNetworkID # only when $DestinationType -eq ADDRv4 src_networkconf_type = $SourceType state_established = $StateEstablished.IsPresent state_invalid = $StateInvalid.IsPresent state_new = $StateNew.IsPresent state_related = $StateRelated.IsPresent site_id = $SiteID setting_preference = "manual" } | ConvertTo-Json $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method POST -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/rest/firewallrule" -Body $Body if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Firewall rule '$RuleName' successfully created for site $SiteName" if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, @{N="RuleName";E={$_.Name}}, @{N="RuleID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="RuleSet";E={$_.ruleset}}, @{N="Enabled";E={$_.enabled}}, @{N="Action";E={$_.action}}, @{N="DstAddress";E={$_.dst_address}}, @{N="DstFirewallGroupIDs";E={$_.dst_firewallgroup_ids}}, @{N="DstNetworkConfID";E={$_.dst_networkconf_id}}, @{N="DstNetworkConfType";E={$_.dst_networkconf_type}}, @{N="IcmpTypename";E={$_.icmp_typename}}, @{N="IPSEC";E={$_.ipsec}}, @{N="Logging";E={$_.logging}}, @{N="Protocol";E={$_.protocol}}, @{N="ProtocolMatchExcepted";E={$_.protocol_match_excepted}}, @{N="RuleIndex";E={$_.rule_index}}, @{N="SrcAddress";E={$_.src_address}}, @{N="SrcFirewallGroupIDs";E={$_.src_firewallgroup_ids}}, @{N="SrcMACAddress";E={$_.src_mac_address}}, @{N="SrcNetworkConfID";E={$_.src_networkconf_id}}, @{N="SrcNetworkConfType";E={$_.src_networkconf_type}}, @{N="StateEstablished";E={$_.state_established}}, @{N="StateInvalid";E={$_.state_invalid}}, @{N="StateNew";E={$_.state_new}}, @{N="StateRelated";E={$_.state_related}}, @{N="SettingPreference";E={$_.setting_preference}} } } else { Write-Error "Firewall rule '$RuleName' was NOT created for site '$SiteName'" } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while creating a new firewall rule for site $($SiteName) ($_)" } } } function Edit-UnifiFirewallRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Edits a firewall rule in a site .DESCRIPTION TODO .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Edit-UnifiFirewallRule TODO .EXAMPLE PS C:\> TODO #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # ID of the Firewall group to be edited [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $RuleID, # Name of the Firewall rule to be edited [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $RuleName, # RuleSet of the Firewall rule in which the rule shall be edited [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet("WAN_IN","WAN_OUT","WAN_LOCAL","LAN_IN","LAN_OUT","LAN_LOCAL","GUEST_IN","GUEST_OUT","GUEST_LOCAL")] [string] $RuleSet, # Action of the Firewall rule [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet("Drop","Reject","Accept")] [string] $Action, # State of the Firewall rule [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [Alias("State")] [bool] $Enabled, # Protocol of the Firewall rule [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet("all","tcp","udp","tcp_udp","icmp")] # Protocol can also be specified by an integer, but this is not implemented here yet [string] $Protocol, # Should be logged o a syslog server? [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch] $Logging, # Match new Packages? [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch] $StateNew, # Match established Packages? [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch] $StateEstablished, # Match invalid Packages? [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch] $StateInvalid, # Match related Packages? [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [switch] $StateRelated, # Match IPSEC Packages? [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet("","match-ipsec","none")] [string] $IPSEC, # Source Type [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet("NETv4","ADDRv4")] # Netv4 = "Address/Port-Group" in WebUI, needs Parameter "SourceFirewallGroupID" or leave empty for no source filtering; ADDRv4 = "Network" or "IP Address" in WebUI [string] $SourceType, # Source Firewall Groups, must be used with $SourceType = NETv4 [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string[]] $SourceFirewallGroupIDs, # Source Network ID, must be used with $SourceType = ADDRv4 [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string] $SourceNetworkID, # Source Address, must be used with $SourceType = ADDRv4 [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string] $SourceAddress, # Destination Type [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet("NETv4","ADDRv4")] # Netv4 = "Address/Port-Group" in WebUI, needs Parameter "SourceFirewallGroupID" or leave empty for no source filtering; ADDRv4 = "Network" or "IP Address" in WebUI [string] $DestinationType, # Destination Firewall Groups, must be used with $DestinationType = NETv4 [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string[]] $DestinationFirewallGroupIDs, # Destination Network ID, must be used with $DestinationType = ADDRv4 [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string] $DestinationNetworkID, # Destination Address, must be used with $DestinationType = ADDRv4 [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string] $DestinationAddress, # Rule Index, set to "append", "prepend" or any number [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string] $RuleIndex # missing parameters by now: icmp_typename, src_mac_address, dst_mac_address, setting_preference, protocol_match_excepted ) process { try { $fwRule = Get-UnifiFirewallRule -SiteName $SiteName | Where-Object { $_.RuleID -eq $RuleID } if ($fwRule) { $Body = @{} # Only add parameters which were given to the Rest-Body if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RuleName')) { $Body.name = $RuleName } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RuleSet')) { $Body.ruleset = $RuleSet } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Action')) { $Body.action = $Action.ToLower() } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Enabled')) { $Body.enabled = $Enabled } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Protocol')) { $Body.protocol = $Protocol.ToLower() } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Logging')) { $Body.logging = $Logging.IsPresent } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('StateNew')) { $Body.state_new = $StateNew.IsPresent } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('StateEstablished')) { $Body.state_established = $StateEstablished.IsPresent } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('StateInvalid')) { $Body.state_invalid = $StateInvalid.IsPresent } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('StateRelated')) { $Body.state_related = $StateRelated.IsPresent } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IPSEC')) { $Body.ipsec = $IPSEC } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SourceType')) { $Body.src_networkconf_type = $SourceType } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SourceFirewallGroupIDs')) { $Body.src_firewallgroup_ids = $SourceFirewallGroupIDs } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SourceNetworkID')) { $Body.src_networkconf_id = $SourceNetworkID } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SourceAddress')) { $Body.src_address = $SourceAddress } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DestinationType')) { $Body.dst_networkconf_type = $DestinationType } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DestinationFirewallGroupIDs')) { $Body.dst_firewallgroup_ids = $DestinationFirewallGroupIDs } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DestinationNetworkID')) { $Body.dst_networkconf_id = $DestinationNetworkID } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DestinationAddress')) { $Body.dst_address = $DestinationAddress } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RuleIndex')) { $Body.rule_index = $RuleIndex } $Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method PUT -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/rest/firewallrule/$($fwRule.RuleID)" -Body $Body if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Firewall rule '$($fwRule.RuleName)' successfully edited for site '$SiteName'" if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, @{N="RuleName";E={$_.Name}}, @{N="RuleID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="RuleSet";E={$_.ruleset}}, @{N="Enabled";E={$_.enabled}}, @{N="Action";E={$_.action}}, @{N="DstAddress";E={$_.dst_address}}, @{N="DstFirewallGroupIDs";E={$_.dst_firewallgroup_ids}}, @{N="DstNetworkConfID";E={$_.dst_networkconf_id}}, @{N="DstNetworkConfType";E={$_.dst_networkconf_type}}, @{N="IcmpTypename";E={$_.icmp_typename}}, @{N="IPSEC";E={$_.ipsec}}, @{N="Logging";E={$_.logging}}, @{N="Protocol";E={$_.protocol}}, @{N="ProtocolMatchExcepted";E={$_.protocol_match_excepted}}, @{N="RuleIndex";E={$_.rule_index}}, @{N="SrcAddress";E={$_.src_address}}, @{N="SrcFirewallGroupIDs";E={$_.src_firewallgroup_ids}}, @{N="SrcMACAddress";E={$_.src_mac_address}}, @{N="SrcNetworkConfID";E={$_.src_networkconf_id}}, @{N="SrcNetworkConfType";E={$_.src_networkconf_type}}, @{N="StateEstablished";E={$_.state_established}}, @{N="StateInvalid";E={$_.state_invalid}}, @{N="StateNew";E={$_.state_new}}, @{N="StateRelated";E={$_.state_related}}, @{N="SettingPreference";E={$_.setting_preference}} } } else { Write-Error "Firewall rule '$($fwRule.RuleName)' was NOT edited for site '$SiteName' -> error: $($jsonResult.meta.msg)" } } else { Write-Error "No Firewall rule with ID '$($fwRule.RuleID)' in site '$SiteName' was found" } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while editing firewall rule with ID '$($fwRule.RuleID)' for site '$SiteName' ($_)" } } } function Remove-UnifiFirewallRule { <# .SYNOPSIS Deletes a firewall rule in a site .DESCRIPTION Deletes a firewall rule in a site and asks for confirmation .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiSite "test" | Get-UnifiFirewallRule -RuleName "Allow RDP" | Remove-UnifiFirewallRule -Force Removes the firewall rule "Allow RDP" from the site "test" and does not ask for confirmation .OUTPUTS Returns $True on Success Returns $False on Failure #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Boolean])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # ID of the Firewall group to be deleted [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $RuleID, # Do not ask for confirmation [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Force ) process { try { $fwRule = Get-UnifiFirewallRule -SiteName $SiteName | Where-Object { $_.RuleID -eq $RuleID } if ($fwRule) { if (!$Force) { do { $answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you really want to delete the firewall rule '$($fwRule.RuleName)' (ID: $($RuleID))? (y/N): " } while($answer -ne "y" -and $answer -ne "n" -and $answer -ne "") if ($answer -eq "" -or $answer -eq "n") { Write-Verbose "Deletion of firewall rule '$($fwRule.RuleName)' (ID: $($RuleID)) was aborted by user" return $False } } $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method DELETE -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/rest/firewallrule/$($RuleID)" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Firewall rule '$($fwRule.RuleName)' successfully deleted for site $SiteName" return $True } else { Write-Error "Firewall rule '$($fwRule.RuleName)' was NOT deleted for site $SiteName" return $False } } else { Write-Error "No Firewall rule with ID '$RuleID' was found in site '$SiteName'" return $False } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while removing firewall rule with ID '$($RuleID)' for site '$($SiteName)' ($_)" } } } #endregion #region Tag Management function Get-UnifiTag { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets all tags from a unifi site .DESCRIPTION Gets all tags from a unifi site .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiTag -SiteName "default" Get all tags from the "default" site .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-Data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw ) process { try { $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method GET -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/rest/tag" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, @{N="TagID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="TagName";E={$_.name}}, @{N="TagMembers";E={$_.member_table}} } } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while fetching tags for site '$($SiteName)' ($_)" } } } function New-UnifiTag { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new tag for a site .DESCRIPTION Creates a new tag for a site .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-UnifiTag -SiteName "default" -TagName "Building-A" -TagMembers "00:11:22:33:44:55","66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC" Creates the new Tag "Building-A" in the "default" site and assigns the Devices with the macs "00:11:22:33:44:55","66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC" to it .OUTPUTS Returns JSON data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # Name of the tag to be created [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $TagName, # Tag members (MAC-Addresses of APs). Can also be empty [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string[]] $TagMembers = @() ) process { try { $Body = @{ name = $TagName member_table = $TagMembers } | ConvertTo-Json $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method POST -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/rest/tag" -Body $Body if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Tag '$TagName' successfully created for site '$SiteName'" if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, @{N="TagID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="TagName";E={$_.name}}, @{N="TagMembers";E={$_.member_table}} } } else { Write-Error "Tag '$TagName' was NOT created for site '$SiteName')'" } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while creating a new tag for site '$($SiteName)' ($_)" } } } function Edit-UnifiTag { <# .SYNOPSIS Edits a tag in a site .DESCRIPTION Edits a tag in a site You can control what should happen with $TagMembers by specifying the $Mode-Parameter $Mode = "Add" -> Add given Members to current TagMembers. This is the default $Mode = "Replace" -> Replace given members with current TagMembers $Mode = "Remove" -> Remove given members from current TagMembers (TODO: not implemented yet) .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiTag -SiteName "default" | Where-Object { $_.TagName -eq "Building-A" } | Edit-UnifiTag -GroupMembers "00:11:22:33:44:55","66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC" -Mode Replace Edits the tag "Building-A" in the "default" site and replaces the members with "00:11:22:33:44:55","66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC" .OUTPUTS Returns JSON-data #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Object])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # Do not filter or rename output, just sent the json result back as raw data [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Raw, # ID of the tag to edit [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $TagID, # Name of the tag to to edit [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $TagName, # Tag members (MAC-Addresses of APs). Can also be empty [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [string[]] $TagMembers = @(), # Mode for updating the members [Parameter( Mandatory = $false )] [ValidateSet("Replace","Add","Remove")] [string] $Mode = "Add" ) process { try { $Tag = Get-UnifiTag -SiteName $SiteName | Where-Object { $_.TagID -eq $TagID } if ($Tag) { # Use current name if no new name was given if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TagName)) { $TagName = $Tag.TagName } # Use current members if no new members were given if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TagMembers)) { $TagMembers = $Tag.TagMembers } else { switch ($Mode) { # depending on the mode decide how to update the member table if $TagMembers has content "Replace" { $TagMembers = $TagMembers # nonsense, but it helps to understand the process } "Add" { $TagMembers += $Tag.TagMembers } "Remove" { Write-Warning "Remove-Mode is not fully implemented yet" # TODO: $TagMembers += $Tag.TagMembers | Where-Object { $_ -ne $TagMembers } $TagMembers = $Tag.TagMembers } } } $Body = @{ '_id' = $Tag.TagName 'site_id' = $Tag.TagID name = $TagName member_table = $TagMembers } | ConvertTo-Json $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method PUT -Route "api/s/$($siteName)/rest/tag/$($Tag.TagID)" -Body $Body if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Tag '$TagName' successfully edited for site $SiteName" if ($Raw) { $jsonResult.data } else { $jsonResult.data | Select-Object @{N="SiteName";E={$SiteName}}, @{N="SiteID";E={$_.site_id}}, @{N="TagID";E={$_._id}}, @{N="TagName";E={$_.name}}, @{N="TagMembers";E={$_.member_table}} } } else { Write-Error "Tag '$TagName' was NOT edited for site $SiteName -> error: $($jsonResult.meta.msg)" } } else { Write-Error "No tag with ID '$TagID' in site '$SiteName' was found" } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while editing a tag for site '$SiteName' ($_)" } } } function Remove-UnifiTag { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a tag from a site .DESCRIPTION Removes a tag from a site and asks for confirmation .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-UnifiTag -SiteName "default" | Where-Object { $_.TagName -eq "Building-A" } | Remove-UnifiTag -Force Removes the tag "Building-A" from the "default" site and skips confirmation .OUTPUTS Returns $True on Success Returns $False on Failure #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([Boolean])] param( # Name of the site (Unifi's internal name is used, not the name visible in the web interface) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] $SiteName, # ID of the Firewall group to be deleted [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $TagID, # Do not ask for confirmation [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Force ) process { try { $Tag = Get-UnifiTag -SiteName $SiteName | Where-Object { $_.TagID -eq $TagID } if ($Tag) { if (!$Force) { do { $answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you really want to delete the tag '$($Tag.TagName)' (ID: $($TagID))? (y/N): " } while($answer -ne "y" -and $answer -ne "n" -and $answer -ne "") if ($answer -eq "" -or $answer -eq "n") { Write-Verbose "Deletion of tag '$($Tag.TagName)' (ID: $($TagID)) was aborted by user" return $False } } $jsonResult = Invoke-UnifiRestCall -Method DELETE -Route "api/s/$($SiteName)/rest/tag/$($TagID)" if ($jsonResult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Tag '$($Tag.TagName)' successfully deleted for site $SiteName" return $True } else { Write-Error "Tag '$($Tag.TagName)' was NOT deleted for site $SiteName" return $False } } else { Write-Error "No Tag with ID '$TagID' was found in site $SiteName" return $False } } catch { Write-Warning "Something went wrong while deleting a a tag from site $($SiteName) ($_)" return $False } } } #endregion |