
function Get-UKPowerCutsChecker {

      "Get-UKPowerCutsChecker" function has been created to give an information about power outages.
      "Get-UKPowerCutsChecker" is the main function of the module.

      "Get-UKPowerCutsChecker" allows you to check if there is any power cut for your post code, or if there are any power cuts for your power supplier.
      Valid post code need to be provided in order to see output.
      Verbose mode will additional show informarmation who has been identified as a power supplier for given post code.
      Currently 2 suppliers are included:
      "Western Power Disctribution"
      "UK Power Networks"
      Output so far is an object, at this point of time I think anyone will create a unique action is script returns an outage.
      Command to check if there is any ongoing power cut for some Coventry area:
      Get-UKPowerCutsChecker -PostCode "cv4 8hs"

      Command to list all ongoing power cuts for London, Cabot Square area:
      Get-UKPowerCutsChecker -PostCode "e14 4qr" -ViewAll

      Written By: Pawel Jarosz

      Change Log
      V1.0.3, 23/05/2017 - Still dirty as hell but added ScottishAndSouthern supplier
      V1.0.2, 13/04/2017 - Version with two power suppliers, creating proper function for ScottishAndSouthern.
      V1.0.1, 11/04/2017 - Initial version, dity and full of bugs :)

  Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ValidatePattern("^([A-PR-UWYZ]([0-9]{1,2}|([A-HK-Y][0-9]|[A-HK-Y][0-9]([0-9]|[ABEHMNPRV-Y]))|[0-9][A-HJKS-UW])\ [0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2}|(GIR\ 0AA)|(SAN\ TA1)|(BFPO\ (C\/O\ )?[0-9]{1,4})|((ASCN|BBND|[BFS]IQQ|PCRN|STHL|TDCU|TKCA)\ 1ZZ))$")] $PostCode,

  $web = (Invoke-WebRequest$PostCode#dno)
  $a = ($web.tostring() -split "[`r`n]" | select-string "lblSupplier").ToString()
  $b = $a.Replace('bold;">','#').replace("</span>","#")
  $prog = [regex]::match($b,'#([^#]+)#')

  $PowerSupplier = $prog.Groups[1].Value
  Write-Verbose -Message "Power supplier has been identified as '$PowerSupplier'"
  if (!($ViewAll)){
    $params = @{
      PostCode = $PostCode
  } else {
    $params = @{
      PostCode = $PostCode
      ViewAll  = $ViewAll

  switch ($PowerSupplier)
    "Postcode not found" {"Postcode not found"} 
    "Western Power Distribution" {Get-UKPowerCutsWesternPower @params}
    "UK Power Networks" {Get-UKPowerCutsUKPowerNetworks @params}
    "SP Energy Networks" {Get-UKPowerCutsSPEnergyNetworks @params}
    "Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks" {Get-UKPowerCutsScottishAndSouthern @params}
    default {"Power supplier couldn't be identified - please report the problem to the Author."}
