<# .Synopsis Diff Extension .Description Outputs git diff entries as objects #> [Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Out","Git")] # It extends Out-Git [ValidatePattern("^git (?>diff|stash show(?:\s\d+)? -(?>p|-patch))",Options='IgnoreCase')] # when the pattern is "git diff" [OutputType('Git.Diff','Git.Diff.ChangeSet')] param() begin { # Diff messages are spread across many lines, so we need to keep track of them. $lines = [Collections.Queue]::new() $allDiffLines = [Collections.Queue]::new() function OutDiff { param([string[]]$OutputLines) if (-not $OutputLines) { return } $outputLineCount = 0 $diffRange = $null $diffObject = [Ordered]@{ PSTypeName='git.diff' ChangeSet=@() GitOutputLines = $OutputLines Binary=$false GitRoot = $gitRoot } foreach ($outputLine in $OutputLines) { $outputLineCount++ if ($outputLineCount -eq 1) { $diffObject.From, $diffObject.To = $outputLine -replace '^diff --git ' -split '[ab]/' -ne '' $fromPath = Join-Path $gitRoot $diffObject.From $toPath = Join-Path $gitRoot $diffObject.To if (Test-Path $toPath) { $diffObject.File = Get-Item $toPath } elseif (Test-Path $fromPath) { $diffObject.File = Get-Item $fromPath } } if (-not $diffRange -and $outputline -match 'index\s(?<fromhash>[0-9a-f]+)..(?<tohash>[0-9a-f]+)') { $diffObject.FromHash, $diffObject.ToHash = $Matches.fromhash, $Matches.tohash } if ($outputLine -like 'Binary files *differ') { $diffObject.Binary = $true } if ($outputLine -like "@@*@@*") { if ($diffRange) { $diffObject.ChangeSet += [PSCustomObject]$diffRange } $extendedHeader = $outputLine -replace '^@@[^@]+@@' -replace '^\s+' $diffRange = [Ordered]@{ PSTypeName='git.diff.range'; Changes=@(if ($extendedHeader) {$extendedHeader}); Added=@(); Removed=@() } $diffRange.LineStart, $diffRange.LineCount, $diffRange.NewLineStart, $diffRange.NewLineCount = @($outputLine -replace '\s' -split '[-@+]' -ne '' -split ',')[0..3] -as [int[]] continue } if ($diffRange) { $diffRange.Changes += $outputLine if ($outputLine.StartsWith('+')) { $diffRange.Added += $outputLine -replace '^+' } elseif ($outputLine.StartsWith('-')) { $diffRange.Removed += $outputLine -replace '^+' } } if ($outputLineCount -eq $OutputLines.Length) { $diffObject.ChangeSet += [PSCustomObject]$diffRange } } [PSCustomObject]$diffObject } } process { if ($gitCommand -match '--name-only') { return } if ("$gitOut" -like 'diff*' -and $lines) { OutDiff $lines.ToArray() $lines.Clear() } $lines.Enqueue($gitOut) $allDiffLines.Enqueue($gitOut) } end { if ($gitCommand -match '--name-only') { return } OutDiff $lines.ToArray() } |