
function Use-Git
        Use Git
        Calls the git application, with whatever arguments are provided.

        Arguments can be provided with -GitArgument, which will automatically be bound to all parameters provided without a name.

        Input can also be piped in.
        If the input is a directory, Use-Git will Push-Location that directory.
        Otherwise, it will be passed as a positional argument (after any other arguments).

        Use-Git will combine errors and output,
        For almost everything git does, calling Use-Git is the same as calling git directly.

        The exceptions are short, single-character parameters, like -v and -d.
        These get mapped to PowerShell parameters, like -Verbose and -Debug.
        To ensure a parameter is passed to git, instead of interpreted as as PowerShell parameter, simply enclose it in quotes.
        # Log entries are returned as objects, with properties and methods.
        git log -n 1 | Get-Member
        # Status entries are converted into objects.
        git status
        # Display untracked files.
        git status | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Untracked
        # Display the list of branches, as objects.
        git branch

    # Any arguments passed to git. All positional arguments will automatically be passed to -GitArgument.

    # An optional input object.
    # If the Input is a directory, Use-Git will Push-Location to that directory
    # Otherwise, it will be passed as a postional argument (after any other arguments)

    begin {
        if (-not $script:CachedGitCmd) { # If we haven't cahced the git command
            # go get it.
            $script:CachedGitCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('git', 'Application')
        if (-not $script:CachedGitCmd) { # If we still don't have git
            throw "Git not found"        # throw.
        if (-not $script:RepoRoots) {    # If we have not yet created a cache of repo roots
            $script:RepoRoots = @{}      # do so now.

    process {
        # First, we need to take any input and figure out what directories we are going into.
        $directories = @()
        $inputObject = 
            @(foreach ($in in $inputObject) {
                if ($in -is [IO.FileInfo]) { # If the input is a file
                    $in.Fullname             # return the full name of that file.
                } elseif ($in -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
                    $directories += Get-Item -LiteralPath $in.Fullname # If the input was a directory, keep track of it.
                } else {
                    # Otherwise, see if it was a path and it was a directory
                    if ((Test-Path $in -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and 
                        (Get-Item $in -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
                        $directories += Get-Item $in
                    } else {

        # git sometimes like to return information along standard error, and CI/CD and user defaults sometimes set $ErrorActionPreference to 'Stop'
        # So we change $ErrorActionPreference before we call git, just in case.
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'continue'
        # Now, we will force there to be at least one directory (the current path).
        # This makes the code simpler, because we are always going thru a loop.
        if (-not $directories) {
            $directories = @($pwd)
        } else {
            # It also gives us a change to normalize the directories into their full paths.
            $directories = @(foreach ($dir in $directories) { $dir.Fullname }) 

        # For each directory we know of, we
        foreach ($dir in $directories) {
            $AllGitArgs = @(@($GitArgument) + $InputObject) # collect the combined arguments
            $OutGitParams = @{GitArgument=$AllGitArgs}      # and prepare a splat (to save precious space when reporting errors).
            Push-Location -LiteralPath $dir                 # Then we Push into that directory.
            if (-not $script:RepoRoots[$dir]) {
                $script:RepoRoots[$dir] = 
                    @("$(& $script:CachedGitCmd rev-parse --show-toplevel *>&1)") -like "*/*" -replace '/', [io.path]::DirectorySeparatorChar
            $OutGitParams.GitRoot = "$($script:RepoRoots[$dir])"
            & $script:CachedGitCmd @AllGitArgs *>&1       | # Then we run git, combining all streams into output.
                Tee-Object -Variable global:lastGitOutput | # We store that output in $global:lastGitOutput, using Tee-Object
                                                            # then pipe to Out-Git, which will
                Out-Git @OutGitParams # output git as objects.
                # These objects are decorated for the PowerShell Extended Type System.
                # This makes them easy to extend and customize their display.
                # If Out-Git finds one or more extensions to run, these can parse the output.

            Pop-Location # After we have run, Pop back out of the location.