
This example demonstrates the use of Header.
Header contains basic information about the computer, user
and PowerShell version.
By default, it is printed beaucause it is of great use when debugging
To remove the default header, use -NoHeader parameter

Write-Host "EXAMPLE 10"

Import-Module ..\uLog.psd1 -Force

Remove-Variable -Name uLOG -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Variable -Name Log -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Write-Host "Exemple 10.1 - with header"

$log = New-uLog 

Log-Info -Message 'Hello' 

Write-Host "Exemple 10.2 - no header"

$log = New-uLog -NoHeader

Log-Info -Message 'Hello' 

Write-Host "Exemple 10.3 - back to no header"

$log = New-uLog -Handler (New-uLogConsole), (New-uLogFile -Name temp -Path 'c:\temp\10.log_header.ps1.log')

Log-Info -Message 'Hello'