Add-Type -TypeDefinition @" public enum LogLevel { FATAL = 701, CRITICAL = 700, ERROR = 600, WARNING = 501, WARN = 500, INFORMATION = 401, INFO = 400, SUCCESS = 300, DEBUG = 201, VERBOSE = 200, TRACE = 100 } "@ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue function Get-Header{ [PSCustomObject] @{ ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME; UserName = $env:USERNAME; PowerShellVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString() } } <# .Synopsis Instantiates a new log manager .DESCRIPTION Creates a new logger object. If no handler is provided, a logger with a console handler is created if a script instantiated the logger. It adds an eventlog handler if a module instantiated the logger. .EXAMPLE $log = New-uLog Log-Info -Message 'Hello' This example creates a new log manager and write an information message on the console .EXAMPLE $log = New-uLog $log.AddLogProvider( (New-uLogEventLog) ) Log-Info -Message 'Hello' This example creates a new log manager, adds a evenlog provider the infoemtion message is #> function New-uLog { param( [switch] $Append = $true, [Object[]] $Handler = $null, [switch] $NoDefaultHandler, [switch] $NoHeader, [string] $Source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName ) Begin{ # if instanciated from the command line or editor, $MyInvocation.ScriptName # is empty, so we configure the source to 'Console' if ($Source -eq ''){$Source = 'Console'} } Process{ $global:LOGAPPEND = $Append $handlers = @{} if (($Handler.Count -eq 0) -xor ($NoDefaultHandler.IsPresent -eq $true)){ if ($Source.Contains('.') -and $Source.Substring( $Source.LastIndexOf('.')) -eq '.psm1'){ #$handlers = @((New-uLogEventLog -Source $Source -Name 'EventLog')) $handlers.Add('EventLog' , (New-uLogEventLog -Source $Source -Name 'EventLog')) }else{ #$handlers = @((New-uLogConsole -Source $Source -Name 'Console')) $handlers.Add('Console', (New-uLogConsole -Source $Source -Name 'Console')) } }else{ if ($Handler.Count -ne 0){ $Handler | % { $handlers.Add($_.Name, $_) } } } $log = [PSCustomObject] @{Source = $Source; Handlers = $handlers } $log | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name AddLogHandler -Value { param($handler) $this.Handlers.Add($handler.Name, $handler) if ($handler.Name -ne ''){ $this |Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $handler.Name -Value $handler } } if (-not $NoHeader.IsPresent){ if ($log.Handlers.Count -gt 0){ $log.Handlers.Values | % { $hd = $_ $head = Get-Header ($head | gm -MemberType NoteProperty).Name | % { $prop = $_ $hd.WriteLog((New-LogRecord -Message "$prop : $($head.$prop)" -Level ([loglevel]::INFO))) } $hd.WriteLog((New-LogRecord -Message "Source : $Source" -Level ([loglevel]::INFO))) if (($hd | gm -MemberType Properties | ? {$_.Name -EQ 'Path'}) -ne $null){ $hd.WriteLog((New-LogRecord -Message "Path : $($hd.Path)" -Level ([loglevel]::INFO))) } } } } $global:uLOG = $log $global:uLOG } } function New-LogRecord { param( [string] $Message, [string] $Level, [int] $Id = 10000, [int] $Indent = 1 ) [PSCustomObject] @{Message = $Message; Level = $Level; Id = $Id; Indent = $Indent } } function Write-Log { param( [string] $Message, [ValidateSet('INFO', 'INFORMATION', 'WARN', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'FATAL', 'CRITICAL', 'DEBUG', 'TRACE', 'SUCCESS', 'VERBOSE')] $Level, [int] $Id = 1, [string] $Path = $null, [switch] $Append = $false, [switch] $NoDisplayOnTerminal = $false, [Object[]] $Exclude = $null, [int] $Indent = 1, [Object] $Log = $null, [string] $Source = '' ) $record = New-LogRecord -Message $Message -Level $Level -Id $Id -Indent $Indent if ($Log -eq $null){ Get-Variable -Name uLog -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null if($?){ $Log = $Global:uLog }else{ if ($Source -eq ''){ if ($MyInvocation.ScriptName -eq ''){ $source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName }else{ $source = 'Console' } } $Log = New-uLog -Source $Source } } # we remove the excluded handlers $handlers = $log.Handlers.Values | ? { $_ -notin $Exclude} # if no display on terminal, we remove console handlers if ($NoDisplayOnTerminal -eq $true){ $handlers = $handlers | ? {$_.Type -ne 'Console'} } # we loop through handlers to write the message $handlers | % { $_.WriteLog($record) } } <# Helper fucntion to produce the log-* functions We can dynamically create fucntions, but it does not work properlly with Intellisense So we generate the code to copy/paste in the modul with this fucntio For each level of log, we create a log-* function associated with it. These fucntions are more ergonomic than the Write-Log fonction. To create the functions, we loop through the enum of levels and we dynamically create the fonctions. It is more convenient than copy/paste functions definitions, il a new level is needed, juste add it to the enum and it will be taken into account #> function Start-BuildFunctions{ [LogLevel].GetEnumNames() | % { # We convert the level name to camel case, which is morre beautiful $camelCase = $_.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + $_.Substring(1).ToLower() $func = @" function Log-$camelCase{ param( [string] `$Message, [int] `$Id = 1, [string] `$Path = `$null, [switch] `$Append = `$false, [switch] `$NoDisplayOnTerminal = `$false, [Object[]] `$Exclude = `$null, [int] `$Indent = 1, [Object] `$Log = `$null ) `$Source = `$MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Log -Message `$Message `` -Level $_ `` -Id `$Id `` -Append `$Append `` -NoDisplayOnTerminal:`$NoDisplayOnTerminal `` -Indent `$Indent `` -Log `$Log `` -Source `$Source `` -Exclude `$Exclude } "@ $func } } function Log-Trace{ param( [string] $Message, [int] $Id = 1, [string] $Path = $null, [switch] $Append = $false, [switch] $NoDisplayOnTerminal = $false, [Object[]] $Exclude = $null, [int] $Indent = 1, [Object] $Log = $null ) $Source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Log -Message $Message ` -Level TRACE ` -Id $Id ` -Append $Append ` -NoDisplayOnTerminal:$NoDisplayOnTerminal ` -Indent $Indent ` -Log $Log ` -Source $Source ` -Exclude $Exclude } function Log-Verbose{ param( [string] $Message, [int] $Id = 1, [string] $Path = $null, [switch] $Append = $false, [switch] $NoDisplayOnTerminal = $false, [Object[]] $Exclude = $null, [int] $Indent = 1, [Object] $Log = $null ) $Source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Log -Message $Message ` -Level VERBOSE ` -Id $Id ` -Append $Append ` -NoDisplayOnTerminal:$NoDisplayOnTerminal ` -Indent $Indent ` -Log $Log ` -Source $Source ` -Exclude $Exclude } function Log-Debug{ param( [string] $Message, [int] $Id = 1, [string] $Path = $null, [switch] $Append = $false, [switch] $NoDisplayOnTerminal = $false, [Object[]] $Exclude = $null, [int] $Indent = 1, [Object] $Log = $null ) $Source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Log -Message $Message ` -Level DEBUG ` -Id $Id ` -Append $Append ` -NoDisplayOnTerminal:$NoDisplayOnTerminal ` -Indent $Indent ` -Log $Log ` -Source $Source ` -Exclude $Exclude } function Log-Success{ param( [string] $Message, [int] $Id = 1, [string] $Path = $null, [switch] $Append = $false, [switch] $NoDisplayOnTerminal = $false, [Object[]] $Exclude = $null, [int] $Indent = 1, [Object] $Log = $null ) $Source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Log -Message $Message ` -Level SUCCESS ` -Id $Id ` -Append $Append ` -NoDisplayOnTerminal:$NoDisplayOnTerminal ` -Indent $Indent ` -Log $Log ` -Source $Source ` -Exclude $Exclude } function Log-Info{ param( [string] $Message, [int] $Id = 1, [string] $Path = $null, [switch] $Append = $false, [switch] $NoDisplayOnTerminal = $false, [Object[]] $Exclude = $null, [int] $Indent = 1, [Object] $Log = $null ) $Source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Log -Message $Message ` -Level INFO ` -Id $Id ` -Append $Append ` -NoDisplayOnTerminal:$NoDisplayOnTerminal ` -Indent $Indent ` -Log $Log ` -Source $Source ` -Exclude $Exclude } function Log-Information{ param( [string] $Message, [int] $Id = 1, [string] $Path = $null, [switch] $Append = $false, [switch] $NoDisplayOnTerminal = $false, [Object[]] $Exclude = $null, [int] $Indent = 1, [Object] $Log = $null ) $Source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Log -Message $Message ` -Level INFORMATION ` -Id $Id ` -Append $Append ` -NoDisplayOnTerminal:$NoDisplayOnTerminal ` -Indent $Indent ` -Log $Log ` -Source $Source ` -Exclude $Exclude } function Log-Warn{ param( [string] $Message, [int] $Id = 1, [string] $Path = $null, [switch] $Append = $false, [switch] $NoDisplayOnTerminal = $false, [Object[]] $Exclude = $null, [int] $Indent = 1, [Object] $Log = $null ) $Source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Log -Message $Message ` -Level WARN ` -Id $Id ` -Append $Append ` -NoDisplayOnTerminal:$NoDisplayOnTerminal ` -Indent $Indent ` -Log $Log ` -Source $Source ` -Exclude $Exclude } function Log-Warning{ param( [string] $Message, [int] $Id = 1, [string] $Path = $null, [switch] $Append = $false, [switch] $NoDisplayOnTerminal = $false, [Object[]] $Exclude = $null, [int] $Indent = 1, [Object] $Log = $null ) $Source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Log -Message $Message ` -Level WARNING ` -Id $Id ` -Append $Append ` -NoDisplayOnTerminal:$NoDisplayOnTerminal ` -Indent $Indent ` -Log $Log ` -Source $Source ` -Exclude $Exclude } function Log-Error{ param( [string] $Message, [int] $Id = 1, [string] $Path = $null, [switch] $Append = $false, [switch] $NoDisplayOnTerminal = $false, [Object[]] $Exclude = $null, [int] $Indent = 1, [Object] $Log = $null ) $Source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Log -Message $Message ` -Level ERROR ` -Id $Id ` -Append $Append ` -NoDisplayOnTerminal:$NoDisplayOnTerminal ` -Indent $Indent ` -Log $Log ` -Source $Source ` -Exclude $Exclude } function Log-Critical{ param( [string] $Message, [int] $Id = 1, [string] $Path = $null, [switch] $Append = $false, [switch] $NoDisplayOnTerminal = $false, [Object[]] $Exclude = $null, [int] $Indent = 1, [Object] $Log = $null ) $Source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Log -Message $Message ` -Level CRITICAL ` -Id $Id ` -Append $Append ` -NoDisplayOnTerminal:$NoDisplayOnTerminal ` -Indent $Indent ` -Log $Log ` -Source $Source ` -Exclude $Exclude } function Log-Fatal{ param( [string] $Message, [int] $Id = 1, [string] $Path = $null, [switch] $Append = $false, [switch] $NoDisplayOnTerminal = $false, [Object[]] $Exclude = $null, [int] $Indent = 1, [Object] $Log = $null ) $Source = $MyInvocation.ScriptName Write-Log -Message $Message ` -Level FATAL ` -Id $Id ` -Append $Append ` -NoDisplayOnTerminal:$NoDisplayOnTerminal ` -Indent $Indent ` -Log $Log ` -Source $Source ` -Exclude $Exclude } |