#requires -RunAsAdministrator function Install-TunerBGInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Install and enable Sysinternals BGINFO .DESCRIPTION Install and enable Sysinternals BGINFO .PARAMETER ConfigFile Custom configuration file (.bgi extension) to apply .EXAMPLE Install-TunerBGInfo .EXAMPLE Install-TunerBGInfo -ConfigFile "c:\windows\system32\contoso_servers.bgi" #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string] $ConfigFile = "" ) try { Write-Verbose "verifying bginfo.exe is installed" $instfolder = Join-Path -Path $env:ProgramData -ChildPath "chocolatey\lib\bginfo\tools" $instfile = Join-Path -Path $instfolder -ChildPath "bginfo.exe" if (($ConfigFile -ne "") -and (!(Test-Path $ConfigFile))) { Write-Warning "$ConfigFile was not found. Using default configuration." $ConfigFile = "" } if (!(Test-Path $instfile)) { Set-TunerChoco Write-Host "installing chocolatey package: bginfo" -ForegroundColor Magenta cup bginfo -y } if (Test-Path $instfile) { Write-Verbose "creating registry key to launch bginfo" New-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' -Name BgInfo -Value """$instfile"" $ConfigFile /timer:00 /accepteula /silent" -PropertyType 'String' -Force & $instfile $ConfigFile /timer:00 /accepteula /silent } } catch { Write-Error "$($Error[0].Exception.Message)" } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Install-TunerBGInfo |