#requires -RunAsAdministrator function Invoke-TunerChocoPackages { <# .SYNOPSIS Installs list of Chocolatey packages .DESCRIPTION Installs list of Chocolatey packages .PARAMETER PackageName Name of one or more Chocolatey packages to upgrade or install. Note that if a given package is not installed, it will be installed. .PARAMETER Configuration User role-based configuration template: Basic (default), AppDev, AppDevPro, SysAdmin and Consultant. Controls the chocolatey packages that get installed and additional PowerShell modules that will be installed. .PARAMETER ConfigurationsPath Custom path to configuration .txt files (basic.txt, appdev.txt, etc.) .EXAMPLE Invoke-TunerChocoPackages Installs list from "Basic" profile configuration (see /assets/basic.txt for list of packages) .EXAMPLE Invoke-TunerChocoPackages 'vlc' Installs VLC player package only .EXAMPLE Invoke-TunerChocoPackages -PackageName ('7zip','vlc','notepadplusplus') Installs packages named in array .EXAMPLE Invoke-TunerChocoPackages -Configuration Consultant -ConfigurationPath "\\server3\docs\configs\" Install list from "Consultant" profile configuration found in custom path "\\server3\docs\configs\" .NOTES If -PackageName is not empty/null, it overrides the -Configuration parameter (one or the other only) .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Chocolatey Package names")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $PackageName = "", [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Tuner setup configuration")] [ValidateSet('Basic','AppDev','AppDevPro','SysAdmin','Consultant')] [string] $Configuration = "Basic", [parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="Path to custom configuration files")] [string] $ConfigurationsPath = "" ) try { Set-TunerChoco Write-Verbose "installing chocolatey packages (you may want to grab lunch)..." $counter = 0 if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PackageName)) { Install-TunerChocoPackages -Path $ConfigurationsPath -FileName "$Configuration.txt" } else { $PackageName | ForEach-Object { cup $_ -y; $counter++ } Write-Host "$counter packages were processed" -ForegroundColor Green } } catch { Write-Error $Error[0].Exception.Message } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-TunerChocoPackages |